Chapter 199

There was a gavel, and no one spoke in the hall. The old gentleman looked at the crowd with a smile, and raised his voice: "How about we talk about traditional storytelling today?"

"it is good!!"

The people below clapped and applauded. They all knew that the old man told stories, mostly talking about strange things, but today it was rare to talk about a storytelling in a serious manner, how could everyone not cheer? ?

"Brother, what are we doing here?"

On the second floor by the window, three heads poked out, it was Gao Zhuo and his party.

As Gao Zhuo spoke, he couldn't help looking around. He also knew the name of Fenglailou from his old man.

The old man's evaluation of this tea house is very unusual, saying that this place is both a river and a lake, and it is not a river and a lake.

To say how amazing this teahouse is, no one can say one, two, three, four, five.

Speaking of how ordinary this teahouse is, anyone who has been to this teahouse from all corners of the world will call it evil.

If there are waves in the rivers and lakes, the wind will come to the building to find the truth.

That's what the old man said back then, and he had longed for Fenglailou for a long time.

I heard Xu Tong talk about the evilness of this teahouse before, and I felt even more itchy in my heart. Until today, when I finally had the opportunity to come to this teahouse, I was like Xu Tong, looking left and right, but I couldn't understand the mystery.

It's just a very ordinary tea house, and I don't see anything particularly evil.

That's why I asked Zhu Xiang and He Huanxi in front of me.

"Hey." Zhu Xiang grinned, with a mysterious look on his face, while He Huanxi patted him on the shoulder and said, "Third brother, don't ask, just taste it when you come, taste it carefully, and you will be able to slowly taste it." Taste it."

Gao Zhuo cursed in his heart when he heard the words: "I hate you old sycophant, I should have drowned you two in the water and saved you two, I am really blind."

Just when Gao Zhuo was speaking Xiangxi dialect in his heart, he was greeting the two families.

Just listen to the old gentleman downstairs patted the startling wood again and said: "An old saying goes, one Lu, two Zhao, three Dianwei, four passes, five horses, six Zhang Fei, Huang Xu, Sun Tai, two Xiahou, two Zhang Xu Panggan, Zhou Wei. The sharp gun Zhang Xiu and Wen Yan, although brave and helpless, his fate is too sad. Among the 24 generals of the Three Kingdoms, Deng Ai and...Jiang Wei are the last."

A setting poem, uttered with majestic momentum, aroused the applause of everyone below.

The old man's eyes lit up: "Everyone, we won't talk about Lu Bu and Guan Yu. Today we will only talk about the courageous Zhao Zilong, who entered and exited Changbanpo seven times and seven times!"

"Wontons, rice noodles, rolled noodles..."

When Xu Tong walked to the street of Tianqiao, the hawkers shouted endlessly, and more importantly, there were all kinds of snacks, Xu Tong suddenly felt that the glutton in his stomach was hooked.

There is a small shop specializing in rice noodles by the river. When you walk past, you can smell a faint medicinal fragrance, and it smells a little stinky.

But the business was surprisingly good, Xu Tong sat down and ordered a big bowl, and the rice noodle came out not long after.

Different from other rice noodles, this one uses chicken soup boiled with herbal medicine, and the rice noodles served are not ordinary thin rice noodles, but yellow rice noodles mixed with cornmeal.

Sprinkle a spoonful of saozi on top, a layer of chili peppers in red oil, and a thick layer of chives.

Just the smell of it makes people drool under their tongues.

The big bowls of this era are really big, and a bowl of rice noodles costs only four cents. Even an adult will be burped for a bowl of rice noodles.

But for Xu Tong, it was just an appetizer. After eating a bowl, he ordered another wonton next door, a big bowl of camellia oleifera, and a basket of steamed buns. Hiccup, stood up under the weird eyes of everyone, stood up, checked out and left.

Before leaving, I didn’t forget to buy a beef pot helmet and eat it while walking.

This is the sequelae of physical fitness enhancement. I have only improved my overall physical fitness twice, and the total increase is only 50.00%.

It is said that those players who specialize in melee combat try their best to improve their physical fitness. After reaching a certain level, they don't need to consume script points at all, and a single punch is enough to crush ordinary players.

But the principle of equivalent exchange never goes out of style.

These people have improved their physique to an inhuman level, and it is difficult to fill their stomachs with ordinary food. The hunger will even greatly reduce their strength, and even threaten their lives.

To put it bluntly, if these rice buckets have no food, they will starve to death faster than ordinary people.

So every time I enter the script, I have to buy several large boxes of high-calorie compression sticks at the exhibition to use as food. Apart from having super high calories, this kind of food is almost as unpalatable as dog food, and the price is not cheap.

It can be regarded as a drink and a peck, there is a reason for it.

It was already approaching the afternoon, and the number of people on the street began to increase. Xu Tong was eating a pot helmet and walking forward, when he suddenly felt something, subconsciously dodged to the side, and wiped his shoulder with one hand and patted the space.

Immediately, his eyes turned cold, and he squinted and saw a man, who looked at Xu Tong with some embarrassment as he looked at the empty hand: "Oh, brother, your money is lost!"

The man pointed to the green twenty cents on the ground, and said to Xu Tong with a smile.

Xu Tong didn't look at the money. He heard the words and looked the man up and down. He was in his thirties, with a square face, glasses on his flat hair, and a simple and honest expression, like an honest teacher.

"Sorry, it's not mine."

Xu Tong stared at the other party while talking, stepped back two steps, turned around and squeezed into the crowd.

The man was stunned when he saw this, and his face suddenly became gloomy. He reached out to pick up the money and put it in his pocket, after thinking for a while, he turned and walked towards the other side.

"Remember, when you walk in the world, no one can pat you on the shoulder, even if you accidentally bump into you, you have to be careful of other people's plots."

This sentence is what Song Lao often said, because the master was stuck on his body because of inattentiveness back then, and he was tricked. Since then, Song Lao has a strong obsession with this aspect.

Xu Tong also had special precautions against this in his heart. He thought about the man's hand just now. His fingers were rough and there were raised calluses on his fingertips.

Just now that slap came down on his shoulder, fast and accurate, if he hadn't felt it in his heart and subconsciously dodged it, he might have been hit by this time.

Thinking about the list of information that Taoist Zhuzhu wrote for himself, Qianshou is surrounded by a man named Mr. Remind, and the sinister Xinxin Palm with his hand is similar to Taoist Zhuzhu's Iron Sand Palm.

It's just that Zhuzhu Taoist's iron sand palms, after refining to perfection, are as delicate and white as onion roots and tender bamboo shoots, which is hard to detect.

But Mr. Reminder's remembrance hand is not so miraculous. Its fingers are like hooks and its joints are thick, making it easy to guard against it at first glance.

Thinking of this, he immediately understood in his heart that he was already being watched by the people of Qianshou at this moment. Looking at the crowd passing by behind him, he did not see the figure of Mr. Reminder, but that strong sense of peeping was actually Show up on yourself from time to time.

Obviously, there was more than one person on the other side this time, all four masters around Qianshou were likely to come, and even Qianshou himself might be there in person.

For a moment Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, instead of being nervous, he was a little excited. He also wanted to see what was so special about Qianshou and his group, or how mysterious Qianshou himself was.

Immediately, he deliberately slowed down, his eyes watching everyone passing by.


At this time, he suddenly noticed a big bald head sitting in the tea shed in front of him. His bald head was illuminated by the light bulb in the tea shed, and it was as dazzling in the crowd as an oversized light bulb.

The other party also noticed Xu Tong, and waved to him with a smile.

"Dude, another bowl of Gao Sui."

Before Xu Tong came over, the bald head shouted at the buddy.

Xu Tong sat down, and the waiter had already put the tea bowl in front of him. The tea here is not sold by the pot, but by the bowl, and a huge bowl was fully brewed.

The brewed tea is called Gao Sui. The so-called Gao Sui is not the name of a kind of tea, but the tea shop sells out all kinds of tea leaves and collects all kinds of leftovers for sale. The price is very cheap, but the taste is also good. , a large bowl is very killer.

"What's your brother's name?"

Seeing Xu Tong sitting down, the bald head asked with a smile.

Xu Tong took a sip of the tea, the taste of the tea was very muddy, but it was surprisingly fragrant, and he couldn't taste any aftertaste, so it was enjoyable to sip it.

Hearing what the big bald head said, he said without raising his head: "My surname is Zu Mingzong, and I like to beat monks the most." After speaking, he glanced at the other party's bald head, and pretended to be surprised: "Oh, you are not a monk."

The big bald man twitched the corners of his mouth unconsciously when he heard the words, and his heart skipped a beat. The question was obviously aimed at himself. He was nicknamed Monk Ming, and Xu Tong even knew this. I'm afraid his good friend, Tiezhang The Taoist is already in danger.

Thinking of this, Monk Ming couldn't help but sneered: "An eagle with a broken feather is not as good as a chicken. Don't be afraid, old friends. I will officially face you today and pass a threshold. Let's walk around?"

The tea drinkers at the side couldn't understand Monk Ming's slang, they just thought he was speaking in dialect, and no one cared.

But there are also some people who can understand the meaning of these words. The policemen who have taken off their official uniforms are not as good as ordinary people. They have never been afraid of this group. The purpose of meeting you today is to see what kind of sect you are. Let's compete and try to find out how deep it is.

"Boss checkout!"

Immediately, three or five people in the tea shed dropped the money and got up and left. Obviously they understood the slang, they didn't dare to stay here, and left quickly.

Xu Tong took a sip of tea, and after listening to Monk Ming's words, he couldn't help looking him up and down and sneered, "Wen Pan Wu Pan, let's draw a path."

This is what Monk Ming was waiting for, and when he slapped the table, he saw two coins slammed into the table: "Happy, as long as you can walk out of this street alive today, we will be cleared!"


Xu Tong raised his eyebrows and looked at Monk Ming coldly. Under the black and white eyes, there seemed to be a ball of cold fire beating, which made Monk Ming's heart skip a beat, and he couldn't help being surprised: "It's so big! Shame!"

At this time, Xu Tong dragged his chin and looked at Monk Ming: "In this case, I also hope that you can walk out of this street alive!"

When he was talking, his hands dragging his chin were suddenly crossed together, placed in front of his chest, and he bowed down to Monk Ming...

(End of this chapter)

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