Infinite script kill

Chapter 167 Drinking Soup

Chapter 167 Drinking Soup
Facts have proved that the teacher's appetite is not bad, she doesn't need ketchup, just a few mouthfuls, and the ghost's head is eaten until only an empty shell is left.

He took out a piece of silk from his sleeve, folded a triangle in his hand, and gently wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth. While wiping, he looked at Xu Tong and the kitchen knife in his hand.

"You don't really think that this little ghost can do anything to me." The teacher covered her mouth and smiled lightly.

"Where is it, Master's wife has great magical skills and boundless magic power, so my apprentice is really needless to worry about it."

Xu Tong had a bright smile on his face, and he almost wrote the words "obedient and obedient" on his face. He glanced at the corpse of the ghost messenger, but saw that the corpse turned into a puff of green smoke and gradually dispersed in front of him.

Master flicked her long sleeves, immediately gathered the green smoke into a ball, turned it into a blue glass bead, and threw it to him casually.

There was a furtive sneer in his mouth and he said: "This ghost has at least a hundred years of practice, and it is just when he is about to transform into a ghost head. I eat him and it is his doom. This ghost is a good thing. I will give it to you. A meeting gift from the teacher's wife."

His wife's airy tone always made him feel like a water village in the south of the Yangtze River, but his wife's tall physique, wide shoulders and round hips are obviously the characteristics of northern women.

Taking the so-called Mingyuan and taking a look at it, I saw that it was cold in the hand, and the feeling of holding it in my hand was like stuffing an old popsicle in my mouth, and my whole body felt cool and refreshing.

"Master, how do you use this thing??"

Because he couldn't call out the tool book at this moment, he could only ask the teacher next to him for advice.

"Put it under the pillow every day when you sleep to nourish the essence and stabilize the soul. It's the best choice. Pack it in a cloth bag when you go back. Don't show it off, or you will cause any trouble, and I can't protect you."

Mistress raised Erlang's legs and reminded her again and again, after all, Ming Yuan is not a thing to be seen, if Xu Tong hadn't come suddenly today, she would not have given it to him rashly.

Xu Tong put Mingyuan away, turned his eyes around, and asked tentatively: "Master, you still love me, but if we kill the ghost messenger, there will be no problem, right?"

From the previous conversation between the two, he could hear clearly that this ghost messenger came here not once or twice, and did not take away Master's living soul several times.

Shi Niang just killed him today, if it was said that it was just because this guy was greedy for Shi Niang's beauty, then he wouldn't believe it.

"Hmph, as long as no one reports back, even Lord Yan of the Ten Palaces will not be able to find out one or two of the ghosts who have lost their souls."

As the teacher swore, she heard a loud noise outside the door, and Xu Tong opened the door a crack and looked out.

I saw a big pot was set up in the yard at some point, and there was bubbling hot oil in the pot.

Look again, the two children from just now, holding a hemp rope, pulled five drunken brats out of the house.

These little ghosts love to eat eggs, and my wife deliberately stuffed the eggs into the wine bottle. These little ghosts couldn't wait to eat the eggs, so they drank heavily until they drank all the wine.

As a result, before the egg was eaten, he was already drunk like mud, and was pulled out like a bunch of gourds by the two dolls with a rope, and pushed into the oil pan, and he became a fried ghost in a daze.

The little ghost was fried in oil, like melted dough, was fished out by two children, kneaded into a ball, put it in the mouth to eat, the sticky texture was the same as eating glutinous rice cakes.

Good guy, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat. This teacher's wife is not a good person, and neither are these two children.

My master said that Shiniang's family had a child marriage with their family since childhood, but Shiniang's family is just an ordinary family. Now it seems that they are ordinary people. This is simply the underworld version of Sun Erniang who is in the water.

With the addition of these two dolls, if it is normal, I am the most normal.

At this time, the sound of a rooster crowing came from outside.

It's strange to say that although most of the houses in the old city are built by themselves, there are houses and courtyards, but I have lived here for so long, and I have never heard of anyone raising roosters.

Just thinking about it, I heard my teacher say: "The time is almost up, you should go to bed and rest quickly, don't tell your master what happened tonight."

Mistress stood up and went out, walked to Xu Tong's side, hesitated between her brows, couldn't help but paused, as if there was something embarrassing, until a moment before she said: "Your master is not in good health recently, your apprentice should Pay more attention, external application may not be enough, you need to find some internal medicine."

As soon as the teacher's wife said this, before Xu Tong could respond, she walked out the door lightly.

After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized: "So that's what it means!"

In a daze, he lay on the bed in a daze, and he didn't know when it was. When he opened his eyes, the sky outside was already bright.

Seeing the bright sun outside the door, the blue sky and white clouds, Xu Tong raised his brows, opened his palms and saw that the Ming Yuan given to him by his wife was actually in his hands, which seemed to remind him that he was not responsible for everything last night. dream.

Seeing this, he casually threw the item into the item book, and soon the item's entry appeared in front of him.

【Ming Yuan】

Ghosts, who have the right to grant, are the underworld. Although they are not subject to the incense of the world, they are nourished by Yin virtues.

The mental power of the holder is continuously improved, and it has an excellent nourishing effect on the soul and soul.

(Note: Mingyuan is a forbidden item in the underworld. Once discovered, it will be reported to the underworld. At that time, the bull's head and horse's face are black and white, and they will definitely come to check it out.)
This thing is just like what the teacher said, it is definitely a good thing, Xu Tong thought about it, and simply threw it into his item book, so he is not afraid of losing it.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Elder Song's voice coming from the house: "Oh, isn't this a violation!"

Xu Tong hurried into the room, raised his head and looked at the teacher who was sitting on the chair.

I saw the teacher's wife at this moment, as usual, sitting on the chair, with a delicate expression, she was no different from a living person.

If I hadn't gone through what happened last night, I might not have cared about it, but after what happened last night, when I looked at this mistress again, I couldn't help but start to mutter in my heart.

"Oh, why didn't you call me out? Look at the dishes on the table. I haven't even touched my chopsticks yet. It's smelly if I put it on this night."

At this time, Mr. Song yelled at him. He saw Mr. Song holding the chopsticks and fiddled with the food a few times. The chopsticks were thrown back on the table.

Xu Tong came over and took a look, the table of food in front of him had only been here for one night, but at this moment it had already produced a bad smell.

It's not that the food is bad. If you look closely, there's nothing wrong with the food except for the smell, but it just makes people lose their appetite.

In all likelihood, it should be the reason for those little ghosts last night.

After thinking about it, Xu Tong finally understood what was going on. After all, the things that this ghost has eaten, people must not be able to eat normally.

Seeing Elder Song's heartbroken look, he hurriedly comforted him: "Master, if you can't eat it, you can't eat it. It's just right, I'll clean it up and take you to a good place today."

"Good place??"

Elder Song curled his lips, he is a native of L City, what good place has he never been to? ?Immediately curled his lips and said with disdain: "Can you tell me a good place that I don't know?"

"Are you familiar with the Great Health Club?" Xu Tong's eyes widened, and he turned in the direction of his teacher's wife inadvertently from the corner of his eye.

"Ha ha……"

Song Long pointed to Xu Tong's head with his finger: "Boy, you know what a fart, the clubhouse is all fake. When I was playing this game, you didn't know where you were. Hanhan went to the clubhouse, and the trend jumped sand." Dance, do you understand!"

"Sand dance??"

Xu Tong pretended to be dazed, and squinted his eyes, and sure enough, a cold light flashed in the gray eyeballs of Master Mistress.

Seeing that the old man was about to tell himself about his romantic affairs back then, Xu Tong hurriedly stopped Mr. Song and said, "Don't, don't, it's getting late, I won't joke with you. Today I will take you to try three Dan Mutton Soup."

There are countless soup restaurants in L city. The soup restaurants with poor craftsmanship can't even think about surviving in March, and a street with good craftsmanship is all directed at others to attract traffic.

There are quite a few soup restaurants with good mutton soup, but there are not many famous ones. For example, Sandan, Tiexie, and Buyi's mutton soup restaurants are famous.

However, when the old man heard this, he frowned, but said nothing. He nodded and changed into clean clothes, took Xu Tong into the car and headed straight to Longmen Avenue.

As a result, the old man did not get out of the car when he arrived at the place. Instead, he asked the driver to go forward for about 100 meters, and the car stopped at a small intersection.

Pointing to an unremarkable sign at the intersection, he smiled at Xu Tong and said, "Boy, today I'll let you try some good soup."

As he said that, he led him inside, and a few steps forward, there was a tin shed with a table set up outside. Just looking at this store made people frown.

It is not so much a store, but a temporary tin shed, and the surrounding area is rushing to be demolished, so that if there is a sign with the word "Soup" written on the door, it really makes people wonder if this is a temporary dormitory for the demolition team.

However, the old man didn't care about these at all. He took Xu Tong in to have a look, and saw boiling broth in a big iron pot.

The broth is different from other restaurants, it is milky and white, and there is a layer of bright red fat on the soup surface, just looking at it makes people move their index fingers.

The price is not expensive, ten yuan soup per person, about seven or eight slices of mutton, sprinkle with condiments, a handful of chopped green onion, and then pour a spoonful of hot mutton soup, the soup stimulates the aroma of chopped green onion, and it is immediately fragrant.

Not to mention taking a sip of fresh soup, Xu Tong immediately felt as if his tongue was alive, full of umami, sweet aftertaste, paired with a big sesame seed cake, it is simply a great enjoyment in the world.

"Master, how did you find such a remote place?" Xu Tong asked while eating.

I only heard the old man blowing into the soup bowl, drank it in a sip, and pointed to Guanghua Temple not far away: "Sometimes I can't sleep, I often get up and go there to do some errands, and when I come back hungry, I just say Have a meal."

Xu Tong glanced in the direction of Guanghua Temple, and couldn't help wondering, "What are you running so far away?"

Elder Song chuckled, and whispered two words in Xu Tong's ear: "Beat me!"

(End of this chapter)

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