Chapter 196
There's really nothing special about this little story.

But Xu Tong was particularly interested in this, because under the story, there was a line dated August 68, 8 o'clock in the evening, posted on Guoxiang.

And today happens to be July 7.

This is a bit interesting, according to the time and place, can I find Song Lao in this script space?

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little excited.

Tonight, Chang Miao came back earlier than usual, it could be seen that he was in a good mood, today he was paid and bought some pork liver and a bottle of wine.

Then he personally cooked two small dishes and called Xu Tong to eat them together.

After getting along with each other for the past two days, Zhang Miao still feels good about Xu Tong, a sudden resident.

After all, it is someone who talks, and life will be more comfortable.

Coupled with Xu Tongren's easy-going appearance, he naturally became Chang Miao's emotional trash can. After drinking too much wine, he couldn't help complaining about his sufferings over the years.

Xu Tong listened, and couldn't help sighing that the fate of the future True Lord Hundred Dung was miserable enough.

In fact, their family was originally a middle peasant, with a few acres of land, their father was a carpenter, and their mother was also good at needlework. Every month they sewed and mended, and they always earned some money to supplement their family expenses.

However, a few years ago, there was a severe drought and the crops failed. His parents were too old to survive, and he was the only one left in the family.

It happened that the dilapidated house leaked continuously, and finally survived the severe drought, but in the end there was a flood, and their house was washed away immediately.

My parents are gone, my home is gone, and I am alone.

Relying on this deserted Laojun Temple, there is a place to rest and sleep, and it is only now that I pull dung trucks for others to live until now.

He felt that the old gentleman had protected him, so he stayed here by himself. In the past few years, he had forgotten his own name. He claimed to be Taoist Changmiao, but everyone called him Taoist dung behind his back.

He didn't care what it was called, the last thought in his mind was to build up this Taoist temple, and it was this thought that supported him, otherwise he would have jumped into the well long ago, ending the suffering in the world.

Zhang Miao was too strong to drink, in fact he didn't know how to drink at all, after eating two mouthfuls of pork liver, he downed a glass of wine, and before Xu Tong finished drinking half a glass of wine, he lay down on the dilapidated wooden bed and fell asleep.

"Father, I miss you."

Under the candlelight, Chang Miao hugged the quilt with tears rolling down her face, and the smile slightly raised at the corner of her mouth made people feel sad.

Xu Tong stood up and covered the legend with a quilt. After exiting the room, he lay on a chair in the yard and squinted his eyes half-closed. He turned his hand, and the cute little pig appeared in his palm. .

It's a pity that it can't talk, otherwise it can chat with me. Xu Tong found him an iron box and threw it in, and asked him about Qianshou, and wrote as much as he knew.

In addition to Qianshou, there are other people's news.

Promise him that as long as he is willing to help himself, maybe he can help him too, and it is not impossible to give him a chance to resurrect his soul.

As soon as he heard this, he was willing to help him resurrect his body. The Taoist's pig ears stood up, and he started to write with a charcoal pen in his hand, writing out everything he knew.

After writing for half an hour, I finished writing both sides of a piece of paper before handing it over to Xu Tong.

He picked it up and looked at it, and was surprised that the Taoist knew a lot.

The Taoist really didn't know the purpose of Qianshou asking Zhang Yong and the others to kill people, but he knew from his friend that this time he summoned the world's masters to gather in L City, it is said that a heavy treasure was born.

But Chongbao is just an excuse, the real target is people.

It is not clear who the Taoist is targeting, but Qian Shou said that this is the last great opportunity after Yuan Datou ascended the throne.

Once missed, they are destined to become the dust of history from now on, forever.

Xu Tong looked at what the Taoist said, but didn't take it seriously, because he knew that this guy was definitely not telling the truth, and he squeezed out bit by bit like squeezing toothpaste, for fear that Xu Tong would throw him in if he squeezed out. It is understandable to go into the stove and save some truth to save your life at critical moments.

But he's not in a hurry, this guy doesn't open his mouth, he has a lot of ways to grind him slowly, right now, let's find out who those people around Qianshou are, what their names are, and their origins are the most important.

After reading the list provided by the Taoist, Xu Tong nodded, threw the Taoist into the iron box, closed the lid and threw it into the room.

Wearing the [Jack Mask] on his face, his appearance changed into Changmiao's, and he changed into worn clothes, and then rode out on Changmiao's bicycle.

Today is the day he and Gao Zhuo made an appointment. The two agreed to exchange clues at the Drum Tower. Taking advantage of the darkness, he quietly climbed up the Drum Tower and hid the message written by the Taoist on the top of the drum. Press down with a stone.

The top of the Drum Tower is locked, and most people will not go up at all, so I don’t worry about being taken away by others. I checked the time, and it was only after four o’clock in the morning.

Standing on the Drum Tower and taking a look, I really saw a dim yellow light bulb illuminating the street not far from the Drum Tower.


When I came, it was pitch black over there, and I didn't even notice that there was a store open there. He had excellent eyesight, and it was night, so with the blessing of dark vision, he could see the door at a glance. There is still a signboard hanging in front; "Beef Offal Soup."

"It's so early?" Looking at the words on the signboard, Xu Tong couldn't help the glutton in his stomach. He happened to be hungry too, and he just went back when he was full, and brought some food for Zhang Miao and Shazi by the way. One copy back.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong jumped off the Drum Tower and rode his bicycle towards the shadows ahead.

City L is known as the City of Soup. People's love for soup is just like the morning coffee of old gentlemen in Paris. It is a necessity of life.

It was only four o'clock in the morning, and the street was illuminated by dim light bulbs.

I saw that the huge iron pot was already steaming, bubbling and bubbling, and the beef churning in the pot could be seen popping up from time to time and sinking quickly.

"One bowl of soup, one cake!"

Sitting at the front desk was a young man about the same age as Xu Tong, holding an old book and concentrating on it. When he suddenly heard Xu Tong's words, he raised his head in surprise, and glanced at the wind chimes hanging at the door from the corner of his eye.

Seeing that the wind chime didn't move, the youth's brows relaxed a lot.

After receiving the money, I got up to make soup.

Seeing the change in the young man's eyebrows, Xu Tong felt strange in his heart. He looked back at Feng Ling, but he didn't see anything. He only felt that the young man's eyes just now seemed a little strange.

He seemed surprised that he came in.

Looking at the soup restaurant in front of him again, maybe he came too early, apart from him and the young boss, there was only a middle-aged man in a vest sitting in the corner.

"It's cool outside today, and it's most comfortable to eat outside, but it's too stuffy inside." The young man said to Xu Tong while handing over a bowl full of soup.

Xu Tong glanced back at the small bench at the door, and shook his head: "I'm not used to sitting on a small bench."

As he spoke, he sat down on the table with a bowl in his hand.

Seeing him like this, the young man couldn't say anything, looked at the time, and sat back at the front desk again, holding the book of "Book, Sword, Enmity and Enmity" to read.

In the big steaming bowl, there is a thick layer of red oil floating on it, with chopped green onion and coriander floating on it, and the aroma rises when you flick the chopsticks.

This shop only makes beef offal soup, but the taste of it made Xu Tong's eyes shine. He sipped it lightly. The soup was fat and delicious, with a bit of offal flavor. Cooked just right, neither hard nor firewood.

Add a pancake and soak it in. After being covered with broth, it has a unique flavor.

Just like the coffee that old gentlemen in Paris can refill their cups, the soup can be refilled indefinitely. Xu Tong finished a bowl first, and then asked the boss to refill the soup and add two big pancakes.

The young man put down his book, went to the soup pot and simply sprinkled a handful of chopped green onions, and poured another bowl of soup: "This soup is a bit fatty, and if you eat too much, you will get tired. Eat slowly so you don't choke."

"It's okay, I just love this one." Xu Tong grinned.

Of course he could hear that this young man seemed to have something in his words, but he didn't care, instead he had a little expectation.

Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, the young man didn't persuade him any more. Seeing Xu Tong sitting on the chair and starting to make pancakes again, he smiled coldly in his heart: "Hmph, just eat, and don't blame me when you feel uncomfortable later."

Looking at the time, the young man strode to the middle-aged man in the corner and sat down, took out a cigarette and handed it over.

The middle-aged man was in a trance, and when he saw the cigarette handed by the young man, he shook his head numbly.

"The soup is almost cold, and the golden rooster will announce the dawn if you wait any longer."

As he spoke, the young man casually put the cigarette by his mouth and smoked it.


The middle-aged man turned his head and glanced at the time on the clock on the wall unwillingly, as if he still wanted to say something, he seemed to think of something for a moment, and took out a wad of money from his pocket and put it on the table.

"I have money, I can give you money."

The young man squinted at Xu Tong, and saw that Xu Tong was concentrating on making pancakes, frowning and smoking a cigarette without speaking.

"Not enough? I still have more! I can give you as much as you want..."

At this time, the middle-aged man began to take out thick banknotes from his pocket and put them on the table. These banknotes were all blue-gray ten-yuan bills, and the thick stack was shocking to see.

There are at least a hundred sheets in this stack. You must know that the average salary is only a dozen yuan now, and this thick stack is enough for a poor family to go directly to a well-off life.

But the middle-aged man seems to have an endless amount of money. He keeps taking out more and more money from his pockets and clothes, and finally he opens his mouth. His throat and mouth seem to be stretched open, vomit~~
In an instant, money bills spat out from his mouth and spilled all over the table: "I have money, I have money!"

Seeing this, the young man frowned, and dismissed the money that fell on him in distaste, his face gradually turned cold: "Look again, can you see clearly that these are really money?"

The middle-aged man was stunned, and looked down, only to see that the money in front of him had turned into white paper, no, not even paper, the young man pinched one with his fingers, blew gently, and immediately the white paper turned into white paper. Bubbles, completely disappeared without a trace.

"Being born in the dust will return to the dust. You can't take it with you in life and you can't take it away with you in death. It's ridiculous that you had a lot of wealth in life, but you can't even take out a dime after you die. Even a kid doesn't want to accept you for reincarnation. Let's go, here I am." If you can't wait for someone you're destined for, don't come to me in the future, bad luck, I'll give you this bowl of soup."

After the young man finished speaking, he picked up his chopsticks and slammed it heavily into the pancake in front of him.

Suddenly, the fat soup in the bowl and the thick pancakes on the table quickly deteriorated and turned black, and gave off a foul smell.

The face of the middle-aged man also gradually turned rosy, as if he had eaten a full meal. At this time, the young boss squinted at Xu Tong, thinking that the boy must be too scared to speak out.

As a result, when he turned around, the smug smile on the corner of his mouth froze for a moment. I saw Xu Tong staring wide-eyed and holding the bowl. Instead of being frightened, he ate with gusto. Drink the soup: "Boss, this show really serves dinner, let's have another bowl!"

(End of this chapter)

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