Infinite script kill

Chapter 205 Encounter with Old Man Pu

Chapter 205 Encounter with Old Man Pu
"One of the five evils is committed, the other is committed by the three deficiencies, one of the three souls is removed, and two of the six souls are removed. It eliminates evil spirits, swaying monsters, calming yin and yang, regulating five elements, suppressing eight evils, three evils and five diseases..."

Early the next morning, Xu Tong was sitting in the yard with a bowl of hot soybean milk in his hand and a book in the other, looking at the information about the village guards on it, thinking about it.

Qian Shou, an old naughty man, actually hid his tricks and almost followed in the footsteps of his master. No wonder he vowed to go to Yingyun Peak to find him in two months.

Feeling that I have been hit by his sorcery [Sitting on the Immortal Stake] after being slapped by him, I am afraid that this old guy will be waiting for me to come to beg him.

It's just that Qianshou never dreamed that he was destined to be blessed, and that there was a village guard behind him to protect him and eat up that black shadow.

Of course, Xu Tong himself did not expect this.

He had doubted the authenticity of the village guards before, and felt that what he said was too evil, until last night after the fool swallowed the little black man, he fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed.

Only this morning when he touched the idiot's forehead with his hand, he realized that the idiot had developed a high fever, and his brain was burning hot. He gave him antipyretic medicine, but it didn't work at all. He could only use a cold towel to physically cool him down, and it ended up tossing all night , to no avail.

Until the morning, the idiot burped suddenly and spit out a cloud of black air, his body temperature returned to normal, and now the idiot is still sound asleep on his bed.

This inevitably made Xu Tong exclaim in amazement, and became even more curious about the village guards in his heart, but the description of the village guards in Song Lao's book is only this paragraph.

Holding the book in his arms, he looked at this passage, looked left and right, and after reading it for a long time, he didn't see any clues.

Until I heard the idiot's snoring, I ran back and glanced at the idiot who was sleeping soundly, the corner of his mouth was drooling, and he was still muttering: "Snacks, delicious..."

Seeing this, he walked out of the room and took another look at the book in his hand. There were only two words between the lines, "kindness."

"It seems that the fool is the nemesis of sitting on the immortal pile, which is really unexpected."

Xu Tong's heart widened, and a smile rose on his face. It was a blessing in disguise for him. Not only was he not harmed by Qianshou's immortal stake, but he knew the way to crack the immortal stake, so he no longer has to worry about it in the future The master was plotted against by the old thief Qian Shou.

With nothing in mind, he was in good spirits. Although his injury hadn't healed yet, Xu Tong was in a good mood. He was full with a bowl of hot soy milk and fried dough sticks, and fell asleep soundly while lying on the chair.

He didn't wake up until the sun was shining on his body at noon, making his skin hot.

Opening his eyes, he saw that the fool had already woken up and was squatting in the corner by himself, having a great time with two leaves in his hand.

When I looked again, I found that I was actually covered with a blanket. I didn't need to think about it, but I knew it was a fool. Although I was sweating from the heat, my heart was still warm.

Finding that Xu Tong was awake, the fool immediately leaned over and smirked.

"Don't eat snacks, I'll take you to a restaurant in the city."

Xu Tong threw the blanket on the chair, dragged the fool to the sink to wash his face and hands, and dragged him outside.

On the one hand, he wanted to repay his kindness. After all, if he hadn't been a fool last night, he would probably feel uncomfortable now.

On the other hand, I was also hungry, it was already noon, and Chang Miao was still working on his plan for the dung empire, and I couldn't wait for him, so I took the fool to the city to have a good meal first.

The two walked along the small road to the city. On the way, Xu Tong tentatively asked the fool if he had a name.

But the fool just laughed happily, and Xu Tong also smirked when he saw this, co-authoring that he was also a fool, why ask this if he has nothing to do, it is the same as others asking if he is crazy.

Whether he has a name or not, just be happy.

City L is called the capital of the gods, because it used to be the center of Central Plains culture.

But for him, this is a city of gourmet food. When the two of them arrived in the old city, Xu Tong dragged the idiot straight to the Zhenbu Hotel.

There are quite a few restaurants and restaurants in L City, but at this moment, the most famous one in L City is only this really different hotel.

Seeing Xu Tong approaching, the janitor at the door immediately stepped forward, but he couldn't help being stunned for a moment when he saw the idiot behind Xu Tong pulling him sideways.

Xu Tong didn't give him a chance to look down on others: "This is my brother who has been separated for many years. It is hard to get together today and give me a private room."

"Hey! This is a happy event for you, middle, please go upstairs to the private room."

The guy is not stupid either, what can he say when he sees Xu Tong's rich and generous attitude like an old man visiting the door to spend money, besides, he is sitting in a private room and does not affect other guests, so of course there is no problem.

Sitting in the private room, Xu Tong didn't even look at the menu, and just asked the waiter to serve a whole table of water seats.

The buddy only thought that he was rich and powerful, and he was not afraid of waste, so he turned around and went to order food.

"Give you!"

Xu Tong sat down and handed an iron box to the fool.

The fool opened it and saw that there was only a little pig made of yellow paper in the box. What made him even more happy was that the little pig could still move.

Seeing the little pig dancing in the box, the idiot was very happy.

Seeing the smile on the idiot's face, Xu Tong unconsciously began to smile, as if the idiot's smile was contagious.

As for why the pig Taoist in the box didn't smile, he didn't know.

The idiot was having fun with the iron box, while Xu Tong walked to the window and looked at the scene outside the restaurant.

On the fairly spacious street, there is no picture of future traffic, but you can see everyone wearing neat white shirts and riding bicycles on the street.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a knock on the door, Xu Tong frowned, turned around, and saw that the person who pushed the door was not the person who served the food, but an old man with a straw hat.

As soon as the fool saw an outsider, he immediately threw Zhuzhu Taoist back into the iron box, then closed the lid, hugged the iron box tightly in his arms, and stared at the old man vigilantly.

"Hey, hello, my surname is Pu and my name is Dongshun. You can just call me Lao Dongzi. Just now I heard from the buddy that you are very happy today. Let me congratulate you first."

The old man arched his hands towards Xu Tong, and from the corner of his eye he looked at the fool again, and then he said, "My lord, on such a happy day, do you want the old man to bring the girl to sing for you? It doesn't cost money. If you think the singing is good, you can enjoy the meal."

Xu Tong understood as soon as he heard it, raised his hands, raised his two thumbs left and right, arched his hands towards the old man and said, "I'm on the shoulders of the old man, move the beam and settle the root, you're welcome."

Friends in the rivers and lakes, you are welcome to eat with chopsticks.


Hearing the words, the old man was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly cupped his hands and smiled apologetically: "Master, you are a real Jianghu person, I am not, I understand what you mean, but if you want me to say it, I...wouldn't know it either."

The old man is not from the rivers and lakes, he could understand what Xu Tong meant, but he didn’t dare to pretend to be a rivers and lakes person to make money. The dumpling was broken and the stuffing was exposed.

Hearing this, Xu Tong let out a sigh, and nodded: "Okay, you don't need to sing, it's all for a living, and I ordered a lot of dishes today, so you can come in and eat with your children."

"Hey, you are a benevolent person. I wish you smooth sailing, two dragons soaring, three suns prospering, four seasons of peace, five blessings coming to the door, six and six Dashun, seven stars shining brightly, wealth from all directions, ninety-nine concentricity, perfection..."

Good guy, this old man doesn't mind if he doesn't speak, but when he speaks, it's a set of jingles.

Under Xu Tong's gesture, the old man called in the girl who was holding the erhu outside the door. The girl was only eleven or twelve years old, fair and clean, with a small nose and big eyes, and her long black hair was braided. Tong bowed.

After examining the girl, he glanced at the old man again, and he understood immediately.

The old man who sings in a restaurant like this is actually very unpleasant, and it is common for customers to be kicked out. If girls are not allowed to come in first, they are afraid that the girls will not be able to stand being scolded, or they will be molested by those unscrupulous guests. .

It can be seen that the old man would rather lose his face than let his daughter be wronged.

Before the dishes were served, the old man asked the girl to sing a song congratulating the whole family, and only after Xu Tong nodded his head did he dare to sit down.

After the old man sat down, he glanced at the fool again, hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Master, I think you are a good person, your brother...uh..."

Xu Tong raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "What's wrong with my brother?"

"Uh... I told you not to blame me." The old man looked puzzled, gritted his teeth, and said, "Your brother is not a mortal, and the time you spend with him is running out..."

(End of this chapter)

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