Infinite script kill

Chapter 203 The Terrible Hand

Chapter 203 Thousand Hands Are Scary

Qianshou heard that the muscles under the mask froze suddenly, and stared at him coldly.

For a moment, I only heard him say coldly: "I don't know how to flatter you"

After the words fell, four black shadows struck like lightning, Xu Tong didn't move, but let the fat man rush up to stop the four dummies, and at the same time waved and threw them away, only to see a glittering golden figurine thrown into the air by him .

After activating the control technique, with a slight movement of his fingers, the little golden figure quickly spun in mid-air and went straight to the door of Qianshoumian.


Looking at the golden villain, Qianshou was stunned for a moment and didn't care at first, but when the villain rushed over, Qianshou realized something was wrong.

"Caixi, a thousand taels of scales!"

I saw Qianshou holding the cigarette stick and sending it up. There was a golden light spot on his cigarette stick, like a star mark on a pole. When he pressed his finger, the star mark seemed to be lit up.

"Bang!" There was a buzzing sound.

The cigarette stick was on the little golden man's body, and when the two touched, sparks burst out in the air.

Xu Tong frowned, feeling as if he had hit the wall of King Kong, seeing the golden light bursting from the little golden man, he felt a sudden pain in his heart.

That's all gold, just pounce on this piece, it doesn't count if you need to consume gold, the key is that you can't stand the consumption of spirit enchantment.

He felt sorry for the little golden man, but he didn't know that Qianshou himself also felt sorry for his cigarette rod. When he looked carefully, he slammed it, causing a hole the size of a thumb to burst open in his cigarette rod.

"Paper control! Boy, what is your relationship with the Wang family!"

Qianshou has lived for so long, and he once paid homage to Sichuan Meihua Village, which is an ancient village left by Taoist Meihua, and there are many skilled paper makers in it.

So when I saw Xu Tong's paper control skills at this time, I couldn't help being shocked, and when I took a closer look at Big Fatty, I vaguely caught this kid's heel in my heart.

It's a pity that Qianshou likes to play charades, and Xu Tong likes it too, grinning: "Guess!"

As he spoke, his fingers seemed to flick a few times in the air, causing the little golden man to rush up again.

Now Qianshou's expression is unnatural, he came to Plum Blossom Manor at first because of the rumors in the world that the Four Little Yin Gates are the inheritance of Plum Blossom Taoist.

Who is this Plum Blossom Taoist will be described in detail later.

It's just that his original purpose of sneaking into Plum Blossom Village was to control paper.

It's a pity that I found out later that this sect was introduced into a lineage of the Wang family. He searched hard for a long time but couldn't find it. Unexpectedly, this craft fell into the hands of this kid.

He was surprised that Xu Tong's tricks came out endlessly, but seeing the paper control technique at this time, he already concluded in his heart that Xu Tong's heels must be the heirs of the Wang family among the paper makers.

Thinking of this, Qianshou didn't want to fight him again, he punched through the air with his fist, sending the little golden man flying, and then jumped up.

The arm tore off the camouflage of the gown on his body, revealing a yellow monk robe and a scarlet cassock, half of his chest and right arm were exposed, revealing smooth and strong muscles in the air.

"Boom rumble..."

The dull air in the sky once again burst into a flash of electricity, and the big raindrops immediately began to drip down.

But before the rainwater touched the cassock on Qianshou's body, it was shaken off by an invisible force.

Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and the aura of Qianshou, who had torn off the disguise in front of him, suddenly rose several levels. If the two had fought just now, Qianshou's aura was just like a hill, but now, it has at least turned into a mountain.

"I didn't expect that you are still a monk!" Xu Tong couldn't help being deeply surprised when he saw the thousand hands falling lightly on the ground.

Thousands of hands and pupils under the mask shone with golden light: "I have worshiped Buddhism twice, I dare not say that I have learned a few Buddhist scriptures, but I have also cultivated a whole body of Buddhist secrets, otherwise Zhang Yong would not obey me."

Seeing that Qianshou seemed about to make a real move, Xu Tong didn't dare to be careless, and squinted at Fatty.

I saw that Big Fatty was fighting four against one, and it was obviously a little bit overwhelmed. It was not in a good condition. It was burned by Zhang Yong before, and it helped him to withstand the terrible flying needle attack.

Facing the siege of four puppets at this time, centipede-like cracks had begun to open in many places on his body.

Seeing this, he simply took back the big fat man and the little golden man, spread his hands, and arched his legs slightly, like a dormant cheetah, with his eyes fixed on Qianshou.

In this split second, Qianshouren had already jumped towards Xu Tong in the air.

The blood-red cassock unfolded in mid-air, and in a way of ruling the world, he opened his big hands, as if five mountains were falling head-on, which made Xu Tong's heart beat faster.

But he didn't choose to dodge, but chose to fight head-on. He also wanted to see how strong this big man who survived the Republic of China was.

Seeing the palm falling in the air, Xu Tong stepped on a puddle of stagnant water. The water splashed in all directions, and was quickly absorbed by the extremely absorbent cotton pants.

And the moment the cold rainwater dripped down the trousers, it was instantly evaporated into a white mist by a dark blue flame.

What's even more frightening is that the blue fire light covered Xu Tong's body in an instant, and the rainwater from the sky was evaporated and disappeared, and the moment he jumped up, he seemed to be as fast as a blue leopard jumping out of the cloud.

"Demon had arrived!"

Xu Tong was like a demon king waking up in hell, his speed was so fast that it exceeded the range of normal humans, and his hands seemed to be waving a burning dragon to smash down.

The earth and rocks collapsed, and the two people shook violently. Suddenly, the surrounding rainwater evaporated like water mist, and there was a vast expanse as far as the eye could see.

On the roof in the distance, the urging gentleman who had almost fought with Xu Tong just now couldn't help clenching his hands into fists. Such terrifying strength made him start to murmur in his heart, trying to bring himself in, but the result There was a trace of fear in my heart.

Fortunately, there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of him, so he couldn't see the battle inside clearly. He could only hear the beast-like fist wind rumbling under the thunderstorm.

People can't tell whether it's the thunder of thunder or the sound of fists breaking the wind.

The battle didn't last long, not even ten seconds, and a black light flew out of the mist, rolling on the ground in embarrassment.

"who is it!"

Mr. Remind's pupils tightened and he hurriedly took a closer look. When he saw that it was Xu Tong, Mr. Remind's face did not relax. Instead, he frowned: "Trash!"

As soon as the voice fell, Mr. Cuiming suddenly noticed something, and when he turned around, he found that Qianshou was standing on the roof behind him, with his hands on his back, his right hand on his left hand, his two thumbs connected, and he was silently reciting the Vajra Sutra, and appeared behind him A phantom of a glaring King Kong appeared.

If you have some understanding of Zen, you can call it out, this is the wrathful Vajra Dharma.

The mudra produced by thousands of hands is the diamond seal in the secret method of Zen. It is said that when the practice of this mudra is performed to the extreme, one can enter the realm of superman.

Xu Tong didn't know how far Qianshou had practiced this Vajra Seal, but at least he was sure that even those monks in Shaolin Temple who had practiced hard for decades would find it difficult to reach this level.

Because just now, with the help of the Vajra Appearance, his Demon King's Advent was unexpectedly scattered, and because of the restraint of the dark physique, he actually suffered a big loss.

But the strange thing is that after Qianshou wounded Xu Tong, he stopped attacking, put his hands together and put away his face, and the voice under the mask became sharp and slender again.

"There are still two months until the Mid-Autumn Festival on August [-]th. If you are still alive by then, you can come to Beimang Eagle Cloud Peak to find me. Then I will give you a chance. The premise is that you are still alive."

After Qianshou finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at the place where Mr. Cuiming was hiding. Even though there was a distance of more than a hundred meters, when he saw Qianshou's eyes sweeping towards him, Mr. Cuiming couldn't help being startled. So far away, his hiding place has been exposed.

What was even more surprising was that Qianshou glanced at him, then turned to look at the treetop not far away, and waved his hand: "Crap!"

As he spoke, he slapped his waist with his palm, and the surrounding silk threads that were hard to distinguish with the naked eye were quickly put into a round box at his waist.

At the same time, a black shadow jumped down from the canopy, like a wild goose flying, and disappeared into the night in two or three steps.

"Jiangjiang Dragon!"

Mr. Reminder was shocked into a cold sweat instantly. He was discovered by Qianshou, and he was not surprised. After all, the strength of this old monster was unfathomable, but he didn't expect that Hun Jianglong would hide not far from him when he didn't know when. Not at all.

"Sir, hurry up, we still have business to do!"

When he was in a daze, the voice of Qianshou came from Mr. Cuiming's ear, which undoubtedly caused a storm in his heart. Taoist magical powers, sound transmission for thousands of miles!


Taking a deep breath of cold air, the mischievousness in Mr. Urging's heart dissipated immediately, and he glanced at Xu Tong again, couldn't help laughing at himself, feeling that he was no different from a waste, turned around and stepped on the mud tiles on the roof, and left quickly.

After the three of them left, Xu Tong also stood up slowly, and lightly patted off the mud on his body. He didn't look like he was injured at all, but he couldn't help cursing inwardly: "You old cunning!"

In fact, although he was hit hard, he was not seriously injured. He deliberately pretended to be weak, just waiting for Qianshou to rush up to make up the knife, and he directly activated the Dark Lord to counterattack.

As a result, the old thief seemed to have sensed the danger, and ran away pretending to be generous. Not only did he walk gracefully, but he also surprised the other two companions by surprise.

But he didn't dare to wait any longer, the commotion just now would definitely attract interested people to observe.

I was injured, staying would only increase the danger, so I immediately took out the [Jack Mask] and put it on my head, turned into a long and wonderful appearance, turned around and walked quickly into the alley.

However, on the other side of the building, when the old storyteller was talking like lotus flowers, someone suddenly walked up to the stage and stuffed a note into the old man's hand under the cover of sending flowers.

The old man opened the note calmly, glanced up from the corner of his eye, his expression changed drastically, he shook his body a few times, and immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, and rolled down from the high platform.

This made everyone below panic, and hurriedly rushed over to take a look, and saw that the old gentleman was still holding the blood-stained note tightly in his hand. Someone picked up the note out of curiosity, and saw that it said With two words: "Wrong!"

(Note: Because there was a problem in the last update, I shouldn’t have written something, which caused the plot to be rectified. Although it has been released, it has a big flaw in my next plot, so I will update it today. , I have to rearrange the dungeon outline, sorry!)
(End of this chapter)

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