Infinite script kill

Chapter 185 Don't choose that, choose the axe!

Chapter 185 Don't choose that, choose the axe!
"Uncle Wang!"

A sweet call startled Wang Dameng, who was chopping meat, and looked up, only to see the girl in Yangguang smiling sweetly.

His appearance seemed to be like a ray of light, shining on Wang Dameng's heart.

He couldn't say anything nice, so he just nodded honestly and cut off the best meat from the pig.

Yang Cimin, who had said hello, walked into the pork shop with a smile on his face, but he didn't go towards Wang Dameng, but pulled Wang Xiaopeng who was sitting in the corner, who was sullen and losing his temper.
After about half an hour, I saw Yang Cimin coming out of the room while arranging his clothes.

Wang Xiaopeng, who was following behind her, still had a blush on his honest face.

"Be obedient at home, I'll come and see you next month, okay?"

Yang Cimin patted Wang Xiaopeng's shoulder and softly comforted Wang Xiaopeng's emotions. Under her comfort, the originally grumpy Wang Xiaopeng became extremely well-behaved, nodded towards Yang Cimin, and then reluctantly let go of her hand.

At this time, Wang Dameng also came over and brought up the cut pork, hoping that Yang Cimin would accept it, but Yang Cimin did not refuse, carrying the pork with a smile, and walked out with his long hair.

Looking at the far away back, Wang Dameng's heart finally became more at ease, but when he turned around, his face suddenly became ugly. It turned out that Xiaopeng actually took out a piece of money from his pocket.

Apparently this was the money that Cimin stuffed into Xiaopeng's pocket early on, Wang Dameng's chest gasped, and he was so irritable that he almost swung his arm to give him a slap.

Seeing Xiaopeng's terrified expression, he finally softened and put his hand down, thinking that when she came again next time, he must return the money to her.

But what he never expected was that the next time he saw Ci Min, he would just watch her body being pulled out of the water.

When Wang Dameng said this, his eyes were already covered with tears, and he pointed to the money on the table that was pressed under the glass:

"I know she works in a hair salon, what's the matter? I tried to find girls in the hair salon, but they didn't want to help me when they saw my son was stupid. Only she was willing and willing to help me. I don't care if she is Not to pity my son, but in my eyes she is a living Bodhisattva, my son's benefactor and my benefactor."

The more Wang Dameng spoke, the more excited he became, his eyes were bloodshot: "That bastard Guo Jinhua found out about this and threatened her with this. This bastard deserves to die. I took advantage of his inattention, so I used this butcher's knife to kill her. Stabbed into his stomach and chopped his chest open like a pig."

He gestured with his hands in the air, as if Guo Jinhua had been gutted right in front of him.

Li Nan and Yang Guiguo looked at Wang Dameng who was getting more and more excited, they exchanged glances, and asked Chen Jian to watch Wang Dameng in the room, and then walked out the door.

After walking out of the gate, Li Nan looked at Yang Guiguo: "He didn't kill him."

Yang Guiguo nodded. Although what Wang Dameng said was true and his motives were sufficient, there was one thing that Wang Dameng was wrong about.

Guo Jinhua died of being hit on the head with a blunt object, and his skull was crushed, not stabbed to death with a knife.

Of course, judging from this point alone, it is not enough that Wang Dameng is not suspected of murder.

"Take it back first, and see if he can provide other clues."

Yang Guiguo rubbed his forehead with a wry smile. In fact, he could tell that Wang Dameng was definitely not the murderer, but the procedure still had to be followed, and taking the blame like this was actually the least cost-effective way.

It is very likely that he knows who the real culprit is. If this is the case, the situation will be serious. It is either an accomplice or a cover-up crime.

"Then I'll call Team Ni!"

As Li Nan said, he was going to notify the police, but at this moment, Yang Guiguo suddenly remembered the photo, the father and son smiling silly, which made him feel like a thorn in his heart.

"No!" Thinking of this, Yang Guiguo pressed Li Nan's hand: "Wait a minute, I'll go talk to him. If the procedures are followed, even if he's not the principal offender, he might become an accessory. He's in. , what about his stupid son?"

Li Nan thought for a while and didn't speak, but nodded in default.

The two called Chen Jian out, Yang Guiguo re-entered the room, and closed the door together.

Sitting in front of Wang Dameng again, Yang Guiguo took a deep breath: "Where's your son?"

"Send it back to my hometown and show it to my parents."

"But your son will definitely be very reluctant to part with you. I don't think you killed him, because you love your son, and you will not take risks, because your son will have no support after you die. How can you let him live in this world? ?”

Wang Dameng was stunned for a moment, and looked at the photo on the wall involuntarily.

"I know, you definitely want to cut Guo Jinhua and the others into pieces, but have you ever thought that you didn't kill people, and you are not only sorry for your son, but also sorry for your parents. Do you plan to let you Will the son bear the title of a murderer's son again? How difficult will his life be in the future??"

When Wang Dameng thought of his son calling his father, his heart skipped a beat.

But then his eyes became firm again, he squinted at Yang Guiguo, and asked, "Why are you investigating this case? Shouldn't those beasts die? Is this the justice of the law, to protect those wicked people?"

Faced with such a sharp question, Yang Guiguo's eyes were extremely clear and firm: "Justice is not like this, and lynching is not the so-called justice. Although we often do not see justice in reality, we still believe that justice exists. This is the purpose of the law, to move towards justice, not towards evil, as long as I live in this world, I will always believe in justice, and I will use my own way to maintain justice."

"Give me a chance, and give yourself a chance, believe in me, believe in the law, and believe in the country."

Firmness and conviction shone in the black and white pupils, and these eyes were like a sharp sword, piercing straight into Wang Dameng's heart.

Silence... For a moment the room was terribly dead silent, but Yang Guiguo's eyes never changed, he was waiting.

Wang Dameng lit a cigarette, the cloud of smoke covered the expression on his face, and time passed by.

Li Nan and Chen Jian were still waiting anxiously outside the door. Just when Li Nan was about to give up, the door was suddenly opened, and Yang Guiguo came out from inside.

"Inform Team Ni that the murderer is behind the fruit forest outside Yangzhuang."

Talking about Yang Guiguo, he walked out. At this time, Chen Jian stretched out his hand to hold Yang Guiguo, and looked up at the room: "What about him, do you want to take him back too?"

Yang Guiguo pursed his lips, and looked at Chen Jian pretending to be puzzled: "Take it back?? Why did you take it back?? The whistleblower's clues can only be awarded after they are confirmed!"

Speaking of Yang Guiguo, he walked out the door. Li Nan walked over and saw Chen Jian still looking confused, and kicked him up: "You stupid head."

After speaking, Li Nan also stepped out, leaving Chen Jian standing there scratching his head and still not understanding. When he came back to his senses, he found that everyone had left, and hurriedly shouted: "Hey, wait for me!! "

At the other end, when Li Nan and the others were still asking Wang Dameng about the crime, Xu Tong had already arrived at Yangzhuang three miles to the east, where there was an orchard.

Xu Tong came over and looked around, except that the surrounding area of ​​the orchard was desolate, and his eyes were dark and blind, if an ordinary person walked over, he might not be able to see the road clearly.

Fortunately, I have dark vision, and because of my dark constitution, I feel like a fish in water in this darkness.

Although this place is desolate, since there are people planting fruit trees here, there must be people.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong simply called out Big Fatty, and asked Big Fatty to lift himself up with his tentacles. Looking around, he really saw a cloud of green smoke winding up behind the slope not far away.

"It's really a family!"

Seeing this, Xu Tong put away the fat man, and his figure moved quickly in the dark night, quietly came to the slope and looked down.

It was a small adobe house, and there was a very large stove outside the house, and the blue smoke I saw was coming out of the stove.

Compared with this stove, Xu Tong cared more about the flower pots and teacups placed in the yard.

These teacups are completely different from the flower pots and those sold on the street. On the contrary, they are a bit like real handicrafts. It is also vivid and naive.

Seeing this, Xu Tong simply walked to the yard and examined the porcelain carefully.


At this time, a question came from the house, and a young man in shorts and vest came out of the room, frowning and examining Xu Tong.

"Brother, I passed by here and I can't walk anymore. Can you give me a bowl of water and let me sit down and rest?"

Xu Tong spoke with sincerity, the young man looked around for a while, and after confirming that there was no one else, he nodded and let Xu Tong in.

"Wait a minute!" The young man walked into the room and handed him a bowl of water from the room.

Xu Tong took the water, glanced at the young man from the corner of his eye, and saw that the young man looked away subconsciously, then looked at the porcelain around him: "Are you making all these porcelains? This is the first time I've seen them. To such porcelain."

"Just burn it for fun, if you like it, you might as well take it, and use it as the fate between you and me."

The young man sat casually in front of Xu Tong, pointed at the surrounding porcelain and said with a smile.

Xu Tong was holding the water and was about to drink it, but he couldn't help putting down the bowl again when he heard this sentence: "Hey! Do you still believe in Buddhism?"

The young man looked at the bowl he put down, and frowned unconsciously, but soon relaxed: "I don't believe it or not, I just feel that I have a better affinity with you."

"Well, it's a good match. I've been walking for so long, and it's getting dark. I wanted to pick some fruits to satisfy my hunger, but I didn't expect to find a family here."

As Xu Tong said, he picked up the bowl and put it to his mouth.

Seeing the bowl getting closer to his mouth, the young man couldn't help clenching his hands into fists.

However, at this time, Xu Tong remembered something again, put down the bowl next to the mouth of the bowl and asked, "By the way, this place is so remote, you live here alone... aren't you afraid of encountering ghosts?"

The young man breathed a sigh of relief, seeing him put down the bowl again, his fingers creaked, but he kept a calm look on his face and said: "Don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, live here alone and be quiet."

"oh oh!"

With a dazed look on his face, Xu Tong picked up the bowl again and put it near his mouth, drank the water in the bowl in one gulp, wiped his mouth with his big hand: "Oh, happy!"

Seeing that he finally drank the water, the young man secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Just have fun, and there will be more fun later."

"What pleasure??"

Xu Tong was startled, and just as he finished speaking, his body swayed uncontrollably and fell to the ground with a bang.


Seeing this guy fell to the ground, the young man showed a sinister smile. He stood up and said to himself, "What's the pleasure? Sending you to the west, is it good or not!"

As he spoke, he walked to the stove, looked at the hammer, axe, and iron bars hanging beside the stove, seemed to be struggling, and finally looked at the hammer hanging on the wall, and when he stretched out his hand to take it, suddenly Immediately, I heard Xu Tong's voice behind me: "Don't choose that one, I think choosing an ax is more enjoyable!"

(End of this chapter)

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