Infinite script kill

Chapter 208 Gao Zhuo's Message

Chapter 208 Gao Zhuo's Message

Seeing Xu Tong, Wang Gong was so excited that he almost jumped up. He didn't know where he got the strength to break away from the woman's hand, ran behind Xu Tong, and pointed with his hand: "She...they! Bully me."

Wang Gong's small eyes of grievance, tears are about to flow, can you not be wronged, I kindly gave them a bowl of soup, they still want to chop themselves, is there any law, is there any justice?
Xu Tong patted him on the shoulder, comforted the little brother, and handed him the half-drinked soup: "Add soup, and some chili."

Wang Gong took the bowl and quickly hid behind the soup pot, not daring to come out.

The woman looked Xu Tong up and down, then turned her head, the man's face turned around, raised the kitchen knife and walked in front of Xu Tong.

"Chopping one is chopping, and chopping two is also chopping. I like to drink soup, so I will boil you into soup tonight."

Seeing the man walking towards the woman's body, Xu Tong frowned, and before the kitchen knife fell, he raised his hand and slapped it.

This slap was as swift as a gust of wind, and the man's head was instantly turned into a spinning top.

He took out a piece of yellow paper with his fingers, and didn't see how he folded it. He just squeezed the yellow paper into the palm of his hand, kneaded it a few times, and squeezed out a little yellow duck.

The duck has a small head and a big belly, and looks silly and silly.

Seeing this, Wang Gong, who was hiding behind the soup pot, couldn't help becoming suspicious, wondering why the master pinched the duck at this time?

Just when I was suspicious, I saw the master took out a bell, raised his hand to grab it, and unexpectedly grabbed the man and woman into a ball, and stuffed it into the duck.

Not long after, the duck twisted a few times, as if it had come to life, and began to roll back and forth in Xu Tong's hands, carefully watching the outline of a human face squeezed out of the duck's belly from time to time.

Not long after, the beige little paper duck turned red.

"Is the soup ready?"

Startled by the sudden noise, Wang Gong hurriedly brought up the soup bowl, but never took his eyes off the pair of ducklings from the beginning to the end.

"Throw this in the stove and burn it."

Seeing Wang Gong's curious face, Xu Tong threw the duck to him and motioned him to burn it.


Wang Gong was stunned for a moment, and looked at the duck in his hand curiously: "Master?? Are you really going to burn it?"

Speaking of which, Wang Gong looked at Xu Tong subconsciously, but he was shocked by this sight. Xu Tong was squinting his eyes and looking at him with a half-smile, sticking out his tongue and licking around his lips before saying in a low voice: : "You can keep it too."

Not waiting for Wang Gong to be secretly happy, Xu Tong continued to speak slowly.

"Then wait for them to rush out of the duck, chop you up into eight pieces and throw them into the soup pot. Your head, arms, legs, and intestines will be cooked together with this pot, and the taste will be old."

Xu Tong's voice was very low, but in Wang Gong's ears, it was another picture.

In a trance, it seemed that he really saw the picture of a huge human head rolling out of the tumbling soup in the big iron pot. For a moment, Wang Gong shivered, and his stomach couldn't stop churning .


Lie on the side of the table and retched several times for a while, then he recovered, looked up again, and saw Xu Tong squinting at him with a soup bowl in his hand.

"I burn it, I burn it now."

Now the small thoughts in Wang Gong's heart disappeared, and he didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts about this thing anymore.

He hurried to the iron pot and threw the duck in his hand into the stove.

Water and fire are ruthless, the duck was stained with fire, and immediately burst into a red light, trying to resist the burning of the flames, and at the same time, Wang Gong heard the woman's pleading faintly.

If it hadn't been for Xu Tong's words just now, Wang Gong might have secretly put the duck away because of his curiosity and soft-heartedness. Tiao silently turned on the blower on the side.

When the blower was turned on, the flames glowed blue, and the duck was wiped out in the flames without even holding on for a second.

As soon as the duck was cooked, Xu Tong, who was drinking the soup, suddenly felt a little special.

I can't tell you the specifics, but I can feel that my soul has improved a little bit, and my heart is moved: "Sure enough, in addition to comforting the dead, the papermaker's profession can also quickly improve Yin morality by eliminating this kind of ghost."

It's a pity that Li Gui doesn't come across very often, these two are purely a pair of resentful men and women, the woman hugs the man's head to death, and the man hates her for cutting himself into pieces, that's why they got entangled and became Li Gui.

This kind of ghost is not accepted in the city of vain death. When the ghost messenger saw it, he beat him out of his wits with a stick.

So Xu Tong sat in the soup restaurant for another night, and didn't see the second one.

At two o'clock in the night, a group of starving ghosts ran in, and Xu Tong gave them some ghost money as usual, so that they could bribe the little ghosts to lead them to reincarnate in the underworld.

Xu Tong didn't come here just to drink soup to gain experience, what was important was the information exchanged between himself and Gao Zhuo on the drum tower.

He took out a note, and after opening it, there was a recent message from Gao Zhuo to himself.

After reading it carefully, he picked up the bowl and took a sip of the salty soup: "It's kind of interesting."

Gao Zhuo left four messages, after Xu Tong read them one by one, he first looked relieved, then frowned, finally smiled coldly, and stopped reading.

The first thing is that Gao Zhuo followed the two elder brothers to meet the so-called leader of the beggar gang, they got on well, and learned about the cause of the death of the storyteller in Fenglailou last time from the leader of the beggar gang.

At that time the old man said that Gao Zhuo was there when he was talking about storytelling, so he was surprised by his death. When he went back, he met the leader of the beggar gang. As soon as he mentioned this, the leader of the beggar gang laughed and said bluntly that the old man deserved to die.

It turns out that Fenglailou will occasionally take in some entertainers from the world, but it will focus on four directions, namely, color, drama, appearance, and commentary.

It is said that if one becomes a resident artist, at least [-] big boys a month, this salary is the only one in the whole country.

Who is not tempted by such a high salary, but there is one thing, the money is not easy to get, what you sing every day, what to say, there is a board before you go on stage to write the content, you have to sing according to the content.

The content is also very strange, often there is one, but sometimes there are two, three, or even four.

You don't know which one to sing is right, but if you choose the wrong one, you will die.

According to the beggar leader, this is the technique of the boss of Fenglailou. He wanted to understand the secrets, but he didn't want to pay the price, so he came up with such a bad move, let those artists on stage choose, no matter right or wrong, cause and effect are all in. on these artists.

The old storyteller obviously made a mistake and died on the spot.

Although the leader of the beggar gang didn't fully explain it, it also explained why the old man died on the spot after seeing the note.

Xu Tong nodded and continued to look down.

The second news was nothing more than the news from Fenglailou, saying that he had a fairy treasure on his body and was seriously injured by Qianshou, so that many people are now looking for him.

The third message is about Xianbao, but the content is similar to what Qianshou said, so it can be ignored.

What really caught Xu Tong's attention was the fourth piece of news.

Because this news is about my master Xue Gui.

Beggar Gang News Network is not much worse than Fenglailou, even worse.

He inadvertently heard the beggar leader talk about Xue Gui during their meeting, saying that someone saw Xue Gui in Hanzhong, and he also killed two low-level experts in the street.

It sounded like the leader of the Beggar Gang and Xue Gui were at odds, and they were planning to send someone to make trouble for him. Gao Zhuo didn't know the specific reason.


He squeezed the note into a ball and held it in the palm of his hand, thinking in his heart that he had to rush from Hanzhong to City L, which was not a short distance.

The transportation in this era is not so convenient. Even if there is a train, it is far from being as convenient as it is in reality.

As for the trouble that the beggar gang would have with his master, hehe, he wasn't worried at all.

In the words of reality, my master is at the peak of his debut at the moment, and if he encounters any ghosts and snakes, he is purely looking for death.


Suddenly the bell on the door beam rang.

Wang Gong, who was lying on the table and still pondering how Xu Tong folded a duckling, trembled suddenly, and when he looked up, he saw a middle-aged man walking in.

The man's appearance gave people a very generous appearance, and he bowed his hands to Wang Gong as soon as he entered the door: "Shopkeeper, it's raining outside, can you come in and hide for a while?"

Wang Gong looked the man up and down first, and nodded when he saw that he really didn't look like a ghost. Didn't he forget to ask about the soup?

The man shook his head: "Just sit for a while and hide from the rain."

The man sat aside as he spoke, looking silent, like a statue.

Xu Tong and Wang Gong looked at each other, Wang Gong swallowed, remembered the rhetoric that Xu Tong taught him, and asked again: "Sir, are you passing by here, or do you miss your family?"

Passing by refers to wandering spirits. As for missing family members, most of them are poor ghosts who have not been enshrined for a long time.

The man waved his hand when he heard the words, and only spit out two words: "Wait for someone."

Seeing this, Xu Tong nodded, and Wang Gong didn't ask any more questions. At about five o'clock in the morning, the golden rooster announced the dawn outside, and the figure of the man disappeared without a trace. Xu Tong stretched his waist and typed it as usual. He took away a pot of hot soup and left the soup restaurant.

But after what happened last night, Wang Gong begged Xu Tong to come every night as much as possible.

Xu Tong didn't refuse this matter, because after wandering the streets last time, he also found that the power of Baishankou was not enough, and there was such a place to gain experience, which was just right for him to practice.

Back to the gate of the Shangqing Palace, sure enough, I saw the fool standing at the door waiting for me, calling the fool and Chang Miao to drink soup for breakfast.

As a result, Chang Miao lowered her head and didn't drink the soup, she just ate up the knuckles that she didn't have time to eat last night with sesame seed cakes.


Getting rid of a big elbow early in the morning was also the first time in Chang Miao's life.

After eating and drinking, Chang Miao left in a hurry. Seeing Chang Miao running out of the house, Xu Tong couldn't help but feel weird. This guy is a bit abnormal today.

In the past, Chang Miao would not give him a good face when he saw a fool, but today he didn't even look at the fool, his face was full of guilt, and he almost choked on his elbow.

As a result, he was thinking about it, when he saw the fool come out of the kitchen with a mournful face, holding the blackened box in his hand, and when he opened it, Taoist Zhuzhu was gone, only a handful of ashes remained.

(End of this chapter)

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