Infinite script kill

Chapter 222 Complaint

Chapter 222 Complain

People are born unequal, just like a Ferrari sports car, some people can afford it at birth, while others can't afford a steering wheel after struggling for a lifetime.

If there is true justice in the world, it is death.

But if one day you can experience the whole process of death, you can even go down to play for a day and send it back safely. This is much more exciting than going to the zoo to feed tigers.

I have seen a lot of interesting things under the underworld, but I always feel that I haven't finished it.

It's like visiting the Forbidden City, but many palaces in the Forbidden City are not open to the public, which makes people wonder what kind of treasures are hidden in those palaces that are not open.

"So, since our family has this condition, why don't you send me down to have a look!"

In the small courtyard of Shangqing Palace, Xu Tong shyly brought the boiled tea to the master. Xue Gui took the water and gave him a glance, poked Xu Tong's belly with his hand and said in a low voice: "You are going to see the underworld. What?? I didn’t see those two big bottles outside your door??”

The bottles Xue Gui pointed to were placed outside the door, and they were all 4.5L large water bottles.

Xu Tong grinned.

The master sent him to the underworld, and when he came back, he not only relieved the negativity on his body, but also resumed normal actions, and more importantly, he had an extra BUFF baptism in the underworld.

Baptism of the Underworld: Temporarily increase perception by 12%, the strength of the soul of those who have been baptized by the Underworld is enhanced, they are not affected by illusion damage, and the damage to ghosts is increased by 200%
Duration: 30 hours

Such a cowhide BUFF is like the killer of ghosts, who can't be tempted.

In addition to this BUFF, the stamp [Polyposis Tumor] that I originally damaged was supposed to permanently occupy a grid in the item book, but after being washed by Huang Quan, it was gone.

It can be seen that this yellow spring water is simply a treasure, and it is so refreshing to bring two buckets back.

It's a pity that Xue Gui saw through his small thoughts at a glance, took a sip of tea, and threw a sign to him casually.

This brand is not Xue Gui's, but something that Xu Tong brought back after he came back from the underworld, even Xue Gui was very surprised.

Healing Xu Tong was second, and more importantly, he wanted to take the opportunity to test Xu Tong. If a normal person goes to hell, whoever comes back will not cry bitterly, and vows to be a good man.

In the end, this kid still wants to go, and wants to pay a monthly subscription?Xue Gui has to believe that he is the brat he met on the train even if he is so out of tune with him.

Xu Tong held the sign in his hand and looked at Xue Gui curiously: "Master, can this thing really summon ghosts and gods?"

This sign was given to him by the man and woman on the bridge during the previous trip to the underworld. At that time, he saw the man in black saying that he had met again, so he casually gave him this sign.

After waking up, I touched my chest, and it was true that the brand was in my arms.

A wooden sign, the sign says it is made of wood, but it doesn't look like it, and you can hear the sound of metal when you knock it a few times. It is completely a question mark when it is thrown in the item book. It seems that it needs to go back for identification.

But he didn't need to go back to appraise it. Isn't there a knowledgeable master standing beside him, so Xu Tong immediately handed over the plaque to the master.

At this moment, the master was drinking tea, and he didn't hide anything when he heard his question: "This is a spiritual card, not the one used by ordinary people, but it is similar. The inscriptions on the back are written with the names of two people, one is Xie Qi and the other is Fan Ba. In theory, you can invite two people, but these two uncles are not something you can drive."

I saw the master put down the teacup as he spoke, stretched out his thumb and index finger towards Xu Tong and pinched him in front of him: "You want this!"

The so-called money can make ghosts turn the millstone, regardless of whether the dead or the living can't do without this thing.

It's just that the money of the dead is divided into levels. The leading money they can make is to be good to those little devils. When encountering ghosts, they have to use gold and silver ingots.

As for the two uncles Xie Qi and Fan Ba, not to mention gold and silver ingots, even gold and silver are not rare for them.

Being able to give this brand to Xu Tong is obviously because Xu Tong has something they are interested in.

After being reminded by the master, Xu Tong immediately understood in his heart, probably it was the few ghost notes he snatched from Li Bo back then.

I remember that I was very curious to see that thing at that time, it was indeed different from ordinary Ming coins, the yellowed oil paper, the handwriting and patterns printed on it were not only clear but also had a layer of oil paint, giving people a very heavy texture.

It's a pity that I burned all those ghost notes at that time and didn't keep a single one.

If I had known that the thing was so easy to use, I would have kept two of them.

He calmly put the wooden board into his pocket, but actually threw it into the props book and saw that the wooden board had indeed been authenticated.

[Spirit Card] (10/10)
Special summoning items, you can summon the Yin God to help, but... the Yin God is very expensive, and you have to pay travel expenses to come and go, and you won't fight with the living.

Looking at the entry of the spirit card, the corners of Xu Tong's mouth twitched a few times. He co-authored to give this thing to himself. He really valued his own money. Come to the two masters on the bridge to help yourself.

But when it came to this matter, Xu Tong suddenly thought of something in his heart. After quickly looking through the item book, his heart moved, and he hurriedly said: "Master, wait!"

Xu Tong said he was pretending to run out, and then came in after a while, took a wooden board and handed it to Xue Gui: "Look at this!"

Xue Gui didn't care at all, but when he saw the board, his eyes lit up: "Where did you get this thing?"

"A poor ghost told me that there are still a bunch of antiques. I just looked at the things and felt that they seemed to be used by us, so I kept the rest of the antiques and put them in the soup restaurant."

Xu Tong directly passed on the origin of the wooden planks to the batch of antiques, and by the way told Xue Gui about the soup restaurant.

This not only explained the source of the things, but also mentioned the matter of going to the soup restaurant by the way, and I also wanted to ask the master to give him some pointers.

Xue Gui put his hand on the wooden sign, and carefully stroked every inch of the wooden sign with his fingers. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it, but when he saw the hole in the wooden sign, he couldn't help shaking his head regretfully.

"It's a pity, this is a real treasure. It's just that the user has committed many unrighteous actions, which has attracted the punishment of heaven and was pierced by lightning."

Xue Gui pointed to the scorched marks on the damaged wooden sign: "It's not easy to repair this thing. The materials are good. You have a chance to find a coffin buried in the ground and just take off a coffin board. The trouble is that it can be repaired." It's probably hard to find someone who owns something now."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Seeing that the master couldn't restore it, Xu Tong could only put the mold away with great regret, and then visit an expert to see if there is another way to restore this thing.

"Master, what shall we do next? Those old thieves will definitely not let it go, especially that old thief named Qianshou. I was almost plotted against by this old thief last time."

Xu Tong picked up the teapot, poured another cup of tea for the master, and began to complain: "You don't know, that old thief called five or six people and insisted on fighting with me on the street. A group of old guys bullied me. I have won, this old thief is still playing tricks, do you know that I am sitting on the fairy pile, I almost fell on it, thanks to a brother who guards the village to help me..."

Xu Tong briefly explained the process, while watching his words and expressions to see what the master's reaction would be.

"Sit on the fairy pile!!"

Sure enough, when he heard this, the master frowned, and the expression on his face immediately became unfriendly: "This old thing, Qianshou, is getting more and more unruly."

"That's not true. This old thief only wants others to obey the rules. He doesn't follow the rules himself. Last time I was hurt very badly. He was the one who played tricks last night, and that Fenglailou..."

There are not many opportunities to sue. Xu Tong told all his experiences during this period in one breath. The focus was on the two places of Fenglailou and Qianshou. Write it down, master, you make the decision for me.

Who is Xue Gui, of course he knows what Xu Tong means, but these old things are indeed too much.

Immediately patted his thigh, put down the tea bowl in his hand: "Let's go!"

As Xue Gui said, he walked out, Xu Tong's eyes lit up, and he followed with a happy expression on his face.

The two went straight to the urban area, and when they arrived in the old city, they first had a meal at a stewed noodle restaurant.

Good guy, I don’t know if I don’t eat it. When I ate it, I was startled. Xu Tong thought he had enough to eat, but the master was better than himself.

A large bowl of stewed noodles, ordinary people may not be able to finish eating a bowl, Xu Tong ate four full bowls and was half full.

Last night's battle made him exhausted, and later he was sent on a day trip to Yincao by the master. After a lot of tossing and turning, he didn't even get a drop of water, and his stomach has already run out of oil and water.

But the master ate eight big bowls in one go, one bowl of noodles slurped down his stomach, and he ate it clean in a few bites. Facing Xu Tong's surprised eyes, the master said calmly: "I've been busy on the road during this time, and I don't know what to do. Being pestered by a few beggars, I didn't have time to eat a bite of food."


Xu Tong knew that the master had killed several beggars, but he didn't know why the master would do it to the beggars. He asked while eating noodles and found out that it was he who saw the beggars when he passed by Bazhong. A group of people committed crimes in the local area, interrupting the hands and feet of the abducted children and using them as tools for profit.

After learning about this, the master was not willing to let them go, so he sent them to see the King of Hades.

But the person who wanted to kill this beggar gang was the youngest son of the head of the beggar gang.

Later, when he was in Hanzhong, several elders of the beggar gang came to him. He wanted to reason with them, but the beggars were unreasonable, so he simply killed them all.

The master said it lightly, but Xu Tong could feel the murderous aura in the master's words, as if what he killed was just a cat or a dog at will.

The two ate for a while, then checked out and left. It wasn't that they were full, but that the two had an amazing appetite, which attracted a group of people to watch. Seeing this, they simply stopped eating.

Turning across the street, after a few steps down from Cross Street, Xu Tong paused, pointed at the locked door in front of him and said, "That's it..."

(End of this chapter)

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