Chapter 161

This kind of talent is the real danger, full of bad water and holding back energy to harm others.

If you say that your good friend Chang Wuzhi is just a bloodthirsty murderous lunatic, at least everyone can be on guard.

And this kind of person is hard to guard against. His every look, every movement, and every word he says to you are carefully packaged.

I never said a word to him, but I learned a lot of lying skills from him.

Thus summed up a set of basic theories of deceiving people, nothing more than three routines, self-violence and family ugliness to gain sympathy, talking about the past to build relationships, and bluffing to intimidate people.

These are all learned from this guy.

It can be said that he is my good teacher and helpful friend. As my good teacher, the only thing I can give him is one sentence: "May the disease overcome you as soon as possible."

Taking two steps back, Xu Tong strode straight towards the last room.

With a push, the door of the room was opened.

The door was not locked at all.

The room is not big, but it is different from other rooms.

This is not like a ward, more like a taste of home.

The furnishings here are very simple, a bed, a square table, a portrait of a great leader on the wall, a radio and a thermos bottle on the table.

A rocking chair, next to a huge bookshelf, filled with all kinds of weird novels.

Xu Tong quickly took off his shoes, strode into the room, picked up the tea made in the cup on the table, and it was a drink.

After drinking the water, he complained: "What's the matter, I've only been out for such a short time, and the hospital actually let Wujuan run away?? It's all right now, this guy has gone somewhere, hey! His head is getting bigger, I originally wanted to take him away when I came back this time."

"You ate tiger guts outside, or you dug out the golden bumps. Why haven't you seen each other for a long time? You have a strong waist. You caused Chang Wuzhu so badly back then. Now you dare to say that you have the ability to subdue him. Then Why don't you show mercy and take the one outside the door away, it's getting annoying to death every day."

The person who spoke was an old man, holding a fan in his hand, lying on a rocking chair, holding the fan in his hand and shaking it lightly in front of his chest.

The old man looked about the same age as Song Lao, even older than Song Lao, with a smooth head and a pair of snow-white longevity eyebrows hanging on the brows, but he was very energetic.

This is the old baby in their hospital, he is highly respected, even the old director of the hospital will call out "brother" when he sees him.

The origin of the old man is a mystery. I once tried to find the old man's information, but I couldn't find it at all.

Not even the name of the old man, the old people in the hospital called him old A (yell)

Some newly appointed directors, and even the vice president who just took office a few years ago, were severely warned by the old director not to bother the old man.

Xu Tong has been playing here since he was a child, and he always runs here when he has nothing to do.

When he was young, Old A often gave him a lot of candy, and even often got him toys from outside. I don’t know how he did it.

After a long time, Xu Tong felt in his heart that this was his grandfather, and he didn't have so many etiquettes on weekdays. Entering the door was the same as entering his own house.

Seemingly aware that the old man was unhappy, Xu Tong immediately came over obediently, knocked on the old man's leg, brought up the tea on the side, and began to explain.

"Hey, old man, I treat you like a brother, and I have no unresolved hatred. As for the great god outside, forget it. If you really let him out, you may stab me in the back a few times."

After finishing speaking, he rolled his eyes and said flatteringly: "Old man, I have found a place to stay outside. Don't worry about me when you are old. I will come to see you often in the future."

As he spoke, he did not forget to take out two cigarettes, two bottles of wine, and some peanuts from his pocket and put them on the table.

Old A glanced at the things on the table, and shook his head calmly: "Let's go, let's go, don't come back when you leave, it's good to have a place to stay, but there is one thing, stealing and cheating Do not do anything illegal."

"You are different from that child Wuzhi. The outside world used to be ours, then it was theirs, and finally it was yours. Remember, keep a line in your life and don't drive people to death."

After the old A finished speaking earnestly, he waved his hand to signal Xu Tong to leave early, don't wait any longer but can't leave even if he wants to.

"Okay, old man, I will remember what you said."

Xu Tong suppressed the smile on his face, nodded heavily, turned and walked out the door.

As soon as he went out, he touched his pocket and found that there was a small envelope in his pocket. When he opened it, he found a check for 10 yuan.

Looking at the check, Xu Tong's expression darkened, and he turned his head to look at Old A who was sitting on the rocking chair, only to see that the old man was waving the fan in his hand a few times to signal his farewell.

Where did old A get the 10 yuan check, Xu Tong didn't think it was any surprise at all.

Old A is like this, mysterious, talkative, and not polite. Although he is locked here, he has an intuition since he was a child.

It seems that old A is a big bird lying on a treetop, if he wants to leave, he can leave at any time.

I once asked him, why didn't he leave, the outside world is so exciting, what are you doing here? ?

But old A said that the outside world is just a bigger cage for him, and he will never be free unless the cage in his heart is released.

Xu Tong doesn't know what the cage in Old A's heart is, but what is certain is that this is definitely not his cage.

He was not short of money, and there were even a few gold bars in the item book, but he accepted the 10 yuan without hesitation.

Only when he accepts the money himself will Old A feel at ease. He is worried that he will be like this kid Chang Wuzhi, who will make trouble outside as soon as he goes out, and will find it difficult to gain a foothold in the end.

So accepting the money is more of an attitude, an attitude that reassures old A.

After bidding farewell to old A, Xu Tong returned the same way, carried Sun Liansheng, who was still in a coma, on his shoulders, and brought him to Xiao Luo's side on the first floor.

Ronaldinho was also very surprised by Xu Tong's appearance, but he received too much stimulation today. When Xu Tong threw Sun Liansheng into his arms, Ronaldinho didn't turn his head around. People have left.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye.

There are still many police cars patrolling the road.

But the matter has almost been suppressed, and there is no news follow-up report at all.

This also confirmed his worry from the side, worried that Chang Wuzhi, the bastard, really became a player?

When he thought that his default pawns, MTs, and good brothers were poached by the script experience hall, he felt very upset.

But if he is unhappy, he has no other way to do this.

"What are you thinking about?? Hurry up, follow me!"

At this time Song Lao came out of the house with a small satchel on his back and shouted at Xu Tong.

"Master, whose house is open?"

Song Lao heard that Hao Xuan didn't pick up the small bench to beat him, and said in a bad mood: "You, you know how to eat. You don't do much work all day long, but you eat a lot."

As he said that, he threw the satchel at his waist to Xu Tong, and pointed to the north: "Go, call a car, let's go eat... Bah, bah, go to Beimang Mountain."

"Beimang Mountain?? It's so late?"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."

Under the urging of Mr. Song, Xu Tong had no choice but to stop a taxi with his satchel on his back and head straight to Beimang Mountain.

The driver in the car heard that he was going to Beiman Mountain, and he didn't think it was strange.

Although there have been countless barren hills in Beimang since ancient times, they have not been allowed to be buried for a long time now, and a jungle park has been built on them. Even if it is Qingming Festival to visit the ancestors' graves, they cannot burn incense and light a fire.

Now it's lively up there, and there are barbecue restaurants, and there are not a few people who go there to have barbecue at night.

The driver was also talkative along the way, talking nonsense, talking and talking, the driver stared, kicked the accelerator to stop the car, turned around and said with a smile: "You two, go ahead on this small road ahead. It’s just a few steps away, it’s not easy to drive over there, so you can get off here.”

Xu Tong's brows tightened, and his expression suddenly turned ugly. Isn't this a clear chaser? There are at least three kilometers away from Mangshan Mountain.

When he was about to get angry, he was stopped by Song Lao.

"Okay, let's get out of the car and go, you don't need to look for the money."

As Mr. Song said, he pulled Xu Tong out of the car. The driver curled his lips and stuffed the money into his pocket. He looked at the girl standing by the roadside not far away, and drove the car with a kick of the gas pedal. walk over.

Seeing the car going far away, Xu Tong snorted coldly, remembering the license plate number of this car.

Elder Song didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "Actually, it's just right to stop here. Let's blow some air, take a walk, and walk over slowly. It's like digesting food. By the way, the book I gave you last time, Where did you see it coming from?"

It's good that Mr. Song didn't mention it, but when he mentioned it, Xu Tong's brain got bigger. He left all the books last time by his bedside, and didn't read a single page in a daze.

Seeing his expression, Elder Song immediately understood, and immediately reprimanded him.

Seeing that the road ahead was getting darker and darker, Xu Tong hurriedly found an excuse to divert the words: "Master, what are we doing in Beimang Mountain so late?? It can't be to eat barbecue."

As Xu Tong said, he couldn't help looking at those barbecue restaurants in the distance, not to mention the taste is quite good.

"You, rotten wood cannot be carved. Today is your master's death day. Let's go up and kowtow to your master. By the way, let your master teach you his unique skills, and also give you the ability to protect yourself."


Xu Tong's eyes lit up immediately, and he hurriedly asked, "What's so special about it?"

When Mr. Song saw his appearance, his face was filled with complacency, and he stroked his beard and said in a low voice, "Bai Shankou!"

(End of this chapter)

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