Chapter 166
Xu Tong took a look, isn't that his teacher's wife?
Danfeng eyes, double eyelids, slender willow-leaf eyebrows, and blush on the cheeks, the good guy is exactly the same as the mistress who usually sits on the chair.

Hearing Mistress's shout, his heart tightened, but he quickly stepped into the door, obediently stepped forward, took the chopsticks from Mistress's hand, and at the same time glanced away, he found that Mr. Chen was still sleeping.

After looking suspicious for a moment, he said cautiously: "Master, my master hasn't woken up yet?"

As he spoke, he took the opportunity to look at his mistress again, only to see that her face was a little paler, but she was a little more alive than usual.

If you don't look carefully, you don't even know that she is a paper doll.

"Then let him sleep for a while longer." Mistress turned her head and glanced at Elder Song, her eyes full of affection forced Xu Tong to stuff a mouthful of dog food.

"Master, how did you live?"

Xu Tong was also bold, if he saw this alone, he would probably pee in fright, but he didn't mean to be scared at all, instead he stared at the teacher's face carefully with curious eyes.

The mistress who was watching felt a little embarrassed, and snorted coldly: "You have been in our house for so many days, it is rare that you have left the Yin God today, and just happened to help me with some work."

As the saying goes, go south to yin, and go north to God.

Zouyin refers to the fact that the primordial spirit goes out of the body and goes down to the underworld for a trip and then comes up again. A master with profound Taoism can lift the soul of the dead to the yang world, and communicate with the predestined master by sending messages or upper body.

This is also called a walker.

But occasionally there will be some people, unintentionally, or carelessly, go away from Yinshen.

There is such a short story.

It was said that Zhang San came to work in a new factory, and after working overtime at night for a whole day, he was so tired that he went to the wrong building in a daze.

These workers were quite enthusiastic and asked Zhang San to have a drink together.

Zhang San was also very happy, so he drank when he sat down, and fell asleep when he drank too much.

When I opened my eyes the next day, I found that the co-workers had left, so I got up and went to work.

But when he was at work, the people in the dormitory asked him where he had been since he hadn't returned all night. Zhang San explained the matter, and when everyone looked for him, he found that there was no such building at all.

After careful questioning, I realized that there was indeed a building here before, but it was demolished a few years ago.

This is Zhang San walking away from Yinshen unintentionally. This kind of case is not uncommon in reality, but Xu Tong's situation today is quite special. He didn't go anywhere else. Mistress, come alive today.

Knowing his situation, Xu Tong was relieved, he was not worried about anything, how could his mistress hurt him, just like what the mistress said, since I have been here for so long, it is indeed right to help the mistress with some work .

"When guests come, go to the kitchen and cook some eggs."

The wife said she didn't know where to bring out a basket of eggs to him, Xu Tong took it and weighed it, and found that the basket of eggs was actually lighter than paper.

But when he held it in his hand and took a look, it was indeed an egg.

Now he began to mutter even more in his heart, but under the urging of his wife, he still walked to the kitchen and started to throw eggs into the pot to cook.

While the eggs were being boiled, there was only a burst of laughter behind him.

Looking back, he saw that it was two children lying in front of the kitchen door looking at him.

Don't look at the young age of the two children, I remember Song Lao said that if the brothers and sisters of the two children's teachers and wives really care about each other, he would call him uncle and aunt.

But a child is a child, seeing Xu Tong look over, he ran away shyly.

However, after a while, I saw the girl running over, beckoning to him, and beckoning him to listen to him. Xu Tong leaned over and heard the girl say in his ear: "If you get scared later, put the bottom of the pot on your hands." Put ashes on your face so they can't see you."


Just when she wanted to ask who they were, the girl turned around and ran away.

This can't help but make him more puzzled, not knowing who the guest the teacher is talking about is.

With doubts, he took out the boiled eggs and brought them to his mistress, only to see his wife pick up an egg and throw it into the wine bottle on the table.

With a bang, the egg fell into the bottle.

Each of the six wine bottles stuffed an egg into it, and the teacher felt relieved, she turned around and pointed to the kitchen, and said, "Quick, get ready to hide, and don't come out no matter what happens later, when the rooster crows, you will come back to your house." Go to the room, close your eyes and continue to sleep, and the sun will return soon."

Xu Tong wanted to ask the reason, but there was already a gong knocking outside the door.

Seeing the lawyer, his wife hurriedly pushed him to the kitchen, tidied his clothes, took a few deep breaths, then showed a smiling face, and went forward to open the courtyard door.

As soon as the courtyard door opened, a thin man walked in with a gong.

Xu Tong hid behind the crack of the door and took a look. This man looked seven points like his master, Xue Gui. This man was not his master, nor was he a relative of Mr. Song, but Mr. Song followed his master when he was young, and followed suit. One.

The man walked, his limbs were stiff, far less natural than the teacher's wife and the others. He held a gong in his hand and knocked it every step of the way.

"Boom blah blah..."

The gong knocked several times, only to see three people in white clothes slowly walk in from outside the door, followed by three people in black clothes.

These six walked with a flutter, as if they were stepping on a balance bike.

After taking a closer look, I found that these six guys were extremely ugly, short, like dwarves, and their body was so loose that it was about to sag on the ground.

"Hey, the six adults are finally here. The meals are all ready. If you have anything to do, let's eat first."

The mistress hurried up to greet her, and said with a smile all over her face.

"Hmph, after so long, you sent us away with just one meal?? We have to take this old thing away today. If you dare to stop us, don't blame the yin and yang sticks in our hands for being rude!"

The one headed by the six wore a white tall hat with the character [poor] written on it.

Are they ghost messengers from the underworld? ?
Xu Tong hid behind the door and watched, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

According to what they said, could it be that they want to take Mr. Song away? ?
Just when he was guessing in his heart, the mistress had already invited them into the room before talking, and she said as she walked: "How dare you, I'm just worried that the six adults will be exhausted all the way, and I have prepared a table of thin wine. For the banquet, the six adults will not Let's talk after eating."


The leader of the ghost messenger hesitated for a while, but he didn't disagree, because the teacher had already stuffed a thick bag of money into the ghost messenger's trouser pocket.

Sure enough, money can turn ghosts around, this saying is absolutely true.

After collecting the money, the ghost guard gave a look at the soldiers behind him, and walked into the room. Xu Tong turned his head sideways to hear the sound of drinking and guessing.

"Could it be that Elder Song has been using this method to force his own life?"

Judging from the relaxed expressions of the teacher's wife, it seems that this is no longer a one-time or two-time thing, and Mr. Song is always using this method to bribe the ghost messenger.

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He had just started a family, but he didn't think that Mr. Song's time seemed to be running out, and he even wanted to use this method to prolong his life.

Just when Xu Tong was thinking wildly, his wife was suddenly pushed out of the door.

Immediately after, the ghost messenger who was headed just now rushed out from the door, grabbed the wife's arm and pulled him towards the direction of the hut beside her.

"My lord, my lord... You have violated the dark rules, and you are the lord who is going to be immersed in hell!!"

The mistress kept avoiding the hand of the ghost messenger, pushed back step by step, and reminded as she retreated.

But today, the ghost messenger seems to be a bit over the top, with evil lights shining in his eyes, and he sneered and said, "Who are you scaring?? The underworld will never take back black households like you, and you can't even enter the gate of the dead city. We will help you!" How many times has the Men's family been hiding, and you have dismissed each time with a meal??"

"My lord! Please do me a favor, we will go with you next time."

"Hehe, next time?? If you obediently obey the uncle this time, there will be no next time."

As the ghost messenger spoke, he pushed the teacher into the room.

Seeing this, Xu Tong hid in the kitchen, his eyes turned cold, he wouldn't bother to care about other people's affairs, but his wife dared to move, if he didn't care, he would be fooled by lard.

Sweeping his eyes left and right, he suddenly remembered that the girl said in his ear that the ashes from the bottom of the pot can make those ghosts not see him.

Thinking of this, he raised his brows slightly, hurriedly spit the ashes from the bottom of the pot on his body, then took the kitchen knife on the chopping board, and walked towards the room with a cold face.

But as soon as he approached the door and was about to push the door open, he heard a low-pitched wailing sound from the room. Xu Tong was startled, and hurriedly opened the door and rushed in.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw his mistress was sitting on the bed, holding the head of that ghost in her arms, chewing on it with great relish...

Seeing Xu Tong walking in with a knife in hand, Mistress wiped her mouth in a daze and said angrily, "Didn't you say, don't come out!"

Xu Tong stood in front of the door, and after a three-second pause, he said, "Would you like some tomato sauce?"

(End of this chapter)

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