Infinite script kill

Chapter 164 The End of the Law Carnival

Chapter 164 The End of the Law Carnival
After hearing this, Xu Tong decisively pulled out his card and left without stopping at all.

The triple charge is actually [-] script points, which is just a drizzle for me who is now using thousands of script points.

But money doesn't spoil her like this.

My sister at the front desk isn't here today, so I'll just come back another day, I'm not in a hurry anyway.

Putting on a mask, he strode towards the red door with great strides. Accompanied by a burst of noise, he came to the exhibition again.

Unlike last time, this time he didn't even pause, and went straight to the overseas shopping area.

It is still the same simple area as a vegetable market.

All kinds of prop cards were placed on various stalls. Xu Tong walked in the middle and looked left and right. His target was the dark prop card.

Although this classification is not official, everyone tacitly classifies some item cards as dark type, because this type of item card mostly gives you a strong boost, but the side effects are often prohibitive.

This kind of item card is not uncommon in the overseas shopping area, and even the inventory is very large.

Xu Tong was not in a hurry to buy, but just wandered around casually, and when he had seen enough, he turned around and went straight to the previous tavern.

In the telephone booth outside the tavern, he first called his old friend Yang Zixuan.

After the phone rang a few times, I heard that familiar voice.

"Old place, come quickly, good things for you."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone regardless of whether Yang Zixuan responded or not, then sat in the same position as last time, ordered a bottle of iced white beer and took a sip. With a cool taste, one sip makes the whole person feel comfortable.

After waiting for less than half an hour, Yang Zixuan rushed over. Although they were all wearing masks, Yang Zixuan could still recognize Xu Tong at a glance.

"The next time you hang up, can you wait for me to say something before you hang up?"

Yang Zixuan complained, and then threw a cigar to Xu Tong, but Xu Tong threw it back, as if showing off his treasure, and put the hookah he asked for from Gao Zhuo on the table.

"Your ones are too small, not as big as mine, why don't I give you a taste, and keep you wanting to die."

Yang Zixuan shook his head, expressing his gratitude for such a big hookah.

"Tell me, what's the good thing you said on the phone??"

Yang Zixuan was slowly roasting his cigars. In fact, before he came here, he absolutely did not believe that Xu Tong could give him anything good. He even suspected that this guy was here to lie to him about his cigars.

But now seeing this guy holding the hookah pipe and puffing out the clouds, I'm really curious.

Xu Tong didn't go around in circles, and casually threw two syringes to Yang Zixuan.

Yang Zixuan picked it up and took a look, they were super potions 1 and 2 respectively.

Taking a closer look at the two entries, I was a little disappointed on my face: "This thing has a particularly high increase in plot tasks, but it only has one-tenth of the effect on our players' increase, which is almost negligible."

"Aren't you a breeding team? With this thing, you can organize a super team in the script world to protect your lovely pigs."

Xu Tong took out a hundred medicines in one breath and said, "Quantity produces quality. It is enough for you to use so many medicines twice."

Yang Zixuan couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words, it was a good idea, but immediately frowned and said: "Since it's so easy to use, why don't you keep it for yourself?"

For this, he could only take a deep breath helplessly, and looked up at the ceiling: "It is said that kindness does not control soldiers and righteousness does not control wealth. I just blame me for being too merciful."

"Bah, believe me, you idiot."

Yang Zixuan would not believe his nonsense, but these things are indeed what Xu Tong said, he needs them.

During this period of time, he had recruited a few pigs, and was worrying about how to protect them. Xu Tong's medicines were of course a timely help to him.

"One more thing, if I know a player's real name, I wonder if there is any good way to find him."

Sure enough, the real purpose of Xu Tong to find Yang Zixuan, of course, is not to sell the batch of medicine in his hand, but more importantly, he wants to ask Yang Zixuan if he has found a way to find Chang Wuzhi.

"Difficult, not difficult. It is said that some certified players can curse and kill the opponent just by knowing the opponent's name. They can even kill the opponent no matter how far away they are or whether they are in the script space. These people should have This ability to find people."

Yang Zixuan dragged his chin and pondered.

As a result, Xu Tong rolled his eyes, put away the medicine on the table, stood up and was about to leave.

"Hey!! Don't go, don't go!"

Yang Zixuan hurriedly stopped him, Xu Tong snorted coldly: "They are all foxes of a thousand years, what are you pretending to be with me? If you have a way, just say don't make circles with me."

"There are some..."

Yang Zixuan quickly stopped him and said, "Well, you go west, there is a very special street called Witch Street, you can try astrology, I dare not say 100% success, but basically I can give you One way of thinking."

"That's about the same." Xu Tong pushed the medicine to Yang Zixuan, and Yang Zixuan was not stingy, he gave Xu Tong a full [-] script points for a hundred medicines.

Sure enough, the breeding team is still rich.

After Yang Zixuan left, Xu Tong started to look for the so-called Witch Street, but he couldn't find it on the Witch Street, but he found a very strange shop at a corner.

The name of the store is [Ming Qi Grocery Store], but what attracted him was not the signboard, but the couplet on the door.

"The first couplet is, seeking survival, seeking the Tao and seeking longevity will end up with three feet of loess. The second couplet is, Mingqian, Mingtu and Hades Palace will only know that ghosts are difficult to deal with when you die."

Looking at this couplet, Xu Tong couldn't help being a little curious about this store. He opened the door and walked in to have a look. He saw that the furnishings in the store were very simple, but the items on the shelves were dazzling.

At this moment, he suddenly saw a money model on the shelf, and he reached out to take it down to have a look, and his heartbeat immediately accelerated a lot.

This is indeed a money mold, and it is not the mold in his hand that can only be used as guide money.It was the mold of the dark money that I got from the fat man when I first entered the script world.

Thinking back to the first script world, Old Man Wang finally summoned Black and White Impermanence, Xie Qi and Fan Ba, two sinister gods, desperately burning paper and ingots, but the two of them didn't even make a move, and the money couldn't even be burned.

In the end, he took out the money and sent it up, and the flames erupted immediately, and the two of them extrajudicially showed mercy and gave old man Wang's son a chance.

At that time, I didn't think about it so much, and then I realized how precious the money I gave was.

Think about the inheritance of the Wang family, who can fold paper into silver and bribe ghosts and ghosts, but so much paper and silver add up, and in the end it is not worth as much as a few thin ghost notes.

Now that I actually saw the mold of Mingchao here, how could I not be excited, if I could print Mingchao, wouldn't that be equivalent to gaining the ability to print Mingchao? ?
Just imagine that in the future, if you casually summon a bull's head and a horse's face, black and white impermanence, and throw a stack of ghost money on it, all ghosts and evil spirits will call themselves grandpa.

Xu Tong had a wonderful idea, but unfortunately, it would be even better if there was no hole the size of a ping-pong ball in the middle of the mold.

He was watching intently, when he heard the beating of the abacus behind him, and the shopkeeper standing at the counter raised his head and said with a smile: "The guest officer has a good eye, and he got the most precious thing in this shop as soon as he stretched out his hand."

Xu Tong frowned, walked up to the boss and said, "No matter how precious something is, if it has a hole, it can only be garbage."

Hearing that the boss's fingers dialing the abacus paused, he raised his head, and a pair of triangular eyes sized him up, and then he shook his head and said: "Although the words are not bad, they are not absolute. There are countless masters in the world. Maybe someone can fill the hole?"

"There are countless masters, but those who can be easily found are mostly fakes. Even if they are found, if you make up for them, then they are still masters?"

The boss frowned when he heard the words, and removed two beads from the abacus before saying: "Everything has a reason, the guest officer bought this thing today, it is a cause, since there is a cause, there must be a good result. "

"That's because you haven't seen the dangers in the world. You accepted this thing for a reason. Selling it to me is a good result. If you can't sell it, it's a bad result. In the end, this thing is still a bad result. If you don't buy it, go away!"

At the end, Xu Tong put the things back, turned around and was about to go out.

The boss didn't stop him, just frowned and dialed another bead on the abacus, and said, "100 script points."

Xu Tong, who walked to the door, took a step back and glanced at the abacus in the boss's hand: "I'll give you this number, and you can also give me the thing on the side."

What Xu Tong was referring to was the red brush on the shelf. The tip of the brush had been destroyed, and only a few hairs were left standing there.

It seems that nothing in this store is complete.

"That's a judge pen. It was used by Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty. Even if it's an antique, it's not at this price!"

The boss was in a hurry, but he let him brag about it, so Xu Tong killed the price. The boss talked for half an hour, but his mouth was dry, so Xu Tong just smiled, and casually dropped a script to the boss: " Treat it like tea."

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you buy something or not, he just wants to see how many tricks the boss can come up with. Seeing the boss wanting to blow the pen up to the sky and dancing, he thinks it is better than cross talk.

Seeing that the boss had started to run out of words and seemed unable to speak, Xu Tong was about to leave.

"Don't, don't, I'll stick to this price, let's treat it as making friends."

Seeing that he was really leaving, the boss gritted his teeth and could only agree.

I'm really sorry that he didn't agree for half an hour.

These two items were thrown into the item book by Xu Tong, and it was shown that they were damaged, and there was no other information other than that.

He didn't think there was anything to regret about it, he just regarded it as a collection and hung it in his room when he went back, even if it was a decoration it would be good.

After he left the shop, he planned to go to Witch Street to try his luck and see if he could find Wuzhi.

In the end, I finally found the so-called Witch Street. Unfortunately, they don't open their shop today.

There is also a sign hanging on the door, with a line of writing on it: [There is a bloody disaster today, and the business is closed behind closed doors. 】

Seeing this signboard, Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, and could only silently take out a pen from his pocket, and added the word 'seven days' after the closure.

Rest well if you want to rest, why make it so suspicious.

But now that people are resting, I can only temporarily give up the idea of ​​looking for Chang Wuzhi.

After thinking about it, he still dialed Gao Zhuo's phone number, and made an appointment with him to listen to an opera in a teahouse.

Gao Zhuo had actually been waiting for his call for a long time.

After receiving the call, they hurried over. The two sat on loose chairs, sipped the fragrant tea in their cups, and chatted casually.

"You drag me to the end, how many real things Mr. Song has passed on to you, have you already introduced you?"

Gao Zhuo curiously inquired about Xu Tong's apprenticeship.

Regarding this, Xu Tong just hummed for a moment, saying that he didn't say anything, which made Gao Zhuo scratch his hair anxiously.

"Can you come to our Xiangxi, I want to ask you to help me, don't worry, after this matter is completed, our family will be very grateful."


Xu Tong frowned. He ran to Xiangxi before finishing his affairs in L city? ?Besides, even if he agreed, Mr. Song would not agree.

I'm just getting started, so I don't know how much homework I have to do. I haven't finished reading the book "Tuning the Spirit" until now, so I don't have the energy to go to Xiangxi.

But having said that, Gao Zhuo's strength is not bad, and there is something that needs his help.

Faced with Xu Tong's refusal, Gao Zhuo could only honestly confess to him, and he said with a serious expression, "I'll tell you the truth, if you are really from Mr. Xue Gui's lineage, you are really serious about this matter It is not possible to fly, this is what your family owes our family."


Xu Tong frowned slightly, and turned to look at Gao Zhuo.

"To tell you the truth, back then, my old man and your master went down to a ghost cave together, and it was this trip that caused my old man to lose one of his three souls. Temporarily added."

The resentment ink that Gao Zhuo mentioned was the black liquid that Elder Song had drawn out from the corpse before, and he did not expect this thing to have such an effect.

While Xu Tong was deeply surprised, he also believed Gao Zhuo's words.

"Later, I said that if I had a chance, I would go down again to help my old man find that one soul, but then the Maoshan massacre broke out. Your master heard the news and left as soon as he said it. My old man That soul of mine has not been found yet.”


Hearing this, Xu Tong couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and asked, "The thing you're talking about must not have happened in 1968, could it?"

"you know!!"

Gao Zhuo sat up, but saw Xu Tong wave his hand, and casually told about his encounter with master Xue Gui on the train, and said to Gao Zhuo after speaking, "I have a special mission here, it seems that I want to go back to that How about going to the old days, do you want to go together?"

It was originally a joke, but when Gao Zhuo heard it, he was startled, waved his hands again and again and said: "No, no, I won't go, I'm crazy, the last carnival of the Dharma-ending era, everyone is ruthless, I'll eat it!" Running to this kind of script to find excitement?? Not going, resolutely not going!!”

(End of this chapter)

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