Infinite script kill

Chapter 220 Destiny

Chapter 220 Destiny
Xue Gui took Xu Tong away, and walked gracefully and gracefully.

Everyone watched helplessly, but no one dared to step forward to obstruct it.

But the result of this battle moved people all over the world. This little bastard named Zhao Jian almost broke out of the siege, and there were not a few people who fell into his hands. In the end, he exploded and died Most of the young people who participated in this operation died instantly.

Not counting the five old guards, the cruelty was unheard of, and everyone couldn't help admiring when they heard it. This kid's methods are a bit like old evil masters.

Compared with Zhao Jian's glorious record, the one who attracted everyone's attention was Xue Gui.

From the words of Master Chu Zhao later, it was revealed that even though Xue Gui looked young, he was definitely an old monster, at least like Qian Shou and the others, an old monster who was truly alive.

The only difference is that Qianshou and the others can live for so long, not because of their amazing strength, but because they have immortal treasures in their hands.

It is the use of the power of fairy treasures to keep them alive until today. Xue Gui does not have fairy treasures... Oh, at least not before yesterday. How did this old guy survive until now and still maintain his youth? This question is still a mystery .

Leaving aside this question, Xue Gui used to be quiet and unknown, but now he suddenly came out with a high profile, Zhou Yaosheng and the old blind man were both first-class masters, but they disappeared after meeting each other.

Throwing a sentence that I am the destiny, and leaving in a cool way, this will inevitably deal a heavy blow to the spirit of all different people.


In front of the small window on the third floor of Fenglai Building, looking at the news sent by the shopkeeper not long ago, the blurry figure at the window became even more blurred for a moment, and standing there seemed to be integrated with the surrounding air.

It took a moment before he let out a long sigh and turned away from the window.

On the other side, Monk Ming told Qianshou and others in detail what he saw, and Monk Ming danced and described what they saw.

"White bones make a bridge, paper figurines clear the way, and there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the left and right. After that, I can't see clearly. I just feel that there is something vaguely behind. It's scary anyway."

Monk Ming still has a say in Baishankou. After all, he has experienced both Xu Tong and Xue Gui’s Baishankou. Several years later, Monk Ming was proud enough to say to his disciples while lying on a chair, I have retreated under the mountain bow twice, of course, this is a later story.

At this moment, he told everyone the mystery he felt, and now the courtyard was very quiet.

If it weren't for Monk Unknown Ming who was shocked by Xue Gui's attack, everyone would have already started to wonder if this guy's head was caught by the door at this time, can bragging be so bragging? ?
But Monk Ming was not the only one who survived, and there was almost no difference in everyone's rhetoric, and Master Chu Zhao's rhetoric further confirmed the credibility of Monk Ming's words.

For a moment, Mr. Cuiming, Ghost Carrier, Hun Jianglong, and Monk Ming all looked at Qianshou sitting in front of them.

Before Xue Gui left, he called out Qian Shou's name by name.

The thousand-handed man was lying on the chair, looking up at the sky with two pairs of eyes under the mask. He didn't know what he was thinking about until a moment later, he seemed to be talking to himself: "Destiny! Destiny! Why should it be here."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what Qianshou meant, or Mr. Cuiming boldly asked: "Senior, what do you mean, we can't understand?"

Qianshou was stunned for a moment, then sat up and looked at the bewildered expressions of the four people, he couldn't help shaking the fan in his hand, and didn't answer them directly, but talked about another matter in a leisurely manner.

"Yellow Pizi asks for a seal, you all know it."

Everyone nodded, they had naturally heard of this kind of thing.

Qian Shou continued: "Huang Pizi's begging for a seal is a kind of fate in itself, and the same is true for people. When enlightenment is imminent, there will be three evils and five kalpas. Even an ordinary person will also have five kalpas. In Mr. Zhang Sanfeng's complete works, there is such a description What are the five kalpas? Birth, old age, sickness, death, and suffering.”

Qian Shou spoke in great detail, but Hun Jianglong and Mr. Cuiming were the only ones who could understand. As for Ghost Carrier and Monk Ming, embarrassment was written all over their faces.

That expression is like an Olympiad teacher writing all the answers on the blackboard, and the students with good grades have already started copying, while the students with poor grades are still confused about what is X, what is O, what is XXOO, etc. and so on.

"Then what does this matter have to do with that Xue Gui?" Mr. Reminder continued to ask.

"Of course it has something to do with it!" Qianshou put down the fan: "What we have to do is to go against the sky, and God will naturally send a calamity. ? Or maybe the sky will fall and the earth will fall into a thunderbolt, but now it looks like Xue Gui will be doomed."

"Think about it, this Xue Gui, who had hidden his fame before, must be an expert who has been cultivating for many years. Why did he suddenly come out of the mountain at this critical moment?"

"There is no other fate. His fate is like this, and our doom is also like this. This person came here by destiny, and passed all the way. Therefore, he said that he is the destiny. On the one hand, he is warning us, and on the other hand, he is also declaring that he will be our enemies."

The four of Mr. Reminder couldn't help but look weird when they heard the words, and felt that Qianshou's explanation of this was too mysterious, and it always made people feel a bit like Mr. Jindian fooling people.

The expressions of the four people were seen by Qian Shou, and he didn't make any excuses, because this kind of thing shouldn't be understood by low-level people like them.

Only those who have really lived to the age and can feel the fate in the dark will understand the mystery.

There are such things in reality.

Some elderly people who have lived to the end of their lives can also feel that their own breath is dying. Before they die, they put on their own shrouds and lie comfortably on the bed, waiting for their families to wake up in the morning. Look, the old man has passed away. There are countless such cases, and it is difficult to explain it if it is metaphysics.

Therefore, in some villages, the elderly may not be happy if you give gold and silver mountains to the elderly on their birthday, but if you give the elderly a good coffin, the elderly will definitely be delighted from ear to ear, and even the people in the village will praise you for your filial piety.

"Then what should we do?" Monk Ming still didn't understand after listening for a long time, but he understood one thing, that is, this Xue Gui is their enemy.

As a person who escaped from death twice in the mountain worship, Monk Ming's fear of Xue Gui was deep in his bones.

Qianshou shook the fan in his hand: "Don't be afraid, the soldiers will cover up the water and the earth. What we are planning is an unprecedented event. It would be strange if there were no difficulties at all."

After finishing speaking, I saw that the eyes under the mask of Qianshou were shining brightly from time to time, covered the fan, and said in a low voice: "There is a saying that the wicked are afraid of thunder, and gods and ghosts are afraid of being surrounded. Let's do this..."

Qianshou is discussing how to deal with Xue Gui, while Xu Tong is not feeling well on the other side.

As Qianshou said just now, the villain is afraid of thunder, he is not a villain, but the particularity of [Dark Physique] makes him destined to be afraid of thunder even if he is not a villain.

What's more, it was a regular sky thunder, and when the thunder struck, it was already fate for him not to die.

At this time, his spirit was also in a daze, and various images of his childhood appeared in his head like watching the lights. A strange face appeared around him, and he said all kinds of weird and bizarre words in his mouth.

In a trance, Xu Tong saw a large iron door that was already covered with rust. This was an iron door that he had never seen before. From time to time there were strange and incomprehensible calling voices from behind the iron door, as if to call him. Go and open this door.

But when his hand was about to touch the gate, a hand suddenly came out from the darkness and grabbed his shoulder.

Immediately after the forceful pull, Xu Tong, who was lying on the haystack, suddenly opened his eyes and let out a scream.

Opening his eyes, he saw that he was actually on a haystack in a wheat field. Xu Tong couldn't help but raised his head, closed his eyes again, and frowning involuntarily after reviewing what happened last night.

"I'm alive??"

Ordinarily, I killed so many people last night. At this time, I should have been chopped up by Master Chu Zhao and his group. How can I still be alive? ? ?
Did someone save himself? ?
Xu Tong's first thought turned out to be a fool, but he immediately denied this idea. How could a fool get into the depths of the forest in Beimang Mountain, how could he come to rescue him.

The second one that comes to mind is naturally Gao Zhuo, but this kid didn't show up at all last night, if it was him, he would have already shown up and made a move.

He was thinking about sitting up and preparing to lie down in another place. After all, the sun at noon was unspeakably uncomfortable on his body.

It turned out that he couldn't move, and his limbs were completely unmoved.

This made his heart skip a beat, he raised his head with difficulty and found that his five limbs were intact, he was relieved, but his body didn't feel at all, so he hurriedly called out the item book, only to see that there were already There are several pieces of information on it.

"Warning! You have suffered lightning damage, your dark physique conflicts with the lightning damage..."

"Warning! Because your dark physique was attacked by lightning, the level of your dark physique has dropped by one level."

"Warning! The dark physique has suffered special restraint damage, and the load exceeds the limit, and it will be in a gray state for the time being."

"Warning! Your body is in a state of Leiwei suppression, causing you to be temporarily paralyzed. Please find dark matter to repair it as soon as possible."

Seeing the massive warnings, Xu Tong's face turned black, especially the last one, which made him want to complain, he was paralyzed, where did the dark matter come from?There is no treasure here either.

Just as he was complaining about the information in the item book, there was a sound of footsteps. Xu Tong followed the sound and raised his head. When the sharp-edged face under the sun gradually became clear, his eyes suddenly widened: "Master... is it?" you!!"

(End of this chapter)

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