Infinite script kill

Chapter 160 3rd Floor

Chapter 160 Third Floor
He raised his hands high and pulled the red iron door open.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

With the harsh sound of the door, the temperature in the entire corridor seemed to drop by more than ten degrees.

He came here specially to pick up his good friend today, but he didn't expect to meet Sun Liansheng and the others by chance. He didn't expect that the hospital still asked the police to find him, so he might as well bring them together.

Xu Tong's eyes were shining brightly, and his fists were clenched tightly into a ball, making a rattling sound, not so much anticipation, but excitement.

However, as the buzzing of the gate gradually stopped, the smile on Xu Tong's face gradually froze.

I saw that the room was empty.

The walls were covered with killing words in bright red blood, and in the most conspicuous place, there was even a passage written.

【Xu Tong!I'm going to smash your bones into ashes, and smash your corpse into thousands of pieces! ! 】

The killing characters all over the wall, every single stroke reveals a distorted hatred.

But Xu Tong didn't care about it at all. What he cared about was, what about his little friend?

"What about people???"

He looked left and right, his face full of bewilderment, when suddenly Sun Liansheng's laughter came from behind him.

"Hahaha...cough cough...haha..."

Sun Liansheng clutched his chest. At this moment, he was finally sure that the guy in front of him who looked like Director Kang was the lunatic Xu Tong they were trying to catch before.

But it is really a trick of fate. They tried their best to hunt down Xu Tong before, but they still couldn't catch him.

Now Xu Tong appeared in front of him, but there was no need to catch him or not, because there was another more difficult problem, that is, the guy who should have been locked in had already run away.

"You don't know yet, do you think we are here today to listen to your storytelling?? This kid ran away. He killed the nurse, ran out, and killed three more people. Now everyone in the city is looking for him."

Sun Liansheng didn't get up from the ground immediately, but sat on the ground and lowered his posture to try to communicate with Xu Tong.


Xu Tong looked back at the blood characters in the room, his head was buzzing suddenly, and his heart felt empty as if he had lost some treasure.

I saw that Sun Liansheng was holding another brochure: "Chang Wuju, paranoid mental disorder, anti-social personality, after being arrested and prosecuted for killing a teacher, he was forcibly detained here."

Sun Liansheng raised his head: "After you ran away, this guy has been cursing you every day, and his temper has become more and more irritable. This is why the hospital has been trying to arrest you. I am also curious as to why he treats you like this." Hate??? Even every time you kill someone, your name will be left behind?? "

Sun Liansheng sat on the ground, took out his mobile phone and flipped through the pages one by one. In every crime scene on it, two words, Xu Tong, would appear.

Like some kind of announcement, this method was deliberately used to inform him.

Looking at the crooked name on the photo, Xu Tong rolled his eyes, and muttered in a low voice: "Stingy, isn't it just a minor operation for him, as for that?"

"What minor surgery??"

Sun Liansheng pricked up his ears, apparently unwilling to let go of any clue.

However, how could Xu Tong follow his train of thought, turned his eyes and asked: "He killed three people in such a short time, and you didn't catch him??"

Based on what I knew about this guy, he didn't know what anti-reconnaissance was at all, and he didn't have the ability to blend in with the normal crowd. It should not be difficult to catch him.

But after such a long time, he was not caught, which made me a little puzzled.

Mentioning this matter, Sun Liansheng looked at Xu Tong's face, Director Kang's face, and said: "I can't catch it, this guy seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and suddenly disappeared without a sound."

"This appearance of disappearing from the world is very similar to your situation, but not quite the same. In short, we don't have the slightest clue about him now, and we can't find him at all."

This is why the police have not disclosed it to the media so far, mainly because they are afraid of causing panic.

"Disappear out of thin air!"

When he heard these four words, the first thought in his mind was that signboard with flashing neon lights. His heart sank, and a bad premonition came over him.

"Shit, I've actually been poached!"

He wailed in his heart, if this was really the case, then the matter would be a bit big.

Sun Liansheng stared at the change of expression on Xu Tong's face, hoping to see some clues, but was disappointed that there was no change on this face at all.

Seeing this, Sun Liansheng could only use his trump card. He stood up and said to Xu Tong: "I don't know what kind of enmity there is between you, but he will definitely find you. This is a dangerous guy. We must arrest him, so if you If you have clues, we can also cooperate."

Compared with a murderous maniac, the harm of a mentally ill person like Xu Tong is negligible.

And his strong intuition told him that this guy seemed to know some important clues that he didn't know.


"Yes, cooperate!"

Just as Sun Liansheng was about to step up his strength, he suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing behind him. Sun Liansheng, who had rich combat experience, hurriedly turned sideways to hide, and at the same time kicked back without thinking.

As a result, the kick went up, but it almost sent him flying, and it was only when he looked up that he saw clearly that it was the fat nurse just now.

"Don't do it, I'm acting too!"

Seeing the fat nurse grabbing his ankle with one hand, like iron clamps, preventing him from breaking free, Sun Liansheng had a flash of inspiration and hurriedly shouted at the fat nurse.

As a result, this cute chubby raised his fist to meet Sun Liansheng and punched him down.

He didn't even have time to dodge this time, a fist the size of a casserole was reflected in his pupils, there was a buzz in his head, and he was knocked down to the ground in the next second.

The eyes of the whole person went dark for a while, and they could vaguely hear the fat nurse cursing in a low voice: "You fool, who played with you."

Xu Tong tore off the Jack mask on his face, walked to the side of the fat sister and said with a smile, "Yes, this idiot really believed it."

"I didn't expect there to be such naive people in the world. You believe everything others say?"

The fat girl raised her head proudly, and said to Xu Tong, "Look, have my acting skills improved a lot recently?"

"of course!"

Xu Tong gave a thumbs up, and after pretending to grope in his pocket, he took a pack of biscuits from his pocket and gave it to the fat girl.

"I came too hastily this time, I will bring you chocolate next time."

As soon as the fat girl took the biscuit, she immediately beamed with joy, held the biscuit in both hands and ran back, shouting, "Look, I won the Golden Rooster Award! Hahaha, I am the best actress of the Golden Rooster Award." Well, look, I've won a prize..."

Seeing Fat Girl's relapse, the corners of Xu Tong's mouth twitched a few times, turned to look at the medication diary hanging on the wall, opened it to find Fat Girl's name, and silently wrote two words 'doubled' on the back of her medication list. '

Then, without looking at Sun Liansheng on the ground, he turned around and walked to the third floor. The door lock on the third floor was simpler, or it was not locked at all. It was an iron door with an unclosed iron chain hanging casually on the door latch. .

You don't even need a key to open the door.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, the nurses are lazy, and on the other hand, there are only two people locked up on the third floor.

One is an old man over fifty years old.

The other was a young man in his thirties.

These two people can be regarded as the treasures of the town hall of the hospital. On weekdays, except for the nurses, no attending doctor is allowed to consult them.

Nor would the attending doctor get overwhelmed and come to chat with these two people.

Xu Tong approached the door of the first room and quietly opened the observation window. A man in his thirties was sitting cross-legged on the ground. Gloss, people have become blurred.

"You came!"

The man closed his eyes slightly, as if he noticed Xu Tong behind the door, and said with a friendly smile: "I haven't seen you for a long time, I heard that you went out, is the outside world interesting, I haven't seen it for several years It's the outside world."

Xu Tong who was standing behind the door didn't speak, but the man didn't care about it, and continued: "I remember when I was in junior high school, I got out of school very late, it was dark, and it was snowing, and my father rode a The bicycle took me to the corner of Jiamaying Street, there is a wonton shop over there, it tastes really good, it is the best wonton I have ever eaten..."

The man seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, with a bright smile on his face, even though he hadn't shaved for a long time and looked a little sloppy, but the sun shone on his face, the man slowly opened his eyes, black and white The clear pupils actually give people a sense of intimacy like a spring breeze.

It's a pity that Xu Tong didn't even look at it, and closed the observation window casually.

Then, after standing outside the door and counting silently for three seconds, he opened the observation window and closed it again in less than a second.

A moment later, the sound of banging on the door came from behind the door.

Accompanied by angry slamming on the door, and the man's angry curse: "Bastard, I will throw you into the meat grinder, open the door for me!"

All kinds of obscenities echoed behind the door, and every word was as unpleasant as if it jumped out of a stinky ditch.

Fortunately, it's not yet time for the nurses to deliver the medicine, otherwise they will be very surprised, you must know that this man usually wants to pack himself into a gentle and elegant magic stick.

Today it is like a dynamite barrel being lit, but Xu Tong, who has seen the case of this guy, knows very well that this guy is a wolf in sheep's clothing. , After taking away your wealth, even taking your wife and children as your own, they will trick you into committing suicide.

This guy seems to have plotted and successfully killed several people abroad, but he was released because there was no evidence, and he wanted to continue to do it after returning to China. There were already some signs of it.

As a result, when I was walking in the community, I saw those aunts dancing in the square, and felt that they were also good believers, so I took the initiative to go up and try to brainwash myself.

But he never dreamed that these street neighborhood aunts firmly believed that the red spirit of revolution was unbreakable. Instead of succeeding, they sent themselves in...

 Recently, I have a big problem with my body. It seems that the damp poison is too heavy. I feel dizzy, dry mouth and tongue. I am still thirsty after drinking crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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