Infinite script kill

Chapter 221 Underground 1-Day Tour

Chapter 221 One Day Underground Tour
Seeing the long-lost face, Xu Tong almost called out the word "Master", but remembered that his current face was Zhao Jian's, and the master didn't recognize him at all.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and it didn't seem sudden to change his words in a hurry.

"Oh, you recognize me??"

Xue Gui raised his brows slightly, squinted his eyes and asked back.

Now Xu Tong became vigilant in his heart. Last time, he was ignorant and fearless, and walked through the gate of hell in a daze for a while.

It was only when I learned the mountain button that I realized that if I said something wrong on the train at that time, I would have been sent to see the king of Hades by the master in the next second.

It can be seen that the master has never hesitated when he strikes. If he misses the point in what he says next, maybe his disciple and grandson will be directly buried in the hands of the master.

After thinking for a while, Xu Tong thought for a while, with a look of helplessness on his face, and said in the tone of a dead horse like a living horse doctor: "If I say, we have met, and you have helped me, would you believe it?"

Xue Gui didn't respond but motioned him to continue.

Seeing that the master's expression was the same as when he was on the train, Xu Tong's heart skipped a beat, knowing that what he said next was the most important thing.

So he simply lay down, no longer continued the topic just now, but chanted a set of formulas in his mouth.

This formula is the first ability that the master passed on to him, to find the grave and ask the way.

Sure enough, upon hearing this formula, the master frowned slightly, and when he looked at Xu Tong again, the coldness in his eyes gradually faded a lot, replaced by doubts.

After reading a set of formulas, Xu Tong called out the tool book and threw three things out of his hand like magic.

When he saw these three things, the master's eyes flashed with a gleam of brilliance.

These three things are the paper craftsman's book, the Chi Meiling, and the Wanbao model.

"Why are these things in your hands!"

Seeing these three things, Xue Gui's voice suddenly became stern.

"They were originally my property, but by accident, after we parted outside the station last time, I took the wrong train, headed for Black Limp Hills, got a job as a ranger out of nowhere, and ended up being caught in the In the battle of witches and Gus that grow seedlings..."

Xu Tong began to make up... No, this is not a make-up, just reversed the order of things.

Xue Gui came here from Xiangxi before, and with his erudition, he also had some understanding of the Miao people's affairs.

When hearing about the Shengxian Bureau, Xue Gui couldn't help but fell into deep thought for a moment and then nodded. This kind of thing is mysterious and mysterious. Xu Tong said it superficially, but Xue Gui can see a deeper level, knowing that this kind of thing is not a personal experience. Can't figure out such a detailed process.

Xu Tong, who was lying on the haystack, was slightly relieved when he saw that his master was really interested in the Shengxian Bureau.

Speaking is a skill, sometimes you speak straight to the point, but it won't be effective. Maybe you didn't finish your sentence, and the master's patience will be wiped out, and he will send you away with a slap, so as not to listen to you Jiji waiwai nonsense.

So he recited the mantra at the first sentence, and then threw the thing out, in order to tell the master first, don't kill me, we really know each other, and then talk about the Shengxian Bureau, so that the master can understand what happened to him later. Things are too unbelievable.

Why do you say Shengxian Bureau? ?Naturally, it aroused the master's curiosity. After all, it would be hell to say that a person like him has no curiosity about Chengxian.

After finishing speaking, Xu Tongcai said in a low voice: "I also got the fairy treasure from a tomb robber by accident, but after I opened the stone box enshrined on the altar, I became what I am now in a daze. I don't even know what happened."

In short, I can't explain all the problems, anyway, that's how it happened.

After saying this, Xu Tong looked at Master Xue Gui with an innocent expression on his face without blushing, it was harmless to humans and animals.

Such an unbelievable thing, can Master believe it? ?Of course not, but even a master who studies heaven and man cannot deny it.

As long as the master does not deny it, his goal will be achieved.

Of course, only a person like Master dared to say such a thing by himself. If it were a reckless man who was a big and three rough man, if he said that, he would probably smash his brains open if he lifted the hammer.

I remember there was an old doctor in the hospital.

This old doctor is amazing. He is proficient in ancient Chinese history. The books at home are piled up as high as a mountain, and he is almost about to be nominated for the title of national academician.

As a result, after he started to study the Book of Changes, he became obsessed, and his family had no choice but to send him to the hospital.

Xu Tong has been in contact with this old doctor for a long time, and he can probably understand the way of thinking of this kind of person.

People like them, the more they know, the more they feel ignorant. For things they cannot deny, they often choose to believe. Because they believe, they will study further, and finally find flaws, and then use their own knowledge. To negate, this is the process of knowing what is and why.

Perhaps the old doctor never imagined in his dreams that when he started trying to decipher the Book of Changes, he completely confused himself.

A person like Master is just like the old doctor. As long as he can't deny this matter, even if he doesn't believe his words right away, at least he can keep himself safe for the time being.

Sure enough, after the master thought for a while, his expression really eased a lot, but Xu Tong couldn't laugh out of the next sentence.

I saw the master rolled up his sleeves: "The Shengxian Bureau you said is really wonderful. I also believe what you said. Since you admit that you are a member of the Eight Sects, then according to the rules of the Eight Sects, if you kill your fellow Sect, you will be punished." , rather than letting you die at the hands of outsiders, I would personally send you on your way."


Xu Tong was dumbfounded, and before he had time to speak, he saw the master clasping his hands together: "Go!"

Saying "go away", Xu Tong's eyes went dark for an instant, followed by a huge force coming like overwhelming mountains, as if driving him directly into the bottomless abyss.

In an instant, there were bones in front of his eyes, and shrill screams came from his ears from time to time.

In the darkness, a big hand that covered the sky and the sun stretched out, and countless densely packed arms stretched out from the palm, and it will soon cover the sky in front of you.

In a trance, a gust of bone-removing cool wind hit his body, as if it was going to tear his skin and fascia apart.

As for this process, he could only watch helplessly, without any power to resist.

Even thinking is frozen at this moment.


There was a sound of falling into the water, and the vision in front of him was covered by the dim yellow water surface, and he was like a stone sinking continuously in the current.

In a daze, he saw the shadow of a bridge on the water. A man and a woman were standing on the bridge, seeming to be talking about something. When he wanted to take a closer look, the man and woman seemed to have noticed something and glanced coldly.

Just a glimpse from the corner of his eye gave him a feeling of being out of his wits.

At this moment, the man on the bridge frowned suddenly, as if remembering something, he opened his mouth and said a few words to him, but Xu Tong couldn't hear him at all, he just stared at the man's lips and vaguely read few words.

"meet again!"

As the man said, he threw something towards the water, Xu Tong couldn't see what it was, but felt a blue light flashing in front of his eyes, and the falling speed became faster.

In the darkness, red balls of light appeared one after another at some unknown time, and the balls of light emitted blood-red light, illuminating the surrounding area.

Xu Tong stared with wide eyes, there was no fear in his eyes, only curiosity.

However, the red light suddenly shined brightly, completely illuminating the darkness. In the darkness, nine lion heads were slowly shaking their bodies. Those sun-like balls of light were the eyes of the lions.

The nine-headed lion shook its mountain-like body, opened its bloody mouth that seemed to swallow the sky and the sun, and exhaled lightly in the air. Suddenly, Xu Tong was like a small boat in the turbulent waves. was blown to nowhere.

I don't know how long it has passed, it seems that he has been drifting in this water for ten, 20 or even 30 years. When he opened his eyes again, he found the huge palaces and palaces in front of him, and he was like an ant. , not even reaching the height of a brick.

Looking up, above the misty white clouds, there is a plaque with three words written on it. I don't know what font it is. The content of the word, the Palace of Hades!

Worship the mountain button, one button hurts people, the second button asks God, and the third button knocks on the gate of Hades.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he really sent himself to the Palace of the King of Hades.

Looking at the gate that seemed to enter the sky in front of him, the first thought in Xu Tong's mind turned out to be, do you want to take a piss and write about this visit? ?

Just as he was about to untie the waistband of his trousers, a cold snort suddenly came from his ear. Following the tightening of the collar, the scene he had just seen was quickly reversed like a flashback.


With a stern scolding sound, Xu Tong felt as if his head had been hit by something, subconsciously stretched out his hands to cover his head, lay on the ground for a while, and then opened his eyes again.

Looking again, he found that he was still lying on the haystack, but to his surprise, his body that could not move at this moment could already be moved.


Just when he was puzzled, he looked up and saw Master Xue Gui was looking at him with a smile on his face. He took out a bottle from his sleeve and threw it to him. It’s a good day trip.”

I thought that I would die of fear at this moment, but Xu Tong was stunned for a moment, and asked with curious eyes: "Can I subscribe for a month??"

(End of this chapter)

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