Infinite script kill

Chapter 173 Qing Er, Zhang Family

Chapter 173 Qinger, Go Home
Who is knocking on the door in the middle of the night? ?
Xu Tong didn't move, but looked at the old man behind him who was about to take off his shoes.

The old man frowned slightly, put on his shoes with one hand, and nodded towards him.

Seeing this, Xu Tong stood up, walked to a few steps away from the door and shouted, "Who is it!"

While speaking, a small paper figurine flew out of his hand and stuck to the door beam without a sound.

There was no response from outside the door, just keep knocking on the door.

"Boom blah blah..."

The knock on the door this time was obviously much louder than before.

Xu Tong's face turned cold, and when he was about to speak, he heard a middle-aged man's voice from outside the door: "Eating the claws of Fangnian, Qian Cangxi, baby, don't praise me, it can't bring down the sky on the top of the mountain."

Good guy, this opening is an old Jianghu, Rao, who was instilled with a lot of black knowledge by Song Lao every day, was also dizzy by these words.

It's like a student who just learned addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Who can bear it if you suddenly come up with an Olympiad problem.

Fortunately, Elder Song was right behind. When he heard this, he stepped forward, cupped his hands through the door and said, "So it's Brother Mi, a rare visitor. My house is messy and disorderly. Please forgive me. You have asked for one."

As he said that, Xu Tong clasped his hands together, and bowed fiercely towards the door with a mountain clasp.

In the past few days, the power of my mountain buckle worship has been many times stronger than before. As soon as I bowed down, a wave of energy and energy merged into one breath hit the door hard.


Hearing the door sway, there was a muffled sound from behind the door, and a strange cry: "Be harder, the wind is blowing hard." After finishing speaking, there was no sound.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was about to open the door to see who it was, but was held back by Mr. Song. He quietly opened the courtyard door a small crack, squinted up, and saw that there was a hole in the beam. A bloody finger.

The fingers looked extraordinarily thick, and the flesh on them was more like chicken claw-like skin. The sharp nails shone with a layer of fluorescence in the dark, making them look extraordinarily pervasive.

"Hmph, worm-carving trick!"

Elder Song sneered, and wiped it with his hand. It turned out that the oozing appearance was just a layer of fingertips, and the dark and slightly thin finger inside was the real finger.

Throwing the finger cot to Xu Tong, as for the finger, Mr. Song just threw it under the sole of the foot casually, and stepped on it a few times before it was trampled into the soil.

"Master, that was just now..."

Xu Tong stood behind and watched, a little understanding, but also a little confused.

Only then did Mr. Song explain to him with a smile: "The one who eats and reads is from the Jianghu, and the claws are craftsmen. If you connect them together, you will be a craftsman who eats from the Jianghu. His surname is Mi, and he thinks you are not qualified enough to let me out."

In the past, there were people like this in Jianghu, who did not know where they developed their skills, and they only ate Jianghu food.

Eat wherever you go, the so-called craftsmanship of eating is nothing more than two words, beating.

For example, lie down on the gaming table in your casino and play for 10 minutes. No irons or ropes are allowed.

In 10 minutes, you let go of the beating, it doesn't matter how many people you call to beat me, as long as I am capable of beating me to death.

But if you can't kill me, hey, give me money!

This is the person from the rivers and lakes who eats and reads. Today, this one also brings a little craftsmanship, called Hang Tianmen.

Usually not one or two people come, at least three people, one with one hand on the door beam, two people hiding behind and hanging their legs with ropes.

It’s similar to the one I just said, to the effect that I’m hanging on the beam of your house, you can get me down today, it’s a skill, you can’t let me down, hey, either agree to his request, or he will kill your whole family.

Of course, to put it bluntly, it is to test your family's ability. If you encounter ruthless people, they can run faster than dogs.

Just like Xu Tong snapped off one of his fingers, and the group disappeared in a flash.

This group of people were just pawns who were tempted by others, Song Lao and he didn't take it seriously.

Instead, he took the opportunity to explain to Xu Tong the secrets of Jianghu slang. Just a few ways.

The difficulty is not great. In fact, this kind of code is everywhere in life, and even ordinary people understand it, such as technician and health care... When I saw these two words, I believe someone smiled knowingly, and my mind began to flash back Some indescribable pictures.

There is an old teahouse in the east of the old city of L City.

This teahouse was called Fenglailou back then, and it was a little famous place.

The two-story building is facing the horse market. Many horse dealers ride their horses in wind and rain. When they finally arrive at the horse market, they will drink a bowl of tea to quench their thirst, so it is called Fenglai Building.

But there are also people who say that this Fenglailou means that the trees want to be quiet and the wind is endless, and that it is a place where people from all walks of life gather, especially in front of the horse market is the crossroads of Tianqiao Street, the most bustling place, a place where dragons and snakes mix.

That's why some people say that this teahouse is just a place where people from the rivers and lakes drink tea and chat.

It's just that the Fenglai Building back then is now surrounded by self-built houses, which looks old and dilapidated.

The signboard of Fenglailou was gone at the entrance, and there was a dilapidated folk house, which was blocked by the main gate of the teahouse, as if it was already an abandoned building.

It's just that in these two days, this abandoned building has ushered in a second spring, and someone actually bought this building.

After buying it, the workers rushed to work overnight, and the teahouse was completely renewed in just two days.

Now the owner of the family in front of the teahouse, called Donkey, is not happy.

Their family opened a car repair shop on the street, and the business was not very good. Once the teahouse opened, no one advertised it, but there were more and more cars parked in front of their house every day.

What Rolls-Royce, what Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and at worst an Audi, if you drive a Mazda, you are embarrassed to put it here.

It is said that so many cars are parked in front of the door, the donkey should be happy, no, he is not happy, why, because he repairs bicycles.

Business was not good at first, but with so many luxury cars parked in front of my house, business is even worse.

Donkey is the respectful name given to him by this street. If you think about what kind of temper a donkey has, he has that kind of temper. He is very small-minded. He thinks that the business of this teahouse is so prosperous recently, and most of the people who come and go are strangers. What about the thief? ?

Not recruiting thieves, but blocking your own business?

Thinking of this, the donkey was not happy. He reported and made various phone calls every day, and even sealed off the intersection of the teahouse. The strange thing is that the road was sealed by him with wooden boards, but the business in the teahouse was reversed. It's getting hotter and hotter.

In the past few days, it was full of guests and friends every day, so the donkey once wondered if it was haunted.

Until night, a harsh knock on the door woke up the donkey family.

"Who is it!"

The donkey looked at his watch, and it was only four o'clock in the morning, and his temper suddenly came up, but the sound of banging on the door continued, which made the donkey tirelessly angrily walk to the door in underpants, with an ax in hand.

He opened the door and took a closer look, but there was no one there.

"no one??"

Just when the donkey was puzzled, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter from above his head. When the donkey looked up, he was surprised to see a person hanging on the door beam above his head.

He only heard the man showing his yellow teeth: "Hey, if the mountains don't turn, the water won't turn, and the water won't turn your head."

Before the donkey came back to his senses, he saw the opponent grabbing his head with one hand, twisting his four fingers with a "click!", and the donkey's head was twisted from the chest to the back. back.

Seeing the donkey lying on the ground, the three of them jumped down. The leader looked at his broken finger and said to himself, "That's just me. If I lose a finger, I'm not good enough." .”

As they spoke, the three of them drew their knives from their waists, stepped into the door, and closed the door silently.

Since then, the door of this car repair shop has never been opened again, and the Donkey and his family disappeared inexplicably.

Of course these are later stories.

Xu Tong followed Elder Song to hold a funeral for an elderly family today.


As soon as the words fell, the voice was as loud as a bell, and relatives, friends and family members in mourning clothes knelt down to the ground one after another.

After going through the previous funeral ceremonies, Xu Tong has now become a qualified funeral host, and he is already familiar with a set of traditional funeral ceremonies.

The most important thing is that Xu Tong's exaggerated acting talent makes every word, every word, and even those deep eyes, solemn, calm and rich emotions, comparable to a national recitation master.

And the hosting of several consecutive scenes allowed him to watch the farewell between the living and the dead, and also gave him a deeper understanding of life and death.

This is not only a dignity for the dead, but also a spiritual comfort for the living.

Perhaps the work of the paper maker itself is exactly the same.

It is this level of understanding that makes Xu Tong's next host, every link is extraordinarily heavy and professional, giving people a sacred and heavy aura inside and out, making people selectively ignore his youthful appearance .

Song Lao didn't say anything about this transformation, but he couldn't help feeling a storm in his heart.

At that time, he couldn't stop improving in practice, so his master Xue Gui asked him to learn to preside over funerals.

For this reason, he also hired the best master, but it was only after the master passed away for several years that he really felt the master's good intentions.

And Xu Tong only took such a short time to really integrate into it, even better than him.

This comprehension is simply incredible.

But it also made Song Lao feel relieved. He sat aside and took a sip of tea. He squinted and saw that he was much older in the mirror. He couldn't help sighing, walked out of the mourning hall with his hands behind his back, and went home first. .

After all, the master leads the door, and the practice is up to the individual.

Now that Xu Tong has really stepped into this threshold, he has taught everything he can teach, and it is time to go back and give himself an explanation.

Song Lao took advantage of Xu Tong's funeral and went home slowly.

Pushing open the door, he subconsciously looked at the chair in the living room.

In the end, when he saw that the chair was empty, Elder Song came to his senses.

So he walked to the bed and was about to open the bedside table, but suddenly he was startled, and saw a woman lying on the bed.


Mr. Song was startled at first, but soon became suspicious again. He stepped forward and lifted the quilt to see that it was a silicone doll.

"Hey, you brat, you startled me."

Looking at the silicone doll lying on his bed, Mr. Song cursed for a while, and then couldn't help pinching it a few times curiously. He realized that the doll's skin and flesh were extremely similar to the real person, and he couldn't help but sigh at the greatness of this science. It can be so realistic...

Song Lao blushed as he thought about it, and cursed: "Bah, bah, bastard!"

Then he shook his head and opened the bedside table.

Opening the most inconspicuous small box inside, Mr. Song walked to the yard step by step with the box in his arms, and sat on the rocking chair.

First, he took out his reading glasses from his pocket, then carefully put his hands on the box, and gently wiped the dust on them.

The box was opened, and Elder Song took out a photo from inside. The woman in the photo had big braids, bright black eyes, and a snickering look with her lips pursed. Looking at Elder Song, she couldn't help but laugh along with her.

Then he took out a ruler, and the long years had also left traces on the ruler, making the ruler shine bright in the sun as if it had been coated with a layer of paste.

Trying to tap it twice on the palm of his hand, the tingling sensation in the palm of his hand hit him, and he couldn't help but reminded him of the way his master used this to teach him a lesson.

It was very painful at that time, but it is very sweet to think about it now, but when you think about it deeply, you are full of regrets, until when you put the ruler back in the box, Song Lao raised his head, and there was a twinkle in his cloudy eyes. Looking forward to it.


In a trance, a familiar shout echoed in his ears.


He looked up in a daze, only to see the door, the old man in a coat was holding a bunch of candied haws, looking at him with a smile on his face.

The old man waved to him, and Song Lao's eyes lit up immediately, and he stretched out his hand subconsciously and pulled it. It was a callused and cut hand, but it turned into a white and tender hand in an instant.

"Master, you are back!"

"I'm back, I brought you candied haws."

Looking at the bright red candied haws, he couldn't help but open his mouth to bite down. It still tasted the same, so sweet and sour.

"Qing'er, let's go home."

The old man turned around to pull him away. Elder Song was taken aback for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, and looked back.

In a trance, he seemed to see a young man running towards him who was sitting in the rocking chair. After thinking for a while, his fair face suddenly grinned, and he took a candied haws from his hand and threw it in front of the young man.

"Master, Master!!"

Xu Tong put his finger under the bridge of Song Lao's nose, and his eyes turned red immediately. Just when his nose was sore, there was a sudden bang, and he suddenly looked up, only to see a stone flying down from nowhere, hitting the On the box in Song Lao's arms.

The box was knocked over by a stone, and all the bits and pieces were scattered all over the place. When Xu Tong looked, he saw a yellowed book falling on the ground under the stone.

There are five large characters [Qingyun Yishulu] written in neat simplified characters on it...

(End of this chapter)

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