Chapter 211
At noon the next day, news spread from the Antique City in L City.

It is said that a rich family took out the treasures hidden in the Chenghuang Temple at home, and was going to exchange for a large sum of money.

The antique circle is not big, and everyone is familiar with each other. When the news came out, some people scoffed, thinking that this was an old routine, but there were also people who started to ask around like flies smelling blood.

"Hey, baby, it's just a trick from a few years ago. It's just to deceive laymen who don't know how to do it. It's all out of date."

Several owners of antiques in a tea shed on the street chatted about it.

A fat boss took a sip from his teacup, and laughed when he heard this:
"This is a trick a few years ago. It's not new. Let me tell you, isn't there a bridge to be built in the south of the city? You pretend to be people on the construction site, holding some unsightly goods and smearing some mud. The treasures dug out of the river can be sold for a lot of money."

As soon as the fat boss said it, the people beside him were immediately moved, and they said: "Good idea, but this can't be played a few times, right?"

The fat boss sneered when he heard the words: "The so-called seeing is believing, let's go to Beiman Mountain to dig a big hole, put something in it, pull those big bosses over, and open his grave on the spot Digging for treasure."


Everyone clapped their hands and applauded. This idea came up. Even if these big bosses found out that something was fake afterwards, they would not dare to call the police. After all, tomb robbery is a felony, and no one wants to take trouble on them. Grave robbery.

"Boss Zhang is really our living Zhuge here." Everyone praised him for a while.

The fat boss curled his lips: "That's right, I, Zhang San, have been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, and I have a lot of ways to make everyone rich."

A group of people talked vigorously in the tea shed, but they didn't know that the mother and son on the side heard everything clearly.

Sun Ding sneered, and when he was about to teach these people a lesson, his mother pressed him down: "I can't stop it, there will be more such things in the future, and you can't stop them from getting rich if you teach them a lesson. Just keep your eyes open."

After hearing what his mother said, Sun Ding hesitated for a moment: "The matter about the Town God's Temple..."

"Look, let's wait for two days to talk about things that are not in a hurry." The woman said, and left with Sun Ding after leaving a piece of money.

Sun Ding's mother and son are definitely not the only ones who hold the mentality of a woman.

When Xu Tong came to the beef offal soup restaurant with his things at night, he waited until midnight and no one came.

Chen Jian, who had been staying in the soup restaurant, was also dozing off again and again, feeling that this guy's method was unreliable.

Seeing that no one came, Xu Tong was surprised and didn't take this matter to heart, so he just came here to continue to gain experience.

At about three o'clock in the morning, Chen Jian couldn't take it anymore, and he fell asleep lying on the table regardless of whether the table was greasy or not.


The bell on the door beam rang, Wang Gong hurriedly poked his head out to have a look, and immediately sat down again.

It was the same man who came in at this hour on time every day, nodded towards Xu Tong and Wang Gong, and sat motionless by the table without speaking.

In fact, Xu Tong can feel that this guy seems to have some knots in his heart, but he is not interested in inquiring about it. The money is here, and he wants to get it or not.

One less of him is a lot, and one more of him is not much. There are some wandering ghosts who have no money to lead the way to gain experience for themselves, so why bother to take care of other people's affairs.

No, in just a short while, a lost soul walked into the soup restaurant.

This wandering soul seemed to have been wandering outside for a long time, and when he entered the door, there was a foul smell on his body.

After entering the door, he looked around empty-eyed, and saw the guide money Xu Tong put on the table, his eyes lit up, and he walked up to meet Xu Tong.


The money was on the table, and the old ghost opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything.

"Take it, take this money, go down to the Netherland earlier, and wandering in the human world is not always a thing."

Xu Tong glanced at the old ghost, seeing that the old ghost really couldn't open his mouth, so he handed him the money.

The old ghost took the money, looked at it, sighed, and was about to walk towards Xu Tong, but when he reached the door, the old ghost looked back at Xu Tong: "The boss is kind, but good intentions may not be good. Please, don’t go north today.”

After the old ghost finished speaking, he hurriedly disappeared into the night without waiting for Xu Tong to ask more questions.


Xu Tong raised his brows, his heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

He reached out and patted Chen Jian, waking up the sleeping Chen Jian, threw the pile of bottles and jars on the table to him to look at, and immediately rushed out of the soup restaurant, heading straight to the direction of Shangqing Palace.

When the old ghost left just now, he didn't explain what was going on, but for some reason, he felt a strong sense of discomfort when he heard about the north side, as if something was going to happen there.

L City, because of the Beiman Mountain, has been developing very backward, with only a few small villages scattered.

What will happen there? ?
Instead of riding a bicycle, he summoned Fatty, turned Fatty into a ghost form, stood on Fatty's shoulders, and flickered and teleported to the north.

At the same time, his eyes scanned the darkness like a goshawk.

The night was peaceful, and usually there would be occasional dogs howling at night, but today it was exceptionally quiet.

Suddenly, Xu Tong seemed to have discovered something, and asked Big Fatty to stop on a beam, and looked down, and saw a few beggars crouching in the corner holding sticks, sneaking around as if they were waiting for someone .

There are two or three beggars not far away.

"Where are there so many beggars?"

What Xu Tong didn't know was that the number of beggars in City L had suddenly increased several times recently, but today is indeed a bit abnormal.

When he looked up again, he saw a black figure wobbly walking down the path above.

Xu Tong took a closer look and realized that the person walking down from above was none other than Chang Miao.

It turns out that Chang Miao has been thinking about it every day since she got the fragments of Zhuzhu Taoist's "Tai Shang Induction", even in order not to affect her own excrement, she even got up before dawn, pushed the excrement truck to the toilet below, and planned to put Plan your time reasonably and make time for yourself to practice.

Xu Tong only thought that Chang Miao was too busy with excrement work recently, so he didn't care about it.

But now seeing Chang Miao walking down with the dung cart, Xu Tong couldn't help frowning, then looked around, and suddenly saw a familiar figure in the corner, it was the beggar from that night.

Seeing him, Xu Tong immediately understood everything, and narrowed his eyes: "Good boy, it turned out to be your fault."

Seeing Chang Miao walking down with the dung truck, Xu Tong's eyes flickered, and he just sat on the beam and watched. In fact, he wanted to see if Chang Miao had any real skills.

After all, when Elder Song talked about Chang Miao, the Hundred Dung True Lord, his words were full of admiration.

Didn't I come here with this idea at first, but later I found out that Chang Miao was different from what I thought, so I simply took this opportunity to experiment.

I saw Chang Miao pushing the cart while humming a little song, she seemed to be in a good mood

He just walked downhill and was walking forward happily when suddenly a few beggars came out from the corner and blocked Chang Miao.

Chang Miao was stunned for a moment, and when he saw these beggars swarmed up and surrounded him, Chang Miao was shocked.

But after thinking about it, what are these beggars doing to stop me? ?

Just when he was confused, Lai Da, the beggar who was in the Town God's Temple before, stepped forward, looked at Chang Miao coldly and said with a smile: "Master, the mountains don't turn around, I've done everything you asked me to do. Did you pay me the rest of the money?"


Chang Miao was startled, looked Lai Da up and down, thought about it and couldn't remember what kind of relationship he had with this beggar, frowned and said: "What kind of money, I don't know?"

Lai Da was not angry when he heard the words, but his eyes became colder and colder: "Hehe, the beggar's money is also reckless, okay, I don't want the money, but you must give me a share, after all, I showed you in the Town God's Temple for two or three years. , You don’t give me any of it, isn’t it too unreasonable.”

Xu Tong, who was sitting on the beam of the house, couldn't help shaking his head secretly when he heard this, thinking of the wandering soul just now, even a ghost knows how to be shameless, but he doesn't want a man like Lai Da to be shameless.

"What baby, I don't know!"

Chang Miao was a little annoyed, but looked at her dung truck with a guilty conscience.

This detail was naturally noticed by Lai Da, and his heart moved: "It turned out that it was hidden in the dung truck. This is a good way."

Thinking of this, he glanced left and right, made sure that the big black guy from yesterday was not following, and snorted coldly: "Okay, don't give it up, brothers, don't be shy, beat him up!"

After finishing speaking, a group of beggars waved their sticks to greet Chang Miao, and immediately hit Chang Miao on the ground, covering their heads and screaming.

Xu Tong wanted to do something at first, but on second thought, a beating would be fine, who told you to burn Taoist Zhuzhu, even though he did it for himself, it should be your fate.

These beggars didn't really mean to hurt people, seeing that Zhang Miao was just an ordinary person, they hit him a few times casually and didn't do anything again.

They followed Lai Da, mainly because they heard from Lai Da that there was someone beside him who knew Bajiquan, and since that person was not around, there was no need to be cruel.

"Brother, don't say that I'm not authentic, what's in it is my reward, and we'll settle the matter from now on, and we won't owe anyone anything."

After Lai Da finished speaking, he took people to push the dung truck and left in a hurry.

After a while, Changmiao got up from the ground, looked at the excrement truck being pushed away with a depressed face, and couldn't help cursing: "Bah, what, you deserve to be beggars, even shooting dung."

As he spoke, he rubbed his shoulders with both hands, and there was a burst of cursing and greetings in his mouth. He only blamed himself for being unlucky to meet a group of mad dogs eating poop.

When he was about to walk back, Zhang Miao suddenly slapped his head, turned his head and stomped his feet in the direction where Lai Da and the others disappeared: "Oh, that pig is still inside!"

(End of this chapter)

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