Chapter 176

Standing at the side, Gao Zhuo's expression suddenly changed. No matter how familiar he and Xu Tong are, the other party is also a player who kills without batting an eye.

In case he turned his face, he would not be human if he was caught in the middle.

But Gao Tianfang didn't care about this, he worshiped the mountain buckle speciously with one hand, and bowed down to Xu Tong.

Suddenly, a gust of cool wind rushed towards his face, and then there was a rumbling sound like a landslide.


Seeing this, Xu Tong was not angry but happy, and he didn't try to resist. He let this huge aura envelope him. In the final analysis, I have never really experienced the things that I comprehend in the strands of energy.

I never thought that Gao Tianfang would actually know how to pay homage to the mountain button. Although it is a bit specious, it is a rare opportunity for him.

Simply don't resist at all, so that I can feel it more deeply.

Seeing Xu Tong's unmoved appearance, Gao Tianfang's face turned cold, and he crossed his hands and tensed his fingers: "It's so bold, I admire it!"

With a sound of admiration, the second obeisance has been aimed at Xu Tong.

This moment was even more astonishing than just now, a phantom appeared in front of his eyes, the world in front of him suddenly darkened, and countless black air currents blew towards him.

The first worship hurts human life, the second worship invites ghosts and gods, and the third worship knocks on the gate of Hades.

The black air flow blows over and blows on the body, it feels like this piece of flesh has been scraped off by a knife.


Seeing that his father was playing for real, Gao Zhuo stepped forward to stop him, but was kicked on the ground by his father, and squinted at him: "Don't think that if you let me get up from the bed, this family will become a big mess." You are in charge, get out of here!"

After speaking, I saw Gao Tian put his ten fingers back into the cage slowly, each finger interlaced, forming a strange gesture, and bowed down to Xu Tong again.

In an instant, his eyes went dark, and he vaguely saw some portal slowly opening towards him in the darkness.

Seeing this, Xu Tong finally moved, but slowly raised his hands. The same gesture has a completely different charm from Gao Tianfang.

Every finger, even every fine hair on the back of the hand, actually emits a glimmer of light in the darkness, bows slightly forward, and immediately in front of you is howling ghosts, foxes and wolves, an inexplicable Qiyun spread around Xu Tong.


Immediately, Gao Tianfang felt numbness in his hands, followed by an unstoppable force that knocked him to the ground, and when he took a closer look, he saw that his hands had turned black and blue.The fingers were even more swollen.

"Don't fight, don't fight, we lose!!"

When Gao Zhuo saw this scene, his heart was in his throat, and he hurried forward to help his father up, but Gao Tianfang not only didn't appreciate it, but pushed him away, got up by himself, and looked at Xu Tong in front of him with a complicated expression. .

I saw him standing there neither humble nor overbearing, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, his black and white eyes were clear and unmarked, and he looked neither angry nor annoyed, so that Gao Tianfang was in a trance, and saw the shadow of old master Xue back then.


Xu Tong smiled at the corner of his mouth, changed his gestures, and bowed slightly to Gao Tianfang to apologize.

In fact, Gao Zhuo's worries are superfluous. During this period of time with Song Lao, even if he is not from a formal Jianghu background, he has learned a little bit of the habits of Jianghu people under Song Lao's teaching.

What is the habit of the rivers and lakes? ?
Xu Tong's understanding is that it is not enough to talk about rules and seniority, whether you can fight or not, and you are not enough to beat you. Qi, I will send you to see Hades early.

In short, unless it is absolutely necessary, never force people to die.

Gao Tianfang was stunned for a second before he came back to his senses. Instead of being angry, he laughed loudly, and stepped forward to hold Xu Tong's hand enthusiastically regardless of the bruises on his hands.

"Okay, okay, Junior Brother Xu is indeed a heroic boy. This brat told me that you are Mr. Song's apprentice. I didn't believe it at first, but looking at it now, we are really a family."

As Gao Tianfang said, he kept pleading guilty, as if he had changed his face, he dragged Xu Tong into the house.

After the two sat down, Gao Tianfang waved his hand to signal his son Gao Zhuo to bring over the shredded tobacco he had prepared earlier: "Try it, this is the finest tobacco leaf."

As he said that, he opened the outer paper bag, and a special smell came out of it. Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he was not polite at all. He took out the hookah that Gao Zhuo gave him, squeezed a pinch of shredded tobacco and stuffed it into the cigarette. pot.

Gao Tianfang on the side even lit a fire for him himself, his enthusiastic appearance made Gao Zhuo on the side a little bit appreciative.

"Brother Xu, don't mind, Gao Zhuo has already told you about Fenglailou, and before you came, Fenglailou has sent three groups of people to inquire about you.

I have some doubts in my heart, and I have to get confirmation from you before I dare to let you in, otherwise my family is afraid that it will be destroyed in the near future. "

Gao Tianfang said it thoroughly, meaning that if you really have the inheritance of Mr. Xue's lineage, my family will guarantee it, but if you have no real skills, even if you are hindering Mr. Xue's relationship, today I don't intend to let him in this door either.

If you are so exhausted, you will tell the outside world that you have not seen you, and that you are worthy of the favor by helping you hide your whereabouts.

Let's be realistic, very realistic, without any strength, who will take the risk with you, don't say you are here to help, I think you are more like an asylum.

But on the other hand, if you have strength and inheritance, that is a completely different attitude. Even if I fight to destroy my family, I will protect you from worry.

After all, it is easy to be a bole, but it also depends on whether it is a thousand-mile horse.

If you encounter iron weights like Liu Adou and Li Xingyun, who is full to help such people?
Xu Tong nodded to express his understanding: "Brother just now, was that Baishankou?"

Baishankou is a unique skill of his own master, and Gao Tianfang can do it, but it is a bit specious. After careful experience, he has a completely different feeling from Baishankou.

Strictly speaking, that is no longer Baishankou.

"Hey." Speaking of this matter, Gao Tianfang was a little proud, but also a little disappointed.

It turned out that when Mr. Xue came to their house, he saw him standing on the water tank and practicing kung fu, so he came to the school to test him. He was quite satisfied with the result, so he gave him some advice.

At that time, he also demonstrated the mountain bow to him, saying that it was a match of fate, and it was up to him how much he could comprehend.

Gao Tianfang was really up to date, he had already figured out the outline after just reading it once, and after his improvement, it became his unique skill.

It's just that Gao Tianfang has only learned a little superficial after all, and Baishankou combined with their family's corpse to descend evil spirits, and the result is specious, which looks a bit similar, but it will not work when he meets Xu Tong's orthodoxy.

What kind of person is Xue Gui? Although Baishankou seems to use a sinister spell, it is actually an upright Taoism. It was created by Xue Gui from the Taoist collection and combined with the technique of the paper maker. from.

It seems simple, but if you don't understand the tricks, it's not good to just look at it.

Xu Tong himself has obtained the inheritance, and now he has only learned the first prostration, and he is still far from the level of knocking on the door of Hades with the third prostration like his master.

But even so, Gao Tianfang's talent and savvy are indeed astonishing enough, but due to some unforeseen circumstances, he was suddenly paralyzed in bed for so many years.

So much so that their family has declined so badly, coupled with the changes of the times, the business of exorcising corpses has declined beyond words. Fortunately, the name of their old man still has a little prestige in the western Hunan border to barely support it.

It was some time ago that Gao Zhuo quietly injected him with a genetic enhancement drug to make him stand up again.

For this matter, Gao Tianfang beat Gao Zhuo severely. The medicine that can cure him is not easy. It is not easy for this kid to waste it on himself. It is simply cruel.

Gao Zhuo was also dying, and he didn't mention a word about the genetic enhancement medicine. In short, this wonderful father and son is quite ironic.

Gao Tianfang chatted with Xu Tong for more than half an hour, mostly talking about Xue Gui back then, his face was full of admiration.

After all, in that era, he was the one who could convince people of all schools and schools.

At this time, seeing that the sky outside was about to dawn, Gao Tianfang yawned and signaled everyone to rest early, and tomorrow he would take Xu Tong to visit the scenery of Xiangxi.

"Hey, I finally left."

Gao Zhuo sat down on the chair, and when his father was talking just now, he stood aside and waited from the beginning to the end, not to mention the torment in his heart.

Seeing that his father had finally left, he became bold.

"Don't be surprised, my father has this kind of virtue, the times have changed, and he still sticks to the old way."

Gao Zhuo apologized to Xu Tong with a bitter face, after all, he came to help, Gao Zhuo was still very sorry that his father came to make a note of Ma Wei for no reason.

As for what his father did, he obviously didn't buy it, it was just that his own father's majesty was still there, and a son really didn't dare to resist.

"No, I think it's pretty good. It's hard for you to understand what people of the older generation do, but they are more principled than us and know what faith is."

Xu Tong was smoking a shisha, when suddenly his voice changed, he looked at Gao Zhuo with a smirk, until Gao Zhuo was getting hairy all over, then he said with a smile: "It's okay, let's talk about our own from now on, you don't mind me Call you Uncle, I will call you Brother, let’s not interfere with each other.”

"Fuck your non-interference!"

Gao Zhuo rolled his eyes, and as soon as this matter was mentioned, Gao Zhuo felt depressed.

He was in his thirties, and he called Xu Tong, who was more than ten years younger than him, his uncle. When he was about to say something, the expressions of the two of them perked up at the same time, only to hear the prompt sound from the item book suddenly.

"The big script [Progress in the Age of Chaos] will start in three days, participants please get ready!"

(End of this chapter)

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