Infinite script kill

Chapter 189 Legendary Items

Chapter 189 Legendary Items
Xu Tong walked away cleanly, without the slightest hesitation, even Ni Wenchao was dumbfounded, he just said that he wanted to set up a typical representative for this kid, but this guy quit at a critical moment.

Immediately, Ni Wenchao's face turned red and turned blue, and the veins on his forehead swelled up. He knew that this young master was not easy to serve, but he didn't expect to be so willful.

The one who was more dumbfounded than him was Zhang Yong who was standing on the top of the building waiting for Xu Tong to come. He had prepared all his lines, but he waited and waited from day to night, but Xu Tong just didn't come.

After he learned the news that Xu Tong had left, he was in a bad mood.

The stage that was set up was about to sing Wujiang's suicide, and I had the sword of the Overlord of Western Chu on my neck. As a result, Liu Bang stopped performing, and the stage was turned off in a daze. No one can continue to perform now.

"Gone?? Isn't he a police officer?? He doesn't care about the life and death of the hostages?? How can you let him go!!"

Zhang Yong shouted and cursed anxiously, the reason why he had to come to Xu Tong was not only because he wanted to take the opportunity to humiliate this guy severely.

More importantly, I was denied by the master last night, and Xu Tong was the witness.

Now he wants to complete his last step, and also wants him to be a witness to prove that his thoughts are not wrong.

So he didn't come? ?
It is said that after Zhang Yong heard the news, he sat on the roof alone for a long time, and finally jumped off the roof full of unwillingness.

Jumping from the 13th floor, people were naturally smashed to pieces, but when people rushed over to take a look, they found that Zhang Yong's chest had been cut open, and inside was a Buddha's body without limbs and head.

As for Song Baosheng, a street guy, after the police broke through the door and rushed up, they found that he was already dead, and his belly happened to be the lower body of a Buddha statue.

Now the entire Buddha statue in the Buddha head murder case has been completely spliced ​​together, but who cares about it?

If Xu Tong is still here, he will definitely find that the five internal organs of the two of them are missing the spleen and lungs respectively, but now the murderer has committed suicide, and the case is here, even if Li Nan and the others are aware that there seems to be something hidden behind the case, but They can only hastily close the team and close the case.

As for how to write the report on the follow-up case and the report on Zhao Jian, how to deal with the matter of Zhao Jian leaving on the spot, that's all about Ni Wenchao's business and what they have to do with him.

At this time, Xu Tong was sitting on the beach of Luopu River, admiring the Luohe River in front of him. As the staff of Fenglailou said, this place is one of the eight scenic spots in L City, and it is a good place for literati to sing poems and fight against each other since ancient times.

In reality, this is the largest riverside park in L City, but it has not been repaired at this moment, everything is kept in its original style, and you can even see the crops planted by the riverbank, which makes it less leisurely and more enjoyable. very simple.

At least looking at those neat crop fields always gives people a feeling of peace of mind inexplicably.

He sat on a rock, took out the box given to him by Song Lao from the item book and put it in the palm of his hand.

As soon as the box was taken out, Xu Tong immediately sensed that another item card was stirring in the item book. It was the extremely special item card [source]

[Yuan]'s restlessness made him realize that the contents of this box are extraordinary, and maybe it has some special relationship with [Yuan].

I thought I would open the box after I found Gao Zhuo, but I have been waiting in front of the Drum Tower for a long time today, but I still haven't found Gao Zhuo, so he can only open the box in advance to see what caused the Beiman meeting. What exactly is it.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong reached out and tried to open the box.

As the box was slowly opened by him bit by bit, a strange fluorescent light flickered on the box to prevent him from opening it any further, and at the same time one message after another appeared in his ears.

"You are opening the legendary item, and you are connecting with the script world..."


"The docking is complete, the matching degree is extremely high, please confirm whether to open it."

"Warning! If you open the box, the difficulty of this script world will increase accordingly, and may even change your current main mission."

"Warning! When you open the legendary item, your camp in this scenario world will change dramatically."

"Warning! The news of the appearance of legendary items may be caught by certified players outside the world. Since you are one of the initiators of this script, you have received a preferential treatment. Please choose by yourself."

[1: Know in advance, when a foreign player arrives in this world, you will receive the message half an hour in advance, and a special mark will appear on the descendant. 】(Note: The descendant cannot detect and hide the existence of the mark.)
[2: The initiator's curse, when a foreign player arrives in this world, the curse is activated, and the opponent immediately seals two to four prop cards, but the seal will be automatically unlocked as time goes by. 】

[3: Temporary title, get the temporary title, Era Surfer, after activating this title, the temporary physique will be increased by 20.00%, the strength will be increased by 20.00%, the movement speed will be increased by 30%, the duration is [-] minutes, the cooling time is three days, and There are no negative states. 】

Even though he was ready, he was still very surprised when he saw the prompt in front of him. He couldn't help resting his fingers on his chin as if he was thinking about something seriously, and for a moment he smiled at the corner of his mouth: "It's interesting."

The three choices represent the right time, the right place, and the harmony of people. From a long-term perspective, choice three is undoubtedly the one that will benefit the most.

Not only because the improvement brought about by the title skill is amazing, but more importantly, there are no negative effects.

You must know that the negative effect of [Retributer] makes him want to die every time.

However, the era surfer has no negative effects. Xu Tong speculates that according to the principle of equivalent exchange, it should be the arrival of the players, which has replaced the negative effects.

If you think in this way of thinking, then players who enter the world of their own scripts will definitely not be so easy, and they must have some negative effects.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong has already made a decision, decisively chose to continue to open the box, and at the same time chose the first of the three preferential treatments.

That's right, it's the first item. The so-called knowing yourself and the enemy can win a hundred battles. Although the benefits of the latter two items are good, especially the third item is the highest, but after careful consideration, it is not suitable for me.

If you choose the second option, after the opponent arrives, he will inevitably hide and wait for the negative and item cards on his body to be unlocked. This kind of Voldemort hates it the most.

As for the third item, it seems that the improvement is astonishing, but the problem is that in such an era full of witchcraft and sorcery, the probability of confrontation is not high, and all kinds of strange and weird killing techniques are the mainstream.

Taking it all into consideration, Xu Tong still felt that the first option was more suitable for him. After all, it was really uncomfortable to prevent others from aiming at his ass all the time.

After making a choice, the strange power on the box gradually disappeared, and the box was slowly opened.

At the same time, a flood-like reminder sounded.

"Main Mission 1: Dark Tide"

Mission description: Recently, more and more strangers from all corners of the world have begun to gather in L City, as if an undercurrent is gathering here, but few people know the reason.

Mission objective: find out the information hidden behind.

"Because of your deeds, you lost your identity protection. The details of the Buddha head murder case were learned by some people in Jianghu. Your identity has changed. Be careful, no one will be spared under the dark tide."

"You opened the legendary item. About ten hours later, the news of your obtaining the legendary item will be known to the plot characters. Please be careful."

"You opened the information of the legendary item, which is very likely to be intercepted by the authenticated player. This information may cause the authenticated player to come halfway."

"Submission 2: Waiting for the Wind"

Mission description: The tree desires to be calm and the wind does not stop.

Mission objective: stay alive and wait for the wind to come.

With the end of the prompt, all the fluorescent light on the box in front of him disappeared. Xu Tong pushed his finger, and saw the box was slowly opened. His eyes flashed expectantly, and he looked into the box.

After seeing the contents of the box clearly, Xu Tong was dumbfounded: "That's it???"

A delicate and exquisite jade, but to be precise, it is a piece of broken jade, with only uneven edges about the size of a baby's palm, and it is obviously a piece of jade that was broken from nowhere.

Xu Tong took out the jade piece and looked left and right, but he couldn't see what was so unique about it that it could be called a legendary item.

He tried to throw this piece of jade into the props book, but the props book actually reminded him that he could not transform this thing, and he couldn't throw this piece of jade into the props book, so he had to carry it close to his body.

This also means that this thing is very likely to be plundered.

But if there is no way to put it in the item book, can it be hard to get yourself? Xu Tong called out the fat man casually, threw the jade piece directly into the fat man's stomach, and then took the fat man back.

Fatty is a summoned item and is not affected by the item book, and unless the player kills himself and extracts the item card [Magic Big Fatty], if he does not summon it, no one can get the jade piece.

If you really pushed yourself into a hurry, no one would benefit from letting this guy blew himself up.

Thinking of this, he sneered, hoping that the big fat explosion would be brilliant enough.

Then I took a closer look at the quests. The main quests are fine, but what the hell are the side quests waiting for the wind to come?

Judging from the task name, it seems to be related to Fenglailou.

"Go to Fenglai Tower first!"

After he made up his mind, he sat up from the lawn. The place Fenglailou is very strange. Obviously you can't notice anything, but it seems that this place will make you have an inextricable relationship with it.

Especially the storyteller, as well as the last note, are still unsolved mysteries. Today he plans to go to Fenglailou again to see what kind of teahouse is in this teahouse that Gao Zhuo talked about so miraculously. secret.

 There are two more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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