Infinite script kill

Chapter 177 Preparations before entering

Chapter 177 Preparations before entering
After such a long time, the two finally received a reminder from the item book, and they couldn't help looking at each other, but their expressions were completely different.

Gao Zhuo's heartbeat couldn't help speeding up. Ever since he promised Xu Tong to go to the big script with him, he pestered his father to tell him the stories of those years when he got home.

It's fine if you don't talk about it, but Gao Zhuo's heart murmured for a while.

According to his father Gao Tianfang, in that era, people like them were always hated by ghosts and gods wherever they went.

It is not only to hide one's ability, but also to guard against those evil schemes.

After all, there are too many old monsters left over from Yuan Datou's era.

If there is a gust of wind in an era, then this gust of wind is a rare evil wind, unhealthy wind, and poisonous wind.

It belongs to the handover of the old era and the new era, just like the last few hops of a fish in a frying pan.

For example, the person who credits the knife, Sheng Ji borrows life, iron pot soaks beans, etc. When Gao Zhuo told Gao Zhuo such a few short stories, Gao Zhuo's heart jumped wildly.

Some of these stories were witnessed by Gao Tianfang with his own eyes, and some are unsolved cases so far.

Among them, the iron pot soaked beans are the most indescribably weird.

There is such a case, it is said that a monk came to a town.

The monk has a good appearance and is dressed in cassock. The most exaggerated thing is that he wears a string of rosary beads the size of a baby's fist around his neck.

The monk sat at the entrance of the town as soon as he came, chanting scriptures and meditating every day, without a drop of water for several days, and occasionally begging for a bowl of clean water with the people in the town.

After a long time, everyone was shocked by the monk. At this time, some people still didn't believe that the monk didn't steal food.

So the monk simply took a small boat and spent more than ten days in the center of the lake.

Now more and more people believed in the monk, so they asked about the monk's origin.

The monk did not mention his Dharma name, but only said that there was a temple nearby, which had been dilapidated for a long time, and he wanted to raise money to repair it.

But the monk didn't take any money, so he turned around and left after speaking.

When people rushed over to take a look, they saw that there was indeed a dilapidated temple. They rushed in and saw that there were only two or three monks inside.

When I asked about the eminent monk, none of the monks recognized him. When everyone was confused, someone suddenly saw a stone statue of Arhat that looked exactly like that one.

Now everyone suddenly realized that this was the manifestation of Arhat.

As a result, people in the town raised money for donations one after another, and many people went bankrupt and donated money to the temple when they heard the news.

As a result, two months passed, but there was no movement in the temple at all. When people looked again, they found that the temple had long since been deserted, and there was no monk in it.

At this time, an old man who passed by the town learned of the incident and revealed the mystery to everyone.

It turned out that everything was a well-planned scam, the monks were all fake, and this temple was also a deserted temple they had found long ago.

The so-called arhat is of course a fake. The reason why he can not eat or drink is because the rosary on his neck is actually made of beef jerky.

When he was hungry, he secretly gnawed on a piece of beef jerky, and of course he didn't need to eat anything else.

As soon as the old man said it, everyone realized that they had been cheated.

Just when he was angry, the old man grinned and stopped those people who wanted to smash the statue of Arhat.

I saw him draw a circle around the Arhat statue, and then borrowed a big iron pot and put it in front of the stone statue.

It is said to let everyone throw soybeans in, soak in water, and the money cheated will come back in a few days.

Everyone was skeptical, but they didn't lose anything after thinking about it, so they followed suit one after another.

As a result, within three days, the liar turned himself in, and it was only when people started to find out that the head monk had a belly bigger than the pregnant woman who was about to give birth in nine months.

It is said that it was a dream every night, dreaming that someone was feeding me beans and watering me, but I was very hungry, but I couldn't eat anything, and my stomach swelled up, getting bigger and bigger.

After inquiring, I found out about the matter of the old man, so I hurriedly surrendered and begged the villagers in the town to take out the beans in the iron pot.

But it turned out to be a step too late. Not long after the fake arhat surrendered himself, he suddenly died. The appearance of his death was extremely cruel. According to the forensic doctor, all the internal organs in his stomach were eaten away.

When people rushed to the temple, they found countless mice eating beans.

As for the old gentleman, he has long since disappeared, and has since become an unsolved case.

Who is this old gentleman?How did he do that?Even now no one knows the secret.

But in that era, such secret and strange killing techniques emerged endlessly.

The story wasn't scary, but after Gao Zhuo heard it, he felt scared.

You must know that this kind of big script is often based on reality, which is so cruel in reality, let alone in script.

Contrary to Gao Zhuo, Xu Tong looked forward to it even more. Even if Gao Zhuo deliberately told him these stories, he had no intention of making him retreat.

But at this time, the spatial reminders are coming, even if Gao Zhuo retreats mentally, it's useless.

The only thing that can make him feel at ease is that he bought a special prop at the exhibition, which allows him to quickly leave the script space when he is on the verge of death.

Of course, the price is also huge.

Erase all the gains from this script kill, and at the same time deduct all your own script points, and randomly draw a prop card for you.

This punishment cannot be taken lightly, it is enough to seriously hurt any player's vitality, and even face the risk of not having script points in the next script kill.

But compared to dog life, this is still acceptable.

It is because of this amulet that Gao Zhuo will not have to disband the team.

Three days, whether it is long or short, is enough for them.

Because they can probably guess the background of this script, the preparations of the two are also very targeted.

Gao Zhuo also took out the guns and bullets he bought from the border as if offering treasures.

He couldn't buy large-caliber weapons, but he could buy two Type [-] pistols and two large boxes of ammunition.

Most importantly...he also bought a high-explosive grenade.

With these things, at least he won't feel cowardly if he does it with real swords and guns.

Xu Tong has also been in a hurry to prepare these two days.

In addition to the paper figurine, he also used the calamity of the star eyes to bless the spirit enchantment.

After being upgraded, he can finally bless the gold foil happily.

Of course, there is only about a 40.00% chance of success. In addition, before the spirit enchantment was divided into three scripts, it now requires five points after upgrading.

In addition to the binding fee of the Star Eye Tribulation, Xu Tong just made a statuette of less than three inches and couldn't stand it.

This is simply a money-burning hole, just like this three-inch little golden man, he burned nearly [-] script points.

It is equivalent to resurrecting a big fat man. When these two are added together, he has lost [-] script points before entering the script space.

If he hadn't gained enough script points from the previous script world, he really wouldn't dare to squander like this.

"Hiss, this gadget is quite unique."

Looking at the completed statuette on the table, Gao Zhuo couldn't help but find it amusing, and couldn't help fiddled with it a few times.

As a result, as soon as he touched it, his finger was cut by the edge of the paper figurine.

"Don't touch it randomly, this is not a work of art, it's a killing tool."

Xu Tong was lying on the sofa, and with a slight hook of his finger, he saw the paper figurine flying up into the air, like a cannonball, ruthlessly piercing into the beam above his head.

Then, under his control, it slowly climbed down, and two small hands made a deep crack in the wall.

This little guy may seem inconspicuous, but after being blessed by the spirit-enchanting technique, his lethality is extremely fierce.

Because it is too small, Xu Tong deliberately made it full of sharp edges and corners.

Coupled with his ability to manipulate paper figurines, it is enough to cause great damage to the enemy when the opportunity is right.

With the addition of Big Fatty, he is confident that even without moving the two main forces of [Magic Power] and [Ember], he has the ability to kill people with one shot.

With the addition of the Mountain Blessing button, even the so-called Voldemorts that Gao Zhuo talked about, he is not at all cowardly.

"Bang bang bang..."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

Gao Zhuo opened the door a gap, looked outside, his expression was not so good.

"Didn't you say it, don't bother me here if you have nothing to do."

Xu Tong glanced sideways, only to see an old lady in Bai costume outside the door.

Looking at her hair full of silver threads, she looks like she is in her early [-]s at least.

I saw her holding a thermos, ignoring Gao Zhuo's displeasure, and handing the thermos over with a smile.

"It's getting cold, I made mushroom soup for you, drink it while it's hot."

Gao Zhuo looked at the thermos, his expression softened a bit, but his tone was still cold: "Got it."

After saying I got it, I took the thermos and shut the door firmly without giving the old lady a chance to say a second sentence.

Although Xu Tong was surprised by Gao Zhuo's abnormal behavior, it was a family matter and it was inconvenient for him to ask about it, so he didn't worry about it.

The old lady who had a bad nose was not angry, she turned around and walked out with small steps.

She didn't have a room in Gao's house, but the only room. There was a broken house not far from Gao's house. It used to be a horse stable, and she lived in it after cleaning it up.

I just got home here, when I opened the door, the room was dark, and I could vaguely see a bed and a small table.

Not even decent furniture.

The only thing of any value was the mahogany dresser in the corner.

The old lady turned on the small lamp on the table, and the room was slightly lit.

He sat in front of the dressing table, looked at his white hair, and didn't know what he was thinking, a faint smile slowly appeared on his face.

As if recalling something beautiful.

After thinking about it, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "There are two most uncomfortable things in the world. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, and the child wants to support but the relatives don't wait."

As soon as the words fell, a figure suddenly rushed out from the shadows, and put a knife against the back of the old lady's heart.

Under the dim light, the shadow gradually revealed its appearance, but it was not a living person, but a puppet.

"It's been so many years. Is that old monster in Fenglailou still alive? Times have changed now, so it's good to live with peace of mind, why bother... Pfft!"

Before the old lady finished speaking, the puppet slammed the knife forward.

However, when the blade pierced in, it seemed as if it was stuck inside and could not move.

Not only that, but the old lady's head was slowly turned from the front, with a sneer on her face:
"The Cai family is getting worse and worse. Back then, Shui Xian'er had amazing skills, but now the descendants can only wait for such indiscriminate calculations."

While talking, I saw the puppet suddenly go limp and fell to the ground with a crash, followed by a scream from outside the door, and when the door opened again, a burly man walked in carrying a corpse.

Respectfully bent down and whispered: "Seven people came to Fenglailou, three died, and the rest ran away."

(End of this chapter)

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