Infinite script kill

Chapter 217 Explosion!!!

Chapter 217 Explosion!!!
Just as Master Chu Zhao said, this will be the last carnival in the Dharma-ending era. The masters of the three religions have retired early, and the upper nine and middle nine are experiencing world turmoil.

Now at this juncture, it is the greatest opportunity for them to go downhill, just like when a fish leaps into the dragon's gate and attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven.

Xu Tong squinted his eyes and thought about it, and suddenly asked curiously: "Then is it too late for me to join now?"


Everyone was amused by Xu Tong's candid remarks.

However, some old people were worried that Master Chu Zhao would be licking the calf at this time, and hurriedly said viciously: "It's no use, you killed so many of us, and almost destroyed the key to the Beiman Conference, besides, I don't think your motives are pure." , maybe he’s playing some crooked idea again.”

"That's right, he must die because of emotion and reason!"

A crowd of people echoed, saying that they are selfless, but it is false to say that they have no selfish intentions. After all, this kid is so young and has come up with endless tricks, killing many of them. I'm afraid the kid doesn't know how much it will cost.

If this really allows him to join in and share the merits with them equally, he will not overwhelm them in the future.

Master Chu Zhao really had this idea in his heart, but it can be seen that everyone has a firm attitude, and naturally he will not make everyone's bad luck. If he really insists, he may not escape death today.

"Boy, you know everything you need to know. Should you hand over the things yourself, or let me help you."

The old man who had plotted against Xu Tong just now stepped forward, a faint blue light emerged from his cloudy eyeballs, like two ghostly ghostly fires, which were terrifyingly eerie.

Master Chu Zhao stood aside, and introduced to Xu Tong in a warm voice: "This is the ghost master. He is good at drawing people's souls to refine ghosts. My child, listen to my advice, a man who dies cleanly is still a hero." , why bother to spoil yourself."

Seeing the two singing together, Xu Tong couldn't help heaving a long sigh, as if he had resigned himself to fate: "Hey, when I came out of the mountain, my grandfather said that I was destined for such a catastrophe, but I didn't expect it to come so soon. If God Give me another chance, I will definitely stay at home obediently, enjoy my family's [-] acres of fertile land, marry a wife and children to warm the bed..."

"What nonsense, what about things!!"

Gui Lao was already a little impatient, and stared at Xu Tong with cold eyes.

"I can hand over things, but I can't move now, and I can't summon my brother out. Do you think you should let me go first?"

Xu Tong looked at Gui Lao and Master Chu Zhao seriously and said.

"No! This kid is too treacherous, it's too dangerous to let him go!" Someone immediately objected.

Xu Tong took a look, he didn't expect that it was Monk Ming, and he also came. Seeing his bald head, Xu Tong couldn't help joking, "My master told me that when I die, I can hold someone on my back. I think we hit it off very well, do you want to go down to the underworld with me to have fun?"

Monk Ming's face turned dark when he heard it, and he didn't dare to answer, he quietly stepped back a few steps.

It's no wonder he is so timid, it's really that this kid is too evil, he still remembers the power of Baishankou still fresh.

"Stop playing tricks."

Gui Lao smiled coldly, and saw that his fingers had formed seals, ready to be revealed by Xu Tong.


A group of people behind wanted to persuade, but Gui Lao waved his hands and said: "It's okay, I hold his life and death in my hands, and he can't make any waves if he is left alone."

Gui Lao naturally has this confidence in saying this. The curse planted on Xu Tong's hand at the cost of the Lip Demon's life cannot be easily undone. He can hold him or kill him in a single thought. Even if he has some tricks that can turn the tables, it's not as fast as a single formula of his own.

Guilao pinched his fingers and read a word "open", Xu Tong lightened his body, and then regained control of his body. He glanced at the black mist on his arm again, and saw that the black mist was slowly wriggling at the moment. .

"What kind of technique is this?? So overbearing??" He shook his arms and asked Gui Lao.

"It's okay to tell you, this is called black blood drop. If it doesn't have to be launched with human life, the conditions are too harsh, I'm afraid it will be better than the so-called flying head drop in Vietnam and Thailand."

Gui Lao looked proud, this is his unique skill, if he can improve it, maybe it can become the same killing technique as sitting on the immortal post.

Xu Tong let out a sigh, and waved his hand to call out Big Fatty: "Your stuff is in his stomach, I'll help you get it out."

However, as soon as Xu Tong finished speaking, a cold light flashed in the eyes of the ghost beside him, and he raised his hand and slapped Xu Tong on the back.

When this palm was slapped, Xu Tong's face turned pale for a while with such great force, his body flew on the ground and rolled five or six times before stopping. They were buckled together, chanting words, and the black mist on Xu Tong's arm quickly turned into a word [death].

In an instant, a heart-piercing coldness rushed straight into Xu Tong's heart.


With a scream, his face turned pale, and he struggled to get up from the ground, but his hands and feet seemed to be smeared with oil, slipping on the muddy ground and falling again.

He opened his mouth and let the rain pour into his mouth, greedily wanting to take another breath.

Knowing that he looked at the sky with empty eyes and lay down on the ground, no longer breathing.

"Hey! It's a pity, he is a good seedling. After I know about this, I'm afraid I'll have to go back to Bamenli and think about it behind closed doors for a few years."

Master Chu Zhao looked at Xu Tong's body in the rain, with a look of regret. Bamen still hadn't had such a good seedling for a long time, but he destroyed it with his own hands.

Gui Lao squeezed out a smile uglier than crying on his wrinkled face, and said disapprovingly.

"Hey, Master Zhao, you are killing relatives righteously. This kid deserves to end up being restless, so he just needs to be buried."

Everyone also praised Master Chu Zhao for his righteousness.

"That's right, Master Zhao doesn't have to be sad, at worst, we will see him off in person from the chime class!"

The person who spoke was from the Li family's chime class, the words sounded nice, but everyone could hear the gloating attitude inside, after all, Li Ming also died, and died at the hands of their eight families, the account has not been settled yet Woolen cloth.


Chu Zhao's face darkened, and he turned around with a cold snort.

Seeing this, Gui Lao hurriedly changed the topic, fearing that the two families would fight again, he hurriedly urged everyone: "Don't gossip, quickly cut open the belly of this paper figure, and see if the fairy treasure is inside."

After Gui Lao said, everyone dared not slack off, and a few young and strong men rushed forward with their blades and aimed at the big fat belly.

But at this time, Fatty was in a state of paper armor, and they chopped down with their blades, only cutting pieces of paper flying across, but failed to break Fatty's belly.

"Back off, you can't even break a piece of paper, how lazy are you on weekdays!"

Seeing that these juniors had a bad start, they were finally scolded by the old man on the side. After the old man finished scolding, he turned around and called four old men of the same age to come out together.

The origins of the five of them are not simple, they are the heads of the Yuanshun Escort, and now the Escort has disappeared, but the people of the Yuanshun Escort are well-known, and the founder is the once famous swordsman Wang Wu in the world.

Even later, when Cixi fled, she asked their Escort Bureau to protect her. One can imagine how prominent the Yuanshun Escort Bureau was at the beginning.

The strength of the five old men who can be escorts in Yuanshun Escort Agency can be imagined to be mediocre.

I saw five people forming a circle around Fatty, and was about to show these juniors how powerful their 50-year punch was, when suddenly Fatty, who was standing there quietly, blinked There was a red light.


The moment the red light flickered, Guilao and the others felt a little bit in their hearts. Realizing that something was wrong, they hurriedly shouted: "No, shit!!"

While talking, he had already rushed five or six meters away, but the others were not so quick to react, especially since the five escorts hit the air with their fists, they didn't want to run away.

What's more, at this moment, Big Fatty suddenly raised his densely packed claws like a python, crazily entangled around anyone around him.

Followed by less than two seconds, with the burst of red light bursting from the big fat body...


In an instant, the surrounding residents could clearly feel the vibration from their feet.

In the Fenglai building, the song of Qing girl is also coming to an end, and the sound of the song becomes more and more intense. As the song ends, the sound of explosions also comes.

"Boom blah blah..."

Seeing the trembling ripples in the tea bowl on the table, the face of the shopkeeper standing aside also changed.

Such a big commotion is not like the style of ghosts and the others.

At this time, a note was thrown from the small window on the third floor, and the note fell on the ground with two words written on it [Quick Check]

The violent explosion illuminated the night sky until the flames dissipated, and the train platform was completely riddled with holes.

There were wailing sounds and charred bodies all over the ground.


Since Gui Lao's face was covered with dust, he got up from the ground and looked, his eyes were bloodshot, and then looked at Xu Tong's body, only to find that Xu Tong was hiding more than ten meters away safely.

Holding a handful of melon seeds in his hand, he was eating deliciously. Seeing Gui Lao looking at him, this guy had a grin on his face, threw away the melon seeds in his hand, raised one hand in the air, and slender fingers twirled in the air to present flowers The other hand is placed flat on his chest. The standard curtain call ceremony seems to be drawing the curtain down for this blooming explosion.


One after another, several quick-response old men slowly stood up, looking at the casualties and wounds of the apprentices they brought, they wished to cramp and skin Xu Tong.

At the same time, their hearts were trembling. They knew that this guy dared to hide a gun, so he was naturally a desperado, but they didn't expect this guy to be so crazy that he dared to make such a big explosion, he was simply a lunatic.

Xu Tong frowned. Except for the five escort heads who wanted to perform on stage to add to the scene, there were not many masters who were actually killed.

But this is not surprising. After all, these old guys can be regarded as crawling out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood. They have a keen sense of danger. The first thing they notice is that something is wrong.

As for the younger ones, firstly, they are not strong enough, and secondly, they are not sensitive enough to danger, so they naturally react much slower. When they regain consciousness, there is only a sea of ​​flames in front of them, and it is too late to run.

Seeing that these old guys were still alive, Xu Tong could only leave with regret.

Although I escaped the fatal curse by virtue of the special ability of [Polypoid Tumor]: "Planting the blame" (Chapter 25 of the fifth volume, but the title is Chapter 35), my physical condition is still not very good. When he was seriously injured, the real main force was still there, and he would not be able to reap the benefits if he stayed any longer.


However, just as he was about to leave, something fell from mid-air, and there was a green noise on the ground. The sound was clear and sweet, which lifted people's minds and made them all look away.

Under the heavy rain, a crystal jade piece was falling in front of everyone, shining brightly in the rain, and now everyone's eyes were fixed on this jade piece.

It was raining heavily, and in the darkness, someone yelled, "Grab!"

In the next moment, several black shadows rushed forward, and Xu Tong jumped up immediately. At the same time, he took out a pistol and unceremoniously aimed at the several black shadows and pulled the trigger...

 Asking for tickets, all kinds of tickets, what can I give, thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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