Infinite script kill

Chapter 202 The Republic of China

Chapter 202 The Republic of China
At the same time as the magic power is activated, Ember's active skill Black Chi's Injury is activated at the same time.

Black Chi's Wound,

Consuming 15 script points, activating all attacks can increase the power of Corrosive Fire.After Black Chi's Injury is activated, the probability of generating bone-attached fire increases by 30%, please feel it for yourself.

For a moment, the domineering power of the devil and the viciousness of the corrosive fire, two extreme darkness-type flames, unexpectedly formed an extremely rare tacit understanding under his palm.

All of this is precisely because of the dark physique, so the two item cards of the same dark type have a strong commonality.

It had already erupted, and immediately there was a terrible black and blue flame in front of his eyes, and the evil and domineering power was unstoppable.

The lion fought the rabbit with all his strength, let alone facing this old monster who survived to this day during the Republic of China.

"Well done."

The evil fire was raging in front of him, and there was a terrible manic laughter from under the mask, and his figure suddenly appeared in front of Xu Tong in the next second.

Facing the terrifying flames in front of him, the old guy brazenly raised his arms, his fingers bent, and a dark force enveloped his arms.

"Caixi, Mud Dragon!"

With a sly laugh, the black breath turned into silt and gushed out along with Qianshou's arms, and he couldn't help covering the flames in front of him, and there was a huge aura that wanted to press back.

At this time, an even weirder scene appeared. The index finger and ring finger of a thousand hands protruded out like lightning, causing the surrounding time to pause. The next moment, the two slender fingers seemed to ignore the constraints of space and time, and appeared out of nowhere. On Xu Tong's chest.

At the very moment, Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and a terrible suction force suddenly erupted between his hands. The extreme flame turbine was activated, and two kinds of dark flames exploded in the palm of his palm, and the big hands with countless blades pressed against him.

In the blue-black light, there is death wrapped in strands and strands, and a terrifying upward suction force makes Qianshou's finger that stabbed his chest suddenly broken off.

However, when Xu Tong glanced at it from the corner of his eye, he realized that these two fingers were actually made of wood.

I was startled in my heart, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged from my heart.

"Good boy, have the ability!"

There was a giggling sound from under the mask, and with the sudden burst of fire blades in front of him, a red light flashed from Qianshou's body, followed by countless densely packed flying needles burst out of his body.

"Puff puff!!"

Each flying needle is as thin as a hair, and it is even more difficult to distinguish with the naked eye in the dark.

In an instant, everything within ten meters around was covered by a dense layer of flying needles. Even the surrounding cement stones, if you look carefully, you will find iron needles that look like hairs growing out of them.

Looking at Xu Tong again, he saw that Fatty, who had been summoned before, was standing in front of him like a mountain.

The paper body is covered with a layer of hair-like flying needles, from head to toe there is nowhere to strike.

Fortunately, his paper armor was strong enough, otherwise the unlucky person would be Xu Tong hiding behind him.

"What you, a puppet, really mean."

The sound of praise came from behind Xu Tong. He turned his head and frowned, only to see another Qianshou sitting in the shadow behind him.

Just like the one just now, even the big smoking pot in his hand has not changed.


Xu Tong glanced at the fragments under his feet, his eyes showed doubts, and he looked around carefully, finally vaguely seeing that the dark sky above his head was actually countless dense black silk threads.

In other words, this place is like a shed for a puppet show, shrouded in trap lines.

The real Qianshou only needs to hide in a corner and move his fingers.

"Are you a master of the Cai family?"

Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but suddenly remembered that he had seen Song Lao record a secret history about the Cai family in "Qingyun Yishulu". Although it was only a few strokes, it was impressive.

It reads: During the Republic of China, Shui Xian'er, a master of Caijia, controlled the anise by himself, and staged the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea above the busy market, as if eight immortals descended from the sky, shocking the world with their skills.

But then he disappeared without a trace.

At this moment and the scene, he couldn't help but doubt what was the relationship between this Qianshou and Narcissus.

"Hehe, you are interesting, I have entered the door of the Cai family, I have read the books of the Mo family, I have become a monk twice before the Buddhist hall, and I have practiced Taoism in a Taoist temple for two years, and finally hid in Meihua village in Sichuan for seven years , Speaking of which, you people from the four little yin sects will call me uncle master when they see me, alas, after living for such a long time, there is so much to learn, but there is nothing to learn."

Qianshou sat on the stone steps, while beating his legs, while talking about his travels over the years like a few treasures.

With so many identities, Xu Tong can't help but doubt whether what this guy said is true, if it is true... "Hiss!! Good fellow, this old ghost can live and live, he is simply Voldemort."

"Boy, let's talk. I think your method just now is really a bit like an old friend." Qianshou was not in a hurry, took a few puffs of cigarettes, and signaled to chat with Xu Tong.

"Old man??" These words inevitably made him a little surprised. His own means, dare not say that there is no one before or after, but even if players want to copy it, I am afraid it will not be easy.

After all, not everyone can get the three prop cards, whether it is the Dark Physique, or the Power of Magic and Ember.

But Qianshou nodded, and said decisively: "An old man from the period of the Republic of China, his name is Huo Wuji, and he has Hunyuanhuo in his hand. At that time, there were indeed few opponents. Unfortunately, he was unlucky enough to meet his nemesis and was captured by Longmen Quanzhen." The head teacher stabbed him to death with a sword."

"Ha ha!"

Xu Tong was unlucky when he heard it, and after talking for a long time, he turned out to be a supporting role, but no matter how famous he was, he became a stepping stone for others.

Seeing Xu Tong's impatience, Qian Shou had no choice but to continue: "I don't want to be your enemy, but you almost ruined my big business, so I can't let you go easily, as long as you submit to me, I will protect you." What a great opportunity."

"Tell me about the opportunity first, let's talk about it first."

When Xu Tong heard this, his eyes lit up. He was worried that the main task was unclear and he had nowhere to start, so he just tried to get some useful words from Qianshou's mouth.

"Two words!"

Qianshou took a sip of the cigarette stick in his hand, and then said: "Xianbao"

"Boom rumble..."

The two words were uttered, as if the sky felt something, the cloudy sky was suddenly streaked by a flash of lightning, and the air began to become dull, as if a downpour was about to come.

Since ancient times, all strangers have wanted to find a treasure. It is said that it has the power to change fate against the sky.

Throughout the ages, many people have thought about this thing, the Great Inner Forbidden Palace, let alone going in, it is useless even if you go in, because the palace is too big, with high vermilion walls, and you may not be able to see the other side even with a ladder.

In order to prevent thieves and assassins, it is difficult to see even a big tree in the forbidden palace.

According to legend, such a thing happened during the Jiaqing period. A farmer named Chen De went to assassinate the emperor.

Relying on his ability to climb trees, he actually got close to Emperor Jiaqing. The moment the sword was drawn, the guards of Shenwumen and Chen De looked at each other, and the emperor was terrified. The minister was quite responsive, and quickly hugged Chen Decai so that Emperor Jiaqing was not injured.

Later, all unnecessary trees in the Forbidden Palace were cut down, and a lot of bright and dark whistles were added, and there were countless masters.

Until the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded the capital, the world was in turmoil, and when the gates of the Forbidden Palace were opened, some evil ways finally realized the opportunity and took advantage of the chaos to sneak in to fish in the troubled waters.

In the end, this treasure was really stolen.

Once this thing came out, it immediately caused competition among different people in the world.

When mentioning that great battle, even though it has been a long time, Qianshou still has lingering fears.

From the top to the three religions, down to the folks, there are all kinds of teachings.

The old man he was talking about, Huo Wuji, with his sinister and domineering Hunyuanhuo, was enough to stand among the first-class masters in the Jianghu. In the end, when he was fighting for the fairy treasure, he met the head teacher of the Quanzhen School of Longmen.

The two fought each other within one move, and Huo Wuji was stabbed to death by a sword, and the Hunyuanhuo was lost.

The overnight battle between aliens changed the entire world. In the end, various sects and sects suffered heavy casualties, and the fairy treasure was also shattered. It was divided into four parts and disappeared from now on.

When Xu Tong heard Qianshou talk about this anecdote, he couldn't help but wonder, could it be that the piece of jade in his hand was a quarter of the fairy treasure.

Thinking of this, he immediately became vigilant, and asked calmly, "Why haven't I heard of such a big thing?"

"The rivers and lakes are a matter of the rivers and lakes. There were not many people who survived. To put it bluntly, it's just that they didn't grab things. Many people died in their own families. Who would publicize such things? Now that so many years have passed, Those who know, those who don’t know, have almost been submerged in the wheel of the times, and of course young people like you don’t know.”

When Qianshou said this, the voice under the mask was actually quite proud.

He is also worthy of pride, after all, at that time, his own strength was barely even a second-rate master, and the strength of his friend Huo Wuji was even farther away.

Not to mention, those first-class masters who are stronger than Huo Wuji, even super first-class masters.

But now, they have already returned to ashes and ashes, how many people still remember their names in the Jianghu? ?
As long as he has laughed till today, he can be proud of that alone.

Sure enough, supernatural powers are unrivaled, not as long as longevity.

Speaking of this, there was a strange giggling sound under the Thousand Hands mask, squinting at Xu Tong's young face and said, "Do you want to know why I can live for so long?"

Xu Tong thought for a while and scratched his head: "Oh, I see! It turns out that the reason why you can live for so long is because..."


Qianshou's eyes drooped slightly, and the light flickered from under his eyelids.

Xu Tong raised his head slowly, as if there were flames beating in his pupils, as if he had found the clues of his longevity from Qianshou's words, so there was only one truth: " of the bastards!"

(End of this chapter)

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