Infinite script kill

Chapter 171 Baby

Chapter 171 Baby
Xu Tong didn't expect that his teacher's wife would kill as soon as she said it would be a killer, turning her face faster than turning a book, and yelling at a woman's face in her heart, it's a day in June, it will change as soon as it is said.

I saw the embroidered shoes rising in the wind, and when they landed on the top of the head, they were covered like a hill.

The big head and arms were raised high, and the tentacles were densely entangled, and they turned into a big umbrella and threw a pestle on the head, trying to block the embroidered shoe with the paper body.

However, what Xu Tong never imagined was that what he thought was a close result was crushed and exploded by a majestic force the moment the embroidered shoes fell.


A gust of wind blew, and Xu Tong was blown away on the spot. After a second look, he found that half of Fatty's body had been trampled to pieces.

[The summoned creature is fat and damaged, please summon it again within 24 hours. 】


Looking at the torn fat man, Xu Tong's mouth twitched and he couldn't help taking a breath. He didn't know whether it was because he felt sorry for the fat man, or because he felt sorry for the script score, or because he was surprised that the fat man was killed in a flash.

Mistress's laughter sounded like silver bells: "Miss, these shoes grow in the wind, and they can step on the underworld without sinking. You are a mere paper doll, and you still think you can hold it? Didn't you trample to death?" Even if you are lucky."

As Mistress spoke, she raised her hand and grabbed him. The next second, her slender fingers appeared in front of Xu Tong, and she grabbed his head.

Of course he wouldn't sit still, looking at the thin white palm in front of him, his face turned cold, and he raised his arms brazenly, and the abilities of embers and magic power were activated at the same time.

Immediately, two strangely different but similar dark flames suddenly burst out from his palm, and with a big wave of his hand, he clapped heavily with his wife's jade hand.


The slaps together immediately created a layer of light blue flames in the air, and the strange flames spread in the air like a drop of ink falling into a basin, like a man in black Dancers in skirts dance in the air.

It was also the first time for Xu Tong to activate and use the abilities of two prop cards at the same time. In an instant, there was a fire like water smoke, as if the void was frozen for a moment.

Just after this short moment, a brilliant flame suddenly exploded in front of his eyes. The explosion was extremely overbearing, like two incompatible forces, as if they wanted to tear everything in front of him apart.


This violent force caught Master's wife a little off guard. Her red phoenix eyes slightly lifted up, revealing a little dignified look. When she pinched her fingers, Xu Tong immediately felt that the originally brilliant fire in front of him seemed to be erased in an instant. .

"Little guy, what skills do you have to let my wife see!" She sat in mid-air under the roof beams, looking down at Xu Tong.

The ability displayed by this little guy made her more and more curious. It seemed that old man Song was really lucky to find such an apprentice at the end of the day.

Seeing that Fatty's move was taken in seconds, and the power of his own twin fires was easily erased, Xu Tong realized how terrible his teacher's wife was.

Who would have thought that a paper figurine would have such terrifying strength, killing ghosts, easily suppressing the profound and wonderful realm of Buddhism with a single shoe, and even destroying Fatty so easily that he was powerless to fight back.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong clenched his hands tightly into fists, and his eyes became hot when he looked at his wife.

Apart from players, there are too many unexpected things in this world, even the teacher's wife is full of incomprehensible secrets.

This not only did not make Xu Tong feel terrified, but was extremely surging and yearning in his heart.

After hearing his wife's words, he frowned slightly, raised his head to look at his wife and said: "Master, please forgive me for being rude."

Seeing that Xu Tong was really serious, the teacher's wife had a disdainful smile on her face, and she didn't take him seriously at all.

However, in the next second, the smile on her face froze immediately, her eyes widened and she looked at the bell in Xu Tong's hand, and screamed, "Why do you have this thing?"

As he said that, he jumped up and appeared in front of Xu Tong like lightning. He raised his slender fingers, as if trying to seal off the void, which slowed down the speed of time around him a lot.


But even so, she was still a step slower, and an ethereal bell sound suddenly echoed in Xu Tong's hand.

The quaint bell, with a picture of hell embossed on it, is one of the 32 treasures of the Eight Gates [魑魔铃], and it is also a token of inheritance of the paper maker line.

In terms of the authentic lineage of the paper-making man, there are only four lineages, among which the Wang family belongs to the direct lineage. This thing should be held by the Wang family, but I don't want it to appear in Xu Tong's hands.

This time, even this mistress with great powers suddenly suffered a big loss.

I only heard the ringing of the bell lingering in the air, and as Xu Tong continued to shake, the sound became more piercing, even making the teacher's wife snort coldly, the figure kept retreating until it hid on the beam, fingers tightly grasped on the beam, It didn't fall off the top.

This burst of ringtones is precisely the accompanying skill of Meiling, the sound of Meiling.

The Voice of Charm
Consuming 5 script points, you can use the Charm Bell to make a violent sound, and produce a mental attack on the target within 15 meters around.

Deals huge damage to ghost creatures.

There is a 20% chance that the ghost will be temporarily unable to act.

There is a 10% chance that the ghost will be dissipated.

Seeing this, Xu Tong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, no matter how strong the teacher is, she is still a paper doll, and she will eventually admit defeat in front of the nemesis 【魑魔铃铃】.

"You are still from the Wang family!!"

Mistress also recognized the Meiling, after all, it was a token of Qimen, but the Wang family had disappeared for many years, and this thing would fall into his hands, which made Mistress a little surprised.

Xu Tong didn't make any excuses for this, he raised the bell in his hand, pointed the bell at the teacher's wife, and launched the enchanting sound again.


Now the teacher's wife's complexion finally turned ugly, the ringtone came to her ears no less than that of Huang Zhong Dalu, and the teacher's wife's eardrums were buzzing with pain.

His eyes turned red immediately: "Stinky boy, watch me peel your skin!"


At this moment, Elder Song's voice suddenly came from outside the door. Xu Tong looked back and saw that Elder Song had come back at some point. He hurriedly put away the bell on his hand, and ran to Elder Song with a mournful face. shouted:
"Master, you are back. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my wife beating the monk. I advised my wife to stop, but my wife still wanted to kill me."

Xu Tong is of course well versed in the reason why the wicked file a complaint first.

Really wait for the wife to speak, if the truth is turned upside down, maybe Mr. Song will give himself a way to kill relatives and clean up the family.

Elder Song glanced at Monk Miaojing who was vomiting blood on the ground, and couldn't help frowning.

Looking up at the woman in front of him, his expression suddenly became complicated, and he saw Mr. Song take out a silver box from his arms. This box is the soul core of Shi Niang and the others.

As long as Mr. Song gently pinches, the paper figurines in front of him will be wiped out in an instant.

But Elder Song put the silver box on the table: "Take the things, let's go."

Mistress was startled, staring blankly at the silver box on the table, her face flickering, and suddenly she started laughing, loud and loud at first, but the laughing voice became deeper and deeper.

"Hehehe... We have guarded you for so many years, and you will drive us away at the end of the day."

Elder Song's complexion changed slightly, and he shook his head: "That's not what I meant."

The teacher laughed coldly: "Haven't you heard that saying, it's easy to ask God to send God away, but it's okay to ask us to go, give this kid to me, and I'll take him with us!"

Mistress pointed her finger at Xu Tong's head.

"Don't!" Xu Tong crossed his arms on his chest, "Master, why don't you take this monk away, he's always getting old, but it can still be used."

Song Lao shook his head, didn't say anything, just took out a small ceramic pot from his sleeve and handed it on the table.

Seeing this ceramic jar, the teacher's wife's eyes immediately became hot.

"I know that you have guarded me for so long, and I have nothing to repay you. I will give you this thing, and we will not owe each other from now on."

When he said the last few words, Xu Tong stood beside Song Lao, and obviously felt that Song Lao's hands trembled a few times.

It seems that even if it is hand-made, it will still have feelings after a long time.

It's just that sometimes, people can't help but choose more.

Looking at this ceramic jar, the teacher barely hesitated, she reached out and held it in her hand, caressing the ceramic jar with her slender fingers, and at the same time did not forget to pick up their soul boxes on the table and put them in her hand superior.

"Okay! Okay, Song Qing, remember it for me. You gave it to me on your own initiative today. Don't regret it in the future. Also, the brat next to you is not a good thing. You'd better Be careful!"

Song Lao lowered his head and said nothing, sitting on the chair as if he was asleep.

Seeing Mrs. Li stomping her feet, she saw two dolls rolling over from the corner, landed on her feet and then jumped up, Xu Tong felt his eyes flash.

When I opened my eyes again, I saw that on the chair in front of me, my wife had returned to the appearance of a paper doll.

But when he took a closer look, he felt that the teacher's wife seemed to have lost the spirituality of the past.

After another look, it became clear that the pupils in Shi Niang's eyes had disappeared.

"You... You didn't give that thing to this evil ghost, did you?" Wonderland on the ground opened her eyes at some point, and asked.

In fact, his injury was not serious, but he had been pretending to be unconscious so as to find a suitable opportunity.

In the end, when he saw that Mr. Song actually took out such an important thing after he came back, Miaojing was anxious and jealous.

It's a pity that Mr. Song is always smoking with his head down, refusing to pay attention to his appearance.

Seeing this wonderful scene, I was even more annoyed, and got up from the ground: "Amitabha, Mr. Xue tried his best to set things right. I didn't expect his apprentice to give away things so easily. Get out! Farewell!"

After Miaojing finished speaking, he was about to walk out the door in a big stride.

Xu Tong frowned slightly, turned around calmly, picked up the stick on the table, and when he was about to strike, his wrist suddenly tightened, only to see Elder Song lowered his head and shook a few times, signaling that he could not strike.

As he spoke, he pulled hard and dragged him back to the chair: "Let him go, the cause is planted today, and there will be fruit in the future."

"Master, what did you bring out for my wife?? Can you make their expressions so exaggerated??"

Xu Tong helped the old man to sit back on the more comfortable rocking chair, and at the same time asked curiously.

Hearing the meaning in Miaojing's words, coupled with the satisfied expression of his teacher's wife when she left, he intuitively told him that this thing must not be simple.

Seeing that Elder Song was not in a hurry, he was smoking the pipe slowly, and instead of answering Xu Tong's words, he laughed and scolded: "Stinky boy, your wings are hard, and you still hide secrets for me??"

Elder Song grinned, showing his yellow teeth, but it made people feel extremely kind.

He took a puff of shredded tobacco slowly, and slowly floated up with the smoke cloud, only then did he answer Xu Tong's question just now.

"That was the thing that caused those evil people to go crazy back then. Your master Xue Gui also worked so hard to seal this thing. I don't know exactly what is inside."

It turned out that the reason why Elder Song went out so early was to get the soul core on the one hand, and on the other hand to take out this treasure that had been hidden for many years.

Xu Tong was shocked, he had discussed this matter with Gao Zhuo at the exhibition before.

According to Gao Zhuo, these evil ways suddenly appeared in 1986, but few people know the specific reasons.

And his master Xue Gui is the core figure in this vortex of the storm.

Could it be that those evil ways were all aimed at the small ceramic bottle just now? ?
Now he understood why Miaojing Fang had such a ferocious expression. This thing can make those crooked people so crazy, so it must be a rare treasure.

My teacher's wife actually got this thing, maybe there will be big problems in the future.

"Why, do you want to chase it too??"

Elder Song seemed to see through his mind, and said with a smile.

"No! I just feel a little pity."

Elder Song pulled him, motioned him to sit down and said in a low voice: "Actually, I know about the matter of your apprenticeship with art. I knew about it when you brought paper flowers into the door. But it doesn't matter, I just didn't expect it, You kid is pretty good at hiding."

As he said that, Song Lao suddenly took out another boxy box from his sleeve and threw it to him.

"what is this??"

Looking at the square box, Xu Tong's expression became strange. As soon as his hand touched the box, he immediately felt like an electric shock.

Especially the [source] in his item book actually seemed to be on fire, bursting out with dazzling glare.

"This is what your master got from the evil way during the battle at Beiman Mountain."

Elder Song knocked on the lid and said with a smile.

"Ah! Then what my wife took away just now is..."

"Hey!" Elder Song smoked a pipe pretending to be profound, and smiled excitedly: "She took it away, it's my shit!"

 Sorry, I have been recuperating recently, and it is always an update. Wait a little longer, and I will resume normal updates when I recover
(End of this chapter)

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