Infinite script kill

Chapter 187 There are accomplices

Chapter 187 There are accomplices

The huge pressure made Jian's whole body tremble, and he turned his head with difficulty to look at his mentor. The huge pressure made every vein on his face bulge.

His eyes were full of confusion, puzzlement, and he couldn't understand why the master didn't destroy this demon, but attacked himself instead.

The old monk lowered his head, ignoring the incomprehensible gaze, and caressing the top of his head with his other hand, he could vaguely feel the ring scar under the hair through the hair.

"Do you still remember the reason why I gave you the name of Jiande? This world is very complicated. Whether it is Buddhism or Taoism, there are thousands of sentient beings. As a teacher, I hope you can discern right from wrong and get what you want, so I will take the Dharma for you." It's called Appreciation."

Speaking of this, the old monk couldn't help but let out a deep sigh: "But you are wrong, it is the teacher's fault. Seeing that you are getting farther and farther in Buddhism, and getting closer in ignorant teachings, you should be able to enter People in the new era, why should they trap themselves in that pedantic and ignorant past!"

"I..." Jiande gritted his teeth, and said with difficulty, word by word: "That's right! The Buddha needs someone to support him, and the person helped him up, enlightening one side, and the merit... is immeasurable..."

Seeing that he was still stubborn, the old monk was finally disappointed.

He raised his hand and slapped Jiande on the back of his chest, and there was a muffled groan in Jiande's chest immediately, as if something had been smashed into pieces, his body softened and he fell to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body twitched slightly.


The old monk raised his head to look at Xu Tong, clasped his hands together, and bent down deeply.

Xu Tong couldn't stop him, so he could only turn sideways and said with a silly smile, "Master, why is this, this junior can't afford it."

The old monk pointed to Jiande on the ground: "I would like to ask the little benefactor to bring him to justice. This man is called Zhang Yong. He was taken in by our temple at the age of seven and left the temple at the age of 24. From then on, there is only Zhang Yong in the world, and there is no more learning."

Xu Tong probably understood what the old monk meant, but he was relieved. He was really worried. The old monk was going to take this guy away, but he had no temper at all.

But now the old monk means that this guy is no longer a Buddhist disciple, and I hope Xu Tong will not involve this matter with Buddhism.

Of course he would not refuse such a trivial matter: "This person is Zhang Yong, it's not a lesson learned, the insane murderer Zhang Yong!"


After hearing this sentence, Jiande on the ground couldn't help screaming angrily: "Why, why, where did I go wrong? Didn't you say that teaching is the law and promotion is the way? Why did I make mistakes? You talk……"

He twisted his body vigorously, step by step towards the old monk's feet.

But the old monk avoided his hand instead, and only said to Xu Tong: "If the benefactor has difficulties in the future, you can come to the temple to find me. As long as it is righteous, the poor monk will never refuse."

"That's a good feeling!"

Of course, he readily accepted such a good thing, and if he encountered a serious stubble in the future, with the old monk as his backer, he would not be afraid of the sky falling.

But seeing that the old monk meant to leave, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and he hurried to catch up and asked, "Master, last time you said..."

Before he could ask, the old monk stretched out his hand to stop him from continuing: "Amitabha, the heavenly secret must not be revealed."

Well, he hates the old monk's way of doing it the most, it's like shitting half of it, then stuffing it back for you, and adding a big cork.

Don't ask if you don't ask, as long as I'm still in this big script, I'm not afraid that I won't see my master.

After bidding farewell to the old monk, he saw that the old monk left by himself holding an umbrella. He walked very slowly, reciting the Diamond Sutra while walking.

"If you see me with color and beg me with sound, you are walking in an evil way and cannot see the Tathagata..."

This sentence was said very lightly, but it was no less than a thunderbolt from the blue sky when it was heard.

Learned... No, he should be called Zhang Yong now, obviously this sentence was meant for Zhang Yong.

With a simple sentence, Zhang Yong's approach was completely rejected, just like a teacher slapped a big duck egg on a student's examination paper.

The great monk walked quickly, and disappeared after a while.

Xu Tong walked up to Zhang Yong, squatted down and looked at him.

Zhang Yong looked dejected at the moment. On the one hand, his master destroyed his Buddha bone and broke his cultivation, on the other hand, his master only used one Diamond Sutra to negate all his efforts.

The double blow of spirit and body, this time is undoubtedly the moment of Zhang Yong's most collapsed, but when he looked up, he saw Xu Tong looking at him motionless, not to mention how tired he was.

"Why, are you happy now?" Zhang Yong asked angrily, but after asking, Zhang Yong regretted it.

Xu Tong didn't answer, just sat beside him, not caring whether the muddy soil on the ground would stain his pants, and stared into the distance.

"Actually, I am very similar to you. You are an orphan, and so am I. I envy you to have a master to accompany you when you were young."

"Ha ha!"

Zhang Yong sneered disdainfully, but after a while he couldn't hear Xu Tong continue talking, looked up, and saw this guy was wearing earphones, as if he was listening to music, his eyes were red.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zhang Yong shouted vigorously.

Xu Tong glanced back at him, took off the earphones: "What are you talking about?"

"I asked you what you were doing, why didn't you continue talking?" Zhang Yong helplessly repeated what he said just now.

"Listen to music. It's said that when you're in a bad mood, listening to it can make you feel better." He said and sent the earphones to Zhang Yong. Obviously, Zhang Yong didn't understand this thing very well, but after hearing what he said, his heart felt better. Really want to hear it.

Seeing his hesitation, Xu Tong put the earphones into his ears empathetically: "Let's listen to it together."

I saw him talking, and pressed the play button of the Walkman.

"Hey, today is a good day, everything you want can come true, tomorrow is a good day..."

Accompanied by the sound of this touching melody, the expressions on the faces of the two of them suddenly changed in two stages.

In the field, Xu Tong was laughing and Zhang Yong was cursing. With the scorching sun rising from the sky, a row of cars with flashing police lights was seen coming towards them in the distance.

"Good boy, keep quiet, you have taken the lead!"

Ni Wenchao patted him on the shoulder, his thick and powerful palm clacking.

On the side, Yang Wenchao and Li Nan looked at each other with wry smiles on their faces, while Chen Jian was cursing and complaining.

Running around with them, the fruit was picked by this guy in the end.

"When a blind cat meets a dead mouse, it's not enough to be a way, it's not enough to be a way."

Xu Tong waved his hands, but there was no trace of modesty on his face, which undoubtedly made Chen Jian, who was already upset, stomp his feet even more angrily.

"Why does that guy keep looking at you like this!!"

At this time, Li Nan pointed to Zhang Yong who was locked in the car, and Zhang Yong almost pressed his face to the glass, glaring at him.

"Oh, it's okay, it's normal to beat him a little hard."

As he spoke, he put his hand on Ni Wenchao's shoulder and waved his hand towards Zhang Yong, as if telling Zhang Yong: "See, the leader praised him, and he will be promoted when he returns home. Today is really a good day... ..."

Zhang Yong almost bumped his head against the glass, not because he didn't want to scold, but because he couldn't do it anymore.

Because Zhang Yong was injured, he needed to be sent to the hospital for examination first, while Xu Tong went back in another car and worked overtime for meetings to discuss the case.

According to the reports of Li Nan and Yang Guiguo, the murderer is basically sure to be Zhang Yong, and Wang Butcher is a clue to the report, but considering his previous concealment, Ni Wenchao finally decided not to pursue the case or reward him. .

In fact, everyone knows what is going on. The reason why Butcher Wang concealed it, even at the expense of helping Zhang Yong to take the blame, is out of loyalty. After all, you helped me avenge, and I can't let you go to jail.

On the other hand, he wanted to buy time for Zhang Yong and kill Song Baosheng, who slipped through the net.

What Butcher Wang thought in his heart was that I didn't kill anyone anyway, so if he bought some time for Zhang Yong, he would let me out in the end.

It can only be said that this simple man did not know the law and did not know the law, so he went on a crooked path, but these things were tacitly understood by everyone, so they were not included in the report.

After the meeting, Xu Tong also heard a prompt from the space.

[Sub-quest 1: The Buddha Head Murder Case Completed]

I have to sigh that the gap between the big script and the small script is really big, and the side tasks that are done casually in the small script take so much energy here.

"Xiao Zhao, this case has been handled well. You have performed very well. I will report your situation after the case is closed. It just so happens that the bureau needs to set up a typical representative to let everyone know that we, the case handlers, must not Restricted by limited thinking, after all, the murderer's thinking is infinitely possible, and we should have broader knowledge and cognitive thinking than them."

Ni Wenchao's praise always comes suddenly, and what he says is well-founded, making it impossible to refute.

Xu Tong knew very well that as a qualified actor, Xiao Zhao at this time must show that kind of humility and complacency.

But before he could start performing, the landline phone on the desk rang.

Not long after Ni Wenchao picked up the phone, the expression on his face froze, and for a moment the Chinese character face was covered with a thick cloud: "Bastard, what are you doing? He can still run while the three of you are watching? Look for me, if you can't find me, throw you into the ravine and never come back!"

The phone was slammed on the landline, and he said to everyone: "Zhang Yong has run away, everyone set off immediately, block all intersections, I must find this guy for me."

After speaking, Ni Wenchao still didn't forget to look at Xu Tong. After all, he was the one who caught the man, and he had the most right to speak: "Xiao Zhao, what do you think?"

When the leader gave the opportunity, Xu Tong could only bite the bullet and think.

In fact, he was also very surprised, Zhang Yong had been deposed by the old monk, this guy was seriously injured, how could he escape under the surveillance of three police officers? ?
After thinking about it for a while, he suddenly thought of Guo Jinhua's corpse that had been resurrected from the dead, and his heart tightened: "There are accomplices!"

(End of this chapter)

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