Chapter 186
The young man's hands stiffened and he turned around with a strange expression on his face. He clearly watched him drink the water without leaving a drop, so how could he still be awake? ?
However, what he didn't know was that Xu Tong has the blessing of dark physique, which can reduce the poison by 40%. In addition, he has obtained the increase of his overall physique twice before and after, and his physical fitness is as strong as a cow. It's just a drizzle, and the effect is no different from drinking a bottle of Luoyang Palace.

"Don't be dazed, yes, just the ax next to you, didn't you use this to disembowel Guo Jinhua and the others? I'm lying flat, hurry up, and let me see if it hurts."

Seeing Xu Tong lying on the ground, winking at him.

The young man twitched, grabbed the hammer in his hand and threw it at Xu Tong: "You are playing with me!"

Xu Tong turned sideways to avoid the thrown hammer, and curled his lips: "I've said it all, it's best to use an axe."

While speaking, Fatty had already been called out by him, and after being transformed into paper armor, Fatty grabbed the young man with his fingers like thousands of little snakes.

Seeing the fat man appearing out of nowhere, the young man's face turned cold. Instead of flinching, he grabbed a burning stick from the stove with his bare hands, and quickly wiped the stick with his palm.

The flames above immediately attached to his palms, and he closed the flames in his palms with both hands, and stepped forward with his body. With the force of this step, his whole body was swept up like a hunting falcon.

"Fire and Fury Daming King!"

The person was in the half-space, and pale golden flames sprouted from his palms. As he opened his hands, his eyes were suddenly enveloped in golden flames.

In the state of paper armor, Fatty has rough skin and thick flesh, after all, he has not lost the characteristics of paper figurines. Water and fire naturally have a natural restraint for him, and those slender tentacles were burned to ashes in the fire in an instant.

However, before the young man's face showed joy, the sea of ​​flames in front of his eyes was churning, but he saw a ray of black flames like a python going out to sea, and a terrifying vortex was formed in an instant. He was also pulled closer by this suction force.

Only then did the young man see clearly the origin of the black vortex, which was actually created by Xu Tong.

He clasped his hands together, and a group of blue-black flames appeared in his palms. In the blue-black light, there was the breath of death.

The fire suddenly exploded, forming a twisted and terrifying suction force in the air.

Skill Extreme Flame Turbo.

Consumes 20 script points, activates and summons the fire of corrosion, forms a rapid whirl in the palm, draws enemies within 20 square meters around, and bursts out a huge amount of fire of corrosion at the same time, attacking the target.

This was originally No. [-]'s lore skill, and it was inherited by Xu Tong who got the item card [Ember].

When it is cast at this time, although it is not as powerful and devastating as No. 20, with the blessing of [Dark Physique] passive night god caress, all of his dark skills will temporarily gain a [-]% increase in power, which can deal with young people Already more than enough.

As the flames in the palm exploded, a blade formed by a large piece of corrosive fire erupted, and five or six flames hit the young man in an instant, not only causing extensive burns to his body, but also triggering the passive effect of [Embers]. ember!

Passive Skill 2: Jhin
When the target takes damage, there is a 10% chance to trigger Bonefire.

(Note: Bone Flame is not a special item and cannot be dispelled. It will continuously burn the opponent's flesh and blood, making the wound unable to heal and worsening over time.)

The young man let out a scream, and fell heavily on the ground, only to see a large piece of carbonized flesh appearing on his arm, and the flames flickered from time to time under the flesh.

"I am not as good as you in firing porcelain, but when it comes to playing with fire, ten of you are not as good as one of my fingers!"

The black flame dissipated, and Xu Tong stood in front of the young man, looking at him with a half-smile.

"Evil demon demon way!"

The young man stood up, clasped his hands together, with a solemn and majestic appearance.

"Didn't you say you don't believe in Buddhism? Why did you suddenly become a monk at this time?" Xu Tong narrowed his eyes and teased deliberately: "But I think you are just a fake monk. How can a real monk kill people?"

The young man resisted the burning sensation on his arm, and only slightly raised his eyebrows when he heard this, but his expression became more calm.

"Amitabha, I believe that Buddha is not a Buddha, and worshiping a Buddha is not a Buddha. If you separate the words of Buddha, that is one person, one Buddha. A Buddha needs someone to help you to become a Buddha. What I want to do is to be a person who supports Buddha."

"So you killed Guo Jinhua and the others because you thought Yang Cimin might become a Buddha?" Xu Tong continued to ask.

In Fenglai Tower, he heard the storyteller tell the story of the Bodhisattva's grave, and he didn't understand it at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he realized that the essence of the Buddha's head murder case was exactly the same as the story about the Bodhisattva's tomb.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the life of the wicked to complete the sacrifice to the good.

This is what he meant by saying that the Buddha wants people to help him.

At this time, there is no need for the young man to hide it: "She is a prostitute, she is like falling into the sea of ​​desire, but she is still willing to help the stupid son of Wang Butcher's family to solve his basic physical desires, just like Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, willing to fall into the sea Hells are generally saved by ghosts, this is the Buddha nature."

In fact, after Yang Cimin committed suicide, Butcher Wang planned to find Guo Jinhua and the others to fight for his life, but he still couldn't make up his mind because he still had a stupid son who depended on him to support him.

Butcher Wang was struggling in his heart. After drinking too much wine one day, he ran outside the White Horse Temple and complained to the Buddha. He happened to hear this incident.

So he found Butcher Wang and asked Butcher Wang to tell him about Guo Jinhua and the others, so that he could avenge Butcher Wang himself.

"Hey, speaking of it, I am also the beauty of an adult, so why not do it."

When the young man said this, a sneer appeared on his face.

Xu Tong sneered at it. In the end, it was just an excuse for his desire to cause trouble. He straightened his clothes and imitated the classic line: "I'm sorry, I'm a policeman."

The corner of the young man's mouth twitched, and he sneered, "So what? Even if I was caught, who can prove that I killed the person? Do you have any evidence?"

Xu Tong was stunned, as if he had reminded him of something, and saw that he lifted the clothes around his waist to reveal the Walkman underneath, and after pressing the play button, it actually contained what he said just now.

"Hey, you haven't seen high technology, haven't you played it before?"


Listening to his own voice inside, the young man's expression flickered for a while, and after a few seconds of dark eyes, he raised his palm suddenly: "Go to hell!"

The moment he raised his palm, Xu Tong was keenly aware of the danger, and quickly summoned the fat man to stand in front of him, vaguely seeing a dark golden swastika on the guy's palm.

A strong Buddha's light burst out from it, thanks to the big fat standing in front of him, but even so, the strong sacred aura surged, making him, who is a body of darkness, feel a sense of chest tightness and nausea for no reason , even the feeling of tingling in the flesh.

This is the negative effect of [Body of Darkness]. While reducing all negative effects, darkness, and toxicity, when you face damage from sacred attributes, the damage will be increased by a full 40%.

Fortunately, this strong light came and went quickly, and with the big fat standing in front of him, he was naturally safe and sound. After the Buddha's light dissipated, he looked up and found that the guy had jumped over the wall and escaped.

"Can you run!"

Seeing him running, Xu Tong was not in a hurry. It was night and he had the home field advantage. With the blessing of the leopard soul cloak and dark vision, if this made him run, it would be hell.

Immediately catch up without rushing, obviously can overtake him at any time, but just slowly followed behind his ass, no matter how fast the young man speeds up, when he looks back, he will always find that Xu Tong has always kept the same distance as him. meters away.

Compared with his sweaty appearance, he is even more relaxed like strolling in the garden.

This made the young man's heart sink, he knew that he had encountered a master this time, but what was the origin of such a master, he obviously looked similar to himself, but his strength was so amazing, he had never heard of such a master before in the world Such a person.

At this moment, he didn't care so much anymore, so he could only run forward with his head down, thinking about how to get rid of this guy.

He didn't know whether the night was too dark, or the road was too slippery after the rain. At the moment when he was distracted, he stepped on the ground and fell hard to the ground.

The slippery and muddy pit made him climb several times but failed to get up. When he looked up, he found a pair of familiar monk shoes in front of him.

This made the young man's pupils tighten, and he raised his head slowly. When he saw that familiar face appearing in front of him, the young man couldn't restrain his ecstasy. He grabbed the monk's feet with one hand and begged, "Master, master!" Save me, master save me!"

Not far away, Xu Tong also stopped, looked up, and saw standing in front of the young man was the old monk he had seen at the White Horse Temple before.

Seeing the old monk suddenly appear here, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel a little bit in his heart.

From the very beginning, the young man casually said the fate method, and he thought of the relationship between the old monk and this guy. At this time, the young man's words confirmed the relationship between the two masters and apprentices.

The strength of the young man is not very good, he doesn't even need to use [magic power] to kill him, and it's just a matter of effort to catch him.

But the old monk is different. Shi Yuan's ancestral court is unfathomable, and he is a person who truly understands Buddhism thoroughly.

I have a dark physique, and it is completely incomparable to meet such an old monk.

But he didn't feel scared, because besides being a disciple of the eight sects, he also had another identity as a police officer.

This is the biggest amulet he dares to stand in front of the old monk.

If you encounter those crooked ways, this amulet may not be very effective, but a decent person like the old monk would never rashly attack him.

"Master, he...he is an evil way, a demon, kill him quickly, don't let him harm the world!"

After the young man struggled to get up from the ground, as if he had found a backer, he pointed at Xu Tong and shouted.

The old monk's eyes were slightly lowered, and he glanced at Xu Tong, but quickly withdrew his gaze. Just as he looked and retracted, he suddenly felt cold all over his body, as if he had been stripped of his clothes and saw clearly. .

Obviously, the old monk has noticed the characteristics of his dark physique at this time, but even if he has noticed, it doesn't matter. The way of cultivating the lower nine streams and the eight sects is in itself an alternative way, focusing on techniques but not on Taoism. Their decent rules can't be controlled by themselves .

"I got it!"

The young man was still roaring, but the old monk called out his Dharma name, and patted his shoulder lightly with his palm. The shouting stopped abruptly, his whole face flushed, and he knelt down on the ground with a plop.

(End of this chapter)

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