Chapter 190

As the saying goes, it is better to catch up early than to be smart.

Today's Fenglailou invited Dongfeng Yu Opera Troupe, a well-known old troupe of Yu Opera in L City.

This is a famous troupe in Henan opera nowadays. It is said that the old troupe leader took several famous artists under his hands to perform in the capital.

The second troupe was left behind, but even so, when they heard that it belonged to the Dongfeng Yu Opera Troupe, there was no shortage of enthusiasm.

When Xu Tong walked in, he saw that the waiter was too busy to greet new customers.

He was not in a hurry, seeing that there were no seats in the lobby, so he went straight to the second floor.

As a result, as soon as he was about to go upstairs, he was stopped by a guy who was guarding the door on the second floor: "Friends on the letter, put Qing Zi away, the above is not Lao Kuan."

This guy speaks Jianghu slang, which translates to friends on the road, put away your weapons, and the people above are not laymen.

Xu Tong grinned, he had already recited this kind of quack jargon by heart, and even patted himself on the stomach without thinking: "Let's join me shoulder to shoulder, horse teeth come quickly."

My friends are all fellow-minded people. I'm a little hungry, so I'm going to order something to eat.

The clerk immediately beamed with joy when he heard it, and beckoned Xu Tong to go upstairs. There are few tables upstairs, and facing the hall, you can see a few seats for performing operas below, which are not yet full at this time.

Xu Tong stood at the entrance of the steps and glanced at it first.

Sitting in the corner was a Taoist holding a fly whisk in his left hand and a string of rosary beads in his right hand. He seemed to be listening to an opera or meditating.

There were a man and a woman sitting at the two tables in front. The man was wearing a suit and top hat, wearing small sunglasses, and holding a fan in his hand.

The woman is much older and looks to be in her early forties. The clothes are simple and simple but the materials are all high-quality. The most important thing is that the woman has a good temperament. Sitting there has a sense of everyone's demeanor.

Just looking at the clothes on these two people, you can tell that they are not from the mainland. People in the Central Plains generally dress plainly, so there is no such fancy clothes.

Look again, hey!Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he saw an old man and a young man sitting in front of the table, wasn't it the grandparents who performed at Tianqiao before, and there was a small wooden barrel under their feet, maybe it was the big wooden barrel from the performance that night. bucket.

I don't know how it's done, but now it's so small, it really looks like Caijia's Thousand Machines Barrel.

Xu Tong looked at the few people, but they all glanced at him.

The old man, who was suspected to be a master of Caimen, couldn't help being stunned when he saw Xu Tong, and then nodded and smiled at Xu Tong, obviously remembering that Xu Tong lost two yuan in his drum, but he didn't expect it This generous guest is actually a fellow.

Xu Tong responded with a smile, and found a seat near the window to sit down, just in time to see the opera in the lobby below.

The guy quickly brought a plate of stewed pork, a bowl of rice, a plate of dim sum, and a pot of tea, and went down.

He didn't even say a single word from the beginning to the end. It wasn't that the waiters were being rude, but it was a rule in the teahouse that people in the same company didn't talk to each other in the morning, fearing that it was a taboo. Anyone who broke the rules would have to pay for a day's tea money.

When it's dusk, you don't have to worry about these, and everyone can chat as they want.

This rule has long since disappeared in reality, but it has always been a taboo of the store here, so these few tables were sitting there sparsely, no one spoke, and everyone listened to the play quietly.

Today we are singing Peach Blossom Temple, even though it is the second troupe, but its skills are unambiguous, especially when the Huadan named Cui Lanfang came out, she shocked everyone with her skills.

Even Xu Tong, who was immersed in cooking, stopped his chopsticks and listened carefully until the stewed meat on the table was cold. After listening to the opera, he couldn't help but put down his chopsticks and applaud.


At this time, there was a strange noise from sitting behind him, and the woman stood up in a hurry, wiped her tears and went downstairs.

But the boy at the same table had a dark face, as if he had thought of something unpleasant, fanned his fan, and sat there without saying a word.

"Hey hey, little friend met again, yesterday little friend acted out of righteousness, thank you little old man."

After singing the song Peach Blossom Temple, it was almost dark, the old man turned around and thanked Xu Tong with his hands clasped.


Now it was his turn to be a little surprised. The things he punished those small managers were not worth mentioning, and he didn't alarm anyone at all. It wasn't until the next morning that those guys with bare buttocks were discovered. .

He boasted that he did this without anyone noticing, but he didn't think the old man knew about it.

Putting down the chopsticks, I saw his right hand outside and left hand inside, with two thumbs up, he bowed his hands towards the old man: "You are welcome, old man, but I don't know how the old man is sure that I did this thing?"

Seeing Xu Tong's gesture, the old man's expression changed slightly. His left hand is auspicious, his right hand is fierce, and his two thumbs are like incense candles. This is the gesture of Qimendiao in Bamenli.

Immediately, the old man straightened his expression, raised his left hand horizontally, clasped his right hand into a fist, and touched his two thumbs together.

Xu Tong remembered that Mr. Song had said that one hand of Caimen clasped a fist and the other covered it, indicating that the technique was in it, so that no outsiders could see it. The two thumbs were facing each other, showing their heads, indicating that the technique could not be used endlessly. heaven and earth.

This is Caimen's gift, absolutely unmistakable.

At this moment, he can basically be sure that the old man in front of him is really a master of color.

Xu Tong motioned for the old man to sit down, and asked the waiter to take away the leftovers on the table and replace them with a pot of tea and two pastries.

"How dare you not have a horse trick to eat the mockery of Fang Nian, plead guilty, plead guilty, you don't know the prince Ma, you almost let the mouse go."

Jugglers in the rivers and lakes, how dare you not have an eyeliner to watch, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I almost attacked my brother.

The old man stroked his beard and confessed with a smile.

The co-author didn't know that the grandpa and grandson were so simple, I was afraid that when he gave two yuan last night, he would be targeted by someone.

It's just that I didn't expect those administrators to appear suddenly, disrupting their plans, or I'm afraid that my wallet will disappear.

Xu Tong immediately sneered: "Hehe, I lost my mind when I wrote it. I beat the eagle for a quail, and let you big rats go. The newcomers are laughing at me when they step on the board."

As soon as the old man said it, he understood that the administrators probably also realized that they were thieves, otherwise why would they leave other merchants alone and catch them away.

It's just that those management experience is not enough, dare not directly say to catch thieves, fearing to startle the snake, and speak aggressively, but in the end they made the public angry, even they misunderstood themselves, and even made a fool of them.

This can't help but make him sigh, sometimes, looking with black and white eyes may not be true, and he can be regarded as taught.

Sitting together at this time, it will be over as soon as the matter is discussed.

The two chatted a few words casually, Xu Tong originally wanted to draw some clues from the old man, but unfortunately this is an old world, very slippery, full of swear words, chatting with you in circles, I was stunned to say nothing on point.

After talking for a long time, he was also tired, and the old man also said that he was tired, and the other party returned to his table as soon as he handed over his hands, and fed his grandson some snacks.

As soon as I left here, I saw the woman who had just walked down the stairs come up again. She has an oval face and big eyes. She looks really good-looking, but even though she has put on makeup, she can still see that she has just cried a lot. .

Although I don't know why she was crying, but combined with the play of Taohua Temple, I can guess one or two.

This story is very short. It is about a scholar named Shu Zhangcai who went out to a party, but he has not heard from him for 12 years.
Once, by chance, I saw a child who looked very similar to my husband, so I recognized this child as my adopted son.

Coincidentally, Wang Sansi, an old woman selling clothes, was seen on the street. The clothes she sold were exactly the clothes her husband wore when he left home. After asking the reason, he learned that Zhang Cai died 12 years ago.

In addition to being sad, he also learned that Zhang Caiwang had an affair with Chen Miaoshan, a nun in Taohua nunnery, and had a son with him. Because the nunnery could not raise him, he handed it over to Wang Sansi and sold it to others.

Dou's Peach Blossom Nunnery visited the nuns, and they talked with Chen Miaoshan about the pain of parting with Zhang Cai.

A few years later, Yizi was the champion of high school, and the whole family was happy. Wang Sansi also came to congratulate him, only to find out that the champion was the son of Miao Shan, the son of Zhang Cai.

It seems that the whole family is happy and the ending is happy, but if you think about it with your ass, you know that Zhang Cai is a scumbag. He goes out on a romantic night, and finally asks his wife to clean up the mess for him.

Looking at the movement of the two mother and son, one can guess the reason for it, just like the content of this drama is almost the same.

Xu Tong is not interested in the story of the mother and son, what he is interested in is Fenglailou, which is obviously unrelated, but always gives people a feeling of being closely related.

Last time it was me, this time it was the mother and son, if it was a coincidence it would be fine, if not...

Thinking of this, he couldn't help squinting his eyes, and became more and more curious about this place.

"Guest officer, our boss has a letter for you."

Just when he was full of curiosity about this teahouse, the clerk stepped forward and handed a letter to Xu Tong.

Xu Tong looked at the letter with a suspicious expression on his face for a moment, and instead of holding it with his hand, he motioned for the assistant to put it on the table.

The envelope had no words, but there was a faint scent of sandalwood.

I saw him carefully pick up the envelope and put it in his hand, playing with it seemingly casually. In his hand, the envelope turned into a paper crane for a while, and a paper flower for a while. After wiping his hands, he saw that the envelope was still intact Move it on the table.

With this little trick alone, the eyes of the old man who was eating cakes with his grandson showed a strange look.

"Dude, where's the bathroom?"

"Turn left downstairs!"

Xu Tong stretched himself, stood up and walked downstairs, but the letter was still on the table.

Seeing this, the Taoist sitting on the back table also stood up, and when he passed by the table, he swept away the dust, and a dark energy burst, and the envelope was actually torn open.

Everyone raised their eyelids and saw that there was nothing inside.

Seeing this, the Taoist raised his brows slightly, went to the window to have a look, and saw Xu Tong leaving the teahouse, opened his slightly drooping eyes, and said with a sneer, "You run fast!"

 Sorry, the update of this chapter is a bit late, the next update may be around 12 o'clock.

(End of this chapter)

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