Chapter 213
As soon as Xu Tong put the bell away, the Wumen and Bamen families immediately felt overwhelmed.

There are thousands of Chinese musical instruments, but only suona is a hooligan.

The other party played a song called Fengqiu Huang, and the rhythm slowed down in the middle of the blowing, and the joy turned into mourning in an instant. Changing and crying for a while, laughing for a while, and suddenly the apex of my heart tightened.

"Quick, step back!!"

It was an old Jianghu who was shouting, and his loud roar was wrapped in a fierce force, which made everyone's ears buzzing, but they immediately realized that something was wrong, and hurriedly pulled the people around them back far away .

"It's amazing, I didn't expect to meet such a ringer team here!"

Someone retreated more than ten meters away and rubbed his face, only to find that his skin was so sore, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

The people who can come here today are all well-known masters in the world, and even they have been recruited unknowingly. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that they will dance to the tune unknowingly. A small cup of tea can kill you in a moment.

Just like that sentence, you don't know what you want when you hear the song at first, but you are already in the coffin when you hear it again.

Fortunately, the crowd on the street had already been sent away unknowingly by these strange people with their strange magic, and the huge street was already empty, otherwise just this song alone, I don't know how many people would suffer.

"It's from Lijiagou, and they are the most powerful in the ring instrument class. Now the leader of the Lijia class, Li Ming, is taking the fight. There are still a few people behind him who have not done anything, or they will rely on Liu Zimen's flower drum. These two boys from Pingzimen have already gone to see King Hades."

When the person who knew the basics told everyone, everyone immediately understood when they heard that it was from Lijiagou, and their faces immediately showed a look of relief.

For those who don't understand, after asking in a low voice, they will know that in Lijiagou, the whole village relies on the chime for a living, and this place once produced three masters who were famous in Xiajiuliu.

While everyone was talking, it turned out that the three of them were already overwhelmed.

Under the sound of the suona, there was a sneer: "Hey, since the three of you don't want to make friends, then don't blame our group for not preaching, let's send you on your way."

As he said that, other people in the ringer class also slowly raised their instruments, and just as they were about to start a ensemble, a sneer suddenly came from the crowd: "Why, we eight people are so easy to bully?" What??"

The voice came from the crowd, but when everyone followed the voice to find it, they found that the other party had come to Xu Tong and the others.

This person appeared so suddenly that even Xu Tong was very surprised and looked him up and down.

I saw that the other party was wearing rough linen clothes, cloth boots on the soles of his feet, black hair and long beard, and sunglasses on his eyes, but when he looked at the long sail with Tai Chi painted on his hand, the origin was immediately clear.

"The first of the eight gates, Jin Zitou, the leader of the golden dot, Master Chu Zhao!"

Everyone saw who was coming, and everyone who knew him let out a cry of surprise. They didn't expect this master to come too.

The so-called golden dot refers to the general term for all fortune tellers in linen clothes. Chu Zhao called himself a golden nod collar, and the meaning is self-evident.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes also knows about this master, but they didn't expect to meet him here today, and this is a good show to watch.

"It's said that the Li family's chime team, now you, Li Ming, took over the position of the old team leader, but why do I feel that your life is dying, and the Li family's chime team may have to change owners."

As soon as Chu Zhao said this, everyone's expression changed, even the people on the side of the sounder team couldn't help but feel a little thumping in their hearts.

This is like when you go to the hospital to see a doctor, the doctor took a look at you and said directly: "You are dying, hurry up and eat and drink." I believe that if it were you, the mood would be extremely complicated.

Because of Chu Zhao's status, if he said this in public, it was tantamount to setting a flag, and if he didn't do it, he would be slapped in the face.

But based on the address of his Master Chu Zhao, it is known that this master has not been slapped in the face.

Li Ming, who was hiding in the corner, heard the words and only slightly paused the suona sound, but continued to play it more vigorously.

Seeing that the other party did not listen to his persuasion, Chu Zhao shook his head, pinched his fingers as if he was calculating something, then frowned, raised his hand and thrust the long sail into the soil ahead.

All of a sudden, the loose long sail seemed to be blown up by the wind.

Xu Tong immediately felt the sound of the suona in his ears decrease, as if someone had turned off the sound switch, no matter how hard the other party played, Xu Tong and the others didn't feel anything wrong.

Not long after, the sound of the suona stopped, and Li Ming, who was full of frustration, came out, cupped his hands towards Master Chu Zhao, and looked at Xu Tong again: "Little brother, I have something urgent, can you send me a message?" Let the fairy treasure stay, and we will repay this kindness even more in the future."

Now, before Xu Tong could speak, Master Chu Zhao sneered and said, "Li Ming, don't waste your time, why did your father change your name? You can't change something that was set 20 years ago. .”

One sentence made Li Ming's expression change again and again.

The word Ming takes the homonym of Ming.

A child from an ordinary family would not have such an unlucky name.

But back then, his father had a friend, and the family was not stable. He asked his father to go and see him, and he suffered a blood stasis. I swear, I am willing to sacrifice my son's 40 years of life, and ask the underworld to help.

At that time, Li Ming's name was Li Tianxiang, but after this incident, his father changed it to Li Ming.

At this moment, Master Chu Zhao said these words in one breath, and everyone was surprised, but they couldn't help being greatly surprised.

Li Ming's face also flickered for a while, his health became worse and worse during this period, and he often felt that his death was approaching, it was because of this that he became interested when he heard about the fairy treasure.

It is rumored that that thing has the power to change fate against the sky, and maybe it can make him live a few more years.

It's just that the words of Master Chu Zhao at the moment undoubtedly denied his thoughts, Li Ming had a wry smile on his face for a while, he couldn't beat him, he couldn't even talk, so he could only bow his hands and lead people away.

As a result, after walking a few steps, Li Ming's face was swollen and purple, and his entire neck was stretched open as if a winter melon had been stuffed into it.

Before everyone understood what was going on, they fell to the ground with an extremely ugly death.

Everyone took a closer look, only to find that there was a dog skin plaster on Li Ming's lower back at some point.

But at this moment, the dog skin plaster seemed to have undergone some chemical reaction, and green bubbles began to bubble up, emitting a pungent stench.

At this moment, everyone immediately understood that it was the second door, and the person with the initials came.

He looked around, but he couldn't see the figure of Guazimen either.

In today's Bamen, Jin, Gua, Ping, Liu, and Xu Tong are basically all coming together.

"It's up to you to blame!"

Chu Zhao seemed to be no exception to Li Ming's death, as if he had predicted this outcome long ago.

Because the plaster was not put on just now, it is not difficult to see if you look closely, it has been put on for two days.

Sticking on Bamen's plaster, he came to deal with Bamen's people, and I don't know who gave him the courage.

After Chu Zhao finished speaking in a low voice, she looked back at Xu Tong, took a step back calmly, and stuffed a small cloth bag to Xu Tong.

"Let's go, I see that everyone is on the same side today, I will protect you once, but you kid is too big, can you live to see your fortune, run to the northwest, maybe there is still a chance, until you have nowhere to open have a look."

After Chu Zhao finished speaking, the woman on the side and the Heping Zimen brothers looked at each other face to face, but in front of them was Master Chu Zhao, the general leader of Jin Dian, who was two levels older than them. It's a rule for juniors like them to intervene.

Xu Tong looked at the kit handed over by Master Chu Zhao, but he didn't reach out to take it, but just grinned: "Then thank you, senior."

After Xu Tong finished speaking, he ran out without looking back.

Chu Zhao was also stunned for a while, looked at the kit in his hand, then at Xu Tong's back, and then shook his head and smiled for a moment: "This ghost spirit!"

After Xu Tong left, this Master Chu Zhao stuffed his handbag into his sleeve, and looked at everyone with a smile: "I'm sorry, everyone, today's road is blocked."

Who would dare not listen to Master Chu Zhao's words? This is the leader of Jin Dian, even if he draws a line on the ground, if you jump over it, you will die. Do you dare to jump?
It was also because of this that no one dared to rashly touch this Uncle Chu Zhao's bad luck.

But having said that, this road is not leading to other roads. Seeing that Chu Zhao didn't say that he wanted to save that guy, they immediately lost their fear and turned around to chase from another place.

There were also a few people who saw this situation and stopped chasing at all, and came over to invite Master Chu Zhao to drink. After all, this is a rare and good opportunity. All fairy treasures are strong.

Master Chu Zhao was also happy to enjoy the flattery of these people, so he went to drink with these people as soon as he took a step, as if he didn't intend to participate in the rest of the matter.

This also made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

After all, after so many years, although the eight families have long been strangers to each other, they are still a family. If Master Chu Zhao insists on interfering, the subsequent matters will be difficult.

As for the three juniors of Wumen and Bamen, they are naturally not qualified to go to eat, drink and have fun with Master Chu Zhao, but before leaving, they got the kits given to them by Master Chu Zhao, and each kit has a specific time written on it. .

As long as you open the kit at this specific time, you will naturally save yourself from danger.

The time on the brocade bag in the middle of the Liuzimen's hand is now. Seeing this, the drum girl simply opened the brocade bag and saw two words [go back] written on it.

Looking at these two words, Gu Niang muttered for a while, not knowing what to think, and cupped her hands at the two brothers beside her: "The golden mountain will not change the green water, and the two senior brothers can find it in Guizhou if they have difficulties in the future." I, my little sister, can’t be shrugged off.”

"Junior Sister, please be polite. Let's go all the way well. When we meet again in the future, we must have a good drink and chat. If we don't get drunk, we won't return."

The eldest brother of Pingzimen arched his hands enthusiastically, while the brothers beside him could only silently clasp their hands and say, "I am the same.",

The three bid farewell to each other. From then on, passers-by in the world went through a lot of vicissitudes. They thought they would never see each other again, but they didn't know that when they met again later, the three of them drew their swords and never died.

Of course, these are things for later, so I won't mention them for now.

Not long after the crowd dispersed, the street was full of people shuttling back and forth in a short while, and it was full of beautiful flowers.

As for Li Ming's body, it was naturally taken away by the people of Li's family. After all, it is useless to say anything, the body needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Furthermore, since Lijiagou is in the northeast, it is rare for everyone to come out to the god capital of L city, so they don’t bring their souvenirs. Didn’t they all say Beiman, so they simply buried Li Ming’s body in Beiman Well, it's not a trip for nothing.

On the other side, Xu Tong has a new face.

This face was fabricated by himself. It looked a bit like Song Lao at first glance, but he was much younger than Song Laoke.

As soon as he looked up, he saw an eagle circling in the sky above his head.

Xu Tong took a glance and knew that he was still under the surveillance of those people.

But right now it is in the downtown area, and these strangers in the world have not dared to be arrogant enough to do anything in such a place.

"Strange, how did they find me??"

Xu Tong frowned. He had used Jack's mask to change his appearance two or three times, but no matter how many times he changed his appearance, he never escaped the other party's eyes.

If you don't solve this problem, I'm afraid the next day will be difficult.

At that time, not to mention helping Chen Jian investigate the case, even if he can't go to the Niu Mi Tang Restaurant by himself, then he won't be able to gain experience and improve the mountain worship deduction.

Although I don't know how the other party can always find him, but when he sees the eagle above his head, Xu Tong always feels that strong sense of peeping is caused by this guy, but he flies too high, and he has a little temper nothing.

Thinking of this, Xu Tong frowned, and simply walked to a noodle shop on the street, ordered a bowl of noodles and started to eat, how about it, at least fill his stomach before talking.

As for why I didn't accept Chu Zhao's tips, there was a reason for it, because there was a separate article in Song Lao's book, which mentioned that the Jinzimen is the most weird.

Let's say they are knowledgeable, but I always feel that they are heretics, saying that they can pinch and count, and I haven't seen them win the lottery.

In short, this group of people is knowledgeable and rich, but they don't want to join the ranks of the three religions, but they are willing to be street fortune tellers, living a life without a meal.

But in their eyes, they are the ones who master the mysteries of fate, and there is a technique among them, called kit to change fate.

As long as you accept the kit he handed you, your fate will start to be manipulated at his fingertips.

This is the scariest thing, even if this Master Chu Zhao might use this technique to help him escape, but giving his own fate to a stranger who is completely unfamiliar, this is something a fool would do.

PS: After the first release, it will be changed, and the code will be updated next time.

(End of this chapter)

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