Infinite script kill

Chapter 214 Ambush

Chapter 214 Ambush from All Sides
Fenglai Building is closed today, but if you listen carefully, you can hear the sound of pipa coming from inside from time to time.

In the empty teahouse, a woman was wearing a dark green cheongsam, holding a pipa in her arms, sitting alone on the stage, with a wooden sign in front of her.

I saw two pieces of paper hanging on the wooden sign, and two pieces of music were written on the pieces of paper.

"House of Flying Daggers" and "The Overlord Disarms His Armor"

After the woman adjusted the pipa, she looked at the two pieces of music, raised her head to look at the inconspicuous window on the third floor above her head, and could vaguely see the shadow of a person standing in front of the window.

"Miss Qing, the same sentence, do you really not regret it? If you choose the wrong one, your life will be gone."

The shopkeeper stood under the stage and confirmed to the woman again.

The woman called Qing girl raised her head and her phoenix eyes glanced at the two songs on the sign and asked softly, "How to distinguish between right and wrong?"


The shopkeeper looked embarrassed, right and wrong are always the boss's decision, he doesn't know how to tell the difference.

At this time, a piece of paper floated down from the window on the third floor, and it landed in front of the shopkeeper without any deviation. girl.

Miss Qing took the note and took a look at it. After carefully seeing the reason, she returned the note to the shopkeeper.

She looked at the two songs in front of her again: "The overlord who takes off his armor is dead but not alive. The winner of the ambush from ten sides is the king. It's just the content on the paper. No matter how the protagonist is chosen today, he will die."

The shopkeeper nodded, that's right. Judging from today's content, the final results of the two songs are both dead. If you talk about the delicate differences, even a layman like him can't tell the mystery.

However, in the shopkeeper's eyes, it was the first time that the boss could tell her the matter today, and no one else had ever been treated like this.

Here he looked at the content on the paper again. It was the matter of besieging and killing Zhao Jian today. The content was not much, but it could already make people feel the danger of today.

So in the mind of the shopkeeper, no matter how you choose, it will be a dead end, and these two songs are simply free sub-questions.

"Miss Qing, the time is coming. If you don't choose today, it will be considered as the past. From then on, Fenglailou will not allow you to appear on the stage again."

The shopkeeper looked at the time and urged.

Miss Qing glanced at the two pieces of music on the wooden sign again, then suddenly raised her head and said, "Then he must die?"


The shopkeeper's face changed, and his voice suddenly became serious.

But at this time, another piece of paper floated down from the small window upstairs, on the white piece of paper were three big characters written vigorously, without waiting for the shopkeeper to come next, you could clearly see the three words written on it: "I don't know. "

Seeing this, Qing girl asked softly: "Since you don't know, how can you tell that he must die? I bet he won't die."

After she finished speaking, she stood up suddenly and looked at the shadow in the window on the third floor: "I play both of these two pieces, but I want to add a piece myself!"

The shopkeeper at the side was frightened. This was something that had never happened before. No one dared to question the repertoire and storytelling arranged by the shopkeeper. Immediately her expression sank and she was about to call for someone to take her out.

However, the shadow in the small window on the third floor was silent for a while, and then dropped a note with only one word on it: "Bomb!"

Seeing this, the shopkeeper immediately waved his hand to make the figure hiding in the corner retreat.

I saw Miss Qing sitting down again, putting the pipa in her arms, and the slender Yijia immediately began to pluck the strings, and the shopkeeper's ears moved, this is the first song "House of Flying Daggers"

On the other side, Xu Tong was still eating the big bowl with relish. This was already the fourth bowl of noodles. The boss frowned at the sight, wondering if this person was reincarnated from a starving ghost? ?Siwannian's own cattle should also be full, don't wait to feed yourself to death, then you will be unlucky.

Just thinking about it, I saw Xu Tong put down the bowl and shouted: "One more bowl!"

The boss was so excited that he could only bite the bullet and shout: "Okay! Here we go..."

He enjoyed eating here, but he didn't know that a group of people not far away were watching with cold eyes.

"I go!"

One person came out, wanting to strike, but someone pulled him back immediately: "There is no trouble in the downtown area, and the officials will be alarmed if they accidentally hurt ordinary people."

This place is no different than the side street just now, they can disperse people with some tricks, it is close to the main road, and it is also a shopping mall block, even if they have the best ability, they dare not make trouble here.

These people are all shady people, and some even have murder cases on their bodies. In the end, no one can stand the investigation. If the officials are really alarmed, it will be a trivial matter for them to be locked up. It will be delayed for a month. No one can take responsibility for the meeting in Beimang.

"Then we'll just wait here with him?"

The one who made the shot just now was a little reconciled, and the people on the side also felt a little impatient, but after all, they were still worried that another Cheng Yaojin would be killed halfway.

Recently, news has spread from time to time that a man named Xue Gui had clashed with six elders of the Beggar Gang in Hankou, and all six elders of the Beggar Gang were killed in the end.

According to a few beggars who came back from the beggar gang, the six elders must have stopped moving as soon as the other party raised their hands. When they stepped forward to take a look, the six elders were bleeding from all seven orifices on their faces, and they were already lifeless.

Not to mention whether the news is true or not, another thing they are concerned about is that this guy named Xue Gui, after killing six beggar gang elders, boarded the train and disappeared. This is what they are worried about .

Because this guy named Xue Gui seems to have the same method of killing as the kid in front of him, both of them seem to have the prefix Bamen Tiao.

"hold on!"

Sensing the impatience in everyone's hearts, a hoarse voice came from behind them. Everyone turned around and saw a man with two scars on his face squatting on a rock and eating pancakes.

The man looked up at the soaring eagle in the sky above his head, and stuffed a piece of pancake into his mouth without any haste: "Wait until night and see where he hides."

The group of people was obviously headed by this scarface, and the originally agitated heart gradually calmed down after hearing this.

They were waiting, and Xu Tong was also waiting. After eating two big bowls of stewed noodles, he burped and wandered around the crowded downtown area. When he was tired from walking, he simply found a place to sit down.

Now it’s just the beginning of autumn, but the weather is still as hot as summer. Usually, the sun doesn’t set until seven o’clock, but today’s sky is getting cloudy very quickly.


Suddenly there were bursts of dull thunder in the sky. The thunder was so dull and frightening, like the snoring of God, even an ordinary person could feel that a heavy rainstorm was coming.

"Such a coincidence??"

Xu Tong raised his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry.

It's really a leak in the house and it rains all night, and it's hard to enter the night soon, and my dark physique can greatly enhance my combat effectiveness.

But if it rains heavily, the situation will not be optimistic, at least his paper control skills and chubby combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

"Not good!" Seeing that it was going to rain, Scarface's expression suddenly turned ugly. If it was normal rain, Spirit Eagle would not be afraid, but if it was a thunderstorm, thunder and lightning would make the connection between them very bad. More importantly, But if it rains too hard, the spirit eagle will not be able to fly.

Thinking of this, Scar's face darkened: "Do it!"

Scarface's voice fell, and the eyes of everyone who had been waiting for a day lit up. They looked at each other and walked towards Xu Tong.

With such a heavy murderous aura, Xu Tong immediately noticed these people walking towards him, and raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was surprised by the sudden act of these people rushing towards him to kill him, but he quickly returned. As if he understood something, he looked up at the eagle circling in the sky, and suddenly became cheerful: "It turns out that I am not the only one who is unlucky."

Immediately stood up and walked to the side alley. Seeing Xu Tong walking further and further away, and there were no pedestrians around, the young man who wanted to do it at first finally couldn't help it.

"Boy, I heard that you are crazy, let me teach you!"

While speaking, I saw the young man rushing up: "Thousand-fingered tiger, come to learn!" The young man gave a loud roar and reported his name, jumped into the air with a vigorous step, and kicked Xu Tong in the air.

With the blessing of [Close-to-body Combat Technique] prop card, Xu Tong is quite sure about tight combat. He dodges sideways and takes a step back. Just as he was about to fight back, Qian Zhihu quickly tapped Xu Tong's chest with a finger of his left hand. Draw.

"Stab!" With a sound, the clothes on his chest were cut neatly. Xu Tong squinted his eyes, and after a closer look, he found that there was a stream of air visible to the naked eye reverberating on the man's fingertips.

Seeing this, Xu Tong arched his hands and was about to use the Mountain Blessing Button, but at this moment, someone shouted from behind: "Don't give the chance to perform the spell, if he dares to bow his head, he will beheaded."

As soon as the words were finished, the rest of the crowd rushed forward. The corner of Xu Tong's mouth twitched, and he could only turn around and run first.

"I want to run, it's too late!" Seeing that Xu Tong was about to run, a dwarf suddenly rolled on the ground, and his figure melted into the soil and appeared in front of Xu Tong in a second.

He grabbed Xu Tong's legs with both hands, showing a fierce look on his face. He is the descendant of the Five Elements Sect, and he is best at the Five Elements Escape Technique. This move of the Dragon Lock is enough to pull half of his body into the soil.

However, the dwarf pulled his hands, but suddenly found that instead of pulling the person in, he was pulled up by a huge force, and saw a tentacle coming out of the darkness, it was the fat man summoned by Xu Tong.

The big fat tentacle waved the man straight away and grabbed the man, and he fell on the iron cart next to him lightly! With a "snap", an obvious sunken figure appeared on the hood of the car, and the glass of the cart shattered directly!
Seeing that Xu Tong called out Fatty, everyone was not surprised. It seemed that they had already obtained Xu Tong's detailed methods before making the move.

The huge physique actually almost knocked the fat man over, but Xu Tong saw that something was wrong, quickly took the fat man back, jumped up, and punched the fat man with a backhand.

On the swift fist, a blue flame burst out and exploded on the fat man's chest.

However, to Xu Tong's surprise, the fat man only shook a few times when the flames exploded, and a yellowish light shone from his body.

Looking carefully, the source of the light actually came from under his fat skin, and there seemed to be a pale golden talisman flickering.

"This is the Vajra Talisman passed down from the White Lotus Sect! Little brother, all the strangers in the world are looking for you, do you think you can escape!" Scarface poked his head out from behind, and looked at Xu Tong with a sneer.

"Oh, White Lotus Sect!"

Hearing this, Xu Tong's eyes turned cold, a pistol suddenly appeared in his hand, the black muzzle squeezed directly into the fat man's fat, and he pulled the trigger unceremoniously...

(End of this chapter)

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