Chapter 193

Police cars whizzed past the street, apparently the gunshot still alerted the authorities.

But Xu Tong had already erased his traces long ago, threw the Taoist's body into the item book and quickly left the scene.

It's not that he underestimated the police, but that under the constraints of the times, the police's investigative methods are still relatively backward at this time.

In reality, just after shooting on my side, the nearby patrol police will rush over in less than 3 minutes, and the sky eyes will quickly lock every intersection around.

Even the cameras in front of small shops will become the eyes of the police.

Police dogs, patrol police, traffic police, and criminal police will block the intersection for you before they leave this area.

Not to mention there are also drones carrying out reconnaissance above your head.

Unless it is a targeted premeditation, and every step of the way back is calculated in the early stage, otherwise it is almost impossible to get rid of the police's pursuit without using [Jack Mask].

In fact, he didn't go too far. After all, it was already very late. Walking alone on the street, he might be stopped for questioning. Even if the problem was not serious, there would still be some suspicions.

There happened to be a Dajun hotel not far away. Xu Tong stepped in and took a look. Three shirtless men were drinking and playing cards. There was no reception desk and no registration was required.

Knowing that Xu Tong was going to stay, a red-faced man squinted his eyes and took the key to open a room for two for Xu Tong. The was cheap, two cents a night.

But the environment is not good, the toilet is public, and there is a damp smell in the room and even a smell of stinky feet. It is close to the train station. I believe people who have stayed around the train station will understand this environment.

Fortunately, there were not many people staying in the room, and he was alone in the room at the moment, and he almost didn't care about the environment. Compared with the rotten environment in the last script, this place is much better.

After closing the door, Xu Tong sat by the bed and saw him wipe in his pocket. He put a cute little paper pig on the table. The paper pig twisted its body with difficulty, and every step it took was like a crab. , looks very gratifying.

It's just that except for Xu Tong, no one would have thought that this clumsy-looking paper pig turned out to be a Taoist who killed people without blinking an eye.

Speaking of it, he was unlucky to meet Xu Tong's Baishan button.

At this time, this unique art is still in the state of being hidden by the master, and it has not yet become famous after the Beiman Conference.

The Taoist naturally didn't know the power of Baishankou, so he suffered a big loss suddenly, otherwise Xu Tong would not be able to kill him so easily.

Of course, having said that, Xu Tong is still not good at learning, and the power of Baishankou is far from being fully displayed. It just severely injured the Taoist. If it were his master, it would be no problem to kill the Taoist instantly.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking of that time when the train met, the master quietly changed his gestures with a dark face. Fortunately, he had taken out the "Charm Bell" early, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

Every time he thought about it, he couldn't help but whisper in his heart.

At this time, the Taoist on the table seemed to have adapted to the paper pig's body. Although he couldn't speak, he raised his cute little pig's trotter and pointed at Xu Tong.

Xu Tong poked the paper pig's belly with his fingers and turned him over on the table. Before he could get up, he lightly pressed his fingers on the pig's head so that he could not move while lying on the table.

"If you want to be reborn, just cooperate with me honestly, or I will throw you into the cesspit."

Hearing this, the Taoist did not dare to move anymore.

He couldn't change the fact that his body was already dead. Even though he wished to die with Xu Tong in his heart, when he heard that he was going to be thrown into the cesspit, he immediately became frightened.

The filthy things, whether they are gods or little ghosts, all shy away. Being trapped in it not only has to endure the filthy air, but also ghosts and gods. After a long time, I really will never be reborn.

Seeing that this guy is no longer gesticulating, I need to find a pencil and cut off a piece of refill for him, let him crawl on the paper and write down what he wants to know.

It was nothing more than the same questions as before, but this time the Taoist wrote very seriously, writing neatly and neatly, one stroke at a time, and it took more than half an hour to write Xu Tong's question clearly.

It turned out that there were a total of seven of them, among whom some met by chance, and some were later drawn in by acquaintances among them, and Zhang Yong was one of them.

The head of the seven is a guy named Qianshou. This guy is the most mysterious, and he wears a mask every time he calls them.

Qian Shou's age cannot be found, but the Taoist chatted with him several times, and felt that this guy was unfathomable and knew many secrets that they didn't know. He even heard Qian Shou say that he participated in Yuan Datou's ascension to the throne by chance. ceremony.

You must know that Yuan Datou announced his accession to the throne in 1915, and now it is 1968. Qianshou can participate in such an important event as the enthronement ceremony, and he can retire unscathed afterwards, absolutely impossible to be a brat.

Even if you count him as 20 years younger, it is conservatively estimated that he is less than [-] years old now, and he is definitely a Voldemort who survived from the Republic of China era.

The immortal post mentioned by the Taoist population was learned from this Qianshou, and it was also confirmed from his mouth that this guy can sit on the immortal post.

As for Guo Jinhua's matter, the Taoist really doesn't know because he is not responsible for it, but it is speculated that it should have something to do with the bald man next to Zhang Yong, Monk Ming.

What they are planning, this matter is not clear to Taoists, because everyone is responsible for different things, and only Qian Shou and Hun Jianglong among the seven know the core secrets.

Seeing the message written by the Taoist, Xu Tong nodded, and then asked about Fenglailou.

Just when the Taoist was about to write and was about to write down.

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door, Xu Tong's mind moved, and he grabbed the Taoist on the table in his palm.

After a while, he heard a knock on the door. He opened the door and saw the big shirtless man who had opened the room for Xu Tong before, leading three people in.

"I'm sorry, brother, our bed is full, and there is no room for three more people here, so I can only let you spend the night."

The big man pointed to the three people behind him and said to Xu Tong.

A dark-skinned old man poked his head out and smiled at Xu Tong: "Brother, I'm sorry, so you sleep on the top bunk, and the three of us sleep on the bottom bunk. We will leave after a night's sleep and will never disturb you."

The old man said and patted the quilt on his back, for fear that Xu Tong would not agree.

Suddenly there were three more people squeezed into the same room with him, Xu Tong originally planned to simply give up the room to them, and just go out and find another one by himself.

But at this time, a man from behind stepped forward and apologized to Xu Tong with both hands: "Oh, isn't this brother Yu?? Oh, I didn't expect to meet you here. It's a coincidence. Big brother, second brother hurry up!" Come in, this is my brother, don't be so polite."

As soon as the man opened his mouth, Xu Tong was startled for a moment, but he quickly realized it. He glanced at the man's cuff from the corner of his eye and saw the familiar ink, and he couldn't help showing surprise on his face.

He hurriedly stood up in coordination, took the man's hand and said, "Oh, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here."

It was indeed a coincidence, Xu Tong did not expect that Gao Zhuo, who he had been looking for for a long time, would run into him here.

Surprised in my heart, I even thought of the poem given to me by the boss of Fenglailou in my mind, Mo Chou has no confidant in the future.

This made him feel a little more mysterious about Fenglailou's boss, and he couldn't help but feel more afraid of Fenglailou's ability to predict the future.

The two people at the door couldn't help but looked at each other. As for the owner of the hotel, since they both knew each other, he turned around and left without wasting words.

Taking advantage of the handshake, Gao Zhuo calmly wrote the word Feng on Xu Tong's palm, and blinked at him. Xu Tong immediately understood Gao Zhuo's meaning.

Patting Gao Zhuo's arm, he looked at the two people outside the door: "Brother Feng, these two are..."

"Haha, let me introduce to you, this is my eldest brother Zhu Xiang, and this is my second brother He Huanxi." After finishing speaking, Gao Zhuo turned around and introduced to the two of them: "Eldest brother, second brother, this It's Yu Ni, a good brother I met when I was traveling abroad."

Zhu Xiang nodded and cupped his hands towards Xu Tong: "Pianwan's brother, is he an online friend?"

Whether Feng's brother is a local.

"It's not online, it crawled out of the eagle's claw nest."

Xu Tong cupped his fists and responded that he was not a local, but just came out of the police station.

Zhu Xiang and He Huanxi couldn't help but look at each other when they heard the words, and their expressions immediately relaxed.

"Don't worry, big brother and second brother, this is really my brother, you guys talk, let's go out and buy some wine and food, let's have a good drink tonight."

As Gao Zhuo said, he dragged Xu Tong out, and the two of them walked out of the door of the hotel, only to see Gao Zhuo whisper, "Why are you here?"

"I haven't asked you this question yet, why did you become the third child?"

Xu Tong glanced at the hotel behind him, and asked Gao Zhuo back.

Gao Zhuo was also depressed when he mentioned this matter. After he entered, he was a gangster, not from L City. As soon as he entered, he encountered a street scuffle. According to the prompt of the side mission, he rescued these two guys, and ended up getting mixed up. Mix it up with them.

He said in a low voice: "These two people are not ordinary. They beat dogs (beggars) in Xia Jiuliu and said that there is a big problem in L City, so they brought me here with my long experience."

Gao Zhuo didn't know how to describe it. He planned to come to L city by car, but he had to follow these two beggars and had to live and sleep all the way. Fortunately, they were not far from L city, otherwise he didn't know when he would be able to come to L city. Come here.

"So, did they say, what is the big deal?"

Of course Xu Tong knew that this major event might refer to the Beiman Mountain Conference, but the details were unclear, and he was still at a loss as to what was going on.

Don't look at these two as beggars, but they are not ordinary beggars fleeing famine. Simply put, they are beggars. There is a huge news network between each other across the country, otherwise they would not say that they will bring Gao Zhuo to Mayor L experience.

"I didn't say that, but the second child, He Huanxi, mentioned that they were invited by an expert in L City. This expert's name is... oh, yes, Qianshou."

 I still have to catch a plane today, and I will wake up after a short sleep, and it may be a little later next time.

(End of this chapter)

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