Chapter 200
Monk Ming stared, and an iron fan flew out from his cuff and landed on his palm. The fan spread across his chest. Seeing Xu Tong's gesture, his heart tightened, almost the same reaction as Taoist Zhuzhu.

It was nothing more than worrying that Xu Tong had hidden arrows in his sleeves and a bow in his back.

Just as he was about to call out to Xu Tong, the street winding roads could not expose the murder weapon, but Xu Tong bowed down with one hand, and Monk Ming's head buzzed.

His eyes turned black, and the picture around Xu Tong in front of him became blurred, and he could vaguely see a black air coming from around Xu Tong.

In such a dazed effort, Xu Tongren had already stood up from the tea table and walked slowly into the crowd.

"Guest officer, please drink well."

The clerk in the tea shed came over to collect the money and found that all the money had been slapped into the table. He couldn't help but stare, and carefully glanced at Monk Ming's face from the corner of his eye.

Monk Ming's eyes were staring forward like copper bells, his chubby face had turned dark blue and purple, and his temples on both sides of his forehead were bulging scary.

"Guest officer, this is..."

The man tried to reach out his hand to pat Monk Ming on the shoulder, fearing that he would choke on drinking too much tea, but his hand just touched it.


Monk Ming spurted out two meters away with a mouthful of blood, his body shook and his head fell to the ground.

Immediately, everyone in the tea shop was in a hurry, not knowing what happened, they just thought it was a sudden illness, and hurriedly called for help to send the person to the hospital.

In fact, Monk Ming was not seriously injured, but he was caught off guard by Xu Tong's mountain bow and injured Yuanshen, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up for a while.

This is not Monk Ming's dish, as the so-called one move is eaten all over the world, but the move of worshiping the mountain is really bad.

Even with precautions, Monk Ruming and Zhuzhu Taoist watched Xu Tong bow down, but what they were wary of was the hidden arrows hidden in his cuffs or the crossbow mechanism behind his collar.

Unexpectedly, this guy came up with a magic damage, and he was caught off guard. He didn't even have a defense, and he was beaten in the first bow.

Xu Tong seriously injured Monk Ming and didn't attack again. On the one hand, the streets are winding, there are rules for winding, no murder weapon is seen, and there are no crowds. Everyone is fighting for a method.

On the other hand, the sudden death of a person in public is bound to attract the attention of the police. This is not what Qianshou and the others want to see, let alone what they want to see.

He stood up and walked towards the other end of the street. He changed his position in the crowd, glanced around, and waited for Monk Ming's accomplices to make a move.

At this time, a man in a gray coat walked up to Xu Tong in the crowd. There was a distance of one meter between the two, but their steps were surprisingly consistent.

"Good method, little brother, how about letting me walk with you."

After the man's voice fell, Xu Tong suddenly had a strange feeling. He couldn't tell what was wrong, but he always felt a feeling of being caught all over his body.

Squinting his eyes, he saw that the man's face was calm and calm, but the steps under his feet became heavier and heavier, and a layer of dust was scattered on the ground when he stepped on it.

What's even more weird is that my own pace unknowingly followed the opponent's rhythm. No matter whether I slowed down my pace deliberately or accelerated to move forward, I couldn't get rid of this weird sense of rhythm.

With every step I took, I felt the strange feeling in my body getting stronger and stronger.

I have never seen this kind of strange art in [Qingyun Yishulu], but he has a strong perception, and if he follows this way, he will not be able to walk a few steps. I am afraid that his internal organs will also be affected by this strange force. Shattered.

Thinking of this, he stopped at all, and the man also stopped when he saw this, and stood beside Xu Tong, looking at the crowd in front of him: "Little brother, this street is very long, only a few steps away. Are you tired?"

"Then I'm just tired, what can you do?" Xu Tong asked back.

"If you are tired, you have to walk. People live for a lifetime. Many people want to stop, but sometimes stopping is a dead end. Only by constantly moving forward can we find a way out."

The man said as he lifted his robe with his fingers and stepped forward with one leg.

Xu Tong was surprised to find that when the man stepped forward, his own legs moved forward uncontrollably, as if a force was pulling him.

Seeing the surprised expression on Xu Tong's face, the man squeezed the mustache on his chin with his fingers: "Look, you think you can stop, but you are like a lonely boat, drifting on the rivers and lakes, wanting to go Stop, whichever you say is up to you."

As he said that, he would continue to walk.

Seeing this, Xu Tong frowned, took the initiative to speed up and lay in front of the man, and looked back at him: "Since you like walking so much, then I'll let you walk as long as you want!"

He didn't even look at the man as he spoke, just striding forward.

Seeing this, the man felt suspicious for a while, he didn't know what the kid was going to do, but he was confident that the kid would be unable to escape after being hit by his own magic, and he wasn't afraid that he could make waves.

So Xu Tong walked in front, and the man followed behind. After only three or five steps, Xu Tong's forehead had already seen beads of sweat, and even his breathing became short of breath, like an old man who had just come down from the field. Panting like a cow.

"Hey, let's see how long you can go!"

Seeing this, the sneer on the man's face became stronger, but he couldn't help but be surprised that his strange art came from the secret art of Sanmao Sect [square inch thousands of miles]

Taking one step by myself, this kid is equivalent to walking a thousand steps, and step by step, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and the more he walks, the more tired he is. In the end, even if a cow can't walk very far, it can be exhausted to death.

But this kid was only sweating a little at this moment, and his breath was short of breath, which made him surprised why this kid's physical strength is so good? ?

Just when he was thinking about how long this kid could last, suddenly a heart-pounding pain hit the sole of his foot. When he looked down, he saw a nail appearing under his foot.

The nail is about the size of a thumb. Pull it out and take a closer look. It's actually made of paper?


Looking at the nail that was pulled out, the man's face suddenly became strange, as if he had a feeling in his heart. Looking up, he saw Xu Tong with his back turned to him, looking back with his head lowered, with a smirk on his face: "Come on!" You said, I want to go, you can't stop, right?"

As he spoke, the smile on his face became more ferocious, and when he opened his hand, densely packed small paper nails fell from his palm and landed on the bottom of his feet.

The scattered paper nails seemed to have eyes, and they were all sprinkled around the soles of the man's feet impartially.

Looking at these spilled nails, the man's face instantly became ugly. These paper nails looked limp, but he didn't know that after being blessed by Xu Tong with the spirit-enchanting technique, the hardness of the nails was no worse than those of iron.

Seeing that the man's expression became dull, Xu Tong tried to lift his foot and stepped forward.

As soon as he left, the man's face changed drastically, and the soles of his feet had to follow Xu Tong's pace, stepping on it step by step.

With this kick, all the dense paper nails were pierced on the soles of the man's feet. Suddenly, the man's eyes were staring with pain, and the veins on his hands were tense.

It is said that the ten fingers connect to the heart, the fingers are ten fingers, why not the toes, not to mention the pain in the soles of the feet, which almost made him cry out.

He is also a bloody man. Seeing the blood oozing from the upper of the shoe, he gathered himself together, glared at Xu Tong, and said with a smirk: "Boy, let's see who can survive the other today!"

As he said that, he suddenly swept his toes, swept up the dust on the ground, and swept away the paper nails, and took advantage of this moment to jump forward with one foot.

However, just as his foot was about to hit the ground, Xu Tong hooked his finger, and suddenly saw those paper nails that had been swept away quickly crawl out from under the feet of the crowd around him.

One by one, like lively and lovely elves, they quickly gathered at the soles of the man's feet.


This time the man couldn't bear it any longer, and fell to the ground, holding the soles of his feet with his hands, his face trembling with pain, and tears fell down.

"Why, don't you go?? If you don't go, I will continue to go!!"

Xu Tong squatted down and looked at the paper nails on the soles of the man's feet, and couldn't help laughing.

"You!! Despicable!!" The man's face turned pale, his teeth trembled uncontrollably just by speaking, and he could only glare at Xu Tonglai.

"Speak as if you are very bright."

Xu Tong curled his lips, and when he stood up and was about to leave, there was a sudden commotion in front of him, and only one person shouted: "No, the water truck has overturned, get out of the way!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a loud bang, and clear water splashed down from the ramp above.

It turns out that people at this time did not have running water, and they had to go to the well to drink water. However, in some places, there was a lot of water and there were no wells nearby, so they used carts to pull huge buckets to deliver water. Now this bucket of water is poured down. , instantly made the street wet.

When the man saw it, he found that the paper nails would melt immediately after being stained with water. He was immediately refreshed, stood up from the ground, and stared at Xu Tong like a wolf.

"Hey Hey."

Regardless of the wound on his foot, he stepped on the stagnant water on the ground at will, looking at Xu Tong proudly, meaning, come on?You go on, we have no end to this account today!

Without the threat of paper nails, he is bound to exhaust Xu Tong to death today.

Xu Tong glanced at the water under his feet, and couldn't help squinting towards the direction where the bucket was smashed in the distance. This thing is so big and fixed on the cart with ropes, it is impossible for it to fall to the ground easily.

Taking a closer look, I saw the master who wanted to pat me on the shoulder before, standing in the crowd with his arms folded and looking at him with a half-smile.

Seeing this, Xu Tong was not annoyed, and turned around to look at the man and silently gave a thumbs up: "Congratulations, you have a good brother!"

"Of course!"

The man raised his head and cupped his hands in the direction of the urging hand, his face full of satisfaction, but when he turned around, his eyes suddenly widened, and he saw Xu Tong holding a white plastic bag in his hand.

He didn't recognize such an exquisite packaging, but he could still recognize the words on it, and there was only one word [salt] on it.

(End of this chapter)

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