Chapter 165
Just kidding, their old man was a survivor from that turbulent era. I remember that when the old man was still alive, he often talked about that era with the younger generations.

Every time when talking about those old things, the old man would pat the heads of their juniors and say enviously: "It's great to live in New China!"

From this sentence, it is not difficult to see how hard it was to live in that era.

"Do you want to be so exaggerated?? No matter how terrifying it is, can it be more terrifying than zombies??"

Seeing his exaggerated expression, Xu Tong couldn't help joking.


Gao Zhuo looked serious, drank a cup of tea, and said in a low voice: "In all dynasties and dynasties, when a country is about to perish, there must be evil spirits. From Xia to Qing, there are no exceptions, but only the end of Qing Dynasty is the most turbulent, and demons and evil ways emerge in endlessly."

Gao Zhuo couldn't help but shudder when he said this. To outsiders, this is just a story, but in the eyes of people with inheritance like them, this is against the sky.

"its not right!!"

At this time, Xu Tong interrupted him: "You are talking about the Republic of China, why don't you stay next to each other?"

"Don't worry, just listen to me."

Gao Zhuo repeatedly waved his hands to calm Xu Tong down, and then continued: "As the saying goes, prosperity comes after a decline, and the people who go against the sky under the wheel of the times are all scum, so many evil ways or righteous ways are mostly hidden. .

Speaking of this, Gao Zhuo took a strong puff from the hookah and said: "Think about it, those old monsters in the Republic of China period, who were not cruel, merciless and scheming masters, you might not see the brain if you peeled off the lost head. If you drive the heads of these monsters, you can at least see a V6 engine, so I advise you, it's better not to join in the fun."

In fact, Xu Tong said the same thing, but after Gao Zhuo introduced it like this, Xu Tong's heart became lively. Could he not go to such an interesting script?

must go!
And he couldn't go by himself, Gao Zhuo, the know-it-all, had to go with him, after all, it would be much more convenient for him to have such a know-it-all following him.

After thinking about it, Xu Tong smoked a few mouthfuls of hookah and spit out a huge smoke ring in mid-air, before saying, "By the way, what are you looking for me for?"

"Help my old man find the lost soul."

Gao Zhuo recounted the matter to Xu Tong. Their old master had been dead for several years, but his soul was not complete and he could not be reborn, and he was always trapped in the world.

The family invited an expert to make a statue of the old man, so that he can enjoy the fireworks of their house, but this is not a long-term solution after all, so Yipo needs to be found.

But for this matter, firstly, a trustworthy person is needed, and secondly, this person must be capable, otherwise, if he finds that ghost cave, he is also seeking his own death.

This matter dragged on until Gao Zhuo met Xu Tong. The two hadn't been together for long, but Xu Tong was a man Gao Zhuo could still see clearly.

At least in the face of interests, this guy can stick to the bottom line of his life, not interests, just for this, Gao Zhuo is enough to trust him.

After Gao Zhuo finished speaking, he slapped his thigh and said: "Then it's settled, you accompany me to complete the task script, and I will go to Xiangxi with you."

"Hey! You..."

"Don't you, me, pure man, don't be cowardly, it's over if you are reckless!"

Gao Zhuo knew that Xu Tong was putting himself on the shelf, he hesitated again and again, and finally agreed reluctantly.

The two signed a temporary team contract. In order to show respect for the opinion of Gao Zhuo, a know-it-all, he also specially gave up the captain's position to Gao Zhuo.

After the two agreed, Gao Zhuo didn't leave, he just accompanied him to listen to the opera in the theater, and chatted casually about the matter of Master Xue Gui, most of which were rumors, but he also listened with great interest.

The two stayed at the exhibition for three days, then bid farewell to each other and left.

Before leaving, Xu Tong went to the Haitao area, ready to search and see if he could find a suitable weapon for himself.

In the past three days, after carefully sorting out the item cards on his body again, he found that he didn't need to add new item cards for the time being.

Because the number of prop cards in hand is already quite a lot, in addition to the increase in the ability of the dark system, there is also the increase in the ability of the fire system.

With the enhancement of [Comprehensive Martial Arts], [Embers], [Magic Power] and [Dark Physique], the four prop cards make his dark fire ability enough to give him a powerful melee combat ability.

[Leopard Soul Cloak] and [Magic Changed Fat Paper] give him a strong ability to protect himself and escape.

Item cards such as [Magic Bell], [Papermaker's Book], and [Star Eye Calamity] provided a lot of auxiliary power.

Now he needs a more convenient weapon, and this weapon is preferably a gun or a long knife, so that his shortcomings in mid-range attacks can be made up for.

Turn east and west in the Haitao area, there are a lot of treasures here, but it is really not easy to find a suitable weapon.

He also tried, and found a lot of weapons through the auction system above his head, but the price was unacceptable to him.

It's not that he can't afford it, but it's too expensive.

As Gao Zhuo said, the script they are going to is far more dangerous than the previous script.

What they are facing will never be cute zombies, but human beings, no, it should be said that they are Voldemort who survived from the late Qing Dynasty.

Therefore, it is more reassuring to prepare enough script points.

Spending such a large amount of script points to buy a weapon is still not very cost-effective after thinking about it.

So he could only empty-handed, no, no, no, he bought some things before he left, a table of high-end banquets, and went back to give Song Lao a taste, to show his filial piety, it's because he was too lazy in the hot weather cook.

Elder Song was also tired last night, and he didn't wake up until Xu Tong came back, and fell asleep snoring in the room.

Seeing this, he didn't call Mr. Song, and started to study with that book on Tiaoshen Lun, thinking about the technique of worshiping Shankou while reading.

The book The Theory of Adjusting the Spirit was very boring at the beginning, but after reading it, I found that this book is indeed the foundation of spiritual practice.

The structure of spirit, energy and spirit is explained in detail.

After reading this book, and then thinking about Baishankou, I immediately had a different feeling.

I saw him sitting by the bed with his hands crossed, thinking back to the first time he met Master Xue Gui on the train.

A feeling of bliss came to my heart at once, as if a hand was placed on his elbow in the dark, and it was gently loosened.

Suddenly, Xu Tong felt that his spirit was like a torrent bowing forward with him, and the bowls on the table in front of him shattered with a "bang!"

"It's done!!"

His eyes lit up, don't look at it as just a broken bowl, if this trick hits someone, he is caught off guard, and anyone would be able to drink a pot.

The most important thing is that there is no need to consume script points.

And this is only one bow, there are two more to come, and three bows, even the players can't bear it.

Just when he was about to continue trying, a strong dizziness hit him violently.

His brain was throbbing with pain as if someone had hammered him, and it took him a long time to relax by the bed before he recovered.

Thinking about the theory of regulating the mind just now, I immediately realized that I had hurt my soul. Fortunately, there is also a way to refresh my mind at the back of the book. I closed my eyes and lay down to adjust my breathing. I lay down quietly according to the rhythm described in the book. Fall asleep in bed.

Tune the Spirit is not a book on Taoism, but it is not entirely a medical book. To be more precise, it is more like a hardcover edition of the Yellow Emperor's Canon of Internal Medicine.

This book accurately expounds issues such as spirit, viscera, and harmony of the four seasons.

To use an insignificant metaphor, this is the same reason that those martial arts masters are mostly proficient in medical skills.

Falling asleep, Xu Tong suddenly felt someone beside him pushing his arm vaguely.

He opened his eyes in a daze and looked, but saw a blur in front of his eyes, as if there was a figure shaking in front of his bed for a few times, when he opened his eyes to take a closer look, the figure was gone?

But strangely, the door of his room opened.


In an instant, Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and he woke up suddenly. He accidentally hurt his mind before, and he slept very soundly, but it doesn't mean that anyone can walk into his room.

He hurriedly jumped out of bed and went out to have a look, only to see that it was already pitch black outside, and there was not even a single light in the yard.

What's even more weird is that his dark vision just failed here.


Just when Xu Tong was trying to call out the item book, he suddenly heard a shout coming from Song Lao's room, but the voice was not Song Lao's voice, but a woman's voice.

Immediately, he was even more confused. He walked to the door, picked up the curtain with his fingers, and looked inside from a sideways angle.

Just one glance immediately made Xu Tong's head buzz, and a gust of cool wind blew over, as if it was burrowing into his collar. When the cool wind blew, Xu Tong's goose bumps stood up all over his body.

In the room, the candles were dimly lit, a table of good wine and good food was placed on the big round table that was never used, and two children were running up and down in the hall.

A woman in a large padded jacket with a red flower and green bottom was standing in front of the table, busy arranging the dishes.

Seemingly aware of something, the woman turned her head, with a strange smile on her pale face, and said to Xu Tong, who was hiding at the door, "Come and help me, I'll wait for my wife to invite you!"

(End of this chapter)

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