Infinite script kill

Chapter 216 Conspiracy

Chapter 216 Conspiracy
"Hey... I didn't expect the Lip Demon to escape death after all."

The voice came from the deep darkness, as if it had gone through countless twists and turns, and it was doubly mysterious and gloomy.

A wrinkled old man huddled in the corner, his expression seemed to be very sad, but his head was surprisingly huge and bright, with blue blood vessels protruding out of it.

Xu Tong's pupils tightened, and he saw the old man suddenly pointing his hand, and threw a strange black shadow from the void, and it flew towards him at high speed. Clean Skull Phantom!

He was already seriously injured, and coupled with the negative state of the retributor, his body had reached its limit at this moment. Before he could dodge, he was hit head-on by a black shadow. Suddenly, his eyes turned black, and his whole body felt like it was being burned by fire.

Fortunately, the advantage of [Dark Physique] appeared at the critical moment. Facing this kind of sorcery, the Dark Physique not only offset most of the damage, but also offset the negative effects brought by the sorcery.

But even so, Xu Tong was seriously injured, crouching down and vomiting blood from his mouth.

"Young man, you already have such strength at such a young age. Among the young generation of all kinds, you are like this!" The old man gave a thumbs up, not flattering, but agreeing.

No matter what means he used, he was able to kill all the way to this place, and even killed the Lip Demon. How many people in the younger generation in Jianghu have such strength?
If you think about it carefully, you know that there is none.

They are evil sects, not to mention spreading the law, even finding an apprentice is probably difficult. In an era when a young man has such strength, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the master of the sect alone.

"It's a pity, child, you showed your sharpness too early, and it's easy to break when you're too young. Wouldn't it be nice if you handed over your things earlier? After another 20 years, our old bones will be dead, and the world will still be old by then." There is no one who can stand by your side."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, he heard a shout from behind: "What's the point of talking to him, boy, take out the fairy treasure, we'll give you a treat, you and the lip demon can still be companions on the way to the underworld."

Xu Tong frowned, and saw under the bright lights, a dense group of people came out through the vast white mist, among them were the strangers who chased and killed him before, and even the eighth-door master Chu Zhao and others chased him away come over.

Judging from his calm demeanor, this old man seems to have sold himself for a good price.

"Give it to them, child, you are not playing like this in the world."

Master Chu Zhao's tone was very flat, more like the seniors were educating the juniors.

Xu Tong smiled dumbly, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth casually. He was not forced to despair at all, but the fire was dancing in his eyes. After scanning the crowd in front of him, the smile on his face became more permeable: "Yes, then You might as well teach me how to play, let's play slowly under Huang Quan."

Everyone's face turned cold, stared at by Xu Tong's beast-like eyes, anyone could feel the crazy murderous look in this guy's eyes, without a trace of awe of death, on the contrary, it was more like wishing to pull a few Do back pads together.

"There is a kind!"

Master Chu Zhao gave a thumbs up, but then shook his head regretfully and said: "We know you still have a gun in your hand, maybe you have other trump cards, but child, look at our old bones, that one didn't come from the pile of dead people When you crawled out, when you killed the lip demon, you had already sent yourself to a dead end."

After Master Chu Zhao's words fell, Xu Tong's heart tightened. After quickly reviewing the situation just now in his mind like lightning, he hurriedly looked at his arm. Sure enough, the black blood stained on his arm actually gave birth to a strange black mist. After forming a fixed word in the air.

An extremely cold feeling spread all over Xu Tong's body. He yelled, and the whole person lost control of his body at this moment, and his body froze in place. I can't even do it!

"No wonder! No wonder he looked so unwilling when he died, it turned out to be like this!"

The body could not move, Xu Tong not only did not feel fear, but showed a look of awakening.

Although Lip Demon is old, he was once a generation of heroes. Such a person is so thoughtful and thoughtful. How could he leave such a big hole in the illusion? ?

Besides, even if he is old and confused, but knowing that he is old and frail, he still fights with him at close quarters, and the reason why he is afraid of the young is that he has lived his whole life, can he not understand?

The reason for all this is that this old guy deliberately showed his flaws. It's just that an old man who has survived until now suddenly wants to die. This is not a normal phenomenon.

Thinking of this, he asked Chu Zhao: "Master Chu Zhao, I'm curious, what kind of weakness did you catch this old guy, and make him willing to die?"

Who is Master Chu Zhao? Of course he would not say this, but another old man on the side took it over with a sneer on his face: "Nothing, we just agreed that after the meeting in Beimang, we will protect his grandson. Troubled by the fate of three disadvantages and five disadvantages, I can live a peaceful life like ordinary people."

After finishing speaking, the old man wiped his beard, and said to everyone with a smile: "This is something we dare not even think about. Speaking of it, the lip demon has made money."

"Yeah, earned it, earned it."

Everyone nodded. The so-called "Three Religions and Nine Streams" is just a collective term. Not mentioning the "Three Religions", the Nine Streams are also divided into upper, middle and lower levels. They are like ants in the mud, which is not worth mentioning.

Even practice is a different way, subject to the restrictions of three disadvantages and five deficiencies.

Wealth without money is nothing but hands, widows, no relatives, no parents and no descendants, and if there is no disability in the body, they are embarrassed to enter the industry.

So over time, the lower class has become like a slum in the city, where all the professions that are looked down upon are concentrated.

The lip demon's grandson inherited part of his spells, so naturally he could not escape the fate of three disadvantages and five shortcomings. It was precisely this as a deal that made the lip demon agree to this matter.

Of course, in addition to Lip Demon's love for his grandson, a bigger part of the reason is that he is aging too fast, and was even diagnosed with Alzheimer's, although it is slight, it is definitely a fatal blow to him.

"Hehe, after all, he's just a poor worm."

Xu Tong bluntly exposed these hypocritical rhetoric: "The last question, what are you guys going to do?"

After asking and asking, after going around such a big circle, what Xu Tong really wanted to ask was exactly this matter, the strange people from all over the world gathered in L City, just for the fairy treasure? ?
If so, they would have been in a mess long ago, but instead of fighting at this time, they were united and wanted to gather together on Beiman Mountain next month to have some kind of Beiman meeting.

This is incredible, what are these people doing? ?

My main quest asked me to find out the truth, but I couldn't figure out the reason after asking many times, so I simply asked them directly while the few bigwigs were in front of me.

Everyone didn't answer Xu Tong's question. Instead, Chu Zhao asked Xu Tong, "Tell me first, where you hid the fairy treasure."

"Tell you, what will you do if you kill me with one knife? I will die if I say it or not. You always want me to be a ghost. Master Zhao, you are an old senior in Bamen. If I don't believe others, I will Believe me, let me die to understand, and I will give you an explanation, it is always better than dying at someone else's hands, what do you think."

Xu Tong's words were very beautiful, and they raised Master Chu Zhao to another level invisibly.

It's just that Master Chu Zhao was also raised, and his juniors were all talked about to this extent. If he didn't even talk about this brotherhood, then no one in the eight sects would give him face in the future.

I'm afraid it will spread out afterwards that even though Chu Zhao can enjoy himself in the Jianghu, those seniors of the older generation in Bamen will no longer look at him directly, and will even give him some trouble.

For a moment, Master Chu Zhao's face was stiff for a while, and he cursed inwardly that this kid could speak, but his face soon slowed down, he took a step forward and walked to Xu Tong's side, and bowed his hands to everyone in front of him, everyone also He nodded tactfully.

After all, people are people of all kinds, so this face still has to be given, as long as there is nothing wrong with the fairy treasure.

"Forget it, since everyone is willing to give this old man a face, let you die today to understand that what we are going to do is earth-shattering, nothing else, just to give it a go, open the way of yin and yang, and unleash a hundred thousand evil spirits!"

"Boom rumble..."

The sky was thunderous, as if he was angry at Master Chu Zhao's words.

The thunderbolt flashed and illuminated half of everyone's faces, and the surroundings were immediately covered with a murderous atmosphere.

It turns out that this meeting in Beimang is their last fight for the aliens in the world. With the help of Beimang Yin Qi, they will release thousands of evil spirits who are not in reincarnation between Yin and Yang.

At that time, with the help of the power of immortal treasures, these evil spirits will be exterminated, and everyone will share the merits equally.

At that time, with their own merits and virtues, everyone will be able to change their fate against the sky, and their merits and virtues will be complete.

"Hiss~~ Isn't this a ghost temple fair??"

After listening to Master Chu Zhao, Xu Tong immediately understood that this is the ghost temple fair written in Song Laoshu, but the ghost temple fair is at best just a dozen or so strangers joining forces to attract the wandering ghosts and wandering spirits around. , everyone uses their means to measure it.

After all, the ghost temple fair also pays attention to a predestined relationship. If you encounter a wandering soul who refuses to be saved, as long as it is not an evil ghost doing murder and arson in the human world, you will not force it.

But Master Chu Zhao and the others had even bigger plans, releasing thousands of evil spirits and killing them all by force. The difference was huge.

If it succeeds, the massive merits and virtues will be enough for everyone present to reach an unprecedented level of cultivation.

In other words, if the Ghost Temple Fair is just a team dungeon of dozens of people, then Master Chu Zhao and the others are not doing dungeons at all, but directly using cheats to gather all the dungeons together, and then wipe them out for you .

"No wonder!"

Xu Tong nodded. No wonder the Lip Demon believed that they could change the fate of his grandson against the sky. After all, compared to his grandson, Master Chu Zhao and the others had plans that no one in the past could have imagined. things.

(End of this chapter)

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