Infinite script kill

Chapter 219 I Am the Destiny

Chapter 219 I Am the Destiny

The old man who died was called Zhou Yaosheng, who once studied art with a teacher in Wutai Mountain, not to mention Buddhism and Taoism, but he was also a master who knew the principles of Buddhism and Taoism, and started a new stove.

But right now, the death is unknown, and everyone is terrified by it.

"You! You are Xue Gui!!"

Someone finally remembered something and screamed sharply.

The name Xue Gui was very unfamiliar before January, but recently, many people have heard of this person's name, and it seems that there is some conflict with the beggar gang.

Several elders of the beggar gang went to trouble him before, but they were all killed without exception.

This incident is not surprising. The elders of the beggar gang are all first-class masters. Not to mention their own strength, they set up a formation together. It is also the only tricky formation in the world. Killing, when they heard the news, they thought it was alarmist talk.

But at this moment, the current situation makes everyone terrified.

"Proximity and Tao??" Someone looked at the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood and bones, and couldn't help thinking to himself.

It's just that after he finished speaking, the listener said: "Wrong, the Tao is the Tao, and the art is the art. What is above the metaphysics is called the Tao, and what is below the metaphysics is called the tool. There is Tao but no art, and art can still be sought. There is art but no Tao. Stop at surgery."

Hearing these words, everyone's hearts trembled, and there was a little touch in their hearts. Those young people who survived by chance may be confused, but these old antiques were suddenly shattered.

In recent years, they have been more important than spells, but they have neglected that Taoism is the foundation of spells, so that their practice has stagnated. Otherwise, how could they want to complete their practice through the shortcut of the Beimang Meeting.

This is the crux of what has troubled them for many years. Perhaps their original intention was once like this, but now that the years have changed, they have already fed that original intention to the dogs.

"Xue Gui!! You are also a Tiaozi person, but this kid is cruel and evil, killing people like hemp, this kind of person should not stay in the Eight Disciples to increase disaster!"

Finally, it was Master Chu Zhao who woke up from Xue Gui's words just now, and remembered their current business.

Everyone woke up when they heard the words.

"Ahem, Your Excellency's understanding of Tao is quite deep. Just now, a few words are better than ten years of reading. It's just that I have worked hard all my life as an old blind man. I only have one son. That is the root of my old blind man. Now there is no flesh and blood left in the bombing. This vengeance If you don’t report it, old blind man, I will hate you!"

A blind old man came out. The old man was blind, but his name was Tongxinshenyan. He used the mind's eye to see the world. Xu Tong kept changing his identity in the process of escaping, but he was always tracked down. It was tracked by the old man's divine eyes.

At this moment, he walked towards Xue Gui, his expression became more and more gloomy: "Your Excellency's supernatural powers are beyond my reach, but if you are determined to protect that little thief, even if I risk my life today, I, an old blind man, will give my son an explanation."

As he said that, the gray eyes of the old blind man shone with fluorescence, and he walked towards Xue Gui.

It's just that Xue Guiang stood still, seeing him approaching with a mocking look on his face: "How filial you are before the gate of hell, can you see where there is still a way to go under your feet?"

Hearing the words, the old blind man lowered his head and looked, his expression changed drastically. He saw dry bones wriggling under his feet. Skeletons laughed at him one after another. When he looked again, the dry bones turned into human faces. his son.


The old blind man was horrified, Xue Gui turned cold and said, "With this little skill, he is worthy of being my enemy. If you can't let go, then let's go on the road together." After saying that, he raised his hand and swept away.

A gust of black wind passed by, and the next moment, the old blind man fell straight to the ground along with Zhou Yaosheng before he could scream.

The sudden sudden death of two famous old men in the Jianghu made the hearts of the rest of the people completely cold to the bottom of the valley. What kind of magic technique is this? ?Why is it so weird and sinister? ?
There are many evil spells in the Jianghu, but there are only a few who are really famous.

Just like sitting on the fairy pile, flying head down, witchcraft grass man, etc. Even if you haven't seen it, you have heard of it.

But now this is too unbelievable, everyone knows that Zhao Jian also has a similar technique, but Mr. Reminder also through a letter before, said that it is just a small trick of the evil way, as long as the spirit is firm, it will naturally not be harmed.

They thought that the two should be similar, but who knows how similar they are?It's just a thousand miles away, so different.

For a moment, everyone could only look at Master Chu Zhao, which means that you are all from the eight sects, so let's talk about it.

The corner of Master Chu Zhao's mouth twitched, okay, these old bastards, it's not enough to sacrifice the lip demon and the ghost, are they going to push themselves out? ?

But when things came to an end, even if Master Chu Zhao had to bite the bullet, he could only take a step forward and bowed his hands to Xue Guigong: "Brother Xue, we are all on the same line, killing people to pay for their lives, and paying debts to pay back money, if he Didn’t he kill so many people, how can I, Chu, not protect him? I have already let him live before, but he himself is too arrogant.”

Master Chu Zhao spoke forcefully, but there was grievance in his tone, which meant that I had already protected him once, and it was already worthy of the eight families. This kid keeps trying to die, you can't let me protect him forever, right?

But it was fine if he didn't speak, but when he spoke, Xue Gui's eyes changed.

I saw Xue Gui stepping down, paving the way for him with the arched bridge of white ghosts under his feet, he took a leisurely step, and in an instant he was in front of Master Chu Zhao, with a haze on his face and a sneer: "It's good to say that debts are paid, and murders are paid for their lives. That's it, if you can't protect someone, I'll protect you, if you can't do it, I'll do it, you have your rules, I have mine, anyone who wants to take revenge, we will merge together today!"

After finishing speaking, Xue Gui looked at the others coldly, but those who were clamoring for revenge just now shut up immediately.

What relatives and friends, what disciples and nephews, at this time, the life of a dog is the most important thing.


Master Chu Zhao's face was flushed, and he was holding the long sail tightly with his fingers, but he really didn't have the courage to do it.

At this time, Xue Gui suddenly opened his hand, which made Master Chu Zhao's face tremble, and almost couldn't help but backed away, only to find that Xue Gui just put his hand in front of him.

"Bring it!" Xue Gui looked at him coldly.

Master Chu Zhao blushed and clenched his teeth tightly, neither opening his mouth nor taking out his things.

Seeing this, Xue Gui turned cold, and suddenly slapped Master Chu Zhao's face with his open hand: "I don't know what to do!"

This slap made Chu Zhao's eyes stare, before he recovered, Xue Gui raised his hand and took out a wooden sign from his sleeve and threw it to him.

I don't know what year the wooden sign was made of. There is already a thick layer of pulp on the sign, which looks very simple and grand.

As soon as Master Chu Zhao looked at the wooden sign, the temper he was about to raise disappeared immediately.

"You and my master are..." He picked up the wooden sign and looked at it carefully, then looked up at Xue Gui with horror on his face.

"Didn't your master Zhang Lifan tell you what happened back then?" Xue Gui looked at Master Chu Zhao jokingly.

Hearing this, Master Chu Zhao's mind was buzzing, and he was completely bewildered.

He finally remembered what Master said at the time, when he was doing fortune-telling, he saw a group of dragonflies falling one after another from the canopy of the tree for some reason, so he threatened that the dragonflies would fall, and his moral integrity was already weakened.

It implies that the Qing Dynasty is about to perish, and luck is gone.

This sentence was heard by the neighbors and reported his master. As a result, the officials came and almost beat his master to death.

Fortunately, Xue Gui passed by and saved his master's life. After that, his master gave Xue Gui this plaque, saying that seeing a plaque is like seeing a person, and from now on, all gold-point disciples will respect him as a senior.

After so many years, Master Chu Zhao completely forgot about this matter, and he couldn't believe that today's brand was fulfilled here.

For a moment, Master Chu Zhao looked at Xue Gui, like a defeated rooster, he was startled and frightened, and finally asked without giving up: "Are you that senior from back then?"

"I was young that year." Xue Gui narrowed his eyes and said with a half-smile.


Master Chu Zhao almost bit his tongue, good guy, you are already so old now, no matter how young you are, you may be an octogenarian, why do you look like you are in your early thirties? ?Cooperating with the butcher's knife of years, you haven't been cut with a single knife? ?

Of course, Master Chu Zhao couldn't say these words, he could only shout in his heart, God, why did he provoke this old goblin!
"Not yet!!" Xue Gui stretched out his hand again.

The crowd watched eagerly, hoping that Master Chu Zhao would rather die than surrender, but Master Chu Zhao was not confused, the fairy treasure would still belong to others after death, and obediently handed over the piece of jade from his bosom.

But when the piece of jade was taken out, he said meaningfully: "Senior, you take the things away, but can you accept the karma?"

"cause and effect??"

As soon as Xue Gui took the jade piece over, he suddenly raised his leg and kicked Master Chu Zhao out: "For the sake of Bamen, please spare your life. I have nothing to do with the cause and effect you mentioned. Go back and tell Qianshou those old men. Things, destiny cannot be violated."

After Xue Gui finished speaking, he turned around and saw the surrounding bones collapsed, the ghosts dispersed, and only his leaving back was left in the vast water mist. Seeing Xue Gui walking farther and farther, someone finally couldn't help shouting: "By the way! what!!!"

What they are going to do is a great opportunity that is rare in the ages. Even the people of the three religions and the upper class can't control it. Why should Xue Gui want to intervene, why should he want to prevent us from gaining the Tao! !

After the words fell, Xue Gui paused.

All of a sudden, the person who had just shouted was terrified, and stood there without daring to move. For a moment, Xue Gui nodded his head and said, "I am destiny!"

(End of this chapter)

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