Infinite script kill

Chapter 184 Mr. Storyteller

Chapter 184 Mr. Storyteller
The wind is coming!
I remember that before I entered, I had heard Gao Zhuo say that this Fenglai Building was originally a place where the world and the world gathered, and its boss was even a big shot in the world.

What's interesting is that in reality, because of that thing, Fenglailou, which had been closed for many years, reopened.

I don't know if this wind will blow on me.

Speaking of the thing his master gave him, he hasn't opened it yet, and he plans to wait until he finds Gao Zhuo.

Stride into the teahouse, and as soon as you enter the door, you will see a ebony screen with a nondescript poem pasted on it.

The wind brings the ash of the plants and trees, and the rain makes the bones of flowers dew.

Don't wait for idlers to pick, insects and birds have come first.

"In the guest officer, please."

The clerk in the store came forward and led him to a small table.

The size of the huge tea house is almost the size of a basketball court, and there are two floors above it.

The decoration is not luxurious, but the wooden structure gives people an antique feeling.

There is a storyteller on the high platform in front of him, telling a story about Duke Bao beheading his son-in-law.

Look again at the sign hanging by the door, it is clearly written, today is Pingshu, tomorrow is Henan Opera, and the day after tomorrow is juggling, and the performances are not the same every day.

I don't have much talent for tea tasting, so I randomly ordered a pot of clear tea, a plate of peanuts, and a plate of melon seeds.

Come here, no matter what tricks this Fenglailou has, I just treat it as entertainment in my free time.

The waiter nodded with a smile, turned around and brought the teapot with the tea leaves to Xu Tong, holding a large kettle in the other hand, and while making tea, he asked with a smile: "Isn't the guest from the local area, is he here on business?" Or come to play around?"

Xu Tong glanced at the waiter, took out his hookah pipe casually, rubbed the shredded tobacco, and asked, "Why, is there any fun place, can you recommend it to me?"

"Hey, there are not many interesting places, but if the guest officer has leisure time, he can walk around at will. It is nothing more than the scenery of Longmen Mountain, the autumn wind in Luopu, the evening view of Mangshan Mountain, the evening rain on Tongmu, the morning tour in Hiraizumi, and the Xiaoyue in Tianjin. , the sound of the white horse bell, and the scenery are not as magnificent as the famous mountains and the style of Gusu, but it is a place where literati have written their pens and left their poems since ancient times.

The buddy is also eloquent. I don't know if he listens to a lot of books here, and he has a storytelling tone when he speaks.

While the waiter was talking, Xu Tong had already roasted the shredded tobacco. He took a deep puff with the hookah pipe in his hand, and the smoke filled him for a while. Although there were many people smoking in the teahouse, Xu Tong's puff immediately made the surrounding people smoke. The cloud of smoke covered it.

The guy at the side was also choked to the point of being out of breath, thinking: "Good guy, this young man is more addicted to cigarettes than those old men."

The buddy couldn't take it anymore without saying a few words, and after pouring the tea, he hurriedly found an excuse and ran away.

Xu Tong smoked a cigarette and drank a sip of tea. It happened that the storyteller on the stage also finished this paragraph, and he apologized to everyone with fists in his hands, and then walked off the stage to rest.

Whether it’s a storyteller or an opera in a teahouse, most of them are paragraph by paragraph, and some just pass by here, tell a few paragraphs in the teahouse to earn some money, and then leave. It’s hard for you to listen to a whole story.

What's more, if you don't know anything else, just point to these paragraphs to live, you want to ask him what's next?I'm afraid he doesn't know either.

After this one went down, another came up in a moment.

This gentleman was obviously different from the one just now. As soon as he got on the stage, the expressions of all the people below became energetic, and there was even a lot of applause.

This is obviously the gentleman who is resident in this teahouse, and he has already gained some fame in this area.

Although not as good as the actors on the stage, he can already rely on his own fame to make a living.

"Guys came early today. I've been feeling unwell for the past two days. I've had a stomachache. I asked my good friend to give me a few days ago. I'll tell you a set of Baogong case. Everyone will support me. It's the face of everyone. Here Thank you in advance, what? No? Who said that, the shopkeeper, the troublemaker is here."

The old man was not in a hurry to start talking. While clearing the table, he chatted and joked with everyone, not only to shorten the distance with everyone, but also to let everyone give more praise to the one just now.

After the small talk, the old gentleman began to talk about today's story.

However, the stories he told were not the popular novels of the Three Kingdoms, but some strange cases of folklore.

Xu Tong didn't pay attention to it at first, and all his attention was on this teahouse. When he was thinking about whether to go up and have a look, he suddenly heard the old man slap the gavel.

"The case we are talking about today is the strange case of the Republic of China, the Bodhisattva Grave."

Seeing that the old man's eyes were fixed, his tone gradually became serious, and all the people present began to quiet down.

In fact, the story is not complicated.

It was about a widow in the village, who looked like a flower and a jade, but unfortunately the man died early, so there were always some bachelors in the village secretly trying to hook up at night.

As a result, widows never refuse anyone, as long as they are single men, she never refuses.

Now those men with wives are not happy anymore, they gossip about the widow every day, and gradually the widow's notoriety spreads, and people point out and make irresponsible remarks every day.

But the widow didn't care. Day by day, someone found the widow stabbed to death at home one day.

Although this incident was a murder case, but because the widow had a bad reputation and no one in the family complained of injustice, the people did not sue the officials or correct them, so they were buried in a straw mat.

However, a month later, a monk came to the village. After hearing about the widow's case, the monk sat in front of the widow's grave, chanted scriptures and knelt down day and night.

Everyone started to be curious, thinking that the monk was someone who belonged to the widow, and then some people couldn't help asking.

I just heard the monk say: "This is a Bodhisattva. With her innocence, she relieves the loneliness of those bachelors and doesn't take any money. How can there be such a kind person in the world? If she is not a Bodhisattva, she is nothing."

The people only thought that the monks were talking heresy, and didn't pay much attention to it. As a result, a strange incident happened in the village not long after. Broken blood.

In front of everyone, he told the truth about the widow's murder. It turned out that he was greedy for the widow's beauty, but he already had a wife, and was rejected by the widow when he came to the door. He stabbed the widow to death in anger.

Since the monk came, I had nightmares every night, dreaming that I went to the eighteen hells, and it was the widow who pleaded with the King of Hades to let me go.

Old man Li died the same day after he finished speaking.

Later, the villagers felt guilty, so they repaired the tomb of the widow and named it Bodhisattva Tomb.

But the monk has long since disappeared.

The story is very simple, but the old man said it vividly, and everyone sighed after hearing it, but Xu Tong, who was sitting in the back, suddenly had a strange expression on his face.

Staring blankly at the old gentleman on the stage, I couldn't help but feel a turmoil in my heart.

It seems an inconspicuous story, but if you take a closer look, isn't this a replica of the Buddha head murder case they investigated? ?

Before he had time to think about it, the waiter brought a stack of fruit plates to him.

A note was pressed under the fruit plate.

The guy stood aside and nodded, smiling and backing away.

Picking up the note, I saw that there was a paragraph written in small characters on the note [Sanli Bridge on the east side of Yangzhuang]

Seeing the content on the note, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and was surprised that the information in Fengyulou was so huge. He knew the news about the Buddha head murder case so quickly. You must know that this case is currently in a closed state.

Fengyulou not only knew about the case, but also provided information to itself through the storyteller.

But why did Fenglailou do this? ?

With doubts, he couldn't help looking at the old gentleman on the stage, but after the old gentleman finished telling this story, he began to tell other folk love stories.

Sitting in a chair and thinking for a while, Xu Tong stood up and left Fenglailou.

Regardless of whether the information given by Fenglailou is true or not, he intends to verify it himself.

At this time, Li Nan and others have found Wang Butcher's home in Yangzhuang.

Pushing open the door and going in, I saw strange knives and iron hooks hanging under the pig-killing shed in the courtyard.

The wooden table case has been soaked into dark purple by years of blood.

The cool wind at night blew over, and the knives hanging in the air made clanking noises. The crisp sound echoed in Li Nan's ears, which actually made people feel creepy.

Looking at the room again, the room is completely dark, it's only eight o'clock in the evening, so you went to bed so early?

Li Nan and Yang Guiguo looked at each other, and Chen Jian who was following behind didn't think as much as they did. He walked to the door and knocked hard on the door.

When he knocked on the door, the door opened.

After the three of them made eye contact, Chen Jian stayed outside and guarded, while Yang Guiguo and Li Nan walked in the door cautiously.

Pulling out the light cord, there is only one big bed in the simple room, and the dilapidated table is missing a leg.

Looking around where there are no Tibetans at all, it is obvious that Butcher Wang is not at home.

"This is Butcher Wang?"

Yang Guiguo looked at the photos hanging on the wall, a rough man holding a little fat man with a silly smile on his face, he saw that they were father and son.

Looking at the sincere happiness on the faces of one big and one small in the photo, Yang Guiguo couldn't help but feel a little suspicious. Could such a butcher Wang really be the murderer?

At this time, there was a sudden noise outside the door, followed by Chen Jian's roar: "If you want to run, there is no door!!"

Yang Guiguo and Li Nan's complexion changed, and they rushed out, only to see a rough man standing in the corner with red eyes, holding a shining butcher's knife in his hand.

Yang Guiguo compared the photos. Isn't this the Butcher Wang they were looking for? Seeing the murderous look on his face, even a policeman like Yang Guiguo, who has been handling cases for many years, couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

"We're the police, put the knife down!"

Li Nan showed his identity, and at the same time put his hands behind his back without any trace.

Seeing this, Yang Guiguo quickly held down Li Nan's hand, walked slowly to Butcher Wang, and said softly, "We have no malicious intentions, we are the police, trust us, put down the knife, don't cause a catastrophe, want to Miss your son!"

Mentioning his son, Butcher Wang was taken aback, his fierce eyes suddenly softened, but he thought of something again, took a deep breath, threw the knife to the ground and said, "I plead guilty, I killed the man!"

PS: The next chapter will be published later

(End of this chapter)

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