Chapter 172
"Master! You want my wife to take the blame for me!"

Xu Tong is so smart, he immediately understood Song Lao's intention when he heard this.

The master ran away with her things, and the master deliberately let go of the wonderful place. Isn't this the lice on the monk's head clearly?

I'm afraid that it won't be long before the news that my teacher's wife has absconded with the treasure will be announced to the public.

At that time, I'm afraid the teacher's wife will have a hard time.

Thinking of this, the bridge of his nose felt sore for a moment, and his mouth felt a little bitter. After all, they have been a couple for so many years, and he has only been here for so long.

But he didn't expect the master to turn the tide of disaster with one hand in the end, not only dismissing his wife, but also protecting himself. This kindness made his eloquent mouth suddenly become clumsy.

Mr. Song smoked the pipe and pot in his hand, and gently patted Xu Tong's arm with one hand: "When your master died, all kinds of monsters and ghosts would come to visit our house. There are ghosts, officials and thieves. It's so lively. "

When Xue Gui died suddenly, many people came to test the depth of Song Lao under the banner of paying homage.

From the head of a province to the little director of the street office.

There are thieves in the green forest, and evil little ghosts.

Three teachings and nine streams go around watching the lights, even in the middle of the night when he was still keeping vigil outside the door, he was already enjoying himself beating.

That period of time was too difficult, and it was also from being woken up in the middle of the night, and I could feel someone watching me while walking on the road.

Occasionally, if one is not careful, he will even be ambushed by someone. The beating is light, and when it is serious, his throat is almost cut.

"Back then, my master left in a hurry and couldn't protect me for a while. I suffered a lot and didn't dare to take this thing out in the end."

Elder Song pointed to the box in Xu Tong's hand. The contents in this box were extraordinary. Xue Gui might have thought of using it for Elder Song when he stayed there.

But this thing is too eye-catching, and I haven't found a suitable opportunity. Immediately afterwards, Xue Gui was plotted against. Song Lao has been more cautious all his life. By the time I get through it, my own people are already old.

Coupled with the reform and opening up, the people's lives began to flourish again, and Mr. Song didn't bother to care about these things anymore, and lived a down-to-earth life.

But he knew in his heart that there are people still thinking about the things in this box. If these people know, they will never leave the mountain gate if they have an apprentice.

Therefore, Elder Song squinted his eyes halfway, squeezed Xu Tong's hand tightly and said, "Son, Master knows that you are capable, but a good tiger can't hold back a pack of wolves. Master Lu has already helped you break through, and the rest depends on how you do it." gone."

"But Master's side..." Thinking of Master's methods, Xu Tong was still a little apprehensive. If he hadn't just happened to have the Meimei Bell in his hand to restrain her, he might have suffered a big loss just now.

But only relying on Qi Meiling, I am not sure that I can really agree to her, unless I activate the two abilities of the Dark Lord and the Demon King's Advent, but the cost of doing so is too high, and the gain outweighs the loss.

"Don't worry, she can't open that porcelain jar."

Song Lao is very confident about the seal on the porcelain pot. The seal on it is not from their Pingmen lineage, but the inspiration he found in an old book after reading a lot.

After the seal, unless there is a correct method, if you want to break the seal, you can only break it violently, but the things inside are so precious, who would take such a big risk to violently remove it.

Therefore, Mr. Song reckoned that his seal would last at least a year and a half without any problem. By then, people would find out that he had been fooled, and his best apprentice would have already run away.

Under Song Lao's guidance, Xu Tong dragged the paper figurines to the yard outside the door and took them apart.

By the way, it's just another lesson for him. Every time a place is demolished, Mr. Song will inevitably explain the unknown tricks carefully.

Without the paper doll body, the teacher will still need to hide for a while, and slowly look for opportunities. In the end, whether it's a dead body or a soul, it's not something that can be done in a short time.

It happened that this period of time allowed the master and apprentice to calm down and fill in the many vacancies after the entry.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and the master and apprentice gradually found their status. One taught by hand, the other studied seriously. After a few days of hard work, under the guidance of Mr. Song, Xu Tong's mountain worship gradually began to improve. .

Within ten meters of one bow, it is enough to hurt people's spirits. Even if the opponent's mental strength is obviously higher than his own, he still has the power to fight.

But that alone was not enough, Elder Song specially took him to see off several old people around the old city.

After Xu Tong asked, he found out that the old people who co-authored the old city had made an agreement with Song Lao long ago. In addition to the paper figurines to see him off, Song Lao must also preside over the process of handling at home after death.

Therefore, in the past few days, Xu Tong and Mr. Song had to eat a banquet every day, and his thin face unexpectedly became a little rounder.

On this day, the weather was not good, it was windy outside, and it looked like it was going to rain.

But today someone came to ask Mr. Song to preside over the funeral for their family. As soon as Mr. Song heard the name of the deceased, he didn't say anything, and came with him.

In front of the mourning hall in the house, several children were already crying together.

After comforting the family members, Mr. Song took Xu Tong into the mourning hall and to the room where the old man put the dead bodies.

Because this is a house built by the family, after setting up the mourning hall, the corpse will be parked at home for two days before being sent to the crematorium. Therefore, before that, Mr. Song needs to enter the house to cast a spell on the deceased.

Of course, this is what everyone said officially. In fact, Mr. Song wanted to draw out the grievances before death for the deceased. According to the family members, they actually heard their father talking last night when they were keeping watch.

What was even more strange was that the dead body sat up straight this morning, and did not lie down slowly until noon.

When he entered the room and looked at the black and white photos hanging on the wall, Xu Tong couldn't help being stunned for a moment. After thinking about it carefully, he thought to himself, "Oh, it's him."

The one who passed away today, I have seen him before. I remember that he and Song Lao met this old man when they were drinking mutton soup. (Volume 54 Chapter [-])
I remember that Mr. Song greeted him at that time. Although the old man didn't speak at that time, he was in good spirits. He never thought that the old man would say no.

I heard from family members that when they called the old man to get up in the morning, they found that the old man was actually wearing a shroud, lying straight on the bed, and when he stepped forward to wipe it, he was already cold.

This time the whole family panicked, but some elderly people said it was a happy funeral instead, with smiles on their faces and no sadness at all.

At least in the eyes of these old people, it is a great blessing not to be sick in the hospital, to walk without pain, and to close their eyes decently.

Many people came to pay their respects, including many local business elites and city officials.

After a little inquiring, it turns out that this old man Zhang is also a professor at a well-known university.

It's just that when Xu Tong glanced at the corpse, he always felt that something was wrong. Although the facial features looked peaceful, as if he was asleep, it always gave people a tense feeling, which made people feel very uncomfortable just by looking at it. .

"Old guy, you will suffer for your face!"

Elder Song glanced at Old Man Zhang, and couldn't help shaking his head and cursing.

Gently opened the old man's mouth with his fingers to let Xu Tong see. Xu Tong didn't see anything unusual, but he smelled a special smell.

Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, then looked carefully up and down and turned over the old man Zhang, and found that there were still some small thread fragments in his nails.

After pressing the old man's abdomen lightly with his fingers a few times, he couldn't help but looked at Old Song strangely and said in a low voice, "Suicide?"

Zhang Laotou's abdominal effusion came to light, his stomach had already begun to rot, and the speed was very fast, and it was not obvious at the moment because of the wide shroud.

And judging from the degree of bending of his fingers and the threads in the crevices of his nails, he should have experienced a struggle before his death.

After all, he even wore the shroud neatly, which shows that he attaches great importance to his own death. He should have washed himself clean before he died. There are still lint in his nails, which shows that the process of dying is very painful.

Xu Tong suddenly saw the sleeping pill bottle beside the bed, and probably thought of it, the old man probably committed suicide by taking sleeping pills.


Elder Song snorted coldly. At first he took old man Zhang's pulse and thought that this old guy would be fine for a few more years, but since old man Zhang knew that he had Alzheimer's, he never smiled again.

He has been a scholar and a teacher all his life, so of course he knows what Alzheimer's disease is.

An old man who is like a fool is a drag on the whole family, and he even suffers from incontinence.

This was a result that old man Zhang couldn't accept. He couldn't imagine what it would be like to die in a daze.

People can only feel pity when they see his skinny body.

Ever since, I thought of suicide as a way to get rid of it, hoping that I would walk decently.

But what he didn't know was that among all suicide methods, suicide by taking sleeping pills is undoubtedly a very painful one, second only to drinking paraquat.

The drug can cause stomach irritation and vomiting when entering a semi-sleep state, strong acid.

Because the nerves are paralyzed, the person cannot move, and the vomited liquid will enter the lungs and nasal cavity, causing huge breathing pain and a burning sensation in the lungs. The person cannot move, but they have to suffer for about 15 minutes.

Hmm... If you really want to describe this feeling, simply put, it is that you choke your throat when you eat chili oil.

Elder Song was both hateful and pitiful to him, and in the end he let Xu Tong complete the whole operation of attracting grievances.

Three sticks of yellow incense were inserted in the arms of the paper figurine, and a bowl of white wine was poured over it. Xu Tong followed Xu Tong's imitation of Chen Lao's formula and chanted the mantra, causing the paper figurine to burst into flames, which dissipated with the flames.
At this time, old man Zhang's nasal cavity began to flow out of black blood. He hurriedly put the black blood into the glass bottle he had prepared earlier, and then sprinkled money around.

Sure enough, the old man Zhang's complexion relaxed a lot when he was lying on the bed, and his expression suddenly became naturally relaxed.

After doing everything, Xu Tong carefully put away the resentment ink.

Open the door and let the family members come in and see the old father lying on the bed. After the tense feeling in his expression that made them feel anxious has disappeared, they all heaved a sigh of relief.

Send up a stack of thick red envelopes. Just looking at the thickness of the red envelopes, it would cost at least [-] yuan.

Such a large sum of money must not only be for Song Lao to preside over the ceremony.

The boss whispered a few words in Elder Song's ear, to the effect that he would not announce the real cause of Old Man Zhang's death to the outside world.

Elder Song glanced at Old Zhang lying on the bed again, took the money and threw it to Xu Tong.

Then he took him outside to wait, and finally did not participate in the so-called farewell ceremony. The old and the young squatted at the door in the shade and began to smoke and puff.

Especially Xu Tong's big hookah, the good guy spits out smoke in one puff, and those who don't know it think it's a barbecue.

"Some people say that life is unfair, but death is the only fairness in this world. This sentence is true, but it is also wrong."

Elder Song watched Zhang's family put the corpse into the iron jar of the funeral parlor, his eyes were particularly melancholy, and he grinned and said, "Actually, people will die sooner or later when they live.

But death is still divided into grades.

If those masters who attained the Tao die, it is called ascension.

When people like us die, it is called consummation of merit and virtue. "

As he said, he pointed at the old man Zhang who was thrown into the iron coffin, and he hated iron for not being strong: "But this kind of suicide, in the words of the underworld, is to eat enough to support the underworld, adding to the workload of the underworld out of thin air."

Do you think the Hades kid below will give you a good look? ?

It can be as light as going to hell for 100 years of skin cramping, or as serious as being sent to hell to die in vain. But if you can make some money, although the result will not change, the process will be completely different.

Xu Tong rolled his eyes when he heard this, and nodded again and again: "I understand, I will give you guide money when I get back, and I will burn a terracotta warrior for you to line up!"

"Fuck you, I'm going to hell, not to rebel." Elder Song kicked Xu Tong hard.

After the two of them had the banquet and finished the funeral of Lao Zhang's family, it was almost night when they returned home.

Xu Tong put the resentment ink he got today on the eyes of a paper figurine, and the eyes of the paper figurine that had been dotted on, suddenly felt a strange sense of agility.

If this sense of agility appears in birds and animals, it may be very flattering.

But if it happened to appear on a paper figurine, it would be more frightening.

He set the paper figurine on fire, and with the flames of wish rising, Xu Tong suddenly felt an unexplained sense of lightness in his body.

He knew this was the result of his entire paper-making ritual.

After a while, Xu Tong felt that his soul seemed to have become much stronger, as if he had received some mysterious boost.

This discovery made him overjoyed. Elder Song, who was sitting by the campfire, just looked at him with a smile on his face: "That's right, I've grown a little bit, go and burn the others behind."

Ever since, Xu Tong threw the teacher's wife's body, which had been disassembled before, into the fire.

The bonfire burned more and more vigorously, as if it wanted to burn the past in Song Lao's heart.

"Master, do you want to add some ingredients?" Seeing that Song Lao was not very happy, Xu Tong couldn't help asking.

"Add what??" Elder Song frowned in doubt.

"Cumin, chili?? Or sweet chili sauce is also fine."

The more he listened, the more wrong it became. Elder Song looked up and saw Xu Tong took out a handful of barbecued meat from somewhere, sitting in front of the campfire with a small brush, sprinkling seasonings on it, roasting it. It's a joy, the fragrance is overflowing.

Seeing this, the corner of Song Lao's mouth twitched, and when he was about to start cursing, there was a sudden knock on the door...

(End of this chapter)

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