Infinite script kill

Chapter 209 The Conspiracy Reappears

Chapter 209 The Conspiracy Reappears
As a result, he was thinking about it, when he saw the fool come out of the kitchen with a mournful face, holding the blackened box in his hand, and when he opened it, Taoist Zhuzhu was gone, only a handful of ashes remained.

This day the fool cried from morning till night, Xu Tong folded several paper figurines for him that couldn't be coaxed well.

At night, he wanted to settle accounts with Zhang Miao, but he also knew that he had caused trouble, so he didn't come back all night.

Where did Chang Miao hide? ?
Not far away, there is a public toilet. There is a small room next to the toilet for storing sundries. The room is so small that people can't even lie down straight.

In the dark night, I saw Zhang Miao carefully opening a small box, inside which was burned half of the pig Taoist, holding a charcoal pencil and writing on a small piece of paper.

Looking at the small pieces of paper piled up beside him, it was obvious that Taoist Zhuzhu had worked hard all day.

"Just this thing? Can you also practice Taoism??"

Chang Miao squinted her eyes and looked at the small words like flies on it by the weak light, and murmured in her heart.

It turned out that last night, when he got excited, he threw Taoist Pig and the box into the brazier, but Taoist Pig jumped out and half of his body was set on fire.

Fortunately, Chang Miao reacted quickly, and stepped on it, and as a result, Zhuzhu Taoist was left with half of his body. Chang Miao saw that the thing could still move, so he started to study it curiously. The last chance, he gestured relentlessly.

He found charcoal pencils and straw paper, and said that it was his fate that led him to fall into such a field. As long as Chang Miao saved him, he would pass on his lifelong knowledge to Chang Miao.

Chang Miao himself was also superstitious and felt that this was an opportunity given to him by the old gentleman, so he threw the toilet paper into the iron box, put Taoist Zhuzhu into his arms, and began to talk in detail all night.

Since Zhuzhu Taoist is dressed as a Taoist priest, he naturally knows some Taoist exercises.

But how could the Zhuzhu Taoist pass it on to Chang Miao so easily, so he simply passed on a big one, and directly passed a fragment of the Supreme Induction Sutra to Chang Miao.

It is expected that a person like Chang Miao who has no basic skills or even the skills of cultivating Qi at the beginning, the result of practicing this kind of advanced Taoist skills is completely predictable. He only needs to wait for him to go crazy and his soul is scattered, and then he will use the corpse to revive his soul...

Seeing Chang Miao staring at the exercise scriptures he wrote down, Taoist Zhuzhu felt proud for a while.

Thinking of the fool who rubbed and teased himself during this period of time, a burst of evil fire rose in my heart, thinking: "When I turn over, hum..."

However, after Zhang Miao read the scriptures for a long time, he suddenly stretched out his hand to cover the box again for Taoist Zhuzhu, picked up the box and thought in his heart: "This thing says the same thing, let's trust him for a while, But you have to hide him first, where to hide it??"

Chang Miao pondered in her heart, slapped her thighs, carried the box, walked out the door, climbed onto the dung truck, walked back after a while, and washed her hands carefully by the toilet sink, thinking that she would not be afraid now It was stolen by a thief.

Not to mention how Chang Miao studies Taoism, Xu Tong these days, other than coaxing idiots, is going to the beef offal soup shop to learn experience.

There are no ghosts, but sending ordinary ghosts to reincarnate can also accumulate some evil virtues.

After a few days of brushing, my mountain worship button really feels like it needs to improve.

In addition to one more regular diner, Wang Gong also had a special customer in the store, that is, the man who came in the early hours of that night.

Men come every night, and when they come, they sit in the store and wait, neither drinking soup nor gossiping, just like a stone.

Wang Gong felt very scary at first, but after a long time, he got used to it.

Days passed day by day, after waiting for a few days Chang Miao came back with his head down, the fool just stood in the corner with red eyes and aggrieved.

Xu Tong wanted to beat Chang Miao up, but the fool stopped him.

Chang Miao apologized repeatedly, and even bought a big bag of sunflower seeds for the fool, indicating that the fool would play here if he wanted to, and he wouldn't say anything for as long as he played.

The fool is also soft-hearted, and started laughing as soon as he took the melon seeds.

Looking at Chang Miao's expression, Xu Tong vaguely sensed that Chang Miao hadn't told the truth, but after thinking about it, he didn't pursue the matter any further, after all, he was also living on Chang Miao's territory.

But after this incident, his views on the legend of Chang Miao changed a bit.

On the contrary, he is more optimistic about the fool, and simply let the fool live in the Shangqing Palace in the future, saving the fool from running back so late every day.

Chang Miao originally objected to this matter in his heart, but who made him feel guilty, so he could only bite the bullet and nod in agreement.

It is worth mentioning that during this period of time, more and more people were looking for Xu Tong in the world, and all kinds of strange cases suddenly increased, making Chen Jian and the others as tired as flies every day. Enough.

Although Chen Jianren was straightforward, he kept his word and helped Xu Tong investigate the boss of Fenglailou, but the strange thing was that no matter how Chen Jian searched, he couldn't find any information about the boss.

This result was not unexpected. After hearing Gao Zhuo explain the reason for the murder in Fenglai Building, Xu Tong planned to stay in hibernation for a while, and wait for his master to come.

After settling down the idiot at night, Xu Tong went to the beef offal soup restaurant to collect experience again.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw an old acquaintance sitting there, and it was none other than Chen Jian.

Chen Jian was obviously waiting for him here. When he saw Xu Tong, Chen Jian stood up from the chair and hurried forward to grab Xu Tong's arm and said, "Quickly tell me, where is that brat Zhao Jian? There is something here that needs his help, it is extremely urgent."

Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, and it took a moment to realize that Chen Jian, a reckless man, hadn't realized the fact that he was Zhao Jian from the last incident.

So he patted him on the shoulder and signaled Chen Jian to sit down first: "Zhao Jian left a long time ago, it seems that he has returned to the province. After all, he has been fired and naturally he doesn't need to stay here."

Hearing this, Chen Jian's mouth twitched, and he sat down on the chair with a disappointed face.

Thinking about it, he was transferred from a public job. Now that he has no public job, he can naturally go back to the province. Anyway, with his excellent professional skills and family background, he can definitely get another more decent job.

Seeing Chen Jian's disappointed expression, Xu Tong waved his hand to signal Wang Gong to bring him two bowls of soup.

"Eat first, the sky is falling, you always have to fill your stomach."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he ignored Chen Jian, and started to eat while holding the bowl.

Chen Jian saw that he was eating deliciously, and with the broth in front of him, he couldn't help it, so he buried his head and started eating.

For a while, the soup restaurant was quiet, only the sound of two men drinking soup.

Only after the two of them finished eating, Xu Tong asked Chen Jian what happened, and he could help if he could.

Chen Jian wiped his mouth, and after thinking about it, he still told Xu Tong about it.

In fact, it was still the Buddha head murder case. This case has already been closed, but now there is a new moth. The bodies of Song Baosheng, Guo Jinhua, Fu Yifan, and Zhang Yong have disappeared.

The weirdest thing was that the complete piece of Buddha statue that was taken into the evidence room had disappeared.

That Buddha statue weighed at least three hundred catties, and it was impossible for ordinary people to hold it, let alone take it away, and it disappeared without anyone noticing?

The bureau's characterization of this matter was an internal thief. It just so happened that Chen Jian was once seen wandering around in front of the evidence room.

Just looking at Chen Jian's tendons, he can not only carry three hundred catties, but also run without any problem.

As for what he stole the Buddha statue for? ?An idiot in the bureau actually said that he was greedy for the beauty of the Buddha statue? ? ?

Chen Jian exploded on the spot. He swung his fist and beat the idiot. At that time, more than ten people present couldn't stop him. As a result, the idiot was hospitalized and he was suspended from his job.

After Chen Jian explained the whole story clearly, Xu Tong was about to burst into laughter, greedy for sex?This is simply a wild idea, and the people who came up with it are so creative.

Wang Gong on the side couldn't help laughing when he heard it, no wonder Chen Jian, a reckless man, was blown up on the spot.

But this reckless man can think of looking for himself, which is a rare move for him to use his brain.

"Then... do you have any direction to investigate?" Seeing that Chen Jian's face was getting more and more wrong, Xu Tong hurriedly suppressed a smile and asked.

Ben didn't have any hope, after all, Chen Jian is such a fool, it's fine for him to fight, but it's okay for him to solve the case... Ha ha.

However, to Xu Tong's surprise, Chen Jian nodded vigorously: "Yes!"

Speaking of which, Chen Jian narrowed his eyes, as if recalling something, and said: "A pair of mother and son, before the Buddha statue and the corpse were lost, I saw a pair of mother and son wandering outside the bureau for a long time, especially the greasy-faced kid, He doesn't look like a good person."

"Mother and son?"

Xu Tong was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately thought of Sun Ding's mother and son, and thought to himself, "Could it be them?"

Just as he was thinking about it, the reminder of the item book came from his ear.

[Sub-quest 2: Follow-up to the Buddha Head Murder Case]

Task reminder: This case seems to be unfinished, and there may be more important secrets in it. Digging out this secret may be the truth you want to know.

Mission goal: solve the case

Hearing the reminder, Xu Tong curled his lips, thinking that he was living a comfortable life, so why did a side mission pop up at this time.

But he thought about it again, this matter really needs to be investigated, after all, the case was done by Qian Shou and the others, there is no doubt about it.

But why did Qianshou and the others set up such a big circle just to kill Guo Jinhua, Song Baosheng and other gangsters in the village? ?
The answer is definitely not, perhaps as the reminder said, this case may contain the answer to why Qianshou and the others called the world's top experts to gather in Beimang.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong thought for a while and patted the table: "Let's go!"

As he said that, he stood up and went out. When Chen Jian saw that Xu Tong was about to leave, he quickly stood up and wanted to follow. When he reached the door, he put two yuan on the table.

"No, no, this soup is for you..."

Wang Gong hurriedly wanted to push the money back, but Chen Jian's eyes widened, and Wang Gong was so frightened that he took a step back, and then he saw Chen Jian handed over the money and said: "Take it, I took off this bag." The clothes are also the people's police who don't take ordinary people's stitches."

(End of this chapter)

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