Chapter 218
"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Flames flickered in the darkness, and three bullets hit the three people in front of them impartially, so that the three of them had to stop and evade to the side to find cover.

But when he aimed his gun at Guilao and the others, he saw Guilao's figure turned into a black mist in the air, scattered into six black lights, dispersed like a black snake, and attacked as a phantom of a skull.

Looking at the attacking skeletons, Xu Tong raised his brows slightly, and folded his hands together to activate the extreme flame turbine.

Immediately, a blue-black flame appeared in the palm of the hand, forming a twisted and terrifying suction in the air, and the surrounding rainwater was also involved in it, but the rain did not extinguish the blue-black flame in the vortex, but caused the flame to detonate rapidly.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The phantoms of the six skeletons were instantly ingested into it and shattered into pieces, before being wiped out under the flames.

Extinguishing the phantom with one move, Xu Tong's remaining prestige remained unabated, and he activated the power of magic again. Suddenly, two extreme dark flames leaned on his palm and rushed towards the black mist in front of him.


Guilao's heart trembled. It was mentioned in the news that this guy was good at using evil fire. the sound of.

"Two steps back, go left, occupy the door of life!"

Hearing the words, the ghost did not doubt it, so he hurriedly took two steps back, and dodged sideways. As the saying goes, the slightest difference, the loss of thousands of miles, the ghost suddenly fell down, only to feel a very hot feeling coming from behind, and it was so dangerous. He narrowly dodged Xu Tong's sure-fire attack, and was about to fight back, overjoyed, when he heard Master Chu Zhao shouting again: "Take three steps back, take the main position, and attack!"

Hearing the words, Gui Lao stepped back decisively, and then pinched the seal with both hands, his eyes gradually turned red, and finally almost dripped blood.

Xu Tong sensed that something was wrong, and immediately wanted to escape, but at this moment his figure stepped back, and a sudden gust of wind hit his back.

This gust of wind didn't do any real damage, it was just a strong wind, but at this moment it blew violently behind him, making his movements a beat slower.

The red light in Gui Lao's eyes became more and more intense, and his fingers suddenly came out, stabbing Xu Tong's chest.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Tong hastily released his gleaming little fat man to meet the ghost's hand and bump into it.


Gui Lao's fingertips flashed red, and he hit Xiaopang's body hard, but what was unexpected was that Xiaopang was just sent flying, without a single wound on his body.

On the contrary, Gui Lao's fingers were pierced with a bloody hole by the corners of Xiaopang's body.


This made Gui Lao a big loss, he didn't expect that the little golden paper man is actually so hard? ?
What the ghost doesn't know is that this little fat man burned a large amount of script points from Xu Tong for the production of this, and pasted it with gold foil one by one with spirits attached to it. That's weird.

Seeing that Guilao's finger was broken, Xu Tong moved his finger and controlled Xiaopang to hit Guilao. He saw that Xiaopang was rotating the control rapidly, like a drill, and went straight to Guilao's face.

"Master Zhao!!"

Seeing this evil player rushing up, the ghost tightened his mind, and subconsciously called out to Master Chu Zhao, but this time Master Chu Zhao didn't respond to him. , Gui Lao suddenly felt a numbness all over his body, and then saw every hair on his body stand up.


A flash of thunder flashed across the sky, and the next moment Xu Tong watched helplessly as Xiaopang was hit by the lightning and flew away, and half of his body was dissolved under the lightning.

As for Gui Lao, who fell straight on the ground, he seemed to see the word "death" written on the ground under his feet when he was dying, and his eyes were relieved immediately, and he could only fall on the ground full of unwillingness.

When the ghost died, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and a strong sense of crisis came over him. As soon as he turned around, he saw a white sail with gossip drawn behind him standing in front of him.

"The door to death has been blocked, boy, you have caused a catastrophe, and you should have such a catastrophe today!"

Master Chu Zhao's voice came from an unknown direction, but Xu Tong found that there was a little streamer on the soles of his feet, and the surrounding space became blurred.


There was a deafening thunder in the sky, and silver arcs were chopped down from the sky like a fierce dragon waving its claws ferociously.

This is the terrible thing about Master Chu Zhao. With just a few words, the ghost fell into his tricks unknowingly, allowing him to pull Xu Tong into the dead end he arranged.

The moment the thunder struck, a black shadow stood in front of Xu Tong again, it was Fatty who had been summoned again.

Summoning Fatty again, Xu Tong's [-] script points were instantly deducted, but this time Fatty didn't even last for a second, and was directly chopped into pieces. After the paper body bloomed in the air like snowflakes, and In the next second, it burned into a flame, and the fly ash was annihilated.

But even so, the power of thunder still penetrated into his body, causing Xu Tong to let out a scream, and his whole body was also knocked away by the electric light more than ten meters away.

At the same time, the prompt sound of the item book came from the ear.

"[Polypoid Tumor] resists part of the lightning damage for you. It has exceeded the upper limit of the carrying capacity. The item card is damaged and cannot be used, and it will permanently occupy a space in the item book."

"Because the item card [Polypoid Tumor] is damaged, you will be attacked by resentful spirits from the physical body, please experience it carefully."

The reminder sound quickly blurred in his ears, and the violent electric current penetrated into his flesh and blood, and it seemed that there was a fierce conflict with the dark physique in an instant. Xu Tong's eyes went dark, as painful as if a layer of skin had been peeled off alive fell to the ground.

Only when the thunder light dissipated, Master Chu Zhao and his party came out from the corner, picked up the piece of jade on the ground, and handed it to Master Chu Zhao.

Looking at the piece of jade in his hand, Master Chu Zhao finally showed a sense of relief from a heavy burden on his face.

"Unfortunately, the ghost..." Someone walked up to the ghost, and seeing that the ghost was silent, his eyes turned red.


Master Chu Zhao said helplessly to everyone: "I'm going to go against the sky and change my fate. Fate dictates that there must be many catastrophes. It's a pity that the ghosts are too lucky."

Everyone had a look of deep approval on their faces, and they all expressed that they must give Gui Lao a grand funeral.

Then everyone looked at Xu Tong again, seeing that this guy was still alive, their faces were full of hatred: "This kid, I want to take him back and chop him up."

"Yes, crush all his bones, I'm going to have cramps!"

"You can't take advantage of him, soak him in a medicine jar, let his body rot until only bones and internal organs are left, life is worse than death!"

"Finally, draw out its soul, refine it into a ghost lamp, enshrine it in front of the ghost's grave, and burn it day and night until the soul is gone!"

Everyone said various punishments that made Xu Tong's life worse than death. This time, Master Chu Zhao did not object. After all, Xu Tong killed so many people, and many of them were close friends of big guys, even father, son and nephew. .

If this kind of bloody enmity is not given to everyone with a satisfactory explanation, I am afraid that the hatred will surely implicate all parties in the future.

Looking at the ferocious faces in front of him, Xu Tong struggled a few times and could barely turn over. The power of the thunder seemed to penetrate into his body, even if the fat man blocked most of it for him, but In the end, it hit him hard.

The most troublesome thing is that there is a terrifying power in this kind of sky thunder that conflicts with his dark physique, causing him to be unable to move now, completely powerless to fight again.

But he was smiling, and his cold gaze swept across the faces of Master Chu Zhao and the others, revealing the madness and fearlessness of the smile under the dark skin.

"why are you laughing!!"

Seeing that this guy was still laughing, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and they all became vigilant, for fear that this kid would explode again.

"I'm laughing at you stupid, a group of dregs of the old era, who still want to become immortals?? If this method works, why has no one used this method before??"

"Who said there is no!" Master Chu Zhao interrupted Xu Tong sharply: "It is rumored that the old man used to make alchemy in Beimang, but in fact, the old man used the yin energy of Beimang Mountain to capture the ghosts and gods of Yin Cao to make medicine. The reason is the same. Yes, Laojun can do it, why so many of us can’t.”

Xu Tong looked at Master Chu Zhao: "I'm really curious..."

"What are you curious about?" Master Chu Zhao frowned slightly.

Xu Tong took a breath first, trying to make himself lie down more comfortably, and after looking up and down at Master Chu Zhao, he said with a puzzled face: "You are a person who is strong on the outside and does nothing but selfishness at the expense of others. What do you look like? lived till now."

Master Chu Zhao's face darkened, as if he had been told something, murderous intent appeared in his eyes: "Take it away, I want to see how tough you can be!"

Just when several people stepped forward to take Xu Tong away and tortured him.

Master Chu Zhao suddenly stretched out his hand to catch it in mid-air, and saw a piece of guiding money falling on his hand, followed by a cool wind from the sky, and a large piece of guiding money fell down like goose feathers and heavy snow.

"This is……"

While everyone was stunned, they suddenly felt a gust of cool wind blowing, and immediately heard someone shout: "Where's that brat??"

Everyone hurriedly looked, and saw that Xu Tongren was no longer where he was, and when he looked again, he seemed to be dragged by something, and he flew up abruptly from where he was.

"Don't let him run away!"

Xu Tong killed so many of them, today they are already unending vengeance, if this kid is allowed to run away, if he recovers, he might cause them much trouble.

But before chasing a few steps, the crowd suddenly stopped, and saw a man standing in front of the crowd in the white mist, with his hands behind his back, the face of the comer could not be seen clearly in the mist, but he looked forward One stop, it actually gave people a colossal, unattainable aura.

"Whether it's shoulder to shoulder on the line, or a ghost swimming in the water, the hill is heading towards that..."

Someone stepped forward and tried to use black words to test the origin of the other party.

But the other party didn't respond, and Master Chu Zhao, who was looking at him in a daze, said: "My children, it's reasonable for us to beat the door behind closed doors, but if people outside want to beat them, they have to come up with a charter. Letting outsiders fight... this is too much!"

At the end of the man's words, his voice suddenly became severe, and a rushing aura surged in, blowing away the surrounding water mist, making everyone turn pale, and took a few steps back.

Master Chu Zhao was even more shocked: "Who the hell are you!!"

After the words fell, the visitor came strolling up, raised his hands high, clasped his fists with his thumbs up, and bowed to everyone. Suddenly, the void in front of his eyes changed, and there seemed to be endless evil ghost corpses and seas of blood in front of him, only that person was wearing a long robe, Standing tall among the bones, walking on foot.

There are even dense paper figurines opening the way, holding long sails of bones, or lifting coffins, and the joy of mourning is all around the ears.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

An old man rushed up in disbelief, but before he could move, all the ghosts screamed, and a black wind blew in, and the next moment the old man's body was fixed, and he fell straight on the ground without a sound.

(End of this chapter)

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