Infinite script kill

Chapter 215 The Overlord Disarms

Chapter 215 The Overlord Disarms
"Bang bang bang!!"

A scorching flame erupted from the black muzzle of the gun. For a moment, the fat man's calm face froze a few times, and then he lowered his head in disbelief, looking at the blood hole in his chest, and his huge body fell straight to the ground.

"Master, it hurts..."

"Hold it, wait until the talisman is planted for you, and you won't be in pain anymore."

An old man in the room used a slender silver needle to pierce the golden powder in the bowl into the flesh of a little fat man, bit by bit, causing the flesh on the little fat man's face to turn red from the pain.

"Master, am I done now??"

The simple-faced man under the shade of the tree patted three large bluestone bricks into fine powder with one hand, and looked at the old man proudly.

"That's it!"

The old man took out an egg, held it in the palm of his hand, and slapped it lightly, smashing the bluestone bricks, and then saw that the egg in his hand was intact.

"Da Meng! Look at this egg. In fact, a human life is as fragile as an eggshell. Even if the opponent's strength is not as good as yours, you must not be careless, because this egg will shatter if you touch it lightly."

As the old man said, he poked lightly with his fingernail, and immediately poked a hole out of the egg.

Yu Dameng's mind flashed images of his past years, until his body fell heavily on the ground, but he couldn't accept that he would die so suddenly.

It may be only at this time that Yu Dameng will understand why his master compares life to eggs, but now that he understands it, it is too late for him to understand the truth.


Seeing Yu Dameng's body lying on the ground, everyone couldn't help but change their expressions, and quickly backed away to find cover.

They have the ability to kill people without blood, they have the physical strength to climb mountains and ridges like a stroll in a garden, and even crushing stones to break gold is no problem. The only thing is that they are still mortal bodies, and they can feel the same when facing a black hole. To the death stare.

"Damn, didn't the news say that he is no longer a policeman, why does he still have a gun!!"

"Maybe it was hidden."

"Hey, young people who break the law with guns, quickly put down the guns!!"

Xu Tong pursed his lips, and after glancing at the fat man's body on the ground, he didn't continue to kill, but turned around and ran back quickly while they didn't dare to show their heads easily.

When Xu Tong ran far away, only a few people dared to show their heads. When everyone saw Yu Dameng's body, they all felt guilty, especially the young man who rushed up first, with cold sweat oozing from his forehead.

It is embarrassing that Yu Dameng's strength is so high, but he died here in the end.

"What should we do? Should we continue chasing him?" Someone asked Scarface.

Scarface frowned: "Stop chasing, the gunfire will definitely alarm the local officials, clean up the corpse and the scene, let's go!"

"But just let him go?"

Looking at the direction in which Xu Tong was fleeing, some people felt unwilling, and they were obviously about to catch him.

Scarface grinned and said with a sneer: "Let's go?? Hehe, we youngsters are just throwing stones to ask for directions. The real master hasn't done it yet, so he can't run away."

While talking, the old man who had just called Xu Tong to put down the gun took out a cloth bag, and put the cloth bag over Yu Dameng's body, and there seemed to be something wriggling under the cloth bag, followed by a burst of gnawing In less than a minute, Yu Dameng's body disappeared without a single bone left.

Then the old man took out a powder that looked like flour, and waved his hands around. After the powder was scattered and stained with blood on the ground, white foam immediately popped up.

"Okay, wait for the heavy rain, no one can find any clues here."

The old man put away the cloth bag, and quickly left the alley with Scarface.

After getting rid of the pursuit of the group behind him, there was another dull thunder in the sky.

Immediately following the clattering rain, bean-sized raindrops fell down.

The rain was coming fast, Xu Tong took a look and saw that there was a railway station not far ahead, but this railway station was not a station entrance for people to enter the station, but was used for loading and unloading goods.

Seeing this, he simply climbed over the wall and jumped in, intending to find an inconspicuous place to hide here. He believed that the rain would not only affect him, but those who followed him would also be affected.

As soon as he entered the station, the rain fell more and more within a few steps. By the time Xu Tong reached the boarding gate, the rain had completely stopped.


On the track in the distance, a bright light flickered, as if a train had entered the station.


The buzzing of the train became louder and louder. As the front of the train stopped slowly, a thick cloud of smoke covered the space in front of him. When Xu Tong raised his head suddenly, he saw a pair of shiny leather boots coming out of the smoke.

Immediately, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, staring intently at the figure walking in the mist in front of him, and froze in place for a while.

As the thick smoke gradually dissipated, a face that was both familiar and unfamiliar slowly raised its head in the mist, put a black hat on top of its head, and for a moment with clear black and white eyes, Xu Tong couldn't help but gasped. Screamed: "Master!!"

That's right, he would never be wrong, the sharp-edged face in front of him, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, tall nose bridge, thin lips, masculine with a touch of femininity, in reality is definitely enough to kill those sissies instantly Little fresh meat.

Noticing Xu Tong's gaze, the man walked straight towards him, and slowly opened his arms to embrace him: "Don't worry, with me here, no one can touch you!"

Xu Tong's eyes and pupils tightened, and he hugged the master's arms in a daze.

But at the moment when the two were about to embrace each other, a cold light flashed in the white mist.


The moment there was a sound of metal collision, there was a flash of thunder and lightning in the sky, and a gust of cool wind mixed with rain splashed on Xu Tong's stern face.

The train, clouds, and even the rain that had stopped before my eyes disappeared completely.

And the person standing in front of him was not the teacher he was thinking of, but a fat old man.

Holding a dagger in his hand, the old man stood against the gleaming gold foil dagger, and looked at Xu Tong in horror: "When did you find out? These should be things you thought of, right?"

"I didn't notice it at first, but when my master came out, the flaw appeared, because at this time he didn't recognize me now."

Xu Tong's words made the old man even more confused for a moment, he nodded half-understanding, and suddenly raised the other palm with the armor to grab Xu Tong's chest.

But as soon as he moved, Xu Tong flipped his palm, dropped the gold leaf dagger in his hand, and grabbed the old man's wrist with a catch instead.

At the same time, with a light hook of the finger of the other hand, the paper control technique was activated, and the gold foil dagger flew in midair like a flying blade, piercing the old man's throat with lightning speed.

The nimble movements are as fast as the wind, and there is no chance for people to react.

"Pfft!!" Blood flowed wildly from his throat, and the old man fell to the ground, his eyes were full of fear, his lips were blue, his hands and feet were trembling, and he let out feces and urine. After struggling for more than ten seconds, his body stiffened and his life stopped. .

Xu Tong didn't know that the old man called Lip Demon in front of him was once a leader in close combat, and even everyone in the world was frightened when they heard the name of Lip Demon.

He once used psychedelic techniques to kill senior officials of the island country's military, and then disappeared without a trace under the eyes of everyone.

If he was 30 years younger, the person lying on the ground at this moment would probably be Xu Tong.

It's just that the fist is afraid of the young, and the years make people old. After all, the body of rotten wood is a beat slow, but just a slow beat is enough to see life and death.

"Plop!" After killing the Lip Demon, Xu Tong's face was not relaxed. He was able to quickly struggle out of his fantasy, not because of his extraordinary willpower, but because he had activated the title skill of the Retriever.

The spiritual shield can be immune to 80% of the mental damage and 30% of the physical damage. It is the powerful ability of the spiritual shield to avoid injuries that can wake up from the fantasy in the first time.

But the feeling of weakness that followed made him a little overwhelmed. He shook his body a few times before struggling to get up from the ground.

Glancing at the lip demon's body, Xu Tong kept his eyes wide open, fear and regret seemed to remain in his lifeless pupils, Xu Tong sighed, and prepared to put the body away and bury him when he found a place.

But at this time, he noticed that his arm was stained with a mass of black blood at some point. Seeing it, he stretched out two fingers and wiped it lightly a few times, but the blood stain seemed to have been stained on it. not drop.

Taking a closer look, it didn't look like blood, but it didn't have any strange smell, just when he was wondering what it was.

Suddenly, he glanced behind him, staring fixedly at the dark corner in front of him.

"Boom rumble..."

Accompanied by a thunderclap, the flash of thunder illuminated the sky for a moment, and I saw a black shadow standing in the corner staring at him...

At the same time, Feng came to the building, only to hear the high-pitched pipa sound, the majestic sound, and the murderous aura boiled between the fingers, even the shopkeeper at the side couldn't help but feel frightened when he heard it.

Then the sound of the zither turned again, and suddenly there was a sad and magnificent melody in the high-pitched sound of the zither, which was the song of Bawang disarming his armor.

These two pieces of music were softly played together at the same time. Under completely different moods, they were actually perfectly integrated into one piece, forming a picture like playing the sound and splashing ink.


The shopkeeper secretly praised that he had seen many women playing the pipa over the years, maybe it was for money, or to fight for a way out in the troubled times, so he chose to take the risk to stay here.

These women are not ordinary people, and some of them have even become famous and romantic figures early on.

But none of these women played the pipa as well as the young girl in front of me. It was time for the shopkeeper to praise her, and the melody changed again, but this time the song didn't have the scene of an ambush from ten sides, nor did the overlord unload his armor. Such a tragic, ordinary melody suddenly changed at Qing girl's fingertips, and a twist of twists and turns rushed towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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