Infinite script kill

Chapter 194 Oh, it was you! !

Chapter 194 Oh, it was you! !

"It's him again!"

Hearing this name, Xu Tong frowned unconsciously.

I just heard this person's name from a Taoist, but I couldn't believe that I heard this person's name again in a blink of an eye.

It seems that, as the Taoist said, this Qianshou's plan is very big, and he is even quite famous among the three religions and nine schools. A command made the world's masters rush to L City.

Xu Tong immediately told Gao Zhuo about the situation on his side. After Gao Zhuo heard the whole process, his expression changed slightly, and he squinted at the direction of the hotel behind him.

"Since this is the case, do you want to..." He stretched out his palm and drew a line on his wrist.

It means to kill these two beggars altogether, so as not to turn against Xu Tong after they meet Qian Shou.


Xu Tong shook his head. Now he has the feeling that no one in the world knows the king. Once Qian Shou knows that the Taoist has died in his hands, I am afraid that his life will be difficult in the future.

What's more, the jade piece on his body is also a troublesome thing, one can imagine that his next road will be full of thorns.

Two more or two less has little effect, not to mention that Gao Zhuo still needs two people to lead the way in order to sneak into the opponent's camp and provide him with information.

"I still say the same thing. If things really get to the worst level, you will disband the team and be ready to leave at any time. If I go back alive, I will make up for your loss."

Gao Zhuo curled his lips: "Then who am I? Will my father kill me when I go back?"

Together, the two agreed to meet at the big drum above the Drum Tower every three mornings to exchange information.

After the discussion, Xu Tong did not follow Gao Zhuo back to the hotel, and left directly. Before leaving, Xu Tong did not forget to give Gao Zhuo a big gift.

It was none other than the body of the Taoist.


Gao Zhuo didn't recognize the Taoist, but when he looked up and down, he immediately knew that this corpse was not ordinary. He was not too young, but his hands were white and clean, and his skin was fine and shiny, better than a girl's skin.

"Iron Sand Palm!"

Gao Zhuo thought about it for a while, and remembered that the old man once mentioned it to himself when he was alive, saying that the skill of iron sand palm is the most vicious.

The name sounds domineering, but in fact it is a vicious martial art.

In addition to frying iron sand with both hands on the brazier every day, it is also necessary to soak hands with various special medicines.

It is said that after this kung fu is practiced to a great extent, the old skin on the hands will quickly fade away, and the fingers will be white and soft. Most people can't see anything special about these hands.

If it weren't for the Taoist's age being really out of tune with these hands, I'm afraid I wouldn't have guessed about it.

At first glance, this Taoist was a master of martial arts, Gao Zhuo was surprised that Xu Tong killed a young master so quickly, but this corpse was also a rare material for him.

He put the corpse away, grinned and said, "It's a good feeling. Just before I entered, I just improved my corpse control technique. I'm going to use this to test the results of the experiment."

After accepting the corpse, Gao Zhuo bid farewell to Xu Tong temporarily. Xu Tong walked quickly and disappeared into the night. As for how Gao Zhuo made things right after he returned, that was his own business.

He didn't plan to go back to the police force. He threw his clothes and left on the spot. No matter how big the background behind Zhao Jian was, he might not be able to fall this time.

Besides, the script space has reminded him that if he loses his status as a police officer, he is doomed to be scolded and kicked out when he goes back.

So it doesn't make much sense to go back, I urgently need a hiding place now.

Just as he was thinking about it, he didn't know where he had gone before he knew it. He just felt that the more he walked, the more desolate he was, and he could vaguely see some grave mounds.

There was no village in front of this place, no shop behind, and it was pitch black from afar, and it was hard to distinguish east, west, north, south, even Xu Tong, a local snake, had to admit at this time that he seemed to have lost his way.


At this time, he suddenly remembered something, walked to a grave, and thought: "I don't know, why don't you ask."

Speaking of which, among the three tricks my master taught me, the first trick is to search for graves and ask for directions.

I haven't had time to use it yet, so I just tried it today.

I saw him take out three yellow incense sticks from the tool book, stick them in front of the grave, squeeze out a paper figure with his fingers, recall the formula his master gave him back then, and throw the paper figure in front of the grave.

Immediately, he saw the paper figurine standing in front of the three incense sticks, letting the cool wind blow and remained motionless. Seeing this, Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly threw a handful of paper money down.

As soon as the paper money was sprinkled, the paper man really moved slowly, flew up lightly, caught all the sprinkled paper money in his hands, and then cupped his hands towards Xu Tong.

Xu Tong squatted down and asked the paper figurine in front of him, "Excuse me, is there any place where I can stay nearby, and it's best to be quiet with few people."

I saw the paper figurine pointing to the west, and then it floated up under a gust of wind, and flew towards the west.

Seeing this, he hurriedly followed the paper figurine, passed through a grove of trees, and saw that the paper figurine slowly stopped on a rock and stopped floating forward. When Xu Tong came up, the paper figurine pointed to ahead.

He followed the direction pointed by the paper figurine, and saw two black stone cows lying on their stomachs in front of a dilapidated temple gate. He looked at the plaque on the temple gate, and saw three characters written on it.

【Shangqing Palace】

"Hey, it turns out that I have walked up Mang Mountain."

As soon as he saw the Shangqing Palace, he immediately knew where he was. It turned out that he walked west unknowingly and walked up to Mang Mountain in a daze.

And this Shangqing Palace is the benchmark building on Beiman Mountain.

Don't look at such a small temple gate, but it is said that this is the place where Lao Tzu made alchemy. It was built in the Tang Dynasty and was a national building at that time.

Emperor Gaozong of Tang respected Laozi (Li Er) as Emperor Xuanyuan, so Shangqing Palace was also called Emperor Xuanyuan Temple.Later generations revered Lao Tzu as Taishang Laojun, so it is also called Laojun Temple.

Of course, times have changed, and the inside has long been changed. Now stand at the door and look inside. Except for the main hall, which still retains the style of an ancient temple, the side halls on both sides are all small houses built with red bricks.

If it weren't for the words "Shangqing Palace" written on the temple gate, at first glance it would be considered a small private courtyard, which is generally inconspicuous.

In fact, Xu Tong was also very curious, why did I go to this ghostly place to make alchemy when I was full and had nothing to do, but right now this place is indeed a hiding place.

At this time, the paper figurine arched its hands towards Xu Tong, meaning that he could only be sent here.

Before Xu Tong could speak, the paper figurine ignited a ball of green fire, and disappeared without a trace in the air in an instant.

"Eh..." The paper figurine left so suddenly that he didn't even have time to be polite.

This inevitably reminded him of the respectful appearance of the paper figurine to his master when he was looking for the grave to ask for directions, and he couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, it seems that even a ghost is quite realistic.

Before entering the temple gate, Xu Tong symbolically knocked on the door and stepped in after making sure that there was no one inside.

Looking around, there are two old trees standing in front of him, and there are several stone benches for people to rest under the trees.

There was no one in the temple, so when Xu Tong walked into the main hall, he saw some offerings under the dusty Laojun statue.

But looking at the hairy steamed buns, I'm afraid that the tribute has been placed here for a while, and it is estimated that it was placed on it by someone passing by by chance.

Looking up, he laughed immediately. The famous Laojun Temple, even known as one of the origins of Taoism, is small and dilapidated, and you can see stars when you look up. It turns out that most of the roof has collapsed, which is really embarrassing.

After thinking about it for a while, it seems that in reality the Shangqing Palace has been repaired, but its reputation is so pitifully small that it is only known to the locals, and probably no one knows about it outside L City.

He randomly found a fairly clean place, lay down on the ground, and used the quilt as a bed. At the same time, he did not forget to call out two paper figurines to guard in the corner.

Once there was any trouble, he could manipulate the paper man to fight back for him immediately, and then fell asleep with his eyes closed.

I don't know how long I slept, but the sound of footsteps caused Xu Tong to slowly open his eyelids.

I saw a dirty man walking in from the door. The man had shaggy hair and a black face, and his eyes rolled around, but there was a bit of stupidity in his eyes.

Glancing at Xu Tong, he just grinned and ran out again.


In doubt, I saw the idiot ran in again after a while, but this time the idiot was not empty-handed, he threw a handful of flowers on the altar, grabbed the hairy steamed buns on the altar, and squatted aside Eat up in the corner.

While eating, he smiled foolishly, and his silly look made people feel a little distressed.

"Don't eat it, it's all broken, you'll get sick if you eat it, eat this!"

Xu Tong sat up, took out two ham sausages and a piece of bread from the item book, and placed them in front of the fool.

The idiot looked at the smile on his face, but he was not afraid of Xu Tong. He grabbed the bread without even tearing the bag, and was about to stuff it into his mouth. Seeing this, he could only help the idiot tear off the packaging bag.

The idiot here just took two bites, when suddenly he heard a noise outside the door, a middle-aged man walked in, and the other party was startled when he saw Xu Tong, but soon locked his eyes on the idiot, and his face darkened: "Why are you here again, get out of here quickly, I have nothing to eat for you."

The man scolded the idiot, but when he turned around, he still took out a piece of clothing and threw it to the idiot: "Pick up someone else's clothes, it's getting cold, take it back and wear it."

The idiot took the clothes and ran out with a smile on his face.

At this time, the middle-aged man looked at Xu Tong and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, he is a fool in the village. In fact, he is not too stupid to say that he is stupid. If you ask him to help you, he will not refuse to let him finish the job." Just order something to eat, I didn’t scare you, let me introduce myself, the poor Taoist man, is the Taoist resident here.”

"Dung Taoist?"

Xu Tong didn't expect Taoist priests to exist in such a dilapidated temple, but he looked up and down, and he didn't look like a Taoist priest. He was wearing a short sleeve that had been dyed black and white, and looked as dirty as a fool.

Even the Dao number is so strange.

When he was wondering if this guy was a charlatan, a smell of dung floated over him, making Xu Tong frowned subconsciously, but it was this smell of dung that made him suddenly think of what Elder Song said to himself. With that story, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Oh, it turned out to be you."

 After a long day of driving, I finally came home. It’s gone tonight. I’ll take a break tomorrow, adjust my schedule, and then we’ll start adding more.

(End of this chapter)

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