Infinite script kill

Chapter 162 The Past of Mangshan

Chapter 162 The Past of Mangshan

"As the saying goes, there is no curse in seeking immortals and worshiping mountains. One buckle hurts people, two buckles invite gods, and three knocks open the door of the king of hell. In our family, you must first learn to worship mountain buckles. This is the basic skill."

Xu Tong had already entered the door, and Elder Song didn't have anything to hide from him, so he took the opportunity of the two of them walking on the mountain to talk to him slowly.

I saw the mountain breeze blowing gently, and it was very cool to blow on people's bodies.

"The industry of origami has four inheritances, each of which is different. No one can tell the origin, but it is said that Taoist Plum Blossom established a sect and passed it down."

"Every family has its own style. Our lineage is passed on both inside and outside. There are not so many rules, but we haven't seen a few people die well. By the time of your master's generation, the talents have withered, and the front and back are not in touch. It's over."

Speaking of the master, Xu Tong couldn't help but think of the master's long gown, lipstick and white teeth, and his bookish appearance.

"Your master is very knowledgeable." Song Lao said that he was also full of admiration for his master.

Their lineage has the art of gathering grievances, smoothing the spirit of the dead, and guiding wandering souls. Although they have ghost money models in their hands, they can only do so much guiding money.

In contrast, it is said that the other three families have the art of walking with ghosts, the magic method of stacking paper as a treasure to bribe ghosts, and the ability to drive ghosts.

It can be said that among the four inheritances, their ability is the worst, belonging to the bottom one.

But they don't know what kind of luck they have, a genius can pop up after a few generations.

I won't talk about the previous ones, just say Master Xu Tong, the master Xue Gui is one.

He is erudite and talented, with advanced thinking, and even has a good knowledge of both Chinese and Western. Many people say that he is the material of a teacher.

But Xue Gui didn't care about this. Instead, he rearranged and completed the little things of his own lineage. In the end, he not only became famous, but also created the unique art of Baishankou.

"Back then, in the battle at Beiman Mountain, your master Xue Gui became famous in the first battle."

When Mr. Song said this, there was a beating fire in his eyes, and he was full of energy.

He didn't meet him in person during that battle, but he was able to learn a thing or two from the mouths of the seniors who visited him.

My master just used one move to worship the mountain buckle, and instantly killed the Maoshan traitor on the spot.

Since then, worshiping the mountain has been famous all over the world.

Hearing what Mr. Song said so passionately, Xu Tong couldn't help but wondered: "Master, why don't you teach me directly, why bother the master?"

"You're the one who talks a lot."

Elder Song gave him a hard look, and then said in a low voice, "Because I didn't learn."


Xu Tong was taken aback. Mr. Song, as the only heir of his master Xue Gui, didn't learn such a powerful trick?
When this matter was brought up, Mr. Song just smiled, and just answered the wrong question and said: "Sometimes you can save your life if you don't learn the tricks to save your life."

Xu Tong was startled, and then remembered when he met the master, the master was hiding in Tibet at that time, and he was relieved immediately.

According to the situation at that time, maybe it was a kind of protection for the master not to teach Mr. Song.

While the two were talking, they had already entered Mang Mountain from the small path.

Mang Mountain is actually very big, but the real Beimang Mountain is only in the north of Luoyang.

Looking far away, you can still see some scattered buildings of Shangqing Palace.

Song Lao pointed to Shangqing Palace, which is now a key protection unit, and chatted with him casually, saying that there was a Taoist living here back then, called Baidung Zhenjun, who was also in the limelight. Fa, very powerful.

Hearing this, Xu Tong asked one more question, what a powerful method, but Elder Song laughed aloud: "Hey, a broom covered with shit is like Lv Bu alive."

In fact, it was a joke back then.

But it is not completely fabricated, but it is true.

It is said that this Hundred Dung Lord is a dung puller, usually in the Shangqing Palace, dressed like a Taoist priest, but at that time the Shangqing Palace was already deserted, so he just asked for a legitimate reason to occupy this place, so to the outside world Claiming to be a priest.

Later, people with lofty ideals from all over the world gathered at Beiman Mountain at the risk of disgrace, and disturbed this guy's slumber. He didn't know what happened, so he ran out cursing.

As a result, he was not strong enough and was beaten up by a Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Sect on the spot. After returning, he became more and more angry, and simply rushed out with a broom. This time it was different.

The Taoist priest of the Quanzhen sect saw him coming out and wanted to beat him, but he beat him with a sweep, and all kinds of feces were splashed on the Quanzhen Taoist in a flash.

It turned out that he knew he couldn't beat Quanzhen Taoist priests, so he simply dipped the broom in the dung bucket and brushed it back and forth several times.

Think about it, with that sweep of the broom, even the gods and Buddhas in the sky will run away, comparable to Lu Bu alive.The Quanzhen Taoist broke the defense on the spot.

You must know that the most taboo thing for practitioners is to be contaminated with filthy things. The feces of hundreds of schools gathered together and turned into dung poison are simply the nemesis for this Quanzhen Taoist.

He ran all over the mountain with just three or two hits. Later, it seemed that an expert enlightened this guy. From then on, he practiced in the Taoist temple with peace of mind, and realized the poison of five grains and the way of pollution.

He became a celebrity in the lower class at that time, even the seniors from the orthodox family were afraid of the poison of his five grains, a little pollution would damage your morality for a few years, and if it was serious, you would be entangled in the pollution, and practice for a lifetime Even if it is destroyed here.

However, the True Monarch of Hundred Dungs didn't live for a few more years. After all, dung poison hurts others first, and it has been a long time since people knew that he had passed away.

It is said that those masters of the Quanzhen sect who had enemies with him, when they heard the news, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and even shouted up to the sky and threw a big banquet.

It is conceivable how much psychological shadow this low-level leader has brought to these Taoist masters.

Xu Tong's eyes lit up when he heard Mr. Song's little story, and he asked curiously, "Master, why don't you tell me about Beiman Mountain again."

"It's all old things, why are you worrying so much, hurry up, your master's grave is in front of you."

Elder Song pointed to the mound in front of him, took out a folding shovel from Xu Tong's waist bag and threw it to him, so that he could clean up the soil and weeds around the mound.

No wonder you have to come late at night. If it were daytime, there would be patrol cars of forest rangers passing by from time to time, and something would happen when they saw you digging.

After Xu Tong cleaned it up carefully, he dug down along the mound under the guidance of Mr. Song. After digging, a tombstone buried in the soil appeared.

I saw the words [Papermaker Xue Guizhi's Tomb] written on the tombstone.

"Oh, so my master is buried here?"

After he finished speaking, Elder Song who was standing behind shook his head and said, "No, this is just an empty tomb, and inside it is a paper doll, hiding the three inches of spiritual light that your master gave out when he was dying."

The so-called three-inch aura is a bit of spiritual vitality, and there will be a memory hidden in it, sealed in a paper figurine, and it can be regarded as a treasure left by their lineage.

The reason for doing this was helpless. At that time, many eyes were staring at their family. It was not until Xue Gui died and was sent directly to the crematorium that everyone felt at ease.

If the matter of the three-inch aura had been known to others at that time, I am afraid that Mr. Song would not be alive today.

Three yellow incense sticks were inserted in front of the grave, and a handful of guiding paper money was scattered around. After Mr. Song chanted a few words in his mouth, he pinched his fingers, and a cinnabar red thread pinched out a flower on his fingertips. Wrapped around Xu Tong's fingertips: "Kneel down!"

As he spoke, he pinched the other end of the cinnabar thread with his fingers, made a seal with his left hand, and made a seal with his right hand. With a flick of his fingers, the red thread circled in mid-air and was wrapped around the paper figurine's head.


Xu Tong followed the password and bowed down to his master's grave.

The strange thing is that when he kowtowed, the paper figurines in front of the grave also followed suit.


The paper figurine trembled slightly, and unexpectedly began to glow.


After Xu Tong bowed down for the last time, there was a buzzing sound in his mind, and he saw the figure of his master in a daze.

It's just that the master in front of me no longer has the high-spirited and heroic spirit of the past, just an old man who walked up to him kindly, without saying a word, took his arm hand in hand, and made a very strange move forward. gesture.

At the same time, a mysterious and profound enlightenment welled up in my heart, as if I had caught something in my mind, amidst the buzzing, I had already memorized all this set of movements in my heart.

I don't know if it was an hour or two hours, but when he opened his eyelids, a look of exhaustion suddenly appeared on his face.

Cold sweat oozes out all over his body, which is bursts of fear.

"Feelings, back then on the train, the master changed his gestures, was he going to kill me??"

He had fully comprehended the whole set of movements of worshiping Shankou, and it was only then that he realized that the master on the train quietly arched his hand in front of him, and he closed the gate of hell at that time.

If I hadn't taken out the [Demon Charm Bell] in time at that time, I would have become one of the master's dead souls.

One buckle hurts people's lives, two buckles invite ghosts and gods, and three buckles knock on the gate of Hades.

This sentence is really not a joke.

When he came back to his senses, he turned his head and saw Elder Song really standing by the road above, spreading smoke to several rangers patrolling the mountain.

Apparently, the forest guards had already spotted them after all this effort, but Elder Song stepped forward and muttered something, and the few people didn't intend to obstruct them, but stood there waiting for him instead.

"Okay, okay, hurry up, kowtow to your grandfather and let's go back early!"

Sensing that Xu Tong had woken up, Mr. Song hurriedly urged him, and he did not forget to say to the rangers, "I'm sorry, sorry for causing trouble to you."

"As long as you don't light the fire, you can talk about anything."

Seeing that Xu Tong had already climbed up and the incense below had been completely extinguished, the forest guard was relieved and said to Song Lao, "How about I take you out?"

Rather than sending them off, it was better to say that they were worried that the two would sneak back and burn the paper, so they simply sent them out to save their worries.

Of course Xu Tong and Song Lao would not refuse this kindness, so they got in the car and drove all the way out of Mangshan Park. As soon as they got out of the gate, they suddenly heard a harsh brake sound from a distance, followed by a "boom" , I saw a faint fire coming out in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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