Infinite script kill

Chapter 192 Sitting on the Immortal Pile

Chapter 192 Sitting on the Immortal Pile


The Taoist was startled, then sneered, and casually put Fuchen on his shoulder: "Okay, if you have any means, just use it."

The Taoist squinted his eyes halfway, staring at Xu Tong's cuffs and neck. He had traveled far and wide, so how could he notice such a trick?

This kind of mechanism hidden weapon is indeed extremely lethal at close range, but it is just a child's trick in front of him.

The reason why he is so confident is because of the whisk in his hand, don't underestimate the whisk, it can be soft or firm, offensive or defensive, there are only a handful of people in the world who can refine the whisk to his level, Just relying on this thing, even if there is a hidden weapon in front of the world, it can't help me.

However, the smile on the Taoist's face quickly froze on his face. Xu Tong raised his hands, instead of raising his arms high to close the engine like the sleeve arrows, on the contrary, he hugged his fists in front of his chest, calmly Bow to yourself.

Suddenly, a gust of wind rushed towards him, and the Taoist was always on guard against hidden weapons, but he didn't expect a sudden pain in his mind, his vision went black, and his head seemed to be hit with a sap.

The pain caused him to sway, like a big man who was drunk and almost fell to the ground.

"Curse! No, this is... Taoism?"

Daoist in a trance was startled, if it was an evil spell, the Taoist robe on him would definitely sense it, buying himself time to defend.

But this is not a spell, it is more like some kind of Taoist supernatural power, but it has never been heard that Taoism has such an overbearing supernatural power and tricks.

Amid the horror in his heart, the Taoist didn't have time to think about the strong wind blowing in front of him, which made him feel an unprecedented sense of crisis, resisting the discomfort, and took a closer look, only to see that Xu Tongren had already rushed in front of him.

The slender figure was as fast as a tiger and leopard, and it carried a murderous aura, which made people frightened. This is not the murderous aura that can be cultivated by killing one or two people.

Immediately, his face changed greatly, he stepped on the Seven Star Step, his figure moved back and forth quickly, and at the same time he chanted a mantra with one hand, stepped on the Seven Star, and pointed with his finger, "Go!"

After reading this, the Taoist's face turned into a pig's liver color. Obviously, Xu Tong's bow just now had already hurt his vitality, and now he was forced to move the shadow soldiers, which made his injuries worse.

But when the shadow soldier moved, he saw dense black shadows in front of him, rushing towards Xu Tong like a tide, which made the Taoist calm down.

The string of rosary beads in his hand has a lot of origins. It is called Wanhen Beads. It was forged from the dead bones in the pit of the dead. It is not afraid of water, fire, swords and soldiers. Combined with the technique of spreading beans into soldiers, it is difficult for even a Taoist master to match. .

However, facing the black shadow in front of him, Xu Tong frowned, but directly called the fat man out in front.

I saw that Zhang Yong used the flames to burn the big fat body into pits and pits, which made the big fat look a bit unbearable to look at, but only the superficial layer was burned.

Right now, the black shadow bumped into it with a bang, but it was directly bounced off by the fat and sturdy paper armor.

Passively activated by the thousand blades, Fatty opened his hands like a big net. He grabbed it forward with force, and the shadow shattered, revealing the truth. It was the rosary beads thrown by the Taoist.

These rosary beads were caught in the tentacles by the big fat net, and they were crazily hit, and even screamed.

Seeing this, Xu Tong, who was hiding behind, immediately realized that these seemingly inconspicuous rosary beads contained countless resentful souls.

Perhaps because of Mr. Song, or as a member of the paper maker, Xu Tong instinctively disliked such things.

I saw him call out the item book and hold the [Devil Bell] in his hand, and as he shook the bell, the voice of the Demon was activated.

Suddenly, the bell rang like a tide, and it actually turned into sound waves visible to the naked eye in the air. These rosary swords were hard to hurt, and they were impenetrable by water and fire. When they touched the sound waves, they immediately made a sound like roasted beans, and exploded in the air.

The Voice of Charm
Consumes 5 script points to produce mental attacks on targets within 15 meters around, and huge damage to ghost creatures.

There is a 20% chance to temporarily disable the ghost.

There is a 10% chance that the ghost will be dissipated.

Cooling time: 1 minutes.

(Note: The sound of ghosts and ghosts is originally the sound of schadenfreude, users must be careful, because it may bring bad luck to you.)
Everything happened too suddenly, and by the time the Taoist realized something was wrong, his precious rosary had already been shattered into scum, which made him who was not rich even worse.

With a breath in his chest, blood spurted out on the spot, and he cursed in his heart: "Zhang Yong missed me!!"

It was the information provided by Zhang Yong, saying that this guy Xiuyou Xihuo was good at melee combat, and after a few people discussed it, he was asked to avenge Zhang Yong.

Because his Wanhen Pearl is treacherous and changeable, he is not afraid of swords, weapons, water and fire, and he has practiced Taoist martial arts, and he can't get close to him unless he is a first-class master in the world. completely different.

Seeing that the orb was completely destroyed, the Taoist's heart was broken, and he took a closer look at the bell in Xu Tong's hand, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Why is this bell in your hand?"

Xu Tong, who was hiding behind the fat man, poked his head out and grinned at the Taoist: "I picked it up from the trash, do you believe it?"

"Bah, I believe you!"

The Taoist spat coldly in frustration, stepped on the seven-star step, turned around and planned to escape.

However, his speed is fast, and Xu Tong's speed is not slow. He puts the bell and the big fat away, and activates the active skill of the leopard soul cloak [Leopard Strike], and the speed suddenly rises to a higher level.

He jumped five or six meters away with one stride, and chased after the Taoist in a blink of an eye. When the Taoist looked back, his legs trembled in fright, and his feet slipped and almost fell to the ground.

There are so many masters in the world, but when it comes to top masters, there is no one he doesn't know.

In today's world, the top masters have long been unable to retreat, and the masters of the three religions dare not show their heads rashly.

He knows all the masters who can be counted in the lower nine streams. Where did this kid jump out? His strength is astonishing, and his lightness kung fu is so terrifying.

Thinking about the bell in this boy's hand just now, the Taoist's mind became more and more tense, and he felt that there were too many fascinations in this boy, making it elusive.

Thinking of this, the Taoist gritted his teeth, turned around and stopped suddenly.

Seeing him stop suddenly, Xu Tong thought that this guy had some tricks, so he stopped quickly.

"and many more!"

The Taoist paused and said, "Everyone is a grasshopper on the Internet. Now it's the end of the world. The situation has changed for thousands of years. The little brother is poor and has no eyes. You hold your hand high. Today I am the master. The relationship between us Even if Liang Zi is married, it’s okay.”

He couldn't fight, and couldn't run, so the Taoist was also free and easy, so he opened his mouth to surrender.

Xu Tong really didn't expect the Taoist to be so clean, and looked at him with a smile: "No!"

After finishing speaking, he added: "Tell me first, what is the relationship between you and Zhang Yong, why Guo Jinhua's body is fraudulent, what are you planning, tell me, and I will let you go."

"Hi!" The Taoist slapped his thigh and scolded: "Zhang Yong is an idiot, we can only be friends with him. I really don't know the Guo Jinhua you are talking about. As for what we are planning, the little brother said Where do you start?"

When Xu Tong saw that the Taoist had left himself clean, his face suddenly became unfriendly: "You really treat me like a newcomer jumping on the platform for monkeys to play, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, I will send you to the police station, and then we will see Say it or not."

Upon hearing this, Taoist's expression became tense instantly, and he waved his hands again and again and said, "Don't dare..."

After finishing speaking, he pondered for a moment, as if he was thinking about something, before he said: "Little brother, although you are capable, we brothers are not vegetarians, if I can't go back today, someone will come to pick your head tomorrow, you must know It's easy to block a spear with a clear gun, but it's hard to defend against an arrow in the dark."

Xu Tong hesitated after hearing the Taoist's words.

Seeing this, the Taoist hurriedly continued: "Little brother, I think the bell on your hand just now seems to belong to the old Bamen. I think you have built a bridge with that old guy from the Caimen. You should also be a disciple of the Bamen. Knowing some strange arts in the world, it is hard to guard against, let me remind you, have you heard of sitting on the immortal pile?"

It's good that the Taoist didn't mention it, but as soon as these three words were mentioned, Xu Tong turned his head suddenly, his eyes flashed coldly, like a wolf's eyes, which made the Taoist's heart tense, and the hairs on his body stood up.

But fortunately, Xu Tong restrained this captivating gaze very quickly, and he asked back with a half-smile, "Oh, you know how to sit on a fairy pile?"

The Taoist saw that his eyes gradually calmed down, and his hanging heart relaxed a lot. He secretly heaved a sigh of relief, thinking: "Good guy, where does this kid have such a strong evil spirit? Like those old guys, could he also participate in the competition?" Ever fought a war?"

But after thinking about the age, I could only swallow these confusions, shook my head at Xu Tong, and walked slowly forward a few steps:

"This is a sorcery of the world, of course I don't know it, but one of us knows this technique. Once this technique is used, killing people thousands of miles away is invisible. If you have great abilities, you will be like a fairy sitting in your arms every day, invisible and intangible , the pressure on your chest is getting heavier every day, and you are tortured day and night, and you cannot escape death in the end.”

Xu Tong noticed the Taoist's approaching steps, raised his brows slightly, but his heart was full of murderous aura. How could he not know how to sit on the immortal pile? Sometimes, you can't even feel the flesh on your body.

Hearing what the Taoist said, he had to wonder whether the person who plotted against the master back then was the person the Taoist said.

Seeing the change in Xu Tong's expression, the Taoist walked another two steps calmly, fixed his eyes on Xu Tong's wrist, and suddenly there was a cold light in his eyes, and he grabbed it with one hand like lightning.

I saw that his fingers were like hooks, and there was an air of rust on the fingertips. It was the iron sand palm that the Taoist had cultivated for many years. On the door of Tongmai, it can destroy his whole body of cultivation and cut off his life in an instant.

However, just when the Taoist's hand was about to grab Xu Tong's wrist, Xu Tong suddenly flipped his hand, and a pistol appeared in his hand. The black muzzle of the gun was aimed directly at the Taoist's forehead, and there was a "bang!".

There was a hole in the Taoist's head immediately, and he fell straight on the ground.

"Master Taoist, times have changed! I've said it all, we need to talk about science!" Seeing the Taoist priest's body, Xu Tong sighed, but he had no intention of killing him.

It's just that he wanted to die by himself, so he couldn't blame others. He took out the [Demon Bell], the bell flickered, and with a faint ringing sound, Xu Tong stretched out his palm and grabbed the Taoist priest's forehead: "Soul arrest!"

 Sorry, I took the bullet train to Kunming today and rushed all the way, which caused the update to be late. I'm really sorry. I have to fly back to Luoyang tomorrow. The update may be a bit late in these two days, but after I get home and settle down, I will enter Xiaohei It's time to speed up and add updates.

(End of this chapter)

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