Infinite script kill

Chapter 178 Entering the big script

Chapter 178 Entering the big script

"Ding bell~"


The familiar voice made Xu Tong smile.

Squinting away, under the yellowish light, the familiar face, exquisite facial features, and big eyes twinkling under the curved willow-leaf eyebrows are staring at him.

There was a bit of anticipation and tension in the indifferent eyes.

Xu Tong glanced over, and couldn't help but think of four words: "If you want to refuse, you still welcome."

His brows were slightly raised, and a gap was drawn between his eyes, standing behind Gao Zhuo winking and teasing.

Facing Xu Tong's teasing, the young lady's face was expressionless, but her fingers under the bar creaked.

"Hello, we made an appointment for a big script..."

Naturally, Gao Zhuo didn't understand the subtle changes in the eyebrows of the two of them, so he ignorantly inserted in the middle, interrupting the communication between their eyes.

"The black door on the left, just push the door and go in." Gao Zhuo was a little embarrassed by the cold response.

But I don't think it's a big deal, after all, the front desk is not something ordinary players like them can afford.

There used to be a player who didn't know how to live or die, and felt that his strength was good, but he had the guts to moles the front desk.

In the end, the one who died was miserable. It is said that there were no bones left.

So whether it's the front desk or the host, Gao Zhuo's attitude is to stay at arm's length.

Yes, hide as far as you can.

However, Gao Zhuo had just taken two steps when he realized that Xu Tong hadn't followed up. He looked back and almost popped his eyes.

Seeing Xu Tong actually laying on the bar counter with his chin on his hands, and flirting with the cold young lady at the counter with a mean expression, Gao Zhuo immediately rubbed his teeth.

"This guy..." Gao Zhuo's face suddenly changed, and he was about to step forward and pull Xu Tong away.

I saw Xu Tong actually took her small hand, and put the [Polypoma] that had not been identified before in her palm.

"Last time you promised me that if I come back alive, you will accompany me to heat the hot pot."

"Huh, that's a beautiful idea." She smiled, picked up the hammer under the table and smashed it hard on the prop card, and handed it to Xu Tong: "It's arrived."

Seeing that the item card was being handed over, Xu Tong stretched out his hand to take the item card, and at the same time gently pressed it on her palm without any trace.

Immediately, a strange feeling like a cat scratching came over her, making her face blush, and when she pulled her hand back fiercely, a despised Thousand Paper Crane had already appeared in her palm.

"Then come back this time, and I'll take you to the hot spring."

As he spoke, Xu Tong glanced at her chest.

Well, Xiaohe has just shown her sharp horns, and dragonflies have already stood on her head.

Sensing Xu Tong's eyes, the young lady snorted coldly and turned around.

But then he turned around and reminded: "Although it was the mission script initiated by you, others still have the permission to join at any time."

Gao Zhuo and Xu Tong couldn't help but sigh when they heard the words, they are both smart people.

It's a reminder to them that at any moment someone is going to step into their script, maybe even peach-picking at some pivotal moment.

Gao Zhuo wanted to ask more clearly, but the young lady pointed to the time: "Go in, the time is coming."

In fact, there are still 5 minutes left, but she obviously doesn't intend to say any more, as if she is circumventing some kind of rules.

Seeing this, Xu Tong had no choice but to pull Gao Zhuo back.

Every two steps, Xu Tong suddenly remembered something and turned his head to look at her eagerly, his expression gradually became serious.

Seeing his serious expression, the young lady frowned slightly, and her heart tightened.

It took a while to hear Xu Tong say: "Remember to buy a swimsuit, the kind that fits tight."

She froze for a moment, then laughed and scolded sullenly: "Bah, I didn't promise you."

But Xu Tong didn't care about this, he pretended not to hear, and dragged Gao Zhuo, who was at a loss, inside.

Seeing this guy's disappearing back, she pouted and said to herself, "Nervous."

As he spoke, he glanced at the paper crane in his hand again. After hesitating for a moment, he still took out his mobile phone and entered the word swimsuit in the search bar of a certain treasure.

The hall was empty and no other players entered. There were four doors, except for the one that usually entered the script world.

There are three more portals, a red door with a grimace on it leading to the exhibition.

On the other side is the black portal they want to enter.

As for what's inside that white door?No one knows, at least with the qualifications of the two of them, they are obviously not qualified enough to understand the mysteries.

Looking at the black door in front of him, Gao Zhuo swallowed nervously, collected himself, and stretched out his hand to push the door.

A black corridor appeared in front of the two of them.

Stepping into the corridor, the faint light in front of my eyes can only clearly see the outline of the corridor in front of me.

Without a host to lead the way, it always makes people feel that something is missing.

Although Xu Tong doesn't like the host, but I have to say that the host's figure is really seductive.

When the two reached the end of the tunnel, only two small doors appeared in front of them.

One white and one black seem to imply something.

After the two looked at each other, Gao Zhuo took the initiative to choose Heimen without any discussion.

If it had something to do with identity, it would be easier for Gao Zhuo, an old Jiang Hu, to be in the underworld.

"We might not be together after we enter. Be careful in everything. Remember our password." Gao Zhuo pointed to his cuff.

I saw that his cuffs seemed to be stained with ink, stained with these faint blue dyes.

He also has such a mark, which is a special item that can only be seen by his teammates.

Xu Tong nodded: "Be careful in everything. If you have to, disband the team and leave quickly."

After Gao Zhuo reassured him, he pushed open the black door in front of him and walked in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a shrine in the dark room.

The weak candlelight on both sides of the shrine makes the statues enshrined in the shrine look particularly blurry.

He took a deep breath. As a senior player, he already had a wealth of experience in the routines before entering the script world.

But just when he relaxed and was about to see who was enshrined in the shrine.

Suddenly the candle in front of him dimmed, followed by Gao Zhuo's heart skipping a beat.

When I wanted to see more clearly, I found that the shrine was empty.


I clearly saw a god statue inside just now?Why is it gone?

He went up to take a closer look and made sure there was nothing in the shrine.

Just when I was wondering, I suddenly heard a deep and strange laughter.

He followed the sound and looked up, only to see a blue-faced and long-toothed Buddha's head looking down at him, with two bright red eyeballs, like two red lanterns.

Gao Zhuo's scalp tightened, and seeing the Buddha's head getting closer, he subconsciously wanted to run out, but just as he was about to move, a huge finger fell down, and the next second, Gao Zhuo's body was smashed to pieces, and he fell into deep darkness ...

On the other end, Xu Tong opened his eyes,

It was a rainy night outside the door, a cool wind was blowing, and there was a smell of earth in the air.

In the dim room, only an oil lamp barely illuminates the room in front of me.

Outside the neat files in the room, there are white coats and blue police caps hanging on hangers in the corner.

The black suitcase and camera are neatly placed on the table.

An anatomy map of a corpse was placed in front of him.

Judging from the photos, the internal organs of the corpse have been charred, but the strange thing is that the appearance of the corpse is intact.

Flipping through the documents on the side, a page of archival paper fell from the table.

He picked it up and saw that the above content was his appointment notice.

Looking at this notice, some memory fragments suddenly appeared in Xu Tong's mind.

The person he plays now is called Zhao Jian.

He used to do forensic appraisal at the Provincial Police Department, and the salary and benefits were good. In addition, his family is engaged in police work. With this relationship, it is said that the future will definitely not be bad.

But Zhao Jian is a very good person, always insisting that there is a problem with a case.

In the end, he was transferred to L City as a forensic doctor. Although he was a professional counterpart,... it was equivalent to being thrown into the cold palace.

Generally speaking, the promotion potential of professional forensic doctors is very small, and some people are still forensic doctors for a lifetime.

Besides, this job is not easy to do. The dirty work is tiring and hard work, all of which are done by forensic doctors.

Other police officers went to the scene to take a picture and extract the evidence. The forensic doctor basically did everything, and was also responsible for moving the corpse, dissecting it, sorting it out, etc...

Throughout the year, the deadly smell on my body can't be washed off with soap.

If you want to find a girlfriend, if you hear about forensic medicine, you will basically be out of luck.

After all, thinking about the hands that caress the corpse every day, and caressing yourself, I believe that few women can bear it.

Salary and treatment... not much different from ordinary civil servants.

Therefore, even those who study forensic medicine often do not engage in this profession.

As for the professional tools in TV dramas, just look at them, and they are rarely fully equipped for you.

The family wanted to get him out of the office, but he didn't want to, because he had a bad temper, and no one said it would work. A forensic doctor is a forensic doctor. It's easier to deal with corpses than with people.

One last look at the signing date of the letter of appointment.

December 1968, 7

Xu Tong rested his chin with his fingers, and couldn't help thinking about it.

It will be some time before this world and I meet the master, and it is estimated that the master has not come to L City by this time.

This identity is good, official identity, equivalent to an umbrella.

But there are restrictions. After all, with such an identity, many things will not be very convenient to do.

Especially prone to repulsion effects.

Thinking about it, in general, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

It's just that I don't know what the identity of this guy Gao Zhuo will be.

Before he could get acquainted with the unfamiliar environment in front of him, he heard a knock on the door.

A police officer opened the door, poked his head out and shouted to him: "Brother Zhao, hurry up, there is a case in the eastern suburbs, the boss told us to go there quickly."

Xu Tong nodded: "Oh", then stood up, put on a white coat, picked up the toolbox on the table and walked out.

On the broken jeep that was about to fall apart, the car rang the alarm bell, rolled up the rotting mud all the way, and drove unsteadily to the eastern suburbs.

Then he had the opportunity to look out of the car window. The small tile-roofed houses and the potholed gravel road looked like a fifth-tier village, which was completely different from the L city he had imagined.

It's hard to imagine that City L, the ancient capital of nine dynasties, would look like this in this era.

The car came to the eastern outskirts, and under the heavy rain outside, it came to a bush. Xu Tong opened the bush to have a look.

I saw the corpse of a middle-aged man kneeling on the ground, pinching the flower with both hands, and knocking his head on the ground.

Large and small corpse spots have already appeared on the gray-white skin.

Xu Tong carried the box and walked forward, and after a careful look, he found that the man's abdominal cavity had been cut open, and what was even more strange was that there was actually a Buddha's head stuffed inside.

(End of this chapter)

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