Infinite script kill

Chapter 175 Chapter 21: The Wind Comes to the Building

Chapter 175 No.20 Sheet: Feng Lai Lou

【Shadow Play】

There are many dead ghosts in the world, and it is difficult to save life without seeing the blue sky.

His Majesty the City God sleeps during the day, and there is a ghost temple fair in the middle of the night.

This is the poem written by Song Lao in "Qingyun Yishulu", which is the scene he saw in Qingcheng Mountain in his early years. He said that a Taoist in Qingcheng Mountain took him to a temple fair.

This temple fair is very strange, it is not held in the bustling urban and rural areas, but in a dilapidated Town God's Temple in the secluded mountains, not far from the cemetery, there is not even a single family within a few kilometers.

As soon as Mr. Song entered, he saw an empty temple fair with scarecrows tied up everywhere.

There is not a single person who is upright and honest, but quite a few low-class people from the rivers and lakes gather here.

When he asked, he realized that this was the so-called ghost temple fair.

The so-called ghost temple fairs are mostly people from one or several families of cultivation, who gather together and use various means to gather all the dead ghosts here.

Then everyone showed their magical powers and killed these dead ghosts to earn Yin virtue.

It sounds similar to the current business routine, first make the cake bigger, and then everyone eats it.

Elder Song was not prepared at the time, so he simply wandered around.

As a result, by mistake, he met Feng Jinde, a disciple of Liyuan in Xiajiululi, by chance.

It was precisely because of Feng Jinde's relationship that he was also fortunate to watch Liyuan's methods and sing dirty dramas from the sidelines.

To put it bluntly, it is to sing operas for ghosts, use funeral operas to attract ghosts, and put yellow incense tributes on empty tables for these dead ghosts to eat.

In the end, I was using drama to dissolve the grievances of these dead ghosts and earn Yin virtue for myself.

But Mr. Song felt that although this method was good, the efficiency was too low, and too few dead ghosts could be moved overnight.

After the temple fair was over, Elder Song and Feng Jinde drank again in Qingcheng Mountain. He said that there would be fewer and fewer ghost temple fairs in the future, and there would not be much virtue to be earned.

I heard that he is planning to take his team to Hong Kong.

Some ghost and zombie movie places over there, when they encounter evil things, they will often invite their troupe to sing a night of ghost drama first, so that the dead souls in those places will be forgiven.

At that time, they will have virtue and earn money, killing two birds with one stone. Even if he has the opportunity, he will open a film company and make a movie about zombies.

Therefore, when the two of them said goodbye, the news was cut off and there was no more news.

At the end of the story, Song Lao gave an idea of ​​his own. He summoned the death ghosts in a play, and then used their seven-door paper figurines as tributes and ghost money as a lure, and summoned the ghosts to send all the death ghosts down. .

Of course, this is just an idea. After all, he has spent so many years piercing paper figurines before he can use resentment ink to add eye-catching skills to paper figurines. How can he still have time to learn how to sing.

In fact, Mr. Song’s idea is correct. If he can think this way, others can think of it too. But the problem is that it’s hard for ordinary people to learn all their own skills in their entire lives, because they can’t eat too much. Not to mention learning other people's skills at the same time.

If he really has such ability, why would there be such a thing as a ghost temple fair.

"Hi sir, do you want something to drink?" The flight attendant walked to the seat and asked Xu Tong.

"Thank you for a Coke."

He slowly closed the [Qingyun Yishulu] and raised his head to smile at the stewardess, then he couldn't help looking out the window of the plane, only to see that the city below was getting smaller and smaller.

The huge city L gradually shrinks into a ball, and it can be clearly seen that this ancient capital city is surrounded by mountains, Beimang, Dongsong, Nanxiao, and Xionger.

It gives people the feeling of an eight-direction barrier, but unfortunately he doesn't understand Yin-Yang Feng Shui, and he can't see why.

I don't know how my wife is doing now.

Thinking of this, he took out the small box that his master gave him from the item book, and when he held it in his hand, it immediately felt like a leaking small battery, making his fingers numb.

Especially my prop card [source] seems to be particularly interested in this thing, as long as I hold this thing [source] this prop card will keep flashing.

It's not that he didn't think about opening the box, but as soon as his hand touched the switch of the box, he was bounced back by an invisible force.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the item book came.

"Legendary item, please open it after entering the corresponding script world."

(Note: It can only be opened by entering the corresponding script world. The higher the degree of world matching, the higher the rewards obtained, but the difficulty of this world will be correspondingly increased.)
This is the reason why he has not opened the box, but it also makes him more determined to enter the big script [Progress in the Era of Panic]

He had a strong premonition that in this script, he would meet the master again and maybe even meet the master.

This premonition gave him endless expectations.

It's just strange that Gao Zhuo has already submitted the application, but after such a long time, they have never received the news of entering the script world.

This made Xu Tong feel a little helpless, so he could only get on the plane to Xiangxi in a hurry after the fire last night, and was going to find Gao Zhuo.

On the one hand, the two can sit together to fill in the gaps, and on the other hand, it is convenient for Gao Zhuo to find the lost soul of his old man after this script.

As for the ID card and materials, he had already got them in the file room of the mental hospital last time.

His plan was correct, but this journey made him bumpy so much that he was about to spit out.

Because there is no direct flight, he needs to transfer to CQ for a day. After tasting the hot pot in CQ, he has to say that the hot pot is still delicious in CQ.

The bright red butter looks like it will increase your appetite, and the crispy taste of fresh duck intestines, hairy belly, and yellow throat is simply enjoyable.

Unlike other cuisines, hot pot requires not only knife skill, but also fire skill, plate arrangement, creativity and so on.

Compared with hot pot, it pays more attention to the freshness of raw materials.

Take duck intestines as an example. In City L, few people eat these things. Most restaurants don't accept them. There is no way to guarantee their freshness. Naturally, the taste is greatly reduced.

In addition, there are tender bamboo shoots. Xu Tong ate a large plate by himself, and he ate the food of four people alone, which is not counted as two large pots of rice on the side. My lord, he is simply Qu Cai. When he finally paid the bill, he specially gave him two bottles of sour plum soup.

CQ's hotpot journey is always short. When he got off the plane from Zhangjiajie and boarded the train to Jishou, the air on the train was dull and bumpy along the way.

Even with the blessing of the player's physique, it made him very uncomfortable.

It was not until around two o'clock in the night that I finally got off the train.

As soon as he got out of the station, the cold night wind blew on his face. Because of the blessing of his dark physique, Xu Tong couldn't help but take a few deep breaths, and he became energetic again.

Looking around, there are a few small tricycles parked somewhere in the deserted streets, and the tallest building in sight may be the hotel with the signboard of [7+1 Theme Hotel] hanging in front.

Reminiscent of the magical mountain city and high-rise buildings of CQ, a sharp contrast arises spontaneously.

"Brother, do you buy shredded tobacco? Top-quality shredded tobacco!"

At this time, a person not far away waved and shouted at him, Xu Tong glanced over, and saw that the person was about thirty years old, wearing a duckbill cap on his head, wearing travel clothes, and carrying a backpack behind him, At first glance, it looks like a tourist visiting.

"It's not enough to just ask for shredded tobacco, you also have to give me a hookah pipe!"

"Screw you!"

The other party stood up and lifted the bridge of his hat to reveal his true face. Gao Zhuo's face was very strange. The lower half of his face was very thin, but his owl bones and cheekbones were very large and wide, which made him feel a little uncoordinated overall.

So much so that he looked like 36, his face was full of vicissitudes, and he grinned at him. For some reason, Xu Tong always thought of the alligator in the zoo.

He never judges people by their appearance, but he just thinks his face is abnormal.

"Let's go, let's talk in the car."

Gao Zhuo pointed to Wuling Hongguang at the side. After all, this is the entrance of the station. No matter how few people there are, there are always too many people.

Xu Tong nodded, then got into the car, opened the door, a special smell in the air made him frown, and when he looked back, he saw that there was no chair in the back row, but an iron coffin .

"Sorry, it's unfortunate that you came today. My original car was hit by a car. It was just sent to the repair shop. I can only drive this car to pick you up. Anyway, you shouldn't dislike the smell."

Gao Zhuo said with a grin.

Xu Tong nodded. The last script of the two of them was full of dead people everywhere. Compared with this taste, it was nothing worth mentioning.

After getting in the car, Gao Zhuo pulled him straight to the entrance of the night market. There was a local night market, but it was not as bustling and lively as the old city. The night market here was only open with a few shops.

The two found a remote place and sat down casually. After Gao Zhuo ordered a few specialty dishes from the shop, he whispered to Xu Tong: "I heard that Mr. Song gave away the things?"

"Yeah!" Xu Tong calmly picked up the freshly fried small crabs and stuffed them into his mouth, chewing hard, not as delicate as eating hairy crabs, these crabs were fried thoroughly Crisp and topped with a savory dressing, it tasted alright, even better with a jug of wine.

To his surprise, he didn't expect that Xiangxi, who was so far away, had already got the news? ?

Obviously, the news that Mr. Song gave the things that Xue Gui left behind to his wife has now spread all over the world.

After all, the things that happened back then were so big, it was because of this thing that Xue Gui sealed it back then, not because no one came to ask for it, but because of the environment at that time and some special factors, no one dared to make a big fuss come to ask for it.

After finally waiting for the world to be peaceful, Xue Gui has already passed away.

Leaving Mr. Song behind, he hid in Tibet during those days, and people were willing to give up after suffering a lot. As a result, after so many years, news suddenly spread.

Now many old guys of the older generation were alarmed.

Gao Zhuo asked mysteriously: "Did you hear about Fenglailou when you came here?"

"Fenglou?" Xu Tong tilted his head and looked at Gao Zhuo suspiciously. He didn't expect that Gao Zhuo, who seemed quite honest, would still play this trick.

"No, no, no..." Seeing that he couldn't understand what he meant, Gao Zhuo hurriedly explained: "It's not Fenglou!"

"Oh, it's Lou Feng?" Xu Tong nodded and responded with a little disappointment.

"Oops. The wind, the strong wind blows the wind that blows the clouds, and the wind comes to the building."

Gao Zhuo shouted in a voice almost roaring, causing several people at the neighboring table to turn their heads to look at him.

"Look at the melon seeds, and then I'll chop you up." Sensing these weird eyes, Gao Zhuo cursed viciously.

He was already ugly, killing people like a dog, his cold eyes swept over, just like a big wolf dog at night, with green light shining in his eyeballs.

Whoever looked at it trembled all over, and lowered their heads one after another, not daring to look this way.

Gao Zhuo is very satisfied with this, not Gao Zhuo.

On this three-acre land in western Hunan, he is the tyrant king, and if anyone dares to make him feel uncomfortable, even if the township chief comes, it will be useless.

Sitting back on the chair again, he glanced at Xu Tong angrily: "Fenglailou, the famous teahouse in your L city, can be traced back to the Ming Dynasty at the earliest, and it is a place where people from all walks of life gather."

"Oh!" Gao Zhuo said, spitting all over the place, but Xu Tong simply said "oh" and didn't continue.

Seeing this, Gao Zhuo could only continue: "Feng Lai Lou, Feng Lai Lou disappeared many years ago, and now someone has reopened Feng Lai Lou and distributed magic-eliminating invitations, all for your family."

Xu Tong took a mouthful of fried crabs, and couldn't help but look at him curiously: "And then?"

"Don't you... care about it, the news said, it seems to be your teacher's wife."

Gao Zhuo was really defeated by Xu Tong's appearance.

I felt like I was talking a lot in one breath, but nothing got to the point.

"Hey, my teacher's wife is very capable, she has all-powerful means, so it's not my turn to worry about it."

Xu Tong knew that when Monk Miaojing returned, he would never easily tell everyone the background of his mistress.

After all, this incident not only affected their family, but also Guanghua Temple.

In the final analysis, it is not daring to admit mistakes and wanting to be a hero. In Xu Tong's view, this is a two-sided thing.

Sooner or later, Guanghua Temple will have to walk around without food.

Of course, he wouldn't tell Gao Zhuo about these things, after all, it involved a lot, so he had to be careful.

After the two finished their supper, Gao Zhuo took him straight to their house.

He said he wanted to introduce his family to him.

In the middle of the night, Xu Tong didn't want to disturb him, but he couldn't stand Gao Zhuo's repeated invitations, so he had to visit late at night.

In fact, this matter is nothing to the Gao Zhuo family.

Their family has been exorcising corpses for generations, sleeping during the day and traveling at night, and this habit has not changed over the years.

So when Xu Tong rushed over, Gao Zhuo's father was sitting in the living room waiting for them.

Seeing Xu Tong Gaozhuo's father raised his hand with a calm expression, he crossed his fingers and smiled apologetically: "Four little yin gates, Gao Tianfang, show respect to brother Xu."

In terms of seniority, Xu Tong is Gao Zhuo's uncle, equal to Gao Tian.

But even though his son had vaccinated him repeatedly before, after seeing Xu Tong's age, Gao Tianfang's face was calm, but he was still very uncomfortable, so when he raised his hand, there was a shadow of a three-point bow to the mountain , just to take this opportunity to test the depth of this kid.

(End of this chapter)

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