Chapter 207

At night, Chang Miao came back with a tired body. He was extremely tired. Today he collected all the excrement in the whole village in one go, eight carts worth of excrement, which is 25 cents. There is still a [-] yuan toll fee for pulling the excrement in the village in January. After calculating this, my salary next month will be almost [-] yuan or less.

Thinking of Chang Miao's whole body, he unloaded the dung truck and was about to open the door to enter the Taoist temple when the door of the Taoist temple in front of him was suddenly pulled open.

Taking a closer look, Chang Miao was stunned for a moment, and saw a young man standing in front of the door. He was white and clean, with short hair and a vest full of vigor.

Still thinking about which family's child this is, she saw the young man grinning at him, and that smirk brought Chang Miao back to his senses: "Fool??"


The idiot nodded shyly, jumped up and down the steps, and ran towards the village.

"Hey...I'll go, I didn't expect the fool to look quite fair."

Looking at the back of the idiot going away, Chang Miao couldn't help laughing, in the impression that the idiot had never washed his face, but today he suddenly saw the idiot's white appearance, and he still couldn't get used to it.

Look at my arm again, it's not as white as someone else's idiot.

Chang Miao didn't know that today Xu Tong took the idiot to the big bathhouse behind the Lijing Gate, when this guy got into the water, the whole bathhouse collapsed, it was like a pimple fell into the pool.

Like a super pollution source, the pool was dyed black in ten seconds.

Xu Tong also specially invited three masters to give him a bath.

The three masters in the bathhouse were well-informed, but in the end they rubbed a catty of sludge on the fool, good guy, the three masters almost collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, and called out this I've never had such a good time in my life.

After washing the idiot, Xu Tong personally cut the idiot's hair.

He also directly bought a new set of clothes for him, even though Xu Tong knew in his heart that this brand new clothes and shoes might not see the sun tomorrow, and would be dirty by fools, but he didn't care, it's best to be happy .

"Hey! Are you going out too??"

At this time, Chang Miao saw Xu Tong also coming out from behind the Taoist gate, so she couldn't help asking.

"Yes, I went for a walk when I was full. I left you with a big elbow, so you can eat slowly."

As he said that, Xu Tong naturally rode on Changmiao's bicycle at the door and disappeared into the night.

"Big Elbow!!"

Chang Miao smashed his mouth, he was tired all day, his stomach was almost starving, and when he heard the word elbow, his tongue was almost drooling.

Immediately, he walked quickly to the yard, and saw two large bowls buckled together on the table, and four large steamed buns beside him.

"Hey hey... I'm here."

Not caring about washing her hands, Chang Miao lifted the upside-down porcelain bowl and saw that there was no big elbow in it, and she could only eat the leftover bones and broth.

Seeing the situation, Chang Miao was stunned for a moment, and was immediately disappointed. He thought it was meat, but in the end there were only bones left, and his face collapsed immediately.

But looking at the broth in the bowl, I still couldn't help swallowing and spitting, so I just ate the broth and steamed buns. The four big steamed buns left the bowl, not to mention the broth, and there was no trace of the minced meat.

The last mouthful of steamed buns was used by Chang Miao as a dishcloth to wipe off the grease in the bowl before putting it in his mouth in one bite.

He patted his belly, with a satisfied look on his face.

Think of it as having a big elbow meal tonight.

Thinking that he picked up the bowl and chopsticks and planned to go to the kitchen, but when the bowl was picked up, a piece of paper floated under it, and he took a look: "The meat is warming in the pot, don't eat too much steamed buns."

Looking at the note, and then at the steamed buns that he ate up, Chang Miao was stunned for a moment, then burped.


When he took a look into the kitchen, he realized that there was indeed a pot of shiny elbows warming in the pot, and he felt ill instantly.

"Yes, I can only sleep on my elbow tonight."

Thinking of a bowl of hot elbow that can only be eaten tomorrow morning, Chang Miao feels helpless.


Suddenly his ears moved, and a strange noise made him alert. Listen carefully, and there was a slight knocking sound.

The voice was very small, if it wasn't for his superhuman hearing, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to hear such a small voice.


Chang Miao stared out of the corner of her eyes, this pot of elbows is right here, if she is rattled by rats, she won't regret it.

He casually picked up the rolling pin beside the table, followed the sound and walked over to have a look, only to see an iron box in the corner, and the sound he heard came from this iron box.

"Hiss! This box..."

Chang Miao had a vague impression, could it be that a fool left the mouse in it?
Hmm... The more he thought about it, the more he felt it made sense, and only a fool could do such a thing.

Thinking of this, he threw the rolling pin aside, picked up the box and shook it vigorously by his ear a few times, and the rattling sound inside didn't seem like a mouse at all.

With curiosity, Chang Miao opened the box, only to see a pig made of yellow paper appearing in front of him inside, waddling in the box, as if drunk, shook his head, and settled down. God, then he raised his head and danced towards Chang Miao.

Chang Miao hadn't seen this before, she was shocked and immediately threw away the box and the pig into the brazier beside her...

"Walk slowly!"

Seeing the figure walking out of the door, Wang Gong heaved a sigh of relief. Seeing the time, it was only one o'clock in the morning. In just a short while, he had sent away the third wave of 'guests'

At this time, there was no one in the store, and it was finally clean. The man stood outside and looked around, thinking to himself: "Why hasn't that expert come yet?"

Since he didn't deliberately drive away those 'guests', more and more 'guests' came to the door in the past two days, which made him not sleep well during the day.

But the expert didn't come, which made him feel very disappointed. Judging from the time today, he probably won't come.

Thinking of this, Wang Gong sat back on his chair and picked up a newspaper.

Flipping through two pages, I saw that on the headline on the front page, there was a line of big characters printed [Woman was dissatisfied with her husband looking for mistress, dismembered her body and jumped off the building with her head in her arms. 】


Just looking at the title, Wang Gong couldn't help squinting his eyes, and said in his heart: "I'm so good, she really is the most vicious woman in the heart. When I marry a wife in the future, I must find an honest one."

When I was about to look down, I moved my ears, only to hear the bell hanging on the beam of the house door suddenly ringing.


Wang Gong raised his head and saw a woman standing in front of him: "Boss, let me have a bowl of soup, put more spicy peppers and less green onions."

The woman's appearance is as sweet and warm as her voice.

Wang Gong glanced sideways at the still dangling bell hanging on the door beam, and couldn't help feeling sorry for such a beautiful's a pity.

Thinking of this, he stood up and took the money handed to him by the girl, without even looking at it, he threw it into the trash can beside him.

It didn't take long for a bowl of beef offal soup covered with a thick layer of red oil and spicy peppers to be delivered to the woman, and Wang Gong also gave her an extra pancake.

It's just that the woman looked at the hot broth in front of her, but she didn't move her chopsticks. Instead, she reached out and took Wang Gong's hand: "Brother, it's so late at your house, and you still don't close the door."

When Wang Gong was held by the woman, his heart skipped a beat. It was the first time he was touched by this kind of guest. He only felt that the girl's hand was cold, as if holding a piece of ice. It didn't take long for the palm of his hand to be frozen. Sting.

Immediately, Wang Gong couldn't take it anymore, he hurriedly broke away, and said with a cold face: "None of your business, eat quickly, and leave quickly after eating, don't delay my business."

I don't know what's wrong today, my eyelids are twitching violently, although I promised to help the expert keep some guests like this, but the expert always doesn't come, and I don't want to chat with these weird guests.

After all, I'm not Xu Xian, let alone Ning Caichen, I'm shivering from the cold even if I hold hands, if I go any further, I won't be frozen into a popsicle.

As he spoke, Wang Gong picked up a pair of chopsticks and stuck them on the biscuits.

However, as soon as the woman stretched out her hand, she flicked the chopsticks away. Looking sideways at the bowl of broth on the table, a look of annoyance appeared in her slender brows: "I don't like beef offal soup, it tastes good."

"If you don't like drinking, why do you come in?"

Wang Gong's forehead felt numb for a while, and a bad feeling suddenly appeared in his heart. He wanted to put on a casual and relaxed look on his face, but he stepped back and bumped into the counter behind him. Holding the newspaper on the table in his hand, he unfolded it.

The muscles on Wang Gong's neck stiffened suddenly, dense beads of sweat oozed from his forehead in an instant, and the cool wind blew directly on his spine, causing goosebumps to stand up all over his body.

On the back page of the newspaper, there was a large photo printed with the words "husband murderer" written on it, and the woman in the photo was actually exactly the same as the woman in front of her.

This time Wang Gong was holding the newspaper in both hands, but he shook it involuntarily, and the newspaper rattled when he shook it.

Seeing this, the woman leaned forward and squinted at the newspaper: "It's ugly, this is a photo of me how many years ago."

After finishing speaking, the woman stared at Wang Gong: "Look how beautiful I am now, you said I am so beautiful, why did he go to find that vixen, do you think he deserves to die!"

Wang Gong swallowed and spit, seeing the woman's expression became more ferocious, her head was like pounding garlic, and said again and again: "Damn, damn..."

As soon as Wang Gong finished speaking, he suddenly felt a huge pain in his arm, and saw the woman's head turned slightly, and on the back of her head was actually a man's face.

The man's eyes were fierce, and he glared at himself: "You deserve to die, I think you should die too!" After speaking, he grabbed his throat with one hand, and grabbed his throat with the other A kitchen knife for cutting cookies.

The man was attacking, while the woman let out sharp and wild laughter from behind.

But when the man raised the knife in his hand and was about to chop off Wang Gong's head, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter from behind him.

"Wonderful, one head and two faces. If your wife is cheating now, you should focus on participating or coming out. You city people really know how to play. It's exciting to think about."

The familiar voice lifted Wang Gong's spirit. Following the voice, he found that the tall man was already sitting at the table beside him, holding the soup bowl he had just served for the woman, and was eating hard. The look of relish.

(End of this chapter)

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