Chapter 163
"No, there was a car accident!"

Several forest rangers were also enthusiastic, they stepped on the gas pedal when they saw this, and rushed over in a hurry regardless of whether Xu Tong and Song Lao got out of the car or not.

Not too far away, I saw a taxi crashing into a pillar. The engine in front of the car was emitting black smoke, and the flames could still be seen vaguely.

The driver was bleeding from the head, and several people rushed over to rescue him. As soon as he was carried out here, the fire in the car was getting bigger and bigger. Even the fire extinguisher was useless. The fire was burning like hell. Kung fu burned the whole car clean.

The driver sat on the side, with a look of shock on his face, and he muttered strangely: "There is a ghost, there is a ghost, that woman is a ghost, and the person who asked me for money and directions is also a ghost!"

Everyone looked at each other after hearing the words, Xu Tong glanced at Mr. Song beside him, but Mr. Song just smiled and said nothing.

It turned out that the driver was none other than the driver who had left the two of them three miles away.

As soon as he turned around, he went to pull the woman. The woman was fair and clean, with a pair of big black and white eyes, and she seemed to be seductive.

He said he was going home to visit his parents in the northern village, but he lost his wallet and asked the driver if he could take him all the way. Although he didn't have any money, but...

As she spoke, the woman gave the driver a knowing look.

Just that charming smile that covered his mouth almost made the driver cry out, so why not say no.

He grabbed the woman and walked away, but the road became more and more deviated. He remembered that he could walk this road in 2 minutes in the past, but today he walked along this road for half an hour without getting out.

He could vaguely see both sides of the road, and there were some weird shadows, like many old men and women standing by the road and looking at him.

At that time, the driver felt that half of his head was numb. There are so many old men and old ladies on this country road in the middle of the night.

Only then did he realize that the woman behind him had also become abnormal, her entire face had turned pale, and there was a strange smell coming from her body.

He said that he would be there if he walked forward, but the driver dared to continue.

Seeing the road in front of him getting darker and darker, he suddenly saw an old woman with a cane on the side of the road. He stopped the car with the intention of treating a dead horse as a horse doctor, and asked the old woman for directions.

As a result, the old woman opened her hand and asked him for money, saying that she would show him a way to survive for just one money.

At this time, let alone asking for money, even if he wants to take all the money on his body, as long as he can get out of this ghost place, he doesn't care.

But after he took out all the money on his body, the old woman's face turned ugly, and she waved her hand and said that she didn't want the money, and asked him to come up with some useful money.

At that time, the driver's head was blown. What is useful money? ?
When the old lady took out two bills for him and looked at them, the driver almost fainted. What kind of money is that? It's clearly Ming coins.

Where did he get Ming coins from a taxi? Just when he was extremely anxious, the old lady suddenly pointed with her finger, and saw a round white paper money stuck in the crack of the money.

The old lady's slender fingers pinched lightly, and a satisfied look appeared on her face.

Immediately afterwards, she sprinkled the money on the top of her head, and the path in front of her was filled with paper money falling down like snowflakes.

The old lady asked him to follow the direction where the paper money was floating. After about 2 minutes, he rushed out, and as a result, he hit the electric pole in a dozen directions.

Until this moment, it was still in shock.

Everyone looked at each other for a while after hearing the words, especially the faces of the forest rangers. Since Beimang was converted into a park, there have been many problems during this period. A few days ago, a large truck on the national highway suddenly Overturned.

The next day, someone found a sports car that fell into a ditch in the bushes outside the driveway. The young men and women in the car were already dead.

Now that this incident has happened again, it is inevitable that the rangers like them will start to feel hairy.

"Let's go, this kid has a good life. If he takes a life, he will be blessed if he survives a catastrophe."

Seeing that there was nothing serious here, Elder Song called Xu Tong to leave quickly.

During the period, Xu Tong asked Master Xue Gui's grave, isn't it necessary to cover it back? ?

As a result, Elder Song patted his shoulder with regret, and explained: "It's just a wave of spiritual energy, and it's still passing into you now. What's left is an empty tomb, and it's useless to keep it."

The only thing Elder Song regrets is that this is one of the few things left to him by his master, and it is completely gone now.

"Master, if I'm not mistaken, that driver is the one who drove us before. When you paid the bill, did you deliberately put a guide money in the money?"

Elder Song didn't deny this: "At that time, I thought something was wrong with him. If he threw away the money, the gods might not be able to save him. Now that he deserves to die, we have done a good deed. "

As for the matter of driving them out of the car, Elder Song didn't care too much. He had lived to his age, and he had never seen such a big storm, so how could the driver take it easy.

On the way, Elder Song didn't ask him if he had learned Baishankou, since this skill was passed on to him, it was his skill from then on, and he finally led it into the door.

When the two arrived home, it was almost dawn, and Mr. Song went to bed early after tossing all night.

After a while, Elder Song's snoring sound came from the room.

Xu Tong couldn't sleep, on the contrary, he felt that he was full of energy at the moment, and began to study Baishankou carefully in bed.

This is definitely a killer move created by master Xue Gui. It looks like he is bowing his hand to you, but he is holding a curse in his hand. As long as he arches his hand forward, the cursed person in front of him will be seriously injured if he is unprepared.

But what he couldn't understand was that although he already understood this set of ultimate moves, he always felt that something was missing, because he knew what it was but didn't know why.

He didn't understand the principle at all, which made him feel a little weird, and he really wanted to ask Mr. Song to ask what was going on.

But seeing that Mr. Song was already asleep, and the old man had never learned this trick, Xu Tong was not sure whether the old man understood the crux of the problem.

So after thinking about it, I realized that today is the day of the exhibition. After thinking about it again, Gao Zhuo also left his phone number, so I just asked him about this, to see if this guy has any clues.

Thinking of this, he immediately spent two script points, summoned the script hall, and prepared to enter the exhibition directly through the script hall.

Of course I entered the clubhouse... No, before the script hall, I carefully prepared a nice gift for my lovely sister at the front desk.

But he found out when he walked into the script hall full of expectations.

The front desk that I was thinking about was gone, but the host was sitting at the front desk, holding a cup of coffee, as if waiting for him here.

"Don't look at it, she is on vacation today, if you have any good things, you can give them to me, and I can pass them to her for you."

The host is wearing a luxurious dress today, and a top hat with gorgeous flowers on her head, but compared with her beautiful appearance, it can only be reduced to a foil.

It has to be said that this woman is a natural clothes hanger. After putting on an outfit, she is noble, elegant, and even the posture of drinking coffee gives people a feeling that they can only be viewed from a distance and cannot be profaned.

Seeing this, Xu Tong sat on the chair at the front desk generously, and with a glance, he found that the table at the front desk was a lot shorter for some reason? ?
"No, I need to identify the item card, can you identify it??"

Facing the lady at the front desk, Xu Tong can always make her laugh in different ways, but facing this one in front of him, there is really no superfluous expression on his face.

The opening was a formulaic questioning voice, which made the host look depressed, but it was not easy to get angry, so he could only grunt angrily: "The appraisal fee is 20 points for the script."

Xu Tong didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out [embers] and [polyp tumor] and put them on the table.

Seeing these two prop cards, the host frowned slightly, picked up the [ember] prop card and put it on her chest, rubbed it lightly a few times before placing it on the table.

At this time, a ray of black fire appeared on the item card. Xu Tong picked it up and took a look, and found that the active skill with two question marks had been unlocked at this moment.

Active Skill 1: Extreme Flame Turbo

Consumes 20 script points, activates and summons the fire of corrosion, forms a rapid whirl in the palm, draws enemies within 20 square meters around, and bursts out a huge amount of fire of corrosion at the same time, attacking the target.

Cooldown: Eight hours

(Note: If the opponent's weight is three times yours, please give up this skill, otherwise you will find that you will gain nothing except for losing a script point.)
Active Skill 2: Black Chi's Injury

Consuming 15 script points, activating all attacks can increase the power of Corrosive Fire.

Duration: 5 minutes.

Cooling time: two hours.

(Note: After Black Chi's Injury is activated, the probability of generating bone-attached fire increases by 30%, please feel it yourself.)
Looking at these two skills, Xu Tong's mind tightened. There is no doubt that this is a very powerful item card, and it does not conflict with the power of magic. He can completely combine the two to play a bigger level. the power of.

Just when Xu Tong was excited about this, the host in front of him said with a smile: "Actually, if it were me, the value of this item card would make me happy for a little longer."

I saw the host put the scented [Polyposis Tumor] in front of Xu Tong, and whispered in his ear: "I will charge three times for this item card!"

(End of this chapter)

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