Chapter 156 Five Disadvantages and Three Deficiencies
"Where did this kid come from??"

Xu Tong also felt weird, he didn't notice it at all.

At this time, Elder Song put a paper yellow boat on the ground, waited for the little ghost to eat a few mouthfuls of incense, and then slipped into the little yellow boat.

"Bang!" The boat suddenly ignited blue flames, burned to ashes under the sun, and then disappeared completely.

From the beginning to the end, Mr. Song didn't explain much to him, but just asked him to stand under the sun and come to him after the incense candles were burned.

The three incense candles were neither long nor thick, but they burned extremely slowly. The sun shone on his head on a hot day, and Xu Tong suddenly felt as uncomfortable as being thrown into an oven.

Don't forget that he also has the prop card blessing of Dark Physique, this basking in the sun is comparable to torture for him.

However, during this process, he suddenly discovered some strange things. Such a poisonous sun shining on him really made him uncomfortable, but after the three yellow incense sticks were burned out, he felt refreshed, as if something had come from It's like throwing it away on yourself, and you feel relaxed.

The wet clothes on his body were also dried under the sun, but he still changed into drier clothes before walking carefully in front of Song Lao's door.

Speaking of which, at first I just wanted to learn the art of making flowers with the old man, but I didn't want to get along with him for a while, and then I realized that the old man was hiding everything. Last time I saw through the Jack mask on my face at a glance, and this time I got rid of him I don't know when there will be extra little ghosts on my body.

Every time he made a move, the means surprised him.

The old man saw through things that he didn't even notice.

This could not help giving him a deeper understanding of Song Lao's impression. He stood in front of the door to calm down, and then walked in cautiously.

In the past, I came in to clean this room more than once, and even sat in the room with the old man for two drinks when there was nothing to do. It can be said that I am very familiar with it.

But as soon as he entered the door today, Xu Tong immediately felt something was wrong.

I can't tell what's wrong, I just feel that the sun is shining through the window today, making the room foggy.

What was even weirder was the paper figurines in the room. In the past, the paper figurines sat on the chairs and looked alive, but he never took it seriously.

But today, when he stepped into the door, he felt a sudden feeling, as if several pairs of eyes were focused on him instantly. As soon as he looked up, he saw the gray eyes of these paper figurines staring at him.

"An illusion??"

Do not!He was sure that this was not an illusion. After his physique strengthened, his five senses became more acute than usual. He could feel that these paper figurines seemed to be subtly different from the past.

And this subtle difference is indescribable. If you really want to talk about it, you can only say that there seems to be a god in the eyes of these paper people.

"Come in!"

Elder Song urged him to come in, holding a cigarette stick and pot in his hand. Today he didn't sit in the first seat, but sat in the second seat below.

What's even more strange is that the paper figurine that was usually placed there was actually moved to the first seat by Mr. Song today, and he even changed the paper figurine into a long blue gown and put a fake beard on it.

Xu Tong raised his head and took a look, not to mention, he hadn't realized that after the beard was pasted on this paper figurine, it really looked a bit like the face of his master Xue Gui.


He also didn't know what Elder Song was going to do, but looking at his posture, he was really a bit square, put away his usual hippie smile, and walked up to shout in a proper manner.

Seeing that Xu Tong was so well behaved, Old Man Song twitched the corner of his mouth a few times and cursed secretly: "Ghost spirit!"

Thinking of this, he put down the frightening wood in his other hand. In fact, it was originally prepared for Xu Tong to show off, but if this kid dares to look sloppy as usual after entering the door, he will give it to him first.

It's a pity that Xu Tong felt something was wrong as soon as he stepped in, so he didn't give old man Song a chance to show off.

But it doesn't matter, today is a big day, he thought about it all night last night, thinking that it should be the time, he got up early this morning, but he didn't know that this kid was sleeping late again.

Looking again, I found that the boy was covered with evil spirits. This is a tomb robber who entered the dead man's pit, and he has never seen such a heavy evil spirit.

Only then did he hastily concoct the talisman water, and dragged the boy under the sun to get rid of the evil spirit and haunting little ghost on his body.

"Your Majesty!"

Mr. Song, smoking a cigarette, gave him a wink and motioned him to kneel down in front of him.

Xu Tong immediately knelt down obediently, with a well-behaved and sensible appearance, he was still the bastard who made him half dead on weekdays.

Although there was no chance to teach this kid a lesson, seeing how well-behaved the brat was in front of his master today, Elder Song didn't get angry anymore.

Putting down the cigarette stick in his hand, he sat upright: "Xu Tong, you have been here for a while. There is a saying that the master guides you into the door to practice. Today is the time to lead you in. You look forward."

He raised his head and squinted his eyes, only to see three bowls under the master's feet.

The three bowls were turned upside down on the ground. They looked like they were old, and there was still some soil on them. I don't know where Elder Song dug them out.

"In our line of work, although we are members of the eight sects, there are also the sayings of the four small yin gates. In fact, it is not so evil, but in the final analysis, because of dealing with dead people, after a long time, it is inevitable that we will encounter some bad evil sects. .

So our business is full of five disadvantages and three deficiencies. In the final analysis, it is a terrible death! "

Xu Tong tilted his head, thinking: "Good guy, isn't this evil??"

Elder Song pretended not to see the weird expression on his face, and said to himself: "Although you worship me as a teacher, you have never worshiped me as a teacher, and you have no serious title. Today we have done all the rules. , from now on, you will be the descendant of our Qimen."

Today, he wanted to lead Xu Tong in, and formally performed the grand ceremony of apprenticeship.

The second is according to the rules of the sect, you should also follow the fate to rectify your heart.

Thinking of this Elder Song's expression became a little sad, and remembering that when he heard the master say that he didn't care about this rule when he was a beginner, he just didn't choose, but was plotted against, and he was a good person, and he was tossed to death. All that was left was a pile of bones and a piece of skin.

When he was a beginner, he followed this rule, but he was unlucky and got a bad order. He had many hits, and he was alone in his later years. He should have died in this old house early.

It's just that he got the help of thaumaturgy by chance, so that he can survive until today, but as for the future outcome, he has no idea, so he has to sort out this matter today.

"Tong'er, those who eat bowls of rice are usually accompanied by unknown persons, but our ancestor also planned a way out for us. There are three bowls in front of you, each with a life at the bottom of the bowl. You choose this one yourself." Bar."

This is not their unique school rules. In fact, not to mention the eight schools, even the lower nine schools have such rules.

It is said that this method was created by a Taoist.

At the beginning, the saying of five disadvantages and three deficiencies was only circulated in a small area, mostly among those hermits and eminent monks.

Later, a Taoist also inadvertently learned about the five disadvantages and three shortcomings. This Taoist felt that this thing was too unfair to all kinds of people in the lower nine streams.

So I came up with this method. Since I can't hide, I simply give myself a fate first, actively avoid the worst of the five evils, "independence" and "disability", and eliminate the "fate" in the three shortcomings.

Although this will still not be easy, but if you are lucky, at least you can have a good death in your later years.

And if the fate is approved in advance, and more attention will be paid in the future, it may not be that there is no turning point.

So this method was passed down, but the Taoist priest has disappeared since then.

Some people say that he has immeasurable meritorious deeds and has become a fairy.

It is also said that he will die if he leaks the secret.

But in any case, this method is correct.

After Mr. Song explained the reasons clearly in one breath, he urged Xu Tong to choose quickly.

"Eh...Master, can you not choose this thing?? I think I am pretty good."

Xu Tong looked at the three bowls under the master's feet, and inevitably began to mutter in his heart.

"If you don't choose you, get out, I don't want to hurt anyone."

Elder Song's face darkened, obviously there was no room for Xu Tong to discuss this matter.

Well, seeing Mr. Song's stinky face, Xu Tong knew that this matter was not discussed, so he could only bite the bullet and look at the three bowls under the master's feet.

Which is better? ?

This is not like opening a blind box. If you open a wrong box, you will be doomed to be unlucky for life. For a while, he started to have trouble.

Seeing that he was not moving, Elder Song leaned over suspiciously to listen, only to hear the kid muttering, "Choose soldiers and generals, fight on horseback. If you have money to drink, you can go if you don't have money. Whoever you pick will be unlucky. It's my little strawberry..."

Hearing this kid's muttering, Elder Song almost kicked him out. What a guy, cooperating with such an important initiation ceremony, why are you playing tricks for me here? ?

But at this moment, Xu Tong's hand finally stopped, and Song Lao saw that it was the bowl on the left, and he also became nervous.

He prepared the things, but when placing them, he himself would not look at the things inside, and would even close his eyes to shuffle the order, so he didn't know what fate was inside.

Xu Tong stretched out his hand to open it, but just as he stretched out his hand, he suddenly felt a cold feeling on the back of his head. When he raised his head to look, he didn't know whether it was because of the angle or the master had really appeared.

He glanced up, and vaguely saw a witty light shining in the pair of gray eyeballs of the master, as if he had come to life. His heart tightened when he saw it, and then he saw the two of the master. His eyeballs turned to the left, and he glanced at the bowl on his left.

When he wanted to see more clearly, the agility just now was gone from the master's eyeballs.

Master has appeared? ?

His heart moved, he looked at the bowl that the master was looking at just now, and stretched out his hand to uncover it without saying a word.

As soon as the bottom of the bowl was opened, I saw Mr. Song who was sitting at the back with rounded eyes. He hurried over to take a look, and saw two balls with the characters "widowed and lonely" written on them rolling out.

Looking at the bottom of the bowl again, I saw the word [Quan] written on the bottom of the bowl...

(End of this chapter)

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