Chapter 195

"You recognize me!"

Chang Miao was greatly surprised, looking at Xu Tong with anticipation in his eyes.

But Xu Tong's next words disappointed him greatly.

Xu Tong shook his head, "I don't know."

He really didn't recognize this Changmiao Taoist priest, but when Elder Song took him to pay homage to the grave of his master, the two walked up the road to Beimang, and Elder Song pointed at the Shangqing Palace from a distance.

I told myself a story about True Monarch Hundred Dung. At that time, I just thought this story was a little funny.

An ordinary man with dung in his hand beat up an upright Quanzhen Taoist up and down, and finally he was instructed by an expert, and he really comprehended a set of exercises that belonged to him. Became a leader in Xiajiuliu.

This story, no matter how you hear it, is as legendary as the protagonist in a novel.

However, this legend actually appeared in front of him, which made him feel a little melancholy.

It seemed that he was uncomfortable with Xu Tong's sizing eyes, or that Xu Tong's answer made him very uncomfortable. In short, his face sank and he said in a good mood: "Have you seen enough? Since you don't recognize me, what did you mean just now?" ?? Are you kidding me?"

Seeing that he seemed to be angry, Xu Tong hurriedly explained: "No, what I mean is, this place belongs to you. I want to stay here for a while, and you can see it."


Chang Miao looked Xu Tong up and down, frowned and said, "It's okay to stay overnight, there is a room next to it with a bed, you can live in it after tidying it up, but..."

When Chang Miao said this, she couldn't help but raised her head and rubbed her fingers: "I need to give money."

In fact, Chang Miao didn't want much, and Xu Tong gave him two yuan for a penny a day.

Surprisingly, after Chang Miao took the money, she didn't put it in her pocket, but pulled out a merit box from under the altar.

Hearing the rattling sound inside the box, he knew there was nothing in it.

Seeing that Chang Miao was about to put the money in, Xu Tong frowned: "These two dollars are enough for you to eat and drink for a month, why put it in this crappy box, I really think this lump of mud can protect you?"

Chang Miao was happy for a while, her thin face was very simple, she respectfully threw the money into the box, then stood up and said to him: "I know it's a lump of mud, but we live under the gate of someone's temple, it's always There needs to be an explanation."

"Eh..." Xu Tong was speechless for a while, and he knew that he was not a true Taoist priest, so he did this for peace of mind.

In fact, putting this money here is also a formality, and the money will eventually be used to cultivate Taoism.

Then Chang Miao tidied up the side room for him, expressing that Xu Tong can live here in the future, no matter what the food is, but there is a vegetable garden in the back, which grows cucumbers, tomatoes and small greens, all free of charge, although the kitchen It's simple, but it's okay to cook a meal or something.

But Chang Miao still asked Xu Tong to clean the Taoist temple at least once a day, and Xu Tong agreed to this trivial matter.

In this way, he had a hiding place, and two days passed in a blink of an eye.

In the past two days, Xu Tong spent his days leisurely besides basking in the sun and reading books.

He also wanted to take this opportunity to take a good look at what the legendary Hundred Dung True Monarch looked like in his daily life.

After all, this person is also a legend, and it is also an interesting thing to be close to the legend.

But after two days of observation, I found that Zhang Miao lived a very simple life every day. He got up before dawn to water the vegetable garden, and after watering the ground, he went to pull manure and came back at night.

After I came back, I just ate something casually, and fell asleep while lying down.

As for what I wanted to see, such as chanting sutras and meditating, practicing martial arts and boxing, I didn't see it at all.

This inevitably made him a little disappointed. Maybe the real True Monarch Hundred Dung is such an ordinary person. After all, there is still a difference between legends and reality.

However, although I was a little disappointed, I found that it was quite comfortable to live here after staying here.

"Hey hey...delicious!"

That day when he was reading a book, he saw that fool squatting in the corner, holding the snacks that Xu Tong gave him, eating well.

This fool has been very diligent in coming to the door in the past two days. Every time he comes to Xu Tong, he will give him some snacks.

But he didn't eat for nothing. After eating the snacks, he picked up the broom and cleaned the yard seriously. This was originally his job as a resident, but now it's handed over to a fool, which saves him some leisure time. I can read more books.

It's not that he loves to learn, but the [Qingyun Yishulu] left by Mr. Song contains many strange arts, which are exactly what he urgently needs to understand now.

After all, I killed the Taoist sent by Qianshou, so I may not know what method this Qianshou will use to deal with me. Read more books, no matter if it's for leisure or accumulation, you can't go wrong.

For example, Song Lao wrote about fools in his book.

Of course, the idiot in the book is not the same person as the one in front of me, but the content of the story matches the idiot.

Although he couldn't be sure, when Chang Miao came back at night, he went to Chang Miao to confirm and find out about the fool's past.

Don't underestimate the idiot, according to Song Laoshu, the idiot actually has an unknown identity as a "village guard"

The village guard, also known as the town spirit.

This person commits one of the five malpractices, two of the three deficiencies, one of the three souls, and two of the six souls.

Every family in the village has weddings and weddings without notice. The fool is always the first to know, and he will take the initiative to come to the house to help. Such people generally don’t go to the table for dinner, and they don’t take the initiative to ask for things from the host. They just wait for the table to be collected. It's time to pick up some leftover food from other people's meals.

According to Song Laoshu, the village guards have the luck of the city god behind them, and to put it bluntly, they can be regarded as officially running errands under the hands of the city god.

Changmiao is also considered an online person, and knows the past of a fool. It is said that he was born a fool. When he was two years old, his parents left him in the field to fend for himself. An old cripple raised him with goat milk. of.

During the severe drought, fools could still catch mice, and hang the mice at the door of whose house to see if it really couldn't survive.

Just relying on these humble mice, the village really survived.

It was because of this incident that the villagers didn't say anything, but they were grateful to the fool in their hearts. They never ate and drank a lot of him, and everyone kept some leftovers for him. Treat him to a good meal.

Whether the idiot is the village guard written in Song Laoshu, Xu Tong has a skeptical attitude towards this, but this does not affect his favor for the idiot. He does not want to give him more food every time he finishes his work. He smiled happily and ran out.

Leaving this incident aside, there is another incident in the book that has aroused my strong interest.

The content said that Song Lao encountered an evil thing before he became a teacher.

That night after he got off work from the factory, he drank with his friends. After drinking for three rounds, he saw that it was getting late, so he left the wine bureau early to go home because his family was worried.

As a result, he was almost at the door of the house, and he heard someone calling him out of the blue, maybe because he had drunk some wine, but Mr. Song didn't care at that time, and just walked forward.

But after walking a few steps, Mr. Song suddenly fixed his eyes and saw a ten-yuan bill thrown on the ground, and his eyes became bright immediately. It was a ten-yuan bill. At that time, his monthly salary was only 15 cents.

Immediately, Mr. Song was about to reach out to pick it up, but before his hand touched the money, he heard someone shouting from behind him: "Money can't be made, but lives are numbered. If you take other people's money, you have to give it to them." Desperate!"

He looked back and found an old lady leading a young girl walking behind him. The girl was holding a bamboo basket in her hand. She had pretty features, almond eyes and willow eyebrows. When Mr. Song took a look at it, he felt his heart pounding. I feel that I have grown up so much, and I have never seen such a beautiful girl.

Xu Tong looked down a few lines, and the text was full of praises from Mr. Song for the girl. Goosebumps stood up on his arms when he saw it. At that time, Mr. Song's eyes were all on the girl. The old lady What does it look like, I didn't write at all.

Fortunately, continuing to read, Elder Song finally remembered that he was not writing a love letter, and brought the content back to the topic.

At that time, he only felt that the old lady was lying to him and wanted to occupy the ten yuan for herself, but the old lady seemed to see through his intentions and turned the money over with a cane, only to see a note stuck behind the ten yuan bill.

He knelt down and took a look, and there was a line of small characters written on it [Take my life, and I will report it in the next life]

Seeing this line of small characters, Elder Song's heart skipped a beat. He didn't believe in this thing, but he always felt that this suffocating and harmful thought made him feel very uncomfortable regardless of whether he was hit or not.

The old lady asked him to pick up the money, throw it into a nearby tree hole, and cover it with soil to save people from harm.

Song Lao was still puzzled at the time, isn't he not allowed to touch the money?

The old lady explained to him later, saying that this money is called birthday money. If you take it with a greedy mind, you will be caught immediately. If you don’t have this greed in your heart, even if you take it with you, twelve It will be fine for an hour.

Elder Song asked why the note could not be torn up. The old lady did not explain to him, but said that there is a technique that focuses on greedy characters.

After that, the old lady took the girl away. He looked at the girl's back and stood there for a long time until she disappeared. Then he hid the money in the tree hole as the old lady said in a trance.

As a result, three days later, the man who lived next door died suddenly.

He and the deceased still knew each other. His name was Gao Yang, and he was a few years older than him. Because there was a large birthmark on his face, which covered a third of his face, he couldn't find any serious job.

They didn't know each other very well, but due to the neighbor's relationship, they still came to mourn.

As a result, when they got to the door, they heard their relatives talk about Gao Yang, saying that this kid took out ten yuan from a tree hole, showed off everywhere, and invited people to drink in the middle of the night, but he drank too much and fell headlong into the moat , When people find out, people are out of shape.

Song Lao continued to write, but that was a matter of the next few years. He said that after he followed the master, he realized that this kind of disaster prevention money was a sorcery in the lower class.

The use is the result of human greed, but this sorcery can only last for a week, and if no one is tricked within a week, the sorcery will dissipate.

And the caster is by no means a foreigner, he must live in the surrounding area.

It was a coincidence that two years later, the Jiang family on the street gave birth to a child. As a result, the child had a large birthmark on his face, and later the child grew up to commit crimes and gambled all the Jiang family's property. Arguing, but being beaten paralyzed...

(End of this chapter)

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