Infinite script kill

Chapter 210 Treasure

Chapter 210 Treasure
Under the night, Xu Tong and Chen Jian walked forward side by side.

On the way, Chen Jian asked, "L City is so big, where can we find these two guys?"

"Is it big??"

Xu Tong squinted at Chen Jian, Chen Jian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "I don't know..."

Looking at Chen Jian's innocent appearance, Xu Tong didn't know why he thought of Li Bo, and he didn't know how the fat man was doing now, so if he had a chance to see him again, it had no other meaning, just for fun.

"But even if it's not big, why are we getting more and more remote??"

At this moment, Chen Jian noticed that they were about to reach the planning area, and there were a few old houses scattered in front of them, and they would go out of the urban area to Mengxiang if they went forward.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like you are trying to drag him to find someone.

But Xu Tong didn't explain, just led him forward until he was about to go to Chaoyang Town, then he stopped suddenly, squinted, and saw a Town God's Temple next to the road appeared in front of him.

"It's here."

After thinking for a while to make sure that he had found the right place, he dragged Chen Jian into the temple.

Once inside, the Town God's Temple is even more dilapidated than the Shangqing Palace, and there is still a long way to keep repairing the Shangqing Palace. There are rotten bricks and tiles here, and no ghosts have been seen.

When you walk in the door, you can see a beggar lying on the ground, with a broken straw mat on his body, and a brick on his head as a pillow for sleeping incense. Seeing that he is about to flow into a small river, I don’t know that he is in a dream. What delicious food was dreamed.

"What did you bring me here for?" Chen Jian became more and more confused, thinking why the guy looked unreliable like Zhao Jian.

"Wait and you'll find out."

Xu Tong grinned, rummaged through the item book, and finally found a ham sausage.

There is nothing else, basically all my snacks are given to fools, only some ham sausages are left, which fools don't like to eat.

But if a fool doesn't like it, it doesn't mean that others don't like it. After peeling off the skin, Xu Tong squatted in front of the beggar and stuffed the ham sausage into the beggar's mouth.

The beggar subconsciously opened his mouth and gnawed, and the more he gnawed, the more delicious it became. He tried to gnaw again, but he ate nothing. Instead, he bit his own lip, and a big blood bubble came out of the bite.

The beggar suddenly woke up under the stabbing pain, but when he opened his eyes, he saw Chen Jian's terrified face, and he was almost scared out of his wits.

Just as he was about to scream, Xu Tong stuffed the ham sausage into the beggar's mouth: "Don't shout, we are the police, we need you to understand the situation."

The beggar squawked and swallowed the ham sausage in one gulp, and then asked suspiciously, "Are you the police?"

"Hey, if you think we don't look like us, we don't have to be the police."

Xu Tong squinted his eyelids in the dark night, his voice became gloomy and cold, and his hey was even more sinister.

"No, no, no... the police, the police are good, the police are reasonable."

The beggar shuddered in fright, nodded quickly and said.

"I want to ask you one thing. Have you seen a mother and son recently? Both of them are very well dressed, especially the woman with her hair in a bun. She looks like she is in her forties. She speaks very softly, not like a local people."

The beggar immediately became energetic after hearing the words.

If you ask him anything else, he may have to think about it, but if you want to talk about women, he will have a lot to say.

"Yes, that woman is very beautiful, with big breasts, big buttocks, and black socks on her legs."

Xu Tong raised his head and glanced at Chen Jian, which meant, you see, there is skill in questioning.

Looking back at the beggar, he nodded: "Yes, yes, but those are not called black socks, they are called silk stockings."

"Who cares about his socks, hey, there is a fragrance on his body, I have never seen such an energetic woman in my life."

Thinking of the woman's appearance, the beggar couldn't help swallowing.

"Don't say it's useless, where are they?" Chen Jian couldn't stand the beggar's wretched look, and snapped.

Stared at by Chen Jian's eyes as big as copper bells, the beggar immediately softened.

"I don't know, I just saw them come in and walk around, and I didn't know what they were muttering, and I couldn't understand or remember, and then they left, in a car."

Chen Jian was immediately disappointed when he heard the words, and when he was about to pull Xu Tong away, he saw Xu Tong grabbing him: "Don't rush away, we haven't finished our business yet."

"Business??" Chen Jian tilted his head and looked at him, not knowing what the so-called business was.

Xu Tong dragged him to the statue of the City God, clasped his palms together and bowed respectfully to the City God three times. After all, he was the immediate boss of a fool, so this respect is still required.

Then he pointed at Chen Jiandao with his hand: "Push it away."

Chen Jian frowned, but Xu Tong said calmly, "Push it, there is a treasure below."

As soon as they heard that there was a treasure, the beggars behind could not help but come up and look at it, wanting to see what other treasures were there.

Chen Jian wanted to refuse, but he couldn't stand Xu Tong standing aside.

"If you can't push it, forget it. After all, such a big stone statue, you are too reluctant to do it alone. Don't exhaust yourself before the case is found."

Chen Jianming knew that this guy was irritating him, but he was still very dissatisfied, and curled his lips: "That's it?"

Speaking of which, Chen Jian stepped forward, moved his arms a few times, and squinted at Xu Tong: "Let me open your eyes today."

After Chen Jian finished speaking, he took a deep breath and pushed his shoulder up suddenly.


All of a sudden, dust fell from the beams, and the dilapidated temple felt as if it was about to collapse. However, Chen Jian pressed himself even tighter, twisted his toes, shouted loudly, and immediately burst out with strength, hard Shengsheng collapsed the statue of the City God half a meter away.

Xu Tong stood behind and watched, and when he saw this, a bright light appeared in his eyes: "Bajibeng!"

He has seen Bajibeng more than once. In the second script, Captain Wang used Bajiquan. Compared with Chen Jian's Bajiquan, he felt that Chen Jian's Bajiquan was very similar to Wang Dui's Bajiquan. Almost a way.

It's just that Chen Jian's Bajiquan is obviously far inferior to Captain Wang's.

"Hey! You recognized it."

Chen Jian was full of pride. He didn't expect this guy to recognize his punching skills as soon as he made a move, and he couldn't help but praise him unexpectedly.

Xu Tong scratched his head and asked curiously, "Are you also from the army?"

"Well, after retiring from the army, I was assigned to be a police officer here." Chen Jian nodded without hiding anything, and Xu Tong continued to ask after hearing the words: "Does everyone in the army learn this now?"

"I didn't learn all of them. At first I learned Qin Na Quan, but later I felt that the lethality was too low, so I invited a master from Mengcun to teach it, and later it became popular."

This kind of thing is not a secret, and Chen Jian naturally has nothing to hide.

What he said satisfied Xu Tong's curiosity.

When the two were talking, the beggar on the side stepped forward to look carefully, but he didn't see any treasures, so he couldn't help asking: "The treasure you said, where is the treasure?"

Xu Tong walked to the place where the statue of the City God had just been. After stepping on the stone bricks on the ground a few times with his toes, he suddenly frowned and stomped his feet hard, causing a hole to be stepped on the ground.

He lowered his head and saw that there was actually a big wooden box underneath, and the beggar's eyes popped out. He had lived here for almost three years, and he didn't expect there to be treasures hidden here.

When I opened the box, I saw that there were all kinds of bottles, jars, calligraphy, paintings and jade neatly placed inside.

How does Xu Tong know that there is a baby here?He really wasn't fooled by this, it was the poor man named Lu Guodong who told him the location of the treasures hidden in their house when he first came to the soup restaurant to express his gratitude.

At that time, I didn't pay much attention to this matter. Now when Chen Jian mentioned the mother and son, Xu Tong remembered the matter. The reason why he came in to ask about the beggar's mother and son was just a casual question. Really been here.

It is estimated that this is also to see if there is any treasure here, so as to find a leak or something, but they are afraid that they will never think that the biggest leak is right under their feet.

Xu Tong picked up a white bowl casually. The mouth of the white bowl was big and flat. There were no patterns or carvings on it. There were only some patterns inside the bowl, which could not be seen unless one looked carefully.

But as soon as he touched it with his hand, he knew that this thing should not be an ordinary object, otherwise Lu Guodong would not have kept it in this place carefully.

They don't recognize the porcelain, but they always recognize the shiny gold and silver objects inside.

He has lived here for such a long time, without enough food and clothing every day, he did not expect to hide such a big box of treasures here, probably enough for him to eat and drink for the rest of his life.

Thinking that these treasures are about to leave him, the beggar naturally has mixed feelings in his heart.

It's a pity that he didn't dare to snatch it, not to mention that the two people in front of him were not ordinary people at first glance, just by the strength of the angry King Kong who pushed the statue of the city god away, he probably hit him, and he could have given him gall. .

Just when the beggar felt uncomfortable for a while, Xu Tong suddenly glanced at the beggar: "Do you want to?"

The beggar nodded frantically.

Xu Tong curled his lips and closed the box heavily: "I won't give it to you."

The beggar was stunned, and then Xu Tong threw a piece of five yuan to the beggar: "Tomorrow morning, I will let the people in the antique market in the old city know about this, and tell them that I am short of money recently, and those who want to buy can arrive at night." See you at the Beef Offal Soup Restaurant behind the big stone bridge in the east of the city, I'll wait there for one night every day."

The beggar originally complained that Xu Tong was teasing him, but unexpectedly gave him back a five-yuan bill. He was so happy, Xu Tong added: "After the matter is over, you also come to the soup restaurant to find me, and I will give you another One, if you dare to be lazy..."

When he said this, he winked at Chen Jian, indicating that you, a tool man, should work. Chen Jian stared at the beggar, raised his hand and punched the old brick beside him.


The big green brick that was three fingers thick was immediately smashed to pieces with a single punch, and the beggar nodded in fright, vowing to deliver the news at dawn.

Xu Tong nodded in satisfaction, and asked Chen Jian to pick up the box and go out.

After the two of them left, the beggar sat down on the ground and looked at the five yuan in his hand happily, but when he looked at the hole in the ground in the blink of an eye, and thought of the treasures in the box just now, the five yuan in his hand suddenly disappeared. Fragrant.

Sitting on the ground and thinking about it, the beggar suddenly remembered that the leader of the gang happened to be in L City recently, and his eyes showed a fierce look: "I can't get it, and you don't want to get it either." Get up and go outside.

 Wait a minute, the next update will come soon

(End of this chapter)

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