Infinite script kill

Chapter 206 Perfection

Chapter 206 Perfection
When Xu Tong heard the old man's words, his face turned cold at first, but soon returned to normal. Even if it was just for a moment, the old man could see clearly.

The old man deliberately paused after he finished speaking, waiting to see if Xu Tong would get angry, if he got angry, he would get up and leave, and he should be blamed on Meng Lang, too happy and forgot to explain the truth of simple words.

But Xu Tong didn't get angry after all, because he knew that he and the fool were not in the same world after all, and they would be separated sooner or later, but there seemed to be other reasons for listening to the old man's words.

Pick up the teapot on the table, make half a cup of tea for the old man, and pick up the cup: "The old man is well-informed, please give me some advice, replacing wine with tea is not a respect."

Seeing that Xu Tong didn't lose his temper, the old man let go of what was hanging in his heart. He didn't even dare to say anything. He drank a sip of tea and then said in a low voice: "Three evils and five shortcomings, three souls go to one, your brother is an idiot! Stupid, but it’s also a blessing, the villagers in the village don’t have to worry about food and drink,”

"You also know this!"

Xu Tong was startled, most of the things he didn't see were from books, why did the old man see them at a glance?
"I am not from the rivers and lakes, but I have wandered in the rivers and lakes before."

The old man grinned and opened his trouser legs. Xu Tong saw that the old man's left leg was actually a prosthesis.

"So it's senior." Xu Tong cupped his hands again.

"Don't dare to do it, don't dare to do it." The old man hurriedly waved his hand, then changed his voice, and pointed to the idiot who was sitting next to his granddaughter holding an iron box.

"The village guard, although he is stupid, is also a person registered under the hands of the city god. When he has accumulated enough merit, the city god will take him back to reincarnate. Look at the red light on this little brother's seal, afraid It’s enough merits and virtues, and a person of great kindness will be rewarded with blessings in the next life.”

Hearing this, Xu Tong looked back and saw that the fool's forehead was indeed much rosier than that of ordinary people, and it really gave people a special feeling.

It's not that he didn't doubt the old man's words, because he remembered what Zhou Huasheng said in the second script world.

Whether it is Taoism, Buddhism, or even any mainstream religion in the world.

In the end, what they are looking for is not life, but death.

A way of death that is difficult for normal people to understand, such as Taoism's eternity, and Buddhism's Nirvana, to complete the last step of life's goal, consummation.

"Then how long do you think my brother has?"

Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't do without the idiot now. Whether it was out of selfishness or because he really didn't want to part with it, the idiot was a trump card. Especially in the future, the master would be plotted against by a fairy stake, and only a villager like a idiot could crack it.

If you want to find other village guards, on the one hand, it is not easy to find, what if you find them?On the other hand, if you find someone, you may not be willing to help yourself.

So if possible, he didn't want the idiot to leave him, at least not right now.

"This... depends on fate."

The old man stroked his beard, he could see so much, no matter how much he knew, he couldn't say it, it could only be said that it was a fool's luck, good luck, maybe he would go out and do a good deed casually, and he would be consummated .

If you are unlucky, you may have to wait for several years before encountering the opportunity to make him consummate.


Xu Tong's eyes flashed brightly, and finally he let out a long sigh, although he has a way to complete the retardation fool, such as locking him up in a place where the sun is out, so that he will not have that chance.

But he can't do such a thing, as the old man said, everything can only depend on fate.

While the two were talking for a while, the banquet food had already begun to be served.

Xu Tong originally wanted to entertain the old man and the others to eat more, but he didn't want the old man to take out a bowl, put some food in the bowl with serving chopsticks, and then get up and say goodbye.

Xu Tong hurriedly wanted to stay, but the old man cupped his hands: "My lord, you are very happy today. The little old man will only increase his bad luck here. This meal should be rewarded to the young old man. Our green mountains will not change. In the future, if you need a place that can be useful to the little old man, you can find me in the outskirts of the city, at the intersection of Huayuan."


Xu Tong could also see that even though this old man was not a wanderer, he was by no means an idler. Just as he was about to hand out some money, the old man grasped his hands immediately and said, "Don't, I have never had anything to do with money in my life." , It will be enough to have a descendant."

As he spoke, the old man glanced at the girl, the nasolabial folds at the corners of his eyes were crowded together, and there was an indescribable doting in his eyes.

Seeing this, Xu Tong understood, and no longer wanted to keep the old man.

After the two left, he sat on the chair and frowned, looked at the fool for a while, saw that he was still waiting for him, and curled his lips: "What do you think, eat quickly, eat and drink enough, let's go to the bathhouse Let me give you a good bath."

Not to mention Xu Tong's side, a group of people were sitting in the shade of a tree eating watermelon in a broken courtyard on the other side. This group was none other than Mr. Cuiming, Monk Ming and others.

Everyone was eating melons when they heard a violent retching sound from the house behind them. They paused for a while, and continued eating after the retching sound was over.


Not long after, the door was pushed open, and a young man in black and light clothes came out of the room.

The young man came to the crowd, took out a piece of paper, glanced at the crowd in front of him, turned it over, and handed the paper to Monk Ming: "Let the pharmacy follow the prescription to get the medicine."

Monk Ming took it and looked at the prescription, raised his brows slightly before everyone could see clearly what medicine was written on it, and quickly stuffed it into his arms, took two mouthfuls of watermelon, got up and went out.

"The head hurts a lot this time." The speaker's feet were wrapped in gauze, and he was the ghost porter who Xu Tong used paper nails and salt to bahort. He didn't forget to glance at the person behind him Room.

Seeing this, Mr. Ming asked, "It's strange. When I came back last night, I didn't look like I was injured. Why did I suddenly vomit blood in the middle of the night?"

The young man didn't respond to this. He sat down and picked up a piece of watermelon and ate it. On a hot day, eating cold watermelon is the best way to cool off the heat.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Mr. urged him to stand up: "I'll take a look."

As a result, just as he was about to take a step, the young man casually spit out a watermelon seed, and with a sound of "bang!", he made a small dent the size of a thumb in front of Mr. Reminder's feet.

This made the face of Mr. Reminder, whose other foot was raised in the air, flicker for a while, and his body did not move, squinting at the young man.

It took a while for the young man to say in a calm manner: "The boss said, he has a relapse of an old illness and needs to rest for a few days. Anyone who dares to disturb him will be made into a puppet."

Hearing this, Mr. Cui Ming retracted his feet, and his face was finally not as ugly as before.

"This is for you, I want you to go to Fenglai Tower and tell the shopkeeper, and spread the news that the kid may have shards of fairy treasures on him. If necessary, let's work together to get rid of this kid, and I don't want to see him again. "

As the young man said, he handed a black wooden sign to Mr. Reminder. When he saw the wooden sign, Mr. Reminder's eyes lit up. This is the tea sign of Fenglailou. On the third floor, I saw that unpredictable big man, the big boss behind Fenglailou.

This is an opportunity that can't be met but can't be sought. It is rumored that if anyone can meet the big boss, with this tea card, he can exchange two things with the big boss.

Since the young man only said one thing, the remaining one can naturally be understood as a reward for himself.

The uneasiness in Mr. Remind's heart disappeared, and he shouted into the room: "Head, I'm going now."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Hunjianglong and the ghost porter, and walked out of the yard.

Hun Jianglong was still eating melons, eating very slowly, but he placed every watermelon seed neatly on the table.

The ghost porter seemed to have noticed something, he didn't dare to say it, he didn't dare to ask, so he could only bury his head in eating the melon until the watermelon was gone.

Hun Jianglong took out a stack of banknotes, and continued: "To the west of the Drum Tower, there is a pharmacy, which is a true disciple of the famous doctor Li Zhan. Go and have a look, and don't let your feet suffer any sequelae."

The ghost bearer didn't say a word, just wiped his clothes a few times, took the money and ran out of the yard on crutches.

After everyone had left, the door was pushed open after a while, and a man with a face full of scars came out, and sat down with Hun Jianglong's support.

"Cough cough cough..."

The man seemed to be in his forties, but his face was covered with hideous scars. Apart from knife wounds, his face was more likely to be burnt by fire.

With a crooked mouth and slanted eyes, he looks neither human nor ghost, no wonder he usually wears a mask to show others.

"It's so quiet when they're all gone."

After Qianshou finished speaking, he couldn't stop coughing a few times, and his eyes darkened for a moment: "This kid can't stay, I wanted to torture him for a while with a fairy stake, and let him beg me by himself, but I didn't expect him to give me broken."

Human calculations are not as good as heaven's calculations. Even after thousands of hands calculated for a long time, I never thought that my immortal post was actually cracked. You must know that when the master passed down this trick back then, he passed away before he could tell himself the way to crack it. up.

He didn't even know how to break the Immortal Stake, but it was broken by a boy of unknown origin. If he couldn't kill him now, once he spread the cracking method, he would be passive.

You must know that last night when he realized that the immortal post was broken, he immediately suffered a backlash and almost lost his life. Fortunately, he brought a few life-saving pills to stabilize his internal injuries. If he did it again, he would be regarded as immortal. Treasure body will also die without a doubt.

On the side, Hun Jianglong lowered his head and did not speak, and there was no second expression on his cold face. After hearing Qianshou finished speaking, he stood up and wanted to go out.

A big hand grabbed him, looked back, and saw Qianshou squinting one eye and said with a smile: "No hurry, you can't do anything yet, I want to keep you for great use."

As he spoke, he slowly lay down on the chair, when a gust of cool wind blew, Qian Shou took a deep breath: "The tree wants to be quiet and the wind keeps on coming, look, the wind is coming soon."

(End of this chapter)

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