Infinite script kill

Chapter 159 Come Out, My Friend

Chapter 159 Come Out, My Friend
Sun Liansheng has been a policeman for so many years, and he has never seen any vicious criminals.

But when he looked back at the female nurse, he couldn't help being shocked.

Even if it was a ferocious gangster, it would never be so hideous and ferocious, as if standing in front of him was more like an enraged bear, which might pounce on him at any time and tear him to pieces.

Fortunately, Director Kang glared at Sun Liansheng and shouted, "Of course she is our best actor. You need to learn more from your senior sister in the future."

As he spoke, he ignored the fat nurse who was angry, and took Sun Liansheng's arm and said, "Let's go, let Master teach you."

Hearing the words "Master", the fat nurse's expression suddenly improved, and she nodded to Director Kang again and again, until she watched the two walk into the corner.

After confirming that the fat girl didn't catch up, Director Kang finally breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Sun Liansheng, "Her name is Guo Yu, and she liked to perform since she was a child. One night, after a fight with her parents, she picked up a kitchen knife and killed seven people at night." When the police arrived, I heard her laughing all the way and saying that she was playing the butcher."

It is said that the police were trying to arrest her, but even the SWAT team was alarmed. This girl had a gas tank in each hand, just like the devil incarnate Chen Yaojin, she even had two injections of anesthesia to subdue her.

In fact, as long as you follow Liu Chenchen's performance and cooperate with her, she will be happy, and the matter will be easy to discuss, not to mention Director Kang gave her a lollipop as salary.

"Then who is the master you are talking about?"

Sun Liansheng asked curiously.

"That's the one!" Director Kang pointed to the room not far in front, led Sun Liansheng over, pointed to the old man in the room and introduced: "This is the master, as for his real name, no one knows now. "

When Sun Liansheng heard the words, he couldn't hold back his curiosity even more. He walked to the door and put his eyes on the observation port for a look.

I saw an old man in his fifties lying on the bed in the room, his eyes drooping slightly as if he had fallen asleep, and his snoring could be heard from time to time.

There were many dolls on the bed, and when Sun Liansheng wanted to take a closer look, he suddenly heard a woman's voice coming from the room.

"I heard Fat Girl's voice just now, I don't know who made her angry again."

Then there was another man's voice in the room; "Hey, you made Liu Chenchen angry, even if you hide, it won't work, her nose is sharper than a dog's nose."

"Hmph, who knows, what if Liu Chenchen just sneezed? I'm not afraid of her when you're exaggerating." The voice was clearly that of a young man.

But after a while, the room was already filled with the voices of seven or eight people, chatting in full swing.

Now Sun Liansheng was stunned, tiptoed to look left and right through the observation window, and saw that in the small room, except for those dolls and the old man who had already fallen asleep, there was really no one else.

He rubbed his eyes immediately, almost wondering if he had seen a ghost.

"It's ventriloquist!"

Fortunately, at this time, Director Kang who was on the side helped him in time, and finally Sun Liansheng suddenly realized.

It turns out that the master's housekeeping skill is ventriloquism, not only ventriloquism, but also his mimetic ventriloquist.

"But he's a bit schizophrenic, no one can say for sure." Director Kang said in a low voice.

Sun Liansheng felt that his eyes had been opened today. He did not expect that such a small psychiatric hospital was actually a land of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, and everyone was talented.

"By the way, I heard from Dean Wang that that lunatic Xu Tong has been here for 12 years, can you tell me about this?"

Sun Liansheng suddenly remembered about Xu Tong, and asked Director Kang in front of him.

As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a sneer from the master's room in front of him: "Hey hey hey, this brat always comes to lie to me and ask me to teach him ventriloquism, but unfortunately I didn't teach him. Hahaha."

As soon as the master finished speaking, a doll started to move and said to the master, "Come on, who knows ventriloquism? The old man next door has taught him Beijing opera all his life. Look at how happy he was when he died. what."

"Yeah, if you don't teach it, just take it into the coffin."

It was the young doll who spoke again, which made the master very angry.

Director Kang pulled Sun Liansheng forward, and whispered as he walked: "Actually, this child is the illegitimate child of a doctor and a patient. Back then, it would have been a catastrophe. If it spread, the whole hospital would be in bad luck, so this The old dean and the others tried their best to hide it."

"Later, the child was born, and in this hospital, the old director even entrusted his relationship to register the child's household registration. Even if the child regards this place as a family, he usually goes to the seriously ill area, and he begins to be affected by it. Learn from these psychopaths."

"It was only later that we discovered that the child's thinking had been misled by these lunatics, so | we began to try various methods to treat the child, but did it work...hehe"

Director Kang said helplessly.

"It turned out to be like this, so after the patient ran out, you were very worried that things would become serious, so you used your relationship and asked me to find this guy as soon as possible and arrest him."

Sun Liansheng began to guess.

But this guess was immediately ruthlessly crushed by Director Kang, who shook his head and led Sun Liansheng forward.

"You are right and wrong. The most important thing is that this little lunatic has grown up day by day and has become a kind of lubricating oil among lunatics. And most importantly, he is the only one in the entire hospital who can make his friends completely quiet." come down."


Sun Liansheng was surprised and said, "He still has friends??"

"Of course, and best friends."

The smile on Director Kang's face became more and more weird. He walked to the red door in front of him and inserted the key into the door.

Seeing this, Sun Liansheng raised his brows slightly. For some reason, he suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart: "Director Kang, what do you want to do?"

But Director Kang ignored him, just smiled and twisted the key in his hand.


Accompanied by the twisting sound from the keyhole, Sun Liansheng's expression changed, and he stepped forward to stop him, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, Director Kang turned sideways and kicked him out.

The skill as sharp as a leopard is not like the physique that a middle-aged man in his forties can have.

He looked at the door in front of him and pulled it hard. With the sound of the door being opened, he screamed excitedly: "Come out, my friend!!"

 Sorry, I was so dizzy last night that I posted it without correcting typos, and it has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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