Infinite script kill

Chapter 174 Singing Tricks in the Middle of the Night

Chapter 174 Singing Tricks in the Middle of the Night

The next day, the neighbors on the street walked out of the door. When they saw the white sails hanging in front of the opposite yard and the white couplets pasted on them, they couldn't help being startled.

Doesn't seem to understand what's going on.

It wasn't until I inquired that it was old man Song who suddenly disappeared.

Neighbors felt very different when they heard the news. The old people sighed, and there were many old people who would call Mr. Song uncle in terms of seniority.

They are just the witnesses of the times, watching the Song family's glory days when the cars and horses shuttled in front of the door, and the door was full of guests and friends.

Later, the family was ruined, the wife and children were separated, and he was lonely in his later years.

Just like the lyrics in "Peach Blossom Fan", seeing him get up from Zhulou, seeing him entertaining guests, seeing his building collapse.

But what I didn't expect was that the lonely old man Song in his later years did not leave the scene as bleakly as in the TV series "Dream of Red Mansions". Instead, he walked away peacefully. It is said that when people moved the body, they saw the old man Song sitting on the chair with a reddish face and a smile on his face. , Like falling asleep listening to a ditty.

The most peculiar thing is that the dead body of others is cold, but old man Song's body is actually slightly warm.

Reminiscent of the old man Song usually helping other people's funerals, and not receiving any money, people can't help thinking, this may be the accumulation of evil virtues, and he will be reborn in bliss.

As a result, more and more people came to pay their respects, most of them were neighbors, and some of them were people who had been favored by Mr. Song and helped to preside over the funeral. After hearing the news, they rushed over and simply paid their respects.

As an apprentice, Xu Tong is also a distant nephew, so he naturally assumes the status of a filial son, kneeling on the ground to return the salute to many worshippers.

Are you sad?kind of.

It was more of a reluctance. This old man was the first person who was willing to accept him after he walked out of the mental hospital, even though at first he only came with the purpose of honing his paper-making skills.

But I did not expect to receive such unprecedented care and dedication.

Before he had time to enjoy this love and repay it in the way he could, he left suddenly.

More importantly, this love did not disappear with Song Lao's departure. Instead, in that book [Qingyun Yishulu], it accompanied him in another way.

You can understand this book as the anecdotes that Mr. Song has encountered in his life, or it can be understood as the bottom of the box that Mr. Song passed on to himself.

Elder Song's funeral was not particularly extravagant. Xu Tong gave each person who came to pay homage to him a white bag with two green 50 yuan bills inside.

The amount of money was not much, but [-] to [-] yuan was distributed in one day, and some people even rushed over to kowtow one in front of Song Lao's photo as soon as they heard that they had money.

Xu Tong watched with half-closed eyes, and if he met someone who was particularly good at knocking, he would specially send two extra white packets.

Now the few people in the back kowtowed their heads even more vigorously.

For those who came for red envelopes, Xu Tong didn't even bother to return the gifts, and sent them away with a white envelope.

Of course, it is inevitable that some people gossip.

Just like the old ladies standing in the corner, taking the white bag from Xu Tong from their grandsons, muttering in their mouths: "Hmph, fake generosity, he got a real estate out of thin air, that's why he pretends to be generous." To show it to outsiders, this is the reason why the emperor ascended the throne to amnesty the world and declared that he is the orthodox inheritance right. After all, he spent money to silence us, just this... really stingy."

The old lady's look of coming, really made everyone feel so reasonable.

After the ceremony, the local funeral home sent a car to take the old man to the crematorium for cremation.

The few people who were rushing to kowtow just now disappeared immediately.

Xu Tong didn't hold any farewell ceremony, and simply bought a luxurious cemetery for the old man.

In fact, according to the local customs, guests are still invited to a banquet, but he omitted this step, which made those old ladies who still wanted to have a big meal and even put plastic bags on them immediately disappointed.

This time there was more gossip.

What's even more bizarre is that a neighbor actually stopped him. This neighbor lived next door, his surname was Liu, and his name was Liu Lan.

This is of course not his real name, but if the neighbors in the neighborhood call him that, he knows what kind of virtue this person is.

Liu Lan grabbed Xu Tong, and said to him earnestly with an expression of "I'm doing you a favor," "We need to hold a banquet, otherwise the neighbors will not get along well in the future."

Xu Tong smiled mysteriously at this, patted the old neighbor's arm and said, "I'll do it tonight."

Without waiting for the other party to ask another question, he turned around and walked into the courtyard door, and closed the door with his backhand, causing Liu Lan's nose to be ashamed.

Until night, the door was never opened again, so Liu Lan, who was still watching, stood at the door and cursed for a long time.


In the dim room, Xu Tong tried to sit on Mr. Song's usual grand teacher's chair, stroking the smooth armrests of the chair with his hands, and the patina on them was particularly comfortable to the touch.

He took two puffs of hookah happily, glanced at the clock hanging on the wall, pinched his fingers, and pulled the singing of Henan opera: "Come on~ah~ah~~~"

"Boom boom boom boom...boom~boom~boom..."

The rapid beating of the gong turned on the lights of the neighbors who had just been extinguished.

The first one to be woken up was of course the old Liu's house next door. I saw Liu Lan sticking his head out of the house and scolding: "It's midnight, who is so wicked!" Then he walked out of the house with his clothes on .

As a result, as soon as he went out, he saw the Song family's courtyard was brightly lit, and he could only hear the faint sound of gongs and drums inside.

Listen carefully, it seems that there are still people applauding.

So he frowned and walked to the door to have a look, and saw these large wooden tables in the yard, with snacks, wine and vegetables on the tables.

There were already three or four people sitting at the table eating and drinking.

Seeing this, Liu Lan slapped his thigh: "Huh~~~ You're really a scumbag, waiting for a banquet in the middle of the night?"

As he talked, he walked inside, and saw five or six tables inside, with people sitting sparsely. In front of the shed was a temporary shed, and people could vaguely see people beating gongs and drums behind the shed.

Seeing this, he was not polite, sat down, picked up a handful of peanuts on the table and stuffed them into his mouth, and at the same time took the wine on the table and filled it up for himself.

After a while, more and more people came in, some he recognized and greeted each other, but some didn't recognize them, he just felt that they looked strange and didn't seem like people from here.

Just when he was wondering, the drum was beating fast in front of him, and a big face in a costume stepped on the drum and walked in, speaking in a melodious and euphemistic Beijing accent.

"I think my grandfather died long ago..."

This is the main song in the funeral songs of the Peking Opera "Banquet", "Zhuge Liang Hanging Filial Piety", "Qin Xuemei Crying Spirit", "June Snow" and so on.

But the play of Banyan is even more solid. Once the accent is correct, the accent must be powerful, but the softness of the Beijing accent must not be lost. Instead, it must give people a sense of perfection.

Therefore, this opening made the crowd below applaud.

Hearing the drums beating faster and faster, Liu Lan, who was sitting on the chair, looked up carefully: "Hey, isn't this the brat who can sing operas."

Immediately, the face became happy, a glass of wine was paired with peanuts, and I picked up a piece of snack from time to time to eat deliciously, and the sleepiness on my face was gone.

While eating and watching, Liu Lan suddenly felt someone sitting next to him, squinted at him, and didn't care at all.

However, just as he was about to take a sip of wine, Liu Lan suddenly seemed to think of something, and suddenly turned his head to take a closer look, only to see the man sitting at his table, the more he looked, the more familiar he looked.

" Wang?? You...are not dead..." Before finishing speaking, he suddenly covered his mouth, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead.

He didn't know the old man of the Wang family very well. He only knew that he worked in a locomotive factory. Last winter, his wife sewed a cotton cap on him because he was afraid that he would be cold at work.

It turned out that when the new machine was being debugged that day, he accidentally rolled the cotton cap into it, and half of the Tianling Gai was rolled up on the spot, and he died a miserable death. He remembered this incident clearly.

The other party turned around to look at him when he heard the words, and immediately smiled: "Liu Lan, you must be silly after drinking, can a dead person sit here and watch a play with you?"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Liu Lan also drank two glasses of wine, his head was covered, and he nodded subconsciously when he heard this: "Yes, yes, I am confused, my mind is confused."

"I think you are also a scumbag, are you confused when you are only in your early fifties?"

Brother Wang curled his lips, looked at Liu Lan with disdain on his face, and said, "Look at me, my brain is not confused, because I have no brains."

As he said that, he saw this old brother Wang lifted his scalp with his hand, and there was no bone under the scalp, and the inside of his head was empty and bloody.


Seeing this, Liu Lan stared, took a sip of wine in his throat, and then spit it out again.

For a while, his face turned red and white, and his mouth was crooked, "Ah~~" Just when he was about to yell out, Liu Lan suddenly felt something was wrong, and looked sideways, only to see that the performance on the stage had long since been sung.

A group of people turned their heads and looked at him. There were rotten faces, and some of them were even more gut-wrenching.

Suddenly a gust of cool wind blew over, Liu Lan's scalp felt numb all of a sudden, and the blood all over his body cooled down, looking at a few familiar faces among them.

With a thump in his heart, he suddenly remembered, no wonder his face was so familiar, he remembered the man in the middle, wasn't he the one who was hit to death by a big truck at the intersection the year before last? ?
And that guy, whose head seems to have melted away, was originally the owner of a hot pot restaurant in Jiekou. In order to attract business, he set up a big oil pan at the door.

As a result, the oil burned, and when I was stepping on the stool to put the seasoning, the sole of my foot slipped, and I fell into it, performing a scene for everyone, frying a living person.

"These are all ghosts!"

Liu Lan trembled in his heart, turned around and ran with a yell, and just as he ran out, he saw a burst of fire behind him.

The flames radiated in mid-air and burned bigger and bigger. Liu Lan stood at the door of the house and watched, only to see that the sky became pitch black after the flames rushed into the sky.

At this time, he vaguely heard the sound of camel bells on the street, squinted his eyes, and saw a group of figures dressed in black and white, holding funeral sticks in one hand, and a chain in the other, walking towards him. come over.

Seeing this, Liu Lan suddenly had a bad thought in his heart. He couldn't tell what it was like, but he just instinctively wanted to run home.

I don't know who locked the door of the house, and Liu Lan was so anxious that he knocked on the door.

"Open the door, who is at home, please open the door for me quickly, open the door!! Bang bang bang..."

Liu Lan yelled anxiously, looking back from time to time, only to see that group of figures walking faster and faster, as if they would come to his side in the blink of an eye.

This made him even more chilly, as if a mouse had seen a cat, and there was a breath of fear in his bones.

It may be that Liu Lan's wailing and door slamming were so ear-piercing that the leading pair of figures in black and white clothes gradually slowed down and looked towards him.

Just the glancing gaze made Liu Lan's body freeze, and a strong premonition rushed straight to his forehead, as if if he was targeted by these people, he would never be able to go back.


Fortunately, at this time, the door was suddenly opened, Liu Lan only felt that his eyes were dark, and then he knew nothing.

I don't know how long it took, but when Liu Lan opened his eyes again, the sky outside was already bright.


Looking at the bright sky outside, Liu Lan sat in front of the bed for more than ten seconds, still recalling what happened last night in his mind: "Dream?"

Just as he was wondering, the door was pushed open, and it was Liu Lan's wife.

As soon as he saw him getting up, his wife put a bowl of noodles on the table heavily, and said angrily, "Oh, I was so blind back then, why did I marry you, a slob? Are you sleeping??"


Liu Lan smashed his mouth, got up from the bed, and held the noodles in his hand.

The wife re-made the mattress, and said while making the bed: "You are also big-hearted, and there was such a big fire last night, you can sleep well!"

"Spray...cough cough cough..."

This sentence almost choked Liu Lan to death, he choked a few mouthfuls, took a sip of water before recovering, and turned around: "What fire??"

"What kind of fire could it be? The old Song's house next door, at four o'clock in the morning this morning, a big fire burned them all. Two old houses and one tile-roofed house were completely burned. I was almost scared. Dead, call you, you don't get up."

As soon as this incident was mentioned, Liu Lan's wife gritted her teeth angrily, but she didn't notice that Liu Lan's expression was a little unnatural.

He ate the noodles blankly, and began to think about what happened last night.

"Is it a coincidence?? Or do you think about it every day and dream at night??"

Just when Liu Lan was thinking wildly, his wife started to mutter about other things:

"The same goes for firefighting. Although it is next door, there is a two-meter-wide road between them. The fire in his house can't be burned. I don't know that bastard smashed the door of our house desperately, but it scared me. Well, I didn't want to open it at first, but I didn't know what to think, so I opened it, but when I opened the door, I didn't even see anyone..."


As soon as Liu Lan's wife finished speaking, the bowl in Liu Lan's hand fell to the ground, and when she rolled her eyes, she was so frightened that she fainted.

(End of this chapter)

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